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ronjon619 06-09-2008 06:36 PM

TF, pm this guy. He needs human players badly. I just signed a player to is team this morning.

ronjon619 06-09-2008 06:40 PM

TF, he needs a kicker.( I think your building a kicker)

Twilight Flyer 06-09-2008 08:27 PM

I haven't put a kicker together yet...picked up some referral points and figured I might hold off and see if I can get enough points together for another glamour player.

As far as getting on his RB only has 400/1000 XP for Lvl 1. Is he really in the market for a player with that little experience?

ronjon619 06-09-2008 09:06 PM

The GM wanted you to PM it anyways. That team has alot of cpu players.

Twilight Flyer 06-09-2008 09:43 PM

All right, I'll shoot him a PM tonight.

ronjon619 06-11-2008 05:26 PM

TF, did you get 100 FP's this morning? I got 100 in my account and my fiance's. Are you planning on boosting?

Twilight Flyer 06-11-2008 06:18 PM

No idea...haven't checked the site today. Will check tonight. As of last night, I hadn't heard anything back from that PM I sent to that team owner, either. Will see what happens.

ronjon619 06-18-2008 11:10 PM

TF, are you still on a cpu team?

Twilight Flyer 06-19-2008 12:46 PM offers. I did get an offer from the guy you had me PM, but it was withdrawn about an hour later, so I never had a chance to get on the team.

So, I'll stay on a CPU for this season I guess.

ronjon619 06-20-2008 07:38 AM

You should be a lvl 3 or 4 right?

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