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Karnajj 09-04-2007 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Fozzy
So the thugs that shot an unarmed man in the back is related to the Mexican companies legally coming across the border. Man it must really be crowded in the skull of the dummy that came up with that story...

Fozzy, you should know better than to post about something you obviously know nothing about.

ben45750 09-04-2007 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by silvan

Originally Posted by Fredog

The author of that story is totally clueless. Does he realize how many CDL holders in the US have criminal records?
How many?


Perhaps more than that silvan.

Karnajj 09-04-2007 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by ben45750

Originally Posted by silvan

Originally Posted by Fredog

The author of that story is totally clueless. Does he realize how many CDL holders in the US have criminal records?
How many?


Perhaps more than that silvan.

Ok, 43. The point is the % of mexican drivers with criminal records is far higher than that for U.S. drivers. Pack Rat always gets his panties in a bunch when anybody says anything negative about mexicans, unfortunately his common sense usually takes a vacation at about the same time. The screening process here in the states automatically weeds out most applicants with criminal records. All one has to do is read all the posts from wannabe drivers who can't get hired because of criminal records to see that.

Fozzy 09-04-2007 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by Fozzy
So the thugs that shot an unarmed man in the back is related to the Mexican companies legally coming across the border. Man it must really be crowded in the skull of the dummy that came up with that story...

Fozzy, you should know better than to post about something you obviously know nothing about.

If you are referring to the case where the two thug border guards shot an unarmed man while he was running from them with his hands in the air (as confirmed by witnesses by the way) and then tried to cover up the crime and then were arrested, tried and convicted by a jury (that you were not on) then it appears that again.. I know more than you do.

Fozzy 09-04-2007 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by rjallen
I have read everything concerning this border incident and for the life of me, I really don't know what happened. I don't think you know either. The border patrolmen do probably need to be fired and MAY need to suffer some criminal penalty, but 10-12 years for shooting a fleeing felon is a bit much.

At this point in time when the shooting happened the only thing these goons knew was that he was unarmed.. this is AFTER one of the goons buttstroked him across the head. He ran (as a lot people would) and was shot in the back... We do not shoot unarmed people in the back here.. well yet anyway.

What I do know is the prosecution of the two agents, while giving a complete pass to the Mexican national who has been bringing poison into this country, is wrong.
At the point of his apprehension and at the point of the clubbing and shooting, they had not inspected the car. so there was no way for them to know what if anything was in the car. So this is two things that usually escapes the CB courtroom of public opinion.

The point of the original article is Mexican drivers will have no screening.
Which original article? There have been so many from so many wacky half fast sources that they are starting to blend together in a heap.

ANYONE with any experience with Mexico knows traffic safety and national security will suffer.
Anyone with any experience in this industry here knows that it is a giant case of hypocrisy for American truckers to talk about traffic safety when there are so many American truckers and company demanding to operate with less or no scrutiny at all. The Mexican trucks that are part of the study and no less safe that most any trucking company here.. and everyone who's not blinded by the bandwagon "me too" wave knows it.

Drugs and illegal immigration will increase. I imagine those very same Mexican trucks may be the very instrument used by our enemies to bring the forces and ammunition needed for the next round of attacks on America.
Pure fiction! There are enough Bush haters who are more dangerous and have threatened this country than the mexican truckers have.

There are powerful forces afoot. Large scale importation of drugs and the influx of millions of illegals with no screening for health, criminality or other problems can only happen with the consent of those in high places. Some will profit, most of us and American will not.
Thats just emotion filled blather. On the drugs.. I do not CARE! Bring them in! If we didn't have so many morons recreationally using them. they wouldn't be flooding in from all over the world.. its a non issue. The illegal immigration thing is also unrelated and emotion driven.

rjallen 09-04-2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by rjallen

At this point in time when the shooting happened the only thing these goons knew was that he was unarmed.. this is AFTER one of the goons buttstroked him across the head. He ran (as a lot people would) and was shot in the back... We do not shoot unarmed people in the back here.. well yet anyway.

Cite your sources....don't think you were in the courtroom much less at the scene. I read some of the transcript....there is conflicting testimony from several eyewitnesses. They do not all agree on much of anything. There was a wrestling match, that much EVERYONE agrees. The two prime defense witnesses were Mexican nationals one a relative of the drug smuggler the other may have been in on the crime. Again how do you know what happened?

At the point of his apprehension and at the point of the clubbing and shooting, they had not inspected the car. so there was no way for them to know what if anything was in the car. So this is two things that usually escapes the CB courtroom of public opinion.

There had been a high speed chase. Things happen pretty quick in such events. The vehicle was hung up trying to ford the river and the smuggler tried to escape by foot. He was tackled and a fight followed.

The point of the original article is Mexican drivers will have no screening.
Which original article? There have been so many from so many wacky half fast sources that they are starting to blend together in a heap.

ANYONE with any experience with Mexico knows traffic safety and national security will suffer.
Anyone with any experience in this industry here knows that it is a giant case of hypocrisy for American truckers to talk about traffic safety when there are so many American truckers and company demanding to operate with less or no scrutiny at all. The Mexican trucks that are part of the study and no less safe that most any trucking company here.. and everyone who's not blinded by the bandwagon "me too" wave knows it.

Drugs and illegal immigration will increase. I imagine those very same Mexican trucks may be the very instrument used by our enemies to bring the forces and ammunition needed for the next round of attacks on America.
Pure fiction! There are enough Bush haters who are more dangerous and have threatened this country than the mexican truckers have.

I voted for the man twice. Have never voted for a Dem for president ever. Won't next time but I might go fishing. You ever been to Mexico- seen what passes for a CMV down there? Some trucks are OK most are not.

There are powerful forces afoot. Large scale importation of drugs and the influx of millions of illegals with no screening for health, criminality or other problems can only happen with the consent of those in high places. Some will profit, most of us and American will not.
Thats just emotion filled blather. On the drugs.. I do not CARE! Bring them in! If we didn't have so many morons recreationally using them. they wouldn't be flooding in from all over the world.. its a non issue. The illegal immigration thing is also unrelated and emotion driven.

I'll continue to "Blather" we will see what happens.

Best of luck to your son.

Karnajj 09-04-2007 02:10 AM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by ben45750

Originally Posted by silvan

Originally Posted by Fredog

The author of that story is totally clueless. Does he realize how many CDL holders in the US have criminal records?
How many?


Perhaps more than that silvan.

Ok, 43. The point is the % of mexican drivers with criminal records is far higher than that for U.S. drivers. Pack Rat always gets his panties in a bunch when anybody says anything negative about mexicans, unfortunately his common sense usually takes a vacation at about the same time as well. The screening process here in the states automatically weeds out most applicants with criminal records. All one has to do is read all the posts from wannabe drivers who can't get hired because of criminal records to see that.

PackRatTDI 09-04-2007 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Ok, 43. The point is the % of mexican drivers with criminal records is far higher than that for U.S. drivers. Pack Rat always gets his panties in a bunch when anybody says anything negative about mexicans, unfortunately his common sense usually takes a vacation at about the same time as well. The screening process here in the states automatically weeds out most applicants with criminal records. All one has to do is read all the posts from wannabe drivers who can't get hired because of criminal records to see that.

I only point out the ignorance I see on this forum. Don't get YOUR panties in a bunch when I simply point out whats factual and what you're simply pulling out of your ass.

You're fooling yourself if you seriously think that many truck drivers on the road today aren't riding with criminal records.

Karnajj 09-04-2007 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by PackRatTDI

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Ok, 43. The point is the % of mexican drivers with criminal records is far higher than that for U.S. drivers. Pack Rat always gets his panties in a bunch when anybody says anything negative about mexicans, unfortunately his common sense usually takes a vacation at about the same time as well. The screening process here in the states automatically weeds out most applicants with criminal records. All one has to do is read all the posts from wannabe drivers who can't get hired because of criminal records to see that.

I only point out the ignorance I see on this forum. Don't get YOUR panties in a bunch when I simply point out whats factual and what you're simply pulling out of your ass.

You're fooling yourself if you seriously think that many truck drivers on the road today aren't riding with criminal records.

The only ignorance I see is contained in your belief that mexican drivers are no more likely to have criminal records than US drivers.

redsfan 09-04-2007 03:34 PM

I'd love to see some statistics that prove that a higher percentage of Mexican drivers have criminal records than US drivers...

Another statement made on an Internet board that I'm sure will never be quantified...

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