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zipy46 08-22-2009 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460058)
Perhaps Texas and some of these other states need to secede and tell the feds to take their rules elsewhere. If enough people called and emailed the governors and state representatives it could turn things around. I think the main problem is that drivers have been silent. We assume that things will work out and we don't want to take the time to let our voices be heard. You see the net result with all these laws.

Did you contact the Gov :confused:

...many are beginning to write him :thumbsup:

I posted his contact page.

Also i requested a response with my letter.

I made it clear that in the interest of public safety and my needed rest required to operate a 40 ton truck that I will idle if the temp deems it necessary to get a good night rest regardless of the city ordinances.

Also i stated that it was in violation of common sense to do this to drivers.

zipy46 08-22-2009 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460058)
Perhaps Texas and some of these other states need to secede and tell the feds to take their rules elsewhere. If enough people called and emailed the governors and state representatives it could turn things around. I think the main problem is that drivers have been silent. We assume that things will work out and we don't want to take the time to let our voices be heard. You see the net result with all these laws.

We have been beat down intellectually and conditioned to rely on others to stand up for us...

Essentially we have all been neutered :hellno:

Part Time Dweller 08-22-2009 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by zipy46 (Post 460045)
Would it have any weight if I called the Federal Marshalls Dept and

asked what a driver should do if he is being asked/coerced/pressured/etc to

break a DOT mandate ? :confused:

That would be extremely helpful. Do that, and please, post their response. :thumbsup:

zipy46 08-22-2009 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by Part Time Dweller (Post 460063)
That would be extremely helpful. Do that, and please, post their response. :thumbsup:

I have a few days off here between i may take advantage of it and try to

get the big guys to field a few questions...

I will post any response's they may offer.

But i do suspect they have 'heard it all' over the years.

belpre122 08-23-2009 12:05 AM

Yeah...........I went ahead and skipped forward from page 1 so I could provide a relevant response for all of you.....

Here's the deal Lucille. Texas is just following suit like California and a few others like New York and taking in active part in "just saying no" to the uber problem of 40 ton monsters aimlessly wandering their territories while emitting unbelievable amounts of air and noise pollution. (just for starters);)

Texas is simply taking an active stance. Others soon to follow. Drivers shouldn't be couped up in those coffins for days on end. If these carriers are such "logistical professionals" they should be more than capable of scheduling a driver in to a hotel for the night for proper rest??????:eek1:

Not some sleazy, filthy truck stop after a 14 hour day of work.

Reform is on the way! Apparently government is leading the charge this time. Since (we) as drivers can't seem to agree on anything.

I say that it can't come soon enough! So long coolie carriers!

Orangetxguy 08-23-2009 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460058)
Perhaps Texas and some of these other states need to secede and tell the feds to take their rules elsewhere. If enough people called and emailed the governors and state representatives it could turn things around. I think the main problem is that drivers have been silent. We assume that things will work out and we don't want to take the time to let our voices be heard. You see the net result with all these laws.

"G"---------Truck idling laws have not been passed by the Fed's. They have all been passed by state legislator's and signed by those State's governor.

Only the truck's cab heater is covered by Federal statute, and that says that the heater must be operable and not allow carbon-monoxide into the cab.

Trucking Company Management and truck Drivers ALL need to get on the same page, and take the idling issue directly to the DOT departments which cover driver health and truck safety. Those are the FMCSA and the Federal Highway Administration, as well as the National Transportation Safety Board. That is were it needs to start.

A driver being unable to get the mandated rest, as the HOS regulations currently exist, in a comfortable heated or air conditioned cab, is not covered.

The NTSB is the DOT body which handles safety issues. Heating and Air Conditioning inside the cab of the truck should fall within their realm, just as airliner safety and railroad safety does.

It should be brought to the attention of the Department Heads at the DOT, the FMCSA, the FHA and the NTSB, that driver health (this legislation; Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act; A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) is where driver health is currently the HOT topic) includes a comfortable sleeping environment, as defined by the individual, and his or her personal comfort level requirement, not by a clueless State Legislator.

Driver's need to get the DOT on their side, and the best way to do that, is to LOBBY in an appropriate, and intelligent manner.

Here is the link to safetealu;

Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

Something else worth looking over can be seen here;

NTSB - Most Wanted

It is incumbent upon us to inform the DOT that hypothermia and heat exhaustion affect driver health and well being.

Now...How many CAD members, and how many CAD Lurkers, are willing to step up to the plate, and write a cohesive letter to all of the DOT departments I have mentioned, as well as to their Congressional delegation (2 US Senators plus their local US Congress-person)??

If we as truck drivers want to do something in our own defense....THAT is where WE have to and must start.

Instead of doing something sensible, as I have just suggested though, we as truck drivers will continue to sit on our hands and :argue: :argue: :argue:

just sayin. :banghead:

Oh yeah.......another point that could be made to all of the Congress critters. Turning off the heat and air conditioning in ALL FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY and CITY buildings, not directly used for PUBLIC HEALTH (re: Hospitals), would save the American Taxpayers countless millions of dollars each and every day, and would have a direct effect on "Greening" the environment.

Let them open their windows!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

like that is gonna happen

Orangetxguy 08-23-2009 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 460085)
Yeah...........I went ahead and skipped forward from page 1 so I could provide a relevant response for all of you.....

Here's the deal Lucille. Texas is just following suit like California and a few others like New York and taking in active part in "just saying no" to the uber problem of 40 ton monsters aimlessly wandering their territories while emitting unbelievable amounts of air and noise pollution. (just for starters);)

Texas is simply taking an active stance. Others soon to follow. Drivers shouldn't be couped up in those coffins for days on end. If these carriers are such "logistical professionals" they should be more than capable of scheduling a driver in to a hotel for the night for proper rest??????:eek1:

Not some sleazy, filthy truck stop after a 14 hour day of work.

Reform is on the way! Apparently government is leading the charge this time. Since (we) as drivers can't seem to agree on anything.

I say that it can't come soon enough! So long coolie carriers!

Sorry Gary...........I ONE UP-PED you!!!! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Malaki86 08-23-2009 01:18 AM

The anti-idling laws and the lack of needed rest caused by it would be an EXCELLENT piece for a major news broadcast, such as Dateline. Something where they actually go to different locations, show the temperatures inside of a truck in southern Texas in August with no A/C and Rochester, NY in January with the truck shut down.

GMAN 08-23-2009 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by Orangetxguy (Post 460094)
"G"---------Truck idling laws have not been passed by the Fed's. They have all been passed by state legislator's and signed by those State's governor.

I may have not been clear in what I stated earlier. The feds get states to go along with some of these rules by withholding federal funds for such things as infrastructure or other pet projects wanted by states.

You make some excellent points, Orangetxguy. We all need to make an effort to take action. It doesn't take that long to write a letter or make a phone call or both. I have done it on many occasions about issues that are important to me. It doesn't do any good to complain to one another. We need to address our concerns to our legislators. I think that getting in touch with the DOT is also a good idea. Just look at what MADD and the other special interest groups have been able to accomplish with their lobbying effort concering logs and hos rules. In fact, perhaps we should bring that to their attention and see if they might want to pitch in. Had many of us taken action earlier we may not have some of these laws on the books. It is time to take action. Our health and well being depend on it.

jburd 08-23-2009 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by BigBird01 (Post 459630)
haha Probably wouldn't help... The people that make these rules don't care about humans. But get an animal and Idle all you want! At least that is how it was a few years ago in some states. If you had some sort of animal you could idle your trucks. They believe in human cruelty not animal cruelty haha.

Yep always carry an animal or an illegal......they care about Illegals in trailers or boxcars also....
I idle darn hot.I'm not gonna have heat stroke for 25 cents or 25 bucks per mile.

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