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Bumper 03-09-2008 12:22 AM

Nah, the heat you feel will be from the roadside explosives going off after Obama Bin Laden gets elected.....

Orangetxguy 03-09-2008 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by zayder06

this might clear some things up

written by a law firm that specializes in suing trucking companies. might be just a little bit bias..Amen[/quote]

All that website IS, is an advertisement for lawyers seeking people out, whom were riding in cars & pickups, which were involved in accidents with trucks.

Something the lawyers do not point out in their advertisement, are the percentages of 4-wheeler driver versus truck driver, which were at fault in those accidents, which involved both automobile and trucks.
For instance...their numbers posted for the state of Texas in 2003. They list 5040 fatality involved accidents, of which 438 involved trucks. Now..they do not state the numbers of those 438 accidents where the truck driver was found "at fault" in the accident. Nor do they point out that the "percentage" of truck related involvement, was 8.7%, based on the 5040 number. That leaves 4,602 accidents, in which "trucks" were not involved, or 91.3% of all fatality related accidents in the state of Texas, year 2003, were 4-wheeler only.

Insurance companies have been stating the numbers of "at-fault vehicles" for a number of years. Why do these lawyers not have those numbers posted? Would it be because those numbers indicate that 4-wheeler's are found to be the "Primary" when in comes to "at-fault" findings, thus a deteriment to their cause?

The website does not point out, that the state of Washington, in 2003, made it illegal to "cut off" a truck that is moving at highway speeds(highway speeds being 35mph +). They also made it illegal to tailgate trucks, moving at highway speeds. The fines are steep in WA for cutting trucks off. The best part of the process of Washington state forming those laws, is the fact that they worked with trucking companies statewide, placing troopers in trucks, as ride along observers, with cameras and radios, documenting the numbers of "4-wheelers" cutting in on trucks, at un-safe distances and speeds. There were troopers whom were totally shocked to find that cars disappear in front of trucks, even with 20 feet of separation. The ride alongs taught those troopers quite a lesson, especially when they started riding in the fuel tankers and started thinking about the fuel behind them. Friends at Chevron, Union76 & Arco, all told me of troopers bailing off after first runs were done, due to the numbers of cars cutting in on those trucks.
Since 2003 Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana have made similar traffic laws, none of which are not pointed out on the website.

ok...rant over

PS...if you sort through the links on that website, you will find this interesting little tidbit;

This is also interesting...if you like reading;

txdrvr 03-09-2008 05:26 AM

Yes I noticed the Law firm stating "Facts" right away and saw the misleading stuff right away also.

I remember years ago at a couple of companies I worked for before that most accidents were from the Newbies but most tended to be more minor stuff such as backing and things of that sort.

Most of the serious accidents with injuries and death were from more experienced drivers. I seem to remember that most of the drivers that had the most serious accidents were 5 plus years. I asked a couple of people why this is so and was told that the more experienced drivers drove the most miles miles and laos that they seem to get more lax on things such as checking speed and mirrors and so on.

Now this was quite a few years ago and things may have changed.

Darin Younce 03-09-2008 11:51 AM

Aben, I started hauling wrecks to Copart in Lebanon( their Nashville Facility) two weeks ago . I pickup all of my cars in KY around Bowling Green , mostly at tow companies . Man those guys seem to be raking in the bucks . Most charge 20 to 30 dollars a day to store the cars on top of thier tow fee. One guy charges 300.00 flat fee to tow any car, says the ins company hates it but he gets what he ask . (I take the same car from his yard which is in Beaver Dam KY to Lebanon for 100.00 ,that rate is suppose to go up this week to around 110.00) He said he does have to get up in the middle of the night quite often but he said he makes a nice living . Might be something you would consider doing on your own . Just an idea. :)

Colin 03-09-2008 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Bumper
Nah, the heat you feel will be from the roadside explosives going off after Obama Bin Laden gets elected.....

Who is Obama Bin Laden? I haven't seen any news reports about this person and google is surprisingly short on info. :?:

ajritter04 03-09-2008 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Colin

Originally Posted by Bumper
Nah, the heat you feel will be from the roadside explosives going off after Obama Bin Laden gets elected.....

Who is Obama Bin Laden? I haven't seen any news reports about this person and google is surprisingly short on info. :?:

He's Barack Osama's cousin, thought that was common knowledge. :lol:

Colin 03-09-2008 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Colin

Originally Posted by Bumper
Nah, the heat you feel will be from the roadside explosives going off after Obama Bin Laden gets elected.....

Who is Obama Bin Laden? I haven't seen any news reports about this person and google is surprisingly short on info. :?:

Originally Posted by ajritter04
He's Barack Osama's cousin, thought that was common knowledge. :lol:

Who is Barack Osama?

Rokk 03-09-2008 09:14 PM

GO OBAMA '08 !!!

Bumper 03-09-2008 09:45 PM

Its the other name of the democratic candidate....your not allowed to mention it...kinda like his middle name of limits. :roll:

Colin 03-10-2008 12:33 AM

Originally Posted by Bumper
Its the other name of the democratic candidate....your not allowed to mention it...kinda like his middle name of limits. :roll:

Oh, you mean Barack Hussein Obama? The one with the Muslim middle name as common as Smith or Jones in America?

The way you've been hinting around I wasn't sure where you were heading!

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