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belpre122 08-18-2008 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Reasonable suspicion, probable cause, post accident tests, pre-employment tests, 4 hour prior to duty regs, less than .02 in the system....

That 4 hour prior advice is B.S. Hobo. We all know that.

If say one were to play 18 holes averaging 1-2 drinks per hole. There is no way in hell that 4 hours is enough time to be sober?

RebelDarlin 08-18-2008 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by belpre122

You are $&!+-faced drunk and passed out in your sleeper after about 18 beers, at some filthy truckstop.

All of a sudden, people are banging on the sides of your sleeper yelling to wake up. You woozily are able to comprehend that a rig behind you rolled free and a person is trapped between your trailer and the other trailer. The driver of the other rig can not be found. Your rig will HAVE to be moved for this person to survive.

This person's life can only be saved if you operate your CMV while intoxicated. But do you really have any choice? What do you do then. If you pop the brake and roll back a bit before going further and it is later found that your are intoxicated. You are in deep deep $&!+.

And only 30 seconds ago you were just sleeping it off in your sleeper on line 2. or 1...................or 5 :wink:

WTF does this have to do with the accident that this thread was started about? Is it that freakin impossible to stay on topic?

Double L 08-18-2008 03:13 AM

Reb, you should know by now when someone posts something about an accident BigD, Rev, or Belpre got to bring alcohol into the subject just to bring GolfHobo in and get the topic way off track and get it locked.

RebelDarlin 08-18-2008 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by Double L
Reb, you should know by now when someone posts something about an accident BigD, Rev, or Belpre got to bring alcohol into the subject just to bring GolfHobo in and get the topic way off track and get it locked.

I know. I'm just sick of it. :cry:

Double L 08-18-2008 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by RebelDarlin

Originally Posted by Double L
Reb, you should know by now when someone posts something about an accident BigD, Rev, or Belpre got to bring alcohol into the subject just to bring GolfHobo in and get the topic way off track and get it locked.

I know. I'm just sick of it. :cry:

Same here

Rev.Vassago 08-18-2008 03:26 AM

Originally Posted by Double L
Reb, you should know by now when someone posts something about an accident BigD, Rev, or Belpre got to bring alcohol into the subject just to bring GolfHobo in and get the topic way off track and get it locked.

Oh give it up already. I'm getting really sick of this whole Rev vs. golfhobo shit. :roll:

Just drop it.

BigDiesel 08-18-2008 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by RebelDarlin

WTF does this have to do with the accident that this thread was started about? Is it that freakin impossible to stay on topic?

Take a chill pill and cool your jets..... :roll: :roll:

belpre122 08-18-2008 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Oh give it up already. I'm getting really sick of this whole Rev vs. golfhobo $&!+. :roll:Just drop it.

As am I. Rebel Darlin likes to sneak over to the boy's sandbox, hide their toys, and then sneak away and watch 'em fight.:twisted:

Lolita. :lol:

RebelDarlin 08-18-2008 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by belpre122

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Oh give it up already. I'm getting really sick of this whole Rev vs. golfhobo $&!+. :roll:Just drop it.

As am I. Rebel Darlin likes to sneak over to the boy's sandbox, hide their toys, and then sneak away and watch 'em fight.:twisted:

Lolita. :lol:

Hide them? Nope, I just steal them while they're busy with the latest pi$$ing match. :twisted:

belpre122 08-18-2008 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by RebelDarlin
Hide them? Nope, I just steal them while they're busy with the latest pi$$ing match. :twisted:

That you enjoy to no end, :twisted:

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