looking to lease down the road, or buy out right
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Tri - citys
Posts: 29
looking to lease down the road, or buy out right
Heya all its been awhile since i posted.. i use to come on here and ask about new teams, pay, etc etc for a h/w.. well me and my wife made the jump and went to a local school and paid upfront.
We then went on and got on with Gordon Trucking out of Pacific WA.. we are currently running all 48 w/them and gettin great money and miles and loving it!! We are very intrested in taking the steps to making more money.. eaither new company?..leaseing somewhere? or saving , buying a truck and leasing.. just kinda curious on what everyone thinks. we have 4months xp atm.. and have had a 6980mi week.. but average around 5600 at .40cpm sp.. thanks in advance for suggestions
It sounds to me as though you are doing pretty well with your current carrier. If you want to buy a truck I suggest putting as much money as you can aside. With both working and earning money you could save enough in a year or two to buy a nice truck and pay cash. With two of you working you could save at least one paycheck for your truck. You want to buy rather than lease a truck from a carrier. Wait until you have a year or two experience before taking the leap. There is a lot to learn.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Tri - citys
Posts: 29
Thanks GMAN, ya we dont plan on jumping into anything atm.. we want a steady work history.
we are currently living off my paychecks and banking all her's and its been working great. We just want to look at little more freedom and money.. Thanks to all who respond.
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If you do lease something, read the fine print everywhere.
Only lease if you need too, and you're credit is shot. Otherwise, deal with a dealership or private seller directly. Get a loan from your bank. If you need to lease, lease once in your life, and that's it. Don't get suckered into these revolving leases.
You don't want to lease a truck from ANY carrier. There are leasing companies who will lease you a truck at a much lower rate than a carrier. If the reason you would consider leasing is poor credit, then fix your credit. You are making good money running team. You really don't even need credit if you pay cash. There is no reason you can't save your money for a year or two and pay cash for your truck. Even if you have good credit it is good to not have any debt. Saving for a couple of years you could almost pay cash for a new truck. When you finance a truck I would count on spending about 1/3 or more of the purchase price to finance your equipment.