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DaveP 08-23-2009 12:05 PM

A fellow driver (lease/op) was sitting outside his drop last year in NY at 3am in -10 trying to sleep.

A bored security guard came out and woke him up to tell him "you can't idle you're truck"...

He said "It's -10 out there and I AM idling my truck AND trying to go away!"

Guard "I'll call the cops"

Driver "Call the GD cops...NOW GO AWAY"

30 minutes later a NY town cop woke him up..."You can't idle your truck here"

Driver "It's -10 degrees...I'm trying to sleep and my truck IS going to idle because I'm not going to freeze to death which is what would happen if I go to sleep in -10 temperatures"

Cop "I'll have to write you a ticket"


He only got a warning...AND he idled his truck.

scrapmetal 08-23-2009 12:29 PM

Truckin aint fun no mo!All these regulations and lower pay.I guess I'm on my way out.There is no respect among others.I'm embarrassed to be a truck driver.These pukes remind me of that pig whom took Kevin Cosner out to his post on Dancing With Wolves.With know morels and respect in the world we are not going to excel!

zipy46 08-23-2009 06:04 PM

Im going out in a big way if they mess with me...

It destiny that I become a martyr for my fellow truckers...

What Jimi Hendrix was to guitar...I will be to diesel emissions ! :)

Double R 08-23-2009 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by DaveP (Post 460146)
A fellow driver (lease/op) was sitting outside his drop last year in NY at 3am in -10 trying to sleep.

A bored security guard came out and woke him up to tell him "you can't idle you're truck"...

He said "It's -10 out there and I AM idling my truck AND trying to go away!"

Guard "I'll call the cops"

Driver "Call the GD cops...NOW GO AWAY"

30 minutes later a NY town cop woke him up..."You can't idle your truck here"

Driver "It's -10 degrees...I'm trying to sleep and my truck IS going to idle because I'm not going to freeze to death which is what would happen if I go to sleep in -10 temperatures"

Cop "I'll have to write you a ticket"


He only got a warning...AND he idled his truck.

The state of NY ALLOWS idling in weather below 25 degrees. Both the "rent-a-cop" and cop were wrong.

Also, I see a few keep saying that PA and NJ don't allow idling. They do, IF you are in the sleeper on you 10 hour break. They both have exemptions in the law, and both expire next year.

Here is a PDF that you all can print out. It lists the idling regs by state, city,county. READ THE EXEMPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!.

This list was UPDATED June 2009. Read the on for TX. It has an EXEMPTION for "HOURS OF SERVICE COMPLIENCE". Does not list an expiration date either.

zipy46 08-23-2009 09:57 PM

Excellent document

Many places appear to allow HOS rest break idling :lol:

zipy46 08-23-2009 10:05 PM

Here is the original article: : We've got trucking covered. Your Source for Trucking News and Information

Part Time Dweller 08-24-2009 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by Double R (Post 460175)
The state of NY ALLOWS idling in weather below 25 degrees. Both the "rent-a-cop" and cop were wrong.

Sounds like Dave P was spreading a trucker tale. He dun herd it on the CB radio, it gots to be true.:lol2:

Orangetxguy 08-24-2009 02:23 AM

That is a good link. However, it states before you even get to the state by state regulations, that it is used for advisory purposes, not for regulatory compliance.

There are more states there that do not have an allowance for sleeper berth ac/heat, than do have an allowance. However...those that don't, do have a "driver safety / health emergency prevention" exemption.

My stance remains the same. We, as drivers, need to write our respective Federal representatives, and the respective DOT offices, to bring the DOT and FMCSA regulations up to a level where drivers are not prevented from maintaining the basic levels of comfort. If it is a federal standard, it is not over ridden by state or local law, unless said law, provides for greater safety. HOS compliance is all about safety.

GMAN 08-24-2009 02:36 AM

You need to beat these people at their own game. I think your idea is good about getting the DOT involved from the safety standpoint. Unless we get enough rest we are not going to be safe on the highway.

DaveP 08-24-2009 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Part Time Dweller (Post 460186)
Sounds like Dave P was spreading a trucker tale. He dun herd it on the CB radio, it gots to be true.:lol2:

No...sounds like small town Barney Fife's and rent-a-cops are the same everywhere.

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