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Kentla93 06-24-2011 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by ella.boswell (Post 499309)
I haven't do it.

Hey nice try Brian or Ella either way better members then you have tried the avenue of Multing and very few have come out on top.. Including myself, keep trying you may be able to pull it off if you are smart enough. The funny part is that most people are pretty mundane in their daily activities and writing styles, you may be ale to fool some ppl for a little while, Just ask Hog I had him thinking I was a native Amercian indian girl for about a week, then I got careless and he got smart.. either way, I realized it was more enjoyable being a part of this board out in the open I got smart and came to the conclusion that I was being childish as if I had to hide my indentity on a stupid truck driving board then really what kind of mundane life was I living, One which was most likely a portion of the reason why I was having trouble in other areas of my world.. you must really be battleing a lot of hiden anger inside yourself, I know that feeling and it really sucks, look in the mirror you cant lie to yourself...
just my two cents take it for what it is worth. Or not...

It is what it is..


Roadhog 06-24-2011 03:02 PM
(stumble-swagger....leans in)
(stinks of fish...wipes Rum-soaked chin)

Garrh ...this mult be TwilightFlyer sez aye...

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