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Malaki86 08-24-2009 09:50 AM

Don't forget PATT & CRASH - those people are so worried about safety, they'd be the perfect allies in this battle.

jagerbomber3.0 08-24-2009 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 460085)
Yeah...........I went ahead and skipped forward from page 1 so I could provide a relevant response for all of you.....

Here's the deal Lucille. Texas is just following suit like California and a few others like New York and taking in active part in "just saying no" to the uber problem of 40 ton monsters aimlessly wandering their territories while emitting unbelievable amounts of air and noise pollution. (just for starters);)

Texas is simply taking an active stance. Others soon to follow. Drivers shouldn't be couped up in those coffins for days on end. If these carriers are such "logistical professionals" they should be more than capable of scheduling a driver in to a hotel for the night for proper rest??????:eek1:

Not some sleazy, filthy truck stop after a 14 hour day of work.

Reform is on the way! Apparently government is leading the charge this time. Since (we) as drivers can't seem to agree on anything.

I say that it can't come soon enough! So long coolie carriers!

GEEZ,Not this garbage again!

Texasspider 08-25-2009 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Double R (Post 460175)
The state of NY ALLOWS idling in weather below 25 degrees. Both the "rent-a-cop" and cop were wrong.

Also, I see a few keep saying that PA and NJ don't allow idling. They do, IF you are in the sleeper on you 10 hour break. They both have exemptions in the law, and both expire next year.

Here is a PDF that you all can print out. It lists the idling regs by state, city,county. READ THE EXEMPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!.

This list was UPDATED June 2009. Read the on for TX. It has an EXEMPTION for "HOURS OF SERVICE COMPLIENCE". Does not list an expiration date either.

Then it's not a complete list if it doesn't have the expiration date for TX. Since that is why you can no longer idle after the 1st.

Double R 09-01-2009 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Texasspider (Post 460287)
Then it's not a complete list if it doesn't have the expiration date for TX. Since that is why you can no longer idle after the 1st.

Well what do you know, it was updated:

The link I posted at the time was updated June, 2009. So yes, at the time it was correct.

chuck3507 09-06-2009 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 460085)
Yeah...........I went ahead and skipped forward from page 1 so I could provide a relevant response for all of you.....

Here's the deal Lucille. Texas is just following suit like California and a few others like New York and taking in active part in "just saying no" to the uber problem of 40 ton monsters aimlessly wandering their territories while emitting unbelievable amounts of air and noise pollution. (just for starters);)

Texas is simply taking an active stance. Others soon to follow. Drivers shouldn't be couped up in those coffins for days on end. If these carriers are such "logistical professionals" they should be more than capable of scheduling a driver in to a hotel for the night for proper rest??????:eek1:

Not some sleazy, filthy truck stop after a 14 hour day of work.

Reform is on the way! Apparently government is leading the charge this time. Since (we) as drivers can't seem to agree on anything.

I say that it can't come soon enough! So long coolie carriers!

Yeah, and all shippers and recievers should have bunkrooms.

GMAN 09-06-2009 12:02 PM

I spoke with a driver with Heartland yesterday. He told me that they had a driver who died in his truck in Texas due to the heat and not being able to idle.

terrylamar 09-06-2009 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 461284)
I spoke with a driver with Heartland yesterday. He told me that they had a driver who died in his truck in Texas due to the heat and not being able to idle.

Not meaning to be disrepectful of the dead, but that was one dumb truck driver. Who in their right mind will choose death over an idling ticket or getting out of the truck and going someplace cool or using other coping stratigies like fans, ice or shade.

I guess it is nature's way of weeding out the weak.

Malaki86 09-07-2009 12:09 AM

Well, maybe some people either can't afford to pay the ticket or choose not to break the law, no matter how stupid it is.

I only hope that any family he left behind starts suing anyone and everything - from the carrier to the federal government (OSHA) to the state to the city.

And, ya, a fan blowing 110f air around inside of a truck really helps... He may as well as had the heater running.

terrylamar 09-07-2009 12:12 AM

Yeah, I'm sure the funeral was cheaper than the ticker would have been.

freebirdrfd 09-07-2009 02:57 AM

that just proves how stupid some people can be

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