Magazine article I participated in
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Magazine article I participated in
In case anyone is interested here is a pointer to this months issue of Trucker News. I was interviewed about flatbed securement from a novice point of view.
Steven Booth, an independent owner-operator based in Merrimack, N.H., who transitioned to flatbedding after decades in computer technology, says he agrees in principle with the need for common sense.
That made me laugh out loud.
But he also warns drivers not to take advice from just anybody. “Don’t listen to a bunch of dummies who have no idea what they are talking about,” he says. “Just because someone has been in the business for 30 years does not mean they know the proper way” to secure your load. Booth says you’ve got to train yourself. “I’ve called the FMCSA on multiple occasions and also will pull into a weigh station to ask the DOT for help and advice. Both have been nothing but 100 percent helpful.”
Are those the same DOT officers who told you that you didn't need to do drug screens? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Most drivers and owner-operators prefer anchoring to the under-trailer ledge, if possible. “My trailer is a 2005 model, and the rub rail is reinforced to allow strapping to,” says owner-operator Steve Booth. “But that rub rail is there for a purpose, even though it’s rated to be able to strap to. If you take a corner too sharp and rub up against a wall or pole, that rub rail is there to protect your straps from being torn off. It makes no sense to me to have any part of the strap outside the rail, period.”
here and here. :roll:
If anything, the multiple log-ins are being weeded out. :roll:
For what it's worth, I find nothing wrong with Rev pointing out inconsistencies in Booths original posts. It may very well be experience has changed his habits, but that's for Steve to discuss and rebutt if he so chooses. By the same token, I found nothing wrong with Trinitrons "jealousy" post. It's his opinion and may or may not be founded and that would be for Rev to discuss and rebutt if he so chooses. Where we have a problem is from a 2-post multiple ID. The first post a couple months ago was all about being a Booth Groupie (that is trademarked,'ll have to get with me for a cut of that action) and the second was all about the big bad moderators on this board. :roll: Once again, we don't care of you debate each other and disagree with each other. That's all part of a good discussion and certainly won't get you banned. But I question the mental prowess or lack thereof of some of these posters/mults who simply don't get it. Challenge each other...don't challenge us. We are asked to keep the board running smoothly and that includes putting down any would-be rebellions. Simply put, if you don't like the way the board is managed... *ahem* LEAVE!!! I doubt it can be put any clearer that that. The management style of this board is not going to change. We will still tolerate most everything in the way of discussions/disagreements. We will not tolerate people attempting to undermine the board and the management. Causing problems for the stupid sake of hurting the board is pathetically moronic. I'm sure you have far better things to do that getting banned from messageboards. :roll:
Now, please get back to the discussion. It can/could be a good one.
I'll start. I have some questions for you Steve and they're legit. There is no animosity behind them at all. The question is, is your change from the way you used to do it to the way you do it now, simply experience? Or did it come from an incident that happened?
Senior Board Member
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 935
Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
The question is, is your change from the way you used to do it to the way you do it now, simply experience? Or did it come from an incident that happened?
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Sometimes you will strap lightly over tarp for weird sized freight to help hold the tarp in place. From his pic, that's what it looks like to me. Just my 2 cents.
That was my first load and it was secured by chains. The straps were just for the tarp.
Any by the way, all my pictures were deleted when I switched my former company over to a new server