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Fourcats 01-18-2007 11:39 PM

I would fight it, as mentioned.

btinc 01-19-2007 01:36 AM

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. They are under no obligation to display signs. If you were cited, it is because the owner/manager of the Wal Mart has requested that they do so.

Rev is correct, even though it is hard to keep up with all the changes in each state and city. However this parking situation in and around Dallas has been talked about for months and this crack down is happening at more than just Walmart.

mikey4069 01-19-2007 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. They are under no obligation to display signs. If you were cited, it is because the owner/manager of the Wal Mart has requested that they do so.

Here in cal they have to display sighs. Its not like it was truck and trl . The walmart here has giving the local pd the right to enforce traffic laws.

mikey4069 01-19-2007 01:51 AM

Re: I need some help, Parking ticket

Originally Posted by Silver85327
So I am sitting in Lancaster, Texas at our terminal. I run out of smokes so i bob tail down to the Wal Mart. I am in the store a total of 10 minutes MAYBE.

I come back outside and a police officer is writing me a ticket for breaking a city ordinance of parking my tractor in a business parking lot.

NO where on the lot does it say no tractor trailer parking the only signs they have is 1 no trucks sign by the fuel island driveway.

Anyways the ticket is 552 dollars. I have been solo for a month and a half now I don't have 550 dollars to spend on this what are my options?
I was not sleeping there I have a receipt proving I was a paying customer do I have any chance at all of getting out of this?

Because if I don't I'm going to tell OTR trucking to shove it and go get a local job.

This whole makes me mad as hell. You go down to do a little shopping for supply's and they stick you with $552.00 ticket thats harassment . plan and simple. i could see if he had truck and trl .

GMAN 01-19-2007 02:08 AM

Since trucks are not allowed to park at WalMart, then how are they going to replenish their shelves? A truck has to park to deliver their load. The same could be said for other stores. I would fight it and if necessary, you could always file a lawsuit against WalMart for their failure to post signs on their lot. They should reimburse you and pay for your time to go to court. It is only fair. :wink: :P

Rev.Vassago 01-19-2007 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by GMAN
I would fight it and if necessary, you could always file a lawsuit against WalMart for their failure to post signs on their lot.

It was posted that trucks were not allowed:

Originally Posted by Silver85327
NO where on the lot does it say no tractor trailer parking the only signs they have is 1 no trucks sign by the fuel island driveway.

They don't need to post it at every entrance. It's no different than the truck stop having a sign inside the store that says "no dropped trailers", but nothing in the parking lot that says that. They gave notice, and have the right to enforce it.

mikey4069 01-19-2007 02:19 AM

I see sign's all over the flying j's that say no drop trls .

mikey4069 01-19-2007 02:21 AM

Ill bet money when push comes to shove he will beat that ticket . Thats if he fights it . :x

Skywalker 01-19-2007 02:25 AM

Yes, it "sucks"....but Lancaster, TX is not the only place like that. Most all of the suburbs of Chicago are the same way.

I know at the dispatch window of the Lancaster CFI Terminal there was a notice on the window of dispatch that you were not to take your tractor to that Wal-mart. I presume its the one a couple exits south of the I-20/I-35E interchange on the east side of the road?

At a minimum, I would consider the advise of the foregoing posters, and even extend it to practicing a first-rate "humble/groveling/apologetic" routine for the judge. Even if you do pay some sort of a may be able to get it lowered...especially if you can get back there and take pictures of the parking lot....and they show that there are no signs posted to the effect that trucks are not allowed.

Also....make darn sure you don't do like some of the idiots around there. Do not take your truck east on Danieldale past the CFI or that other terminal.....because you'll end up with a real bummer of a fine if you get caught on Houston School Road!!

trux 01-19-2007 02:27 AM

No matter why the ticket was written, it's certainly worth a trip to talk to the manager and nicely explain that the vehicle was only parked there so you could patronize his establishment. Show him your sales slip and see what it gets you. It certainly can't hurt.

If the police are writing the tickets at the request of the manager then the manager can certainly get the ticket canceled if he so chooses.

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