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Soladad 04-17-2008 07:22 PM

Really sorry that I asked the question. I knew in the back of my mind that all I would get would probably be garbage and no honest answers. Thank you to the couple of you that did answer me with up front answers.

belpre122 04-18-2008 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by Soladad
no honest answers.

Yep......I partially agree. I should have just kept to myself if I didn't have anything useful for you.
Inappropriate........possibly. Impulsive........probably. Dishonest? Not on your life my friend. Best of luck.

belpre122 04-18-2008 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by Josborn
I guess I'm going to have to put that site up again.....

But to tell the truth, I'm bored with it. :wink:

Clug. Think of it more as a very necessary public service. A passion. :wink:
Saving just ONE poor soul is even worth it.
Request permission to also use your website in my signature?

BanditsCousin 04-18-2008 09:59 AM

Re: JB Hunt's physical

Originally Posted by Josborn
But not 100 lbs. No-one could do what they wanted you to do if it was.

I bet all of the former HHG guys on here could :wink:

Soladad 04-18-2008 04:31 PM

I appreciate everyone's concern and comments about my decision. Please understand that if I had options JB would not have been high on the list. I have applied for over 20 driving jobs (local and regional) in the past 2 months. I have not received either a phone call or email back on any of them. Even the recruiters that supposedly have jobs in my area will not return calls even after me calling them 3 times. I have my 2 years solid experience and a clear/clean driving record and criminal record. However, it seems that being female has it's draw backs. I need to get back to work and get money coming in. I checked out local companies but local seems to mean you are doing a lot of unloading by driver. I will not be a lumper. My back will not take it. I checked out over 6 major carriers and JB had some fleet options and run areas that are currently fitting my needs (family) that other carriers could not match. I also liked a few policies like "no chaining-shut it down if conditions warrent it" in the winter. Call me a chicken on that point if you will but it is my comfort level and safety that is important.
I had my pay issues with Roehl but was comfortable with them and would not have left but again had to make a change and relocate due to family to a part of the world that Roehl does not run in. I am going into this arrangement with JB fully aware of their repution. I am wanting to get into intermodal but have no experience where JB has intermodal fleet in my area and I am hoping to transfer when a positon opens up (need to get my HZ).
I have had put up with a lot of BS over the last 2 years to make it through to the 2 year mark in my drive career. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. I can complain of things or look at it as a learning experience and situations (BS) will make me a better driver. My late husband would always say when I suggested a change of company, "It doesn't matter the color of the truck or the name on the door, you are going to have to put up with is just part of the trucking game." In some ways he was a wise man.

kc0iv 04-18-2008 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by Soladad
I appreciate everyone's concern and comments about my decision. Please understand that if I had options JB would not have been high on the list. I have applied for over 20 driving jobs (local and regional) in the past 2 months. I have not received either a phone call or email back on any of them. Even the recruiters that supposedly have jobs in my area will not return calls even after me calling them 3 times. I have my 2 years solid experience and a clear/clean driving record and criminal record. However, it seems that being female has it's draw backs. I need to get back to work and get money coming in. I checked out local companies but local seems to mean you are doing a lot of unloading by driver. I will not be a lumper. My back will not take it. I checked out over 6 major carriers and JB had some fleet options and run areas that are currently fitting my needs (family) that other carriers could not match. I also liked a few policies like "no chaining-shut it down if conditions warrent it" in the winter. Call me a chicken on that point if you will but it is my comfort level and safety that is important.
I had my pay issues with Roehl but was comfortable with them and would not have left but again had to make a change and relocate due to family to a part of the world that Roehl does not run in. I am going into this arrangement with JB fully aware of their repution. I am wanting to get into intermodal but have no experience where JB has intermodal fleet in my area and I am hoping to transfer when a positon opens up (need to get my HZ).
I have had put up with a lot of BS over the last 2 years to make it through to the 2 year mark in my drive career. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. I can complain of things or look at it as a learning experience and situations (BS) will make me a better driver. My late husband would always say when I suggested a change of company, "It doesn't matter the color of the truck or the name on the door, you are going to have to put up with is just part of the trucking game." In some ways he was a wise man.

Intermodal not a bad way to go. There are some problems the biggest being running over weight. The second being chassis. I understand the chassis problem has improved since I did intermodal but from what I saw a few months ago, down at the yard, they could be a lot better.

I don't know how JB operates but most seem to be out and back each day. Normally two loads per day.

One of the biggest problems is chassis length. One load may be a pup and the next may be 53' or anything in between.

I see a lot of stuff about JB but when I ask most have had not driven for JB and really don't have any real knowledge it's second hand hearsay. Most of the drivers I have talked to didn't have a problem with JB.


Soladad 04-19-2008 12:53 AM

Thanks kc0iv for you words of support. Actually bouncing between a 53 foot to a pup and in between sounds like a good challenge. Will just see how it goes and if there is an opening on the intermodal fleet when I get 3 months into the program. It will be nice just to get back into the seat and out on the road again.

bobcat 04-19-2008 01:19 AM

Re: JB Hunt's physical

Originally Posted by Soladad
I have heard that Hunt expects an applicant lift 100 pounds over their heads during the physical. Can anyone shed light on this?

Lifting weights sometimes is not the problem, most of us can lift the weights but if these companies are checking your heart rate after each lift and it exceeds your maximum rate per your age, you failed the test.
Good Luck on your new adventure!

Rockee 04-19-2008 01:49 AM

Soladad if they have any openings down there for intermodal you probably can get by with riding along with someone for a couple of days to get the hang of things, the most inportant things are making sure your pins are locked and your tandem pin is locked in. Throwing freight is a thing of the past for them, once in a blue moon you might have to break down something but unlikely. A typical day out of the portland yard is anywhere from 8 to 12 hours and I think most everyone is slipseating now (except for a special few). The pay might not be what you want but on that note, I am not exactally sure what new drivers are getting paid, you will probably run between $130.00 and $180.00 a day, this is only an educated guess. Weight is usually not an issue because most all loads that are brought into the rails are supposed to be scaled out before they are checked in (speaking JB here) so they are legal on the other end, or they are able to get legal. All their chassis match the containers unless there is something bent, so there is usually no problem trying to find a certain chassis for a container. All of their containers and chassis are 53 feet, unless its a rental. There are about 50 intermodal drivers down there now so I assume there are positions opening up every once in awhile. I think you need to have your Hazmat to work anywhere (driving) for JB but dont quote me, at least I know for intermodal. Good luck. p.s. I was reading your other post(s) and intermodal does not just pay by mileage. After a certain amount of miles (10 or 20?) you get paid mileage AND paid for the load, live loads pay a little more than drop and hooks.... for all other loads you get paid by the load and you will average between two and five loads a day.

jimjim 04-19-2008 02:55 PM

When I went thru orientation with JB it was about 70 lbs. and it was waist high. They check your heart rate before the test, and after the test. No big deal. Hell, I'm old and fat! and they hired me!

A couple things for ya, they pay perdiem. If they told you $.37/mile, it figures out at $.35/mile. The miles are avg. 2500/3000 per week, depending on your fleet manager. Alot of people think those are crap miles, me included. On the otherhand, your not getting pushed either. You will get good weeks and bad weeks, depends on where you run. Just like every other company out there. Most of the loads are drop'n hook. The terminals are so-so, some have showers and laundry and a desent place to park. Some are just intermodal yards, like KansasCity, Detroit. The trucks are turned down to 62mph, sucks when wanting to pass but no big deal when going thru Ohio! You will haul alot of heavy loads, beer, water, cooking oil, soap and giant rolls of paper! which makes for even slower speeds and poor fuel milage!

Good luck to ya. Beware of the weekend crew in dispatch! (idiots)

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