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RostyC 08-22-2008 11:18 AM

I had to look up narcissistic...
Please try to use simple vocabulary......
Carry on..... 8)

RostyC 08-22-2008 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
OK, here's my thoughts on everything happening in this thread.

As far as the accident goes, give the chick the chair for all I care. Her blatant disregard for a driver that she killed makes her worth about as much as camel spit. Screw her, the world would be better off if she was worm food.

Now that I have set policy on that little b!tch, let me set policy on the whole Hobo vs. the world things.

lol.... Once again TF shakes the gloves off and lays it down........right on the money.

golfhobo 08-22-2008 02:08 PM

Dear Double L:

Thank you for your efforts at diplomacy. However, one thing I think you will find is that there are certain people who are so obsessed with getting yet one more insult into a thread that they will drag you into it and pretend to be talking to you so that they can still be talking about someone else.

They are only using you. As I am now. And as Lil' Miss Bossy did last night. :lol:


Signed, Last Word Larry

belpre122 08-22-2008 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Signed, Last Word Larry

P.S. Last word Gary.

Rev.Vassago 08-22-2008 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by belpre122

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Signed, Last Word Larry

P.S. Last word Gary.

I thought it was Lady Bird Jerry. :?

Orangetxguy 08-22-2008 04:03 PM


FER Shame...FER SHAME.......FER SHAME !!!!!

Ya'al neds to take a chill pil...or maybe have a Margarita...a Zombie...a Hurricane.............anything to get ya's to relax a bit.

JUST don't get as relax as little "Miss-spoiled pants".

RebelDarlin 08-22-2008 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Orangetxguy

FER Shame...FER SHAME.......FER SHAME !!!!!

Ya'al neds to take a chill pil...or maybe have a Margarita...a Zombie...a Hurricane.............anything to get ya's to relax a bit.

JUST don't get as relax as little "Miss-spoiled pants".

Oh please! If they had any shame they would have stopped making fools of themselves long ago! I'd say they ALL need to get laid, but that wouldn't be very PC of me would it?? :twisted: :wink:

vavega 08-22-2008 04:24 PM


while i agree with some of your post and lord knows i like a bigd, hobo, revv logic argument as much as the rest of the world, could you at least look into building them their own sandbox so they can slug it out without getting sand all over? they're starting to bury the rest of us. 8)

i.e. give them their own thread and let them have at it, no holds barred. with the caveat that if you post be prepared for anything. :shock: :D :wink:

RebelDarlin 08-22-2008 04:26 PM

I tired that and TF locked it.

Twilight Flyer 08-22-2008 04:38 PM

I tired that and TF locked it.
With good reason. :roll:

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