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golfhobo 03-14-2008 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Mackman
Thats something i always wanted to try was driving a class 8 tow truck. I think it would be kinda a cool job gettting to see stuff like that. But alomost all of the drivers i talk to that drive the big tow trucks are on-call getting up at 2am which i want no parts of. Wish you the best of luck. Get some pics for us to look at.

Ah come on..... Mackman! You've tried just about everything ELSE!! Give it a try!! :wink: :lol: :lol:

Mackman 03-14-2008 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by Mackman
Thats something i always wanted to try was driving a class 8 tow truck. I think it would be kinda a cool job gettting to see stuff like that. But alomost all of the drivers i talk to that drive the big tow trucks are on-call getting up at 2am which i want no parts of. Wish you the best of luck. Get some pics for us to look at.

Ah come on..... Mackman! You've tried just about everything ELSE!! Give it a try!! :wink: :lol: :lol:

LOL you sound like my oldman. I want to do it all HOBO. For real there are so many jobs out there i would like to try. O well guess i just stick with my dump truck and lowboy. :lol:

golfhobo 03-14-2008 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Mackman

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by Mackman
Thats something i always wanted to try was driving a class 8 tow truck. I think it would be kinda a cool job gettting to see stuff like that. But alomost all of the drivers i talk to that drive the big tow trucks are on-call getting up at 2am which i want no parts of. Wish you the best of luck. Get some pics for us to look at.

Ah come on..... Mackman! You've tried just about everything ELSE!! Give it a try!! :wink: :lol: :lol:

LOL you sound like my oldman.

OUCH!! Am I bleeding again?? I never even saw it coming! :wink:

I want to do it all HOBO. For real there are so many jobs out there i would like to try.

I can't blame you for THAT, Mackman! I guess I'm a bit of the same way! You are still YOUNG! GO FOR IT ALL!! Your CDL will always be "renewable" with some minor requirements.

At MY age, I don't regret a SINGLE job I ever had!! I ONLY regret the ones I never tried! My BIGGEST regret is not getting my commercial (or private) pilot's license! If you can swing THAT......

O well guess i just stick with my dump truck and lowboy. :lol:

You've already DONE more than MOST "kids" get to do! (as have I) This will make you proud in your later years! But, do yourself a favor and set up your retirement INDEPENDANT of the companies you work for! This way you can ALWAYS "jump ship" and try something new!

NEVER "settle" for anything! I can't remember who "they" are right now, but I have heard of MANY men who changed careers LATE in life and became rich and/or famous! [Colonel Sanders is one, I think.... and so is the guy who started Hardee's! - or was it McDonald's??]

Of course, it's not all about getting RICH. It's about living a FULL life! You only GET one. Don't "do" 30 years of ANYTHING..... unless it is ALL you want or need!

If you're really serious about it.... make yourself a LIST! Then make a PLAN! There is a BIG difference between a man who "drifts" from job to job, and a man who conquers life and lives it HIS way!

AbenInNashville 03-17-2008 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Darin Younce
Aben, I started hauling wrecks to Copart in Lebanon( their Nashville Facility) two weeks ago . I pickup all of my cars in KY around Bowling Green , mostly at tow companies . Man those guys seem to be raking in the bucks . Most charge 20 to 30 dollars a day to store the cars on top of thier tow fee. One guy charges 300.00 flat fee to tow any car, says the ins company hates it but he gets what he ask . (I take the same car from his yard which is in Beaver Dam KY to Lebanon for 100.00 ,that rate is suppose to go up this week to around 110.00) He said he does have to get up in the middle of the night quite often but he said he makes a nice living . Might be something you would consider doing on your own . Just an idea. :)

Well, I make pretty good money with where I'm at and they pay for the fuel. Yes, I do work late nights and am called all hours of the night at times. Take for instance a couple of weeks ago when it snowed here. They do not know how to drive in snow in Nashville I worked the morning before it snowed all night in the snow and then half the next day. This past I left Thursday and went to Milwaukee with two tractors on a Landoll trailer and made more than I would have with any over the road company I had ever heard. 27% of $2950. And I have no truck payment, no fuel cost, no yard to pay for and still have 4 days left in the week. I'll get pics to you when I get my own computer and digital cam. Going through a divorce right now so all my excess money is going towards that.

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