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btinc 01-19-2007 02:37 AM

Dallas police to crack down on truck parking in restricted areas

They say everything is bigger in Texas, but that phrase must not apply to available truck parking in the Dallas area.

Sgt. Cpl. Jamie Matthews, a spokeswoman for the Dallas Police Department, told Land Line Magazine the city is working on a plan that will target business and land owners who allow trucks to park in truck-restricted areas.

"I don't think it's necessarily a new initiative; I think it's just kind of refocusing our manpower," Matthews said. "With our current manpower, there are certain things we haven't been able to enforce."

Matthews said the plan's specifics have not yet been decided and that there is no deadline or start date established, but that it would target businesses, not the individual truckers who are parking their trucks there.

However, she added that fines and citations could apply to truck owners who park outside their own homes or businesses in areas where trucks are already restricted or prohibited.

According to a 2002 study of truck parking adequacy commissioned by the Federal Highway Administration, Texas ranked 44th overall compared to all other states except Hawaii, and 48th in its number of public truck parking facilities, such as rest areas.

Matthews said she was unaware of any programs designed to increase or improve available truck parking in conjunction with the new restrictions.

Courtesy of Landline Magazine

mikey4069 01-19-2007 02:43 AM

Its all about money !!! :x

LA to Cleveland 01-19-2007 03:45 AM

[quote="Twilight Flyer"]

a police officer can not write a ticket on private property unless he was called to the business by the owner/manger
Need to speak up again with my 2 cents - Depending on where you your travels take you, police do not always need to be called by a business owner in order to write you a ticket, over here private property didn't seem to be exempt. The ticket I recently dealt with was written as a result of a city ordinance prohibiting truck parking, period. Tractors, large straight trucks, tow trucks or just about anything else with duel wheels & company names & lettering. After that I was given permission by WalMart management in Brooklyn, Ohio to park (tractor only) along the left hand side of the front lot with the other tractor-trailers. Within a couple of weeks, the same security guard that cleared it for me to park there said that the city of Brooklyn, Not WalMart just did a ticketing sweep & that although WalMart was & still is driver freindly, the City doesn't give a damn. Same thing at the WalMart in Strongesville, manager there said that city was towing the offenders if left unattended, $500 for the tractor, $400 for the trailer.... Yesterday, the owner of the truck I drive told me about a ticket he was issued on a vehicle that was technically in a back yard but within view of the street, cop entered private yard in the night time & left ticket. If you're ever passing by Clevelands Westside WalMarts, think twice before leaving your truck overnight anywhere other than a truckstop or your terminal....

mikey4069 01-19-2007 03:55 AM

You go to one of those nasty truck stops in dallas and there are hookers and drug dealers all over the place and not a cop in sight. but park at wamart and get 500 dollar ticket. wow :evil: :roll:

One 01-19-2007 01:43 PM

Grrrr, when is it gonna end???Why beat up on us?? Join OOIDA

kc0iv 01-19-2007 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN
Since trucks are not allowed to park at WalMart, then how are they going to replenish their shelves? A truck has to park to deliver their load. The same could be said for other stores. I would fight it and if necessary, you could always file a lawsuit against WalMart for their failure to post signs on their lot. They should reimburse you and pay for your time to go to court. It is only fair. :wink: :P

Gman All laws I have seem has an exception for pickup and delivery. Plus, most pickup and deliveries are made in the rear of the store.

As others have said it may not have been Walmart it may very well been the city.


Rev.Vassago 01-19-2007 02:07 PM

A public parking lot, such as Wal Mart, is considered a highway by the FMCSA:

§390.5 Definitions.

Unless specifically defined elsewhere, in this subchapter:

Highway means any road, street, or way, whether on public or private property, open to public travel. "Open to public travel" means that the road section is available, except during scheduled periods, extreme weather or emergency conditions, passable by four-wheel standard passenger cars, and open to the general public for use without restrictive gates, prohibitive signs, or regulation other than restricitons based on size, weight, or class of registration. Toll plazas of public toll roads are not considered restrictive gates.

Question 26: What is considered a "public road"?

Guidance: A public road is any road under the jurisdiction of a public agency and open to public travel or any road on private property that is open to public travel.

Silver85327 01-19-2007 02:41 PM

Called yesterday the citation is not in the system yet so we cant address it. I plan to fully explain my newness to the industry the circumstances that brought me to the wal mart and ask for a pass. I that doesn't work i will probably be spending the next 5 days in jail because there is no way I am giving the 550 dollars, I will tax their tax system before I contribute one penny to it.

dw64 01-19-2007 02:52 PM

My experience with tickets/citations. An officer simply is doing his/her job in writing them according to whatever laws/rules/circumstances that they are bound to enforce.

That being the case, the fact remains that by remaining polite, courteous and respectful when you go to pay the ticket may often lead to the ticket being dismissed. A ticket doesn't equate to guilt and often judges are understanding if you approach them respectfully.

Hwyfly 01-19-2007 10:17 PM

Amen, Gman!!

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