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RebelDarlin 08-18-2008 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by belpre122

Originally Posted by RebelDarlin
Hide them? Nope, I just steal them while they're busy with the latest pi$$ing match. :twisted:

That you enjoy to no end, :twisted:

The toys??? You bet, boys always had better toys to play with, I was NEVER a Barbie girl. 8)

Twilight Flyer 08-18-2008 04:18 PM

OK, here's my thoughts on everything happening in this thread.

As far as the accident goes, give the chick the chair for all I care. Her blatant disregard for a driver that she killed makes her worth about as much as camel spit. Screw her, the world would be better off if she was worm food.

Now that I have set policy on that little b!tch, let me set policy on the whole Hobo vs. the world things.

1. My personal opinion is that Hobo, Rev, and Big D, need to cool it a bit with the head-to-head. Admittedly, it is getting a little stale.

2. That said, however, they are not doing anything blatantly wrong for the most part. They are arguing about a specific regulation and its interpretation and while 2 of them are right and 1 of them is dead wrong, their ongoing discussion of it is not against board rules or policy. Yes, it might get heated, but as long as they keep it at least semi-civil, they are within their rights.

3. Regarding drinking the sleeper, no matter how you mis-interpret the regs, you cannot misinterpret just about EVERY companies policy of NO ALCOHOL IN THE TRUCK. If you think it's OK to have booze in the truck, you shouldn't be driving. If you are working for a company that thinks it's OK to have booze in the truck, you shouldn't be working for them. So, I am in agreement with Rev and Big D and it's a discussion that I specifically had with my safety director (who has been around for decades and knows the regs inside and out), so I know what the score is.

4. And finally, if you don't like the discussions between Hobo, Rev, and Big D, then ignore it. There's enough other people here that simply throw gas on the embers every time it cools down, causing it to flare right back up. I'm not sure what you would expect to see.


In the end, enough from everybody. Hobo doesn't like Big D and Rev and they don't like him. Several people have taken sides and decide they don't like someone either. Frankly, I don't really care. If everybody around here was all cuddly and loving, I'd probably have to puke. I play it safe...I hate everybody.


Variety is the spice of life. And on a messageboard, there's no truer statement.

Now, carry on.

belpre122 08-18-2008 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
4. And finally, if you don't like the discussions between Hobo, Rev, and Big D, then ignore it. There's enough other people here that simply throw gas on the embers every time it cools down, causing it to flare right back up. I'm not sure what you would expect to see.

Yeah, Reb! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. As I have said all along about these threads. JUST DON"T READ THEM.

Now go find another thread to incite............... :wink:

wildkat 08-18-2008 04:37 PM


I think they just do it to see who they can get a rise out of next!

Boys will be boys IMHO! :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Rev.Vassago 08-18-2008 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by wildkat

Boys will be boys IMHO! :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Not this boy.

It is the same story, again and again. People know that I will defend my position on something to the death, and they are all fine and dandy with that until someone who disagrees with me comes along and takes offense at the fact that I disagree with them. It's no different than the Steve Booth debacle of earlier this year, when folks like Ash la ca and ironeagle2006 got their panties in a bunch.

But as I stated in another thread (and via PM to golfhobo last night), out of respect (:roll:) for the people who are whining about all this, I am no longer going to mention or respond to any post by golfhobo, assuming he will do the same. Whether or not he will follow suit is questionable, since he feels that I am somehow responsible for anyone who attacks him or his posts. But, to use a phrase by floored, I am not responsible if he feels butthurt. Given his response to my PM, somehow I doubt this will be the end of it, because his feelings are hurt due to the people who are attacking his views regarding drinking in a CMV. But I will have no part of it anymore - so you can all go whine about someone else.

And golfhobo can blame someone else for people mocking him, and stop dragging my name into thread after thread, even when I don't post in that thread.

golfhobo 08-18-2008 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by belpre122

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Reasonable suspicion, probable cause, post accident tests, pre-employment tests, 4 hour prior to duty regs, less than .02 in the system....

That 4 hour prior advice is B.S. Hobo. We all know that.

I tend to agree with you Belpre on that 4 hour thing, at least the way you are interpreting it. But, I don't really think they meant that so much as a 'cutoff' point. I believe the BAC levels are sufficient "advice" for when to stop, or what level of sobriety to be at. I think the 4 hour rule is more to tell people it is not okay to have your FIRST one or two with lunch or before leaving home to go to the job. Reason being, it takes awhile for the body to absorb the alcohol, and therefore one might not test over the .02 limit before starting work, but a few miles down the road, WOULD be over that limit. That's just my opinion. Any other interpretation of it just doesn't make much sense, as you noted.

If say one were to play 18 holes averaging 1-2 drinks per hole. There is no way in hell that 4 hours is enough time to be sober?
I can tell you're no golfer! :lol:

It takes an average of 12-15 minutes to play each hole, and you have to make anywhere from 3 to 10 shots per hole (depending on your skill level.) How you gonna find time to chug 1- 2 beers in that time? :lol:

Or be able to play or walk after 18 holes!? :shock:

I don't drink while golfing, but those who do, probably don't drink more than a SIX in a 4 hour round, if that many. But, still..... 4 hours after a game, they would probably NOT be sober enough to drive a CMV.

I'd like to play you a round of golf sometime if you promise to drink 1-2 drinks per hole! I just MIGHT be able to beat ya! :lol:

golfhobo 08-22-2008 03:48 AM

Rev said:

Originally Posted by wildkat

Boys will be boys IMHO! :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Not this boy.

It is the same story, again and again. People know that I will defend my position on something to the death, and they are all fine and dandy with that until someone who disagrees with me comes along and takes offense at the fact that I disagree with them.
I have never taken offense to the fact that you disagree with me. I take offense to your character assassinations and your attacks on my professionalism.

It's no different than the Steve Booth debacle of earlier this year, when folks like Ash la ca and ironeagle2006 got their panties in a bunch.
Sorry. I don't recall that episode. I guess it wasn't important to me.

But as I stated in another thread (and via PM to golfhobo last night), out of respect (:roll:) for the people who are whining about all this, I am no longer going to mention or respond to any post by golfhobo, assuming he will do the same.
Tacky, Rev...... very tacky. And I don't remember you using the word respect for ANYONE.

Whether or not he will follow suit is questionable, since he feels that I am somehow responsible for anyone who attacks him or his posts. But, to use a phrase by floored, I am not responsible if he feels butthurt.
See..... and you were doing so well! But, then you have to QUESTION my "professionalism" yet again! You just can't let it go! I used the word "influence" NOT "responsible." But, like everything else.... you have a problem with definitions. I do not feel "butthurt." If anything, I would say the word was more "maligned."

Given his response to my PM, somehow I doubt this will be the end of it, because his feelings are hurt due to the people who are attacking his views regarding drinking in a CMV.
Even MORE tacky! My feelings are in no way hurt by people who attack my views. I am incensed at people who attack my CHARACTER by assigning values to it based on their distorted assumptions of it based on their DIFFERING views! (or by YOUR influential posts.)

However, once I've had my say concerning THIS post, (as I'm sure you agree I have a right to,) I am AS capable as YOU in putting an end to it.

But I will have no part of it anymore - so you can all go whine about someone else.
An admirable position, if you can maintain it. NOT one that you have been known for.

And golfhobo can blame someone else for people mocking him, and stop dragging my name into thread after thread, even when I don't post in that thread.
As if you haven't done the same. As I said in our PM (which you want to publicize) ..... show me some leadership, and for ONCE I will follow. ..... for the common good.

Learn to disagree with me without making personal attacks that assume I endorse DUI trucking, and I will drop any and all personal attacks on your deviant sexual preferences! :lol:

caveat: I will respond also to your last post on the DAC forum, and then, as far as I'm concerned, this episode is over...... at least between US. 8)

Rev.Vassago 08-22-2008 04:19 AM

Wow - you lasted all of 3 days before you couldn't keep quiet anymore. That's 2 days more than I expected, but the response was exactly what I expected.

Originally Posted by golfhobo
caveat: I will respond also to your last post on the DAC forum, and then, as far as I'm concerned, this episode is over...... at least between US. 8)

No, you won't. You don't need to respond to anything I post, and it's quite clear that you simply want to dredge it up again. Well, don't go whining and complaining when you get butthurt all over again. At least I tried. :roll:

As I stated in my PM, don't respond to anything I post, and I will do the same. Not, "don't respond to anything I post after you get the last word in and win the internet battle".

Just shut the fuck up already and walk away. Everyone is sick of it, including me.

golfhobo 08-22-2008 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Wow - you lasted all of 3 days before you couldn't keep quiet anymore. That's 2 days more than I expected, but the response was exactly what I expected.

Originally Posted by golfhobo
caveat: I will respond also to your last post on the DAC forum, and then, as far as I'm concerned, this episode is over...... at least between US. 8)

No, you won't. You don't need to respond to anything I post, and it's quite clear that you simply want to dredge it up again. Well, don't go whining and complaining when you get butthurt all over again. At least I tried. :roll:

Rev, if you had left YOUR post on this thread with the first paragraph, I might have responded with two words. Done deal.

But, you couldn't keep from digging further! So, I felt I had a RIGHT to respond with MY 2 cents.

Anyway you slice it, with a "challenge" like that to drop it..... I had a right to RESPOND.

WTF is YOUR problem? :roll:

Are you so narcissistic that you believe YOU must have the last word when it includes an insult?? :roll:

Regardless of what "I" did, it is now evident that YOU could not keep to YOUR word! But, that is no surprise, either! :roll:

Had I responded the first night, instead of thinking about it for a few days, YOU would have broken YOUR word even sooner! So..... what do you think? WHO is the one that is "obsessed?" :roll:

And btw...... that was a really RAPID response! Almost as if you'd been sitting at the puter just WAITING for it for the last 3 days or so! :shock: :lol:

Rev.Vassago 08-22-2008 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Rev, if you had left YOUR post on this thread with the first paragraph,

But I didn't. Live with it.

But, you couldn't keep from digging further! So, I felt I had a RIGHT to respond with MY 2 cents.
You have no rights here.

Anyway you slice it, with a "challenge" like that to drop it..... I had a right to RESPOND.
You did. Via PM. My post was not directed at you.

WTF is YOUR problem? :roll:
Your inability to shut the fuck up.

Are you so narcissistic that you believe YOU must have the last word when it includes an insult?? :roll:
If it is true, it isn't an insult.

Regardless of what "I" did, it is now evident that YOU could not keep to YOUR word! But, that is no surprise, either! :roll:
Blah blah blah. Same old same old. Your feewings got hurted. Poor baby.

Had I responded the first night, instead of thinking about it for a few days, YOU would have broken YOUR word even sooner! So..... what do you think? WHO is the one that is "obsessed?" :roll:
You - you came back to it after 4 days, instead of letting sleeping dogs lie. It was a wonderful 4 days too. So quiet. So serene. Then you ruined it yet again.

And btw...... that was a really RAPID response! Almost as if you'd been sitting at the puter just WAITING for it for the last 3 days or so! :shock: :lol:
Yeah, because you know damn well that I'm never on CAD. :roll:

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