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Orangetxguy 08-20-2009 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by Part Time Dweller (Post 459746)
What makes you think day cab drivers give **** whether a dweller can idle or not?

Yeah..I know...there are guyz who could a crap less about one thing or another. Yet...they are affected by idling regulations just the same.

dle 08-20-2009 04:52 PM

Where did you hear this about sept 1?

I went looking on the Texas websites, can't find anything about it.

Texasspider 08-20-2009 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by dle (Post 459808)
Where did you hear this about sept 1?

I went looking on the Texas websites, can't find anything about it.


I had double check because (living in Houston) I just read the pdf from the state about all the new Sept 1st laws and that wan't one of them. The reason being because it's not a new law, simply a exemption that they let expire.

No matter how, there's no denying the sh***ness of it all.

DaveP 08-21-2009 12:30 AM

Holy crap spideeman...that's in GERMAN...

Texasspider 08-21-2009 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by DaveP (Post 459851)
Holy crap spideeman...that's in GERMAN...

I got a dead link when I clicked on it. Huh...I will try again and see what happens. This time I will preview and test the link! And I won't try to be all fancy this time.

It works!!

jagerbomber3.0 08-21-2009 04:57 AM

Maybe I have just have the wrong idea but I kind of looked at Texas as one of the last sensible states that still believed in freedom and most things that made and used common sense,Am i the only one that would have put Texas down as one of the last states to do this? It kind of surprises me. Has Texas been infiltrated by those kind of people?

Orangetxguy 08-21-2009 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by jagerbomber3.0 (Post 459865)
Maybe I have just have the wrong idea but I kind of looked at Texas as one of the last sensible states that still believed in freedom and most things that made and used common sense,Am i the only one that would have put Texas down as one of the last states to do this? It kind of surprises me. Has Texas been infiltrated by those kind of people?

:eek1: :pissedoff: :pissedoff: :angryblue: Politicians are all the same all across the country! Idiots!!

Bumper 08-21-2009 05:48 PM

I was in Bakersfield CA at the Flying J watching guys getting these stupid tickets. They weren't getting them from the CHP though. I was AQMD. Air Quality Management District that was handing them out. They drove around in an old Ford Aerostar Van.

They watch your truck idle for the 5 minutes and then write the citation. They either pound on your door and give it to you or just leave it in the drivers door window.

Its like a parking ticket. You dont have to sign it. At least that is what I saw.

freebirdrfd 08-22-2009 12:39 AM

here's an idea,,,,,,,,,, don't go to states that inforce idleing laws. :cool:

GMAN 08-22-2009 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Hawkjr (Post 459674)
The only way to solve this problem is the government (which i dont see happening) forcing APU's to be made onto every truck from this point out!! Otherwise this a stupid law that is endangering the public and fellow truck drivers!!

Not all states will allow you to have an apu. Some must have extra filters or something to be legal to use in their state. That is why some of the larger carriers have taken a wait and see attitude with the apu's. As of now they may come up with something else to replace them. I can see a major class action lawsuit against some of these states if they ever decided to go crazy with writing these tickets. They may just write the wrong guy one and find themselves on the wrong end of a gun. The only way to stop this from continuing to happen is to make it more expensive for them to write the tickets than it does for any profit. This has little to do with pollution and EVERYTHING to do with revenue generation.

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