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zipy46 08-22-2009 01:34 AM

Seriously fellas...

Lets at least figure someway to make and file a collective complaint

with the Federal DOT against the major cities involved.

as to this delima and have it registered into their records.

I am going to chart accurate temperature recording at various time of the night and day as to the inside temp of the cab so they
also can be make public and included in the complaint and ask that the rule makers come and experience the real world first hand.

Also I am attempting to bring it to the attention of the TV media if possible...
They might see it worthy of an expose of some kind...they love to scare people.

If you or I are not getting proper and comfortable rest then these rigs don't need to be on the road....that is the Issue that needs to be exposed....Public Safety is at stake here.

I have a few day off between jobs and will contact OOIDA and maybe they will talk me

through the steps involved in getting the ball rolling.

Thanks for reading :)

repete 08-22-2009 02:04 AM

This doesn't directly effect me BUT I do care about it. I remember very well how hot it gets in that box with the sun beating down it. After reading some of this post I went and picked up my truck and who do I see? Three local sheriff deputies so I cranked up my truck and while it was cooling down I walked over and asked if they knew anything about NY idle law. Two of the three had no idea and the third remembered seeing a sign somewhere. They were concerned about the vehicle being stolen if it was left running and unattended. I explained about our ten hour break and sleeping blah blah.. aferward they all agreed the idle law is "dumbest thing I've heard in a long time".
I then went looking for one of the CMV enforcement guys and asked him. He said unless the get a complaint about the noise they don't actively enforce it. They ALL agreed that there's more important things for them to do!

Hope this helps, BTW This is in Rochester NY, Yeah I know it's a long way to TX

GMAN 08-22-2009 10:26 AM

You need to write to your state representatives and governor in states where they have these stupid laws. Perhaps this is something that MADD and some of these left wing lobbing groups should address if they are actually interested in safety, as they claim. They could actually have an issue that would be valid for a change.

GMAN 08-22-2009 10:34 AM

States who pass and enforce these anti idling laws are in direct violation of federal law concerning drivers getting 10 hours rest. I still think a good class action lawsuit is in order in this case. All you need to do is win one against a single state. You set a legal precedent and then can go after the other states. These types of laws are discriminatory against truckers in addition to be in violation of federal law. Media attention would certainly help in changing these laws. Contacting federal and state representatives could also help. I believe some of them came to pass due to federal funds. Unless states met certain environmental air standards they could lose federal funds. If I remember correctly, that is the reason they began to put anti idling laws into effect in the first place. It does little, if any actual reduction of pollutants and puts the general public and drivers at risk. States could have contingent liability for any fatalities or accidents if it was due to lack of rest from not being able to be comfortable while sleeping.

zipy46 08-22-2009 07:36 PM

Would it have any weight if I called the Federal Marshalls Dept and

asked what a driver should do if he is being asked/coerced/pressured/etc to

break a DOT mandate ? :confused:

zipy46 08-22-2009 07:48 PM

Its only a war (on truckers) if and when they begin to fight back. :thumbsup:

(That's gonna be my new motto)

69XKE 08-22-2009 08:03 PM

Not that it will do any good, but I e-mailed the Texas governor's office late last week to express my displeasure at this assinine rule.

I kept it professional, but made no bones about how I felt about their decision.

zipy46 08-22-2009 08:14 PM

Contact the Governor:

State your case:

Office of the Governor - Rick Perry - Contact


zipy46 08-22-2009 08:47 PM

I sent my letter to Gov Perry. :lol2:

Hopefully he will stand up for the common man and not bend to Federal pressure.

GMAN 08-22-2009 09:23 PM

Perhaps Texas and some of these other states need to secede and tell the feds to take their rules elsewhere. If enough people called and emailed the governors and state representatives it could turn things around. I think the main problem is that drivers have been silent. We assume that things will work out and we don't want to take the time to let our voices be heard. You see the net result with all these laws.

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