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Karnajj 09-04-2007 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by redsfan
I'd love to see some statistics that prove that a higher percentage of Mexican drivers have criminal records than US drivers...

Another statement made on an Internet board that I'm sure will never be quantified...

To me its just a matter of common sense. Given the complete lack of hiring standards in Mexico for truck drivers it just follows that they let criminals drive. Either knowingly or not. Using your logic the fact that they have no drug testing for drivers in Mexico doesn't necessarilly mean that more of their drivers are drug users? Please. :roll:

PackRatTDI 09-04-2007 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by redsfan
I'd love to see some statistics that prove that a higher percentage of Mexican drivers have criminal records than US drivers...

Another statement made on an Internet board that I'm sure will never be quantified...

To me its just a matter of common sense. Given the complete lack of hiring standards in Mexico for truck drivers it just follows that they let criminals drive. Either knowingly or not. Using your logic the fact that they have no drug testing for drivers in Mexico doesn't necessarilly mean that more of their drivers are drug users? Please. :roll:

In other words you're just talking out of your ass. I figured as much.

Karnajj 09-04-2007 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by PackRatTDI

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by redsfan
I'd love to see some statistics that prove that a higher percentage of Mexican drivers have criminal records than US drivers...

Another statement made on an Internet board that I'm sure will never be quantified...

To me its just a matter of common sense. Given the complete lack of hiring standards in Mexico for truck drivers it just follows that they let criminals drive. Either knowingly or not. Using your logic the fact that they have no drug testing for drivers in Mexico doesn't necessarilly mean that more of their drivers are drug users? Please. :roll:

In other words you're just talking out of your ass. I figured as much.

And you are just blind to what is going on around you. I figured as much. :roll:

Fozzy 09-04-2007 05:15 PM

This is very simple to figure out.. to Karnajj... ALL Mexicans are criminals.. there is no such thing as a Latino who is not a criminal...

PackRatTDI 09-04-2007 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by PackRatTDI

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by redsfan
I'd love to see some statistics that prove that a higher percentage of Mexican drivers have criminal records than US drivers...

Another statement made on an Internet board that I'm sure will never be quantified...

To me its just a matter of common sense. Given the complete lack of hiring standards in Mexico for truck drivers it just follows that they let criminals drive. Either knowingly or not. Using your logic the fact that they have no drug testing for drivers in Mexico doesn't necessarilly mean that more of their drivers are drug users? Please. :roll:

In other words you're just talking out of your ass. I figured as much.

And you are just blind to what is going on around you. I figured as much. :roll:

Blind to whats going on around me? I live 40 freakin' miles from the Border. I think I have a better grasp of reality in regards to Mexico and Mexicans than you do.

Orangetxguy 09-04-2007 06:39 PM

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Given that our justice system is the fairest in the land ( :roll: ), I feel they need to redo the penalty faze of the trial of those 2 nazi Border Patrol Agents.
How dare they assume a man running away from them, was anything other than a law abiding individual. They should be sentenced to death, and taken out to the US/Mexico border, and shot, in plain view of all those whom seek to make their drug deliveries into this country. That would send a proper message of reconciliation to them, and they would know that it is now ok, to deliver their drugs. They should be given free access to affordable transportation, so that their deliveries may be increased in size and expedited in speed.

How can America become a nation of drug-induced zombies, with men like that, shooting innocent delivery men like him. :!: :!: :!:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Karnajj 09-04-2007 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by Fozzy
This is very simple to figure out.. to Karnajj... ALL Mexicans are criminals.. there is no such thing as a Latino who is not a criminal...

You said it, not me.

Fozzy 09-04-2007 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Orangetxguy
Given that our justice system is the fairest in the land ( :roll: ), I feel they need to redo the penalty faze of the trial of those 2 nazi Border Patrol Agents.

OK, how about just sending them to a Mexican Prison?

How dare they assume a man running away from them, was anything other than a law abiding individual.
So they do not know anything about the guy so assaulting him and then when he runs with his HANDS IN THE AIR, shooting him in the back is and should be SOP for border patrol?

They should be sentenced to death, and taken out to the US/Mexico border, and shot, in plain view of all those whom seek to make their drug deliveries into this country.
How many times does this have to be posted.. they DID NOT KNOW about the drugs when the clubbed and then shot this unarmed guy..

That would send a proper message of reconciliation to them, and they would know that it is now ok, to deliver their drugs. They should be given free access to affordable transportation, so that their deliveries may be increased in size and expedited in speed.
Now you're making more sense. The low forehead types who inhale most of the illicit drugs produced in the world LIVE HERE! Why are those creating the demand always given a pass in this scenario. If you have EVER done street drugs then you give a green light to these people.

How can America become a nation of drug-induced zombies, with men like that, shooting innocent delivery men like him.
We are already close to that now! The pill popping, over fed, over media stimulated, over sexed citizens of the country demand all these thing be delivered to them... and a demand creates a market. The US created the dope smugglers.. AND shooting unarmed people in the back is still unacceptable to most Americans.. of course they are only getting half the story as usual.

Fozzy 09-04-2007 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Karnajj

Originally Posted by Fozzy
This is very simple to figure out.. to Karnajj... ALL Mexicans are criminals.. there is no such thing as a Latino who is not a criminal...

You said it, not me.

It wasn't that hard to figure out.

Orangetxguy 09-04-2007 09:26 PM

We are already close to that now! The pill popping, over fed, over media stimulated, over sexed citizens of the country demand all these thing be delivered to them... and a demand creates a market. The US created the dope smugglers.. AND shooting unarmed people in the back is still unacceptable to most Americans.. of course they are only getting half the story as usual.[/quote]

Fozzy...I cannot believe you went and cut and hacked at something I tried very hard, to make come across as a spoof!!

That said...since you obviously have the full scope (or scoop) on what the deal was with the 2 Border Agents shooting this piece of garbage in the back....why don't you drag it out and post it here?

Me.....I have seen to many news stories about drugs being smuggled across our borders in trucks, to many stories about PEOPLE being smuggled across our borders, in the backs of trucks, to be willing to sit on my hands and think that once MEXICAN trucking companies start crossing that border in droves, each one will be completely legal, and that every driver is going to be returning with that truck to mexico.

Personally Fozzman, I think that the abandonment rate is going to be close to 65% in the first weeks. But who am I. I don't have a college education. I've only worked on a ranch in Montana and driven truck for a living. AND..I'm one of those, who used to subscribe to newspapers, to read the news of the day, and was usually disgusted with the manner in which our borders, low these many years now, have been so poorly protected.

Are you going to profit from mexcan trucking companies operating on our nations highway's Fozzman? Are you going to be realizing monetary bonuses, when those trucks are tooling across our roads?

Go ahead and berate the people whom are against the mexican trucks on our roads Fozzy. That's your right as an American citizen.

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