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ronjon619 07-08-2008 01:53 PM

Heres a level 18 RB on my team......

Strength: 68.72 Blocking: 13.4
Speed: 45.01 Tackling: 7
Agility: 30.46 Throwing: 13.4
Jumping: 13.4 Catching: 17.6
Stamina: 29.4 Carrying: 24.71
Vision: 26.9 Kicking: 7
Confidence: 21.67 Punting: 7

Level Rush Yds Yds/Game TD
18 1,637 116.9 19

Special Abilities
Elusive Back Abilities 0 0 0 0 0
Power Back Abilities 3 3 4 5 1

ronjon619 07-08-2008 01:57 PM

Heres one more level 20

Strength: 26.69 Blocking: 13.8
Speed: 76.3 Tackling: 10
Agility: 35.72 Throwing: 13.8
Jumping: 13.8 Catching: 13.8
Stamina: 31.53 Carrying: 27.33
Vision: 34.07 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 25.3 Punting: 9

Elusive Back Abilities 4 3 3 3 1
Power Back Abilities 0 0 0 0 0

Level Rush Yds Yds/Game TD
20 1,089.5 90.8 23

Twilight Flyer 07-08-2008 02:11 PM

OK, that answers my question on the special abilities. I just put work into them too early. That's'll balance out in the end. Since he's an elusive back, I'll put everything into speed for a while.

I did advertise both my RB and QB out on the forums last night. We'll see if I get any bites.

I have a DT and a CB on a human team already, both level 8...they were picked up pretty early. It's a 2 year contract and the team isn't very good, but it is very active. The owner is really trying to put together a good team, but I think he's simply in a league over his head right now. I'll keep them on that team through the next season and if you get your team up and running, I'll bring them over there.

Game is definitely fun. Doesn't take a whole lot of time, but you definitely have to think things through.

Twilight Flyer 07-08-2008 11:31 PM

Hey RonJon. Here's my RB and QB. Ignoring the fact that I went too early on the special abilities, what are your suggestions for developing them better?

That and what's the best way to market them to other teams? I'm not at all worried about money right now...I just want to get them signed so they've got the ability to develop.

ronjon619 07-09-2008 03:21 AM

Heres a couple of posts from the Tonga TYhunderbirds board.

We have the opportunity to build players from the ground up and for the long term. Take this time to perfect your player.

1. The most important thing you can take from this thread is this: SPECIAL ABILITIES ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF YOUR SKILL POINTS at these lower/mid levels at most positions. Do not spend ANOTHER point into special abilities until you have reached the 2 or 3 point soft cap in your position’s most important stats. This is the biggest secret in the game. You’ll find threads suggesting that you put 1 put into specials every level (or every 5 skill points) and they are WRONG. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

2. Each position usually has two or three skills that are their most important stat. These skills need to be maxed out as soon as possible so that you can fully maximize the natural bonus received from leveling. Example: a center gets 1 str and 1 blk each time they level. When str and blk are at the 2 point soft cap (48 naturally w/o equipment) the natural bonus (1+1) you receive is actually saving you skill points. The faster the Center reaches 48 str/blk the more points he will save over time. This is EXTREMELY important later in your careers when leveling screeches to a halt.

3. Be very careful when spending your points. Experimenting or miss-clicking will cost you dearly. Player creation is absolute key for building a strong player throughout their career. Mistakes cannot be reversed. The leveling slows down so much that if your player is considered weak for their level then they are stuck forever.

4. We are developing players so you have time to max a skill or two. You don’t need to spread out points just yet. Reread #2.

Skills will be numbered by order of importance/priority. You should max the number one skill first, and work your way down the list. Every skill point you earn should be put into the most important skill until its capped at 48. Then work on the second till its maxed out. Remember, NO SPECIALS. Every point is critical at these lower levels.

Train the #2 stat while you’re maxing out the first. When #1 is maxed, switch to maxing #2 while training #3. Continue this process for the next stat, and so on.

Notes: Speed is king for most positions.

1) Throwing max (+all equip)
2) Vision max
3) Train confidence, then strength

Power Half Back
1) Strength max (+all equip)
2) Speed max
3) Train carrying up a bit, then switch to agility/vision

Elusive Half Back
1) Agility max
2) Speed max (+all equip)
3) Train carrying up a bit, then switch to vision

Blocking Full Back – one of the few positions you don’t max. A good blocking full back is one of the most underrated positions in Goal Line Blitz. In fact, our blocking FB is key to our offense.
1) Speed needs to be even with or a little higher than your team’s HB
2) Vision, Strength, Blocking, Agility should be about equal

1) Speed max, period. (+all equip)
2) Agility
3) Put a point into catching each level while maxing speed, train it and vision.
4) Train jumping/carrying when feasible.

Tight End – Dual Threat. This position is like full back, it’s not a max position with the exception of speed.
1) Speed (+all equip)
2) Strength
3) Put a point into catching each level while maxing speed, train it and vision.
4) Train jumping/carrying when feasible.

1) Strength max (+all equip or split with blocking)
2) Blocking max
3) Train agility while you are maxing out str/blocking
4) Speed/Vision, Str/Blk max quickly, so switch to training these when you start pumping agility

1) Strength max (+all equip or split with blocking)
2) Blocking max
3) Train agility while you are maxing out str/blocking
4) Speed/Vision, Str/Blk max quickly, so switch to training these when you start pumping agility

Offensive Tackle – Max blocking and keep the other stats well rounded.
1) Blocking max (+all equip)
2) Agility/Str split
3) Train speed and vision – These two stats are very important, so do not neglect them. You may want to place 1 point in which ever one you decide NOT to train while getting agility/str up.

Notes: Don’t worry about the tackling skill right now. Train it up later.

Defensive/Nose Tackle
1) Strength max (+all equip or split with agility)
2) Agility max
3) Train speed, then max it
4) Train vision/tackling

Defensive End – There’s some debate here, but its very similar to a DT
1) Strength max
2) Agility max (+all equip or split with speed)
3) Speed
4) Train vision/tackling

1) Speed max {+all equip)
2) Agility max
3) Train vision, then get it up around 40
4) Train Strength/Tackling

1) Speed max {+all equip)
2) Agility max
3) Train vision, then get it up around 40
4) Train jumping/catching eventually

Free Safety
1) Speed max
2) Train Vision, then max it later {+all equip)
3) Train Agility, then max it later
4) Train jumping/catching eventually

Strong Safety
1) Speed max
2) Train Vision, then max it later {+all equip)
3) Train Agility, then max it later
4) Train Strength/Tackling/Jumping/Catching eventually

ronjon619 07-09-2008 03:22 AM

One more from the Thunderbirds......This is an intresting read.

You guys probably already know all this stuff, but I found some of it pretty interesting. It goes into some specific formulas for pancakes\sacks, speed breakdowns, etc. It was posted in another one of my forums and I believe originally comes from the Galaxy Aces.

"Here are some GENERAL strategy ideas/suggestions I have picked up from some alpha testers who are playing in the USA Pro League. These thoughts are not gospel but they should at least be considered given the people who told me the info.

~Avoid the short pass. The short pass is actually very ineffective in GLB at this time and you should consider putting the setting on a very low number, even as low as 5-10%. This may seem risky or unsafe but picking up a 2-3 yard swing pass doesn't do much for your team if you think about it.
~Medium/Long Passes are your friend! Here is the bread and butter of the passing offense. Look for numbers here around 65-25 or better. As long as your O Line is solid and you have decent receivers you can really do some damage to the defense with these settings. You will throw for a lot more first downs and be able to handle the 3rd and long situation more effectively.
~Auto Adjust is BAD, turn it off! I think everyone already knows this but turn OFF auto-adjust as it will only hurt your team.
~Pass % as in who are catching your passes? Be very aware of how good your TEs, FBs, and HBs are. It is nice to try and get those people touches but when you really look at their catching ratings are they going to be able to handle it or will they just drop the ball or get dropped for a 2 yard gain?

~Run/Pass Defense Ratio of 25/75 or more! As long as you have a solid D-Line your team may actually do better guarding the pass most of the time especially since only one type of defensive alignment is allowed. Also on average more teams will pass during a game than they will run so again you will have the "odds" in your favor. Some Pro League teams have even been known to play 0-100 favoring the pass and not give up any rushing yards just because of how GLB works. You may not want to go that extreme but slowly begin to favor the Pass no matter what tendencies your opponent seems to have.
~Pass Distance defense. Again we go back to the short/med/long. You need to play a very low number vs Short as in 5-10%. Again these passes are literally so short that you really do not need to be giving them special attention.

You need to focus on Med/Long and again the ratio is around 62-25 or better. Because what will happen is if you focus on short all of the time then you WILL get hit for some big plays and maybe it only happens once in a game but that one time could be enough for you to lose. This becomes much more important as you begin to play better teams and teams that are more evenly matched. The short pass aspect of the game is very important to understand both offensively and defensively."

Next part:

Defensive Line:

- Changing the Focus of individual players doesn’t in anyway alter the plays that are called, just the initial recognition of the play and gives a little boost to the players stats in some situations.

- So a DE + Pass will react to the ball in the air quicker possibly leading to more knock downs, but certainly helping them get to the wide open back in the endzone.

- It also adds to their success in the pass rush equation which is basically: {(Strength*n)+(Agility*n)+(Speed*n) minus {(100-energy)+(100-morale)}

[Where “n” is the boost received by the Special Abilities, commonly 0.1 which is not always activated.]

- So a DE with 30 strength 30 speed and 30 Agility no Specials and 100% Energy and Morale gets a pass rush value of 90.

- If the OT he is rushing has a value of less than 90 then the DE will be successful, what is not know is how much of a difference is needed to create enough of a mismatch to matter?

Also there are instant equations that supersede this equation.

- The single most important factor to the Pass Rusher is strength because the instant equation is: (Strength * n) - (100-energy) - (Opponent’s Strength * n) - (100-energy).

If there is a big enough difference you will get an instant decision on a pancake or a sack/TFL.

Note: As most OL have +50 strength, pass rushers with under 25 strength seem to be getting pancaked a lot so the difference needs to be maintained with 25.

- As well as the above, there are some secondary equations that take into account the minor skills, so a DE who is outmatched by a OT might be able to shed the block if his Blocking is high enough.

- And there seems to be a random element to the specials actually being activated to keep the math too hard to completely deduce....

Passing Game:

- Confidence will stop multiple drops happening as a dropped pass causes the WR and QB to loose some Morale points (Amount unknown but it increases exponentially with the number of drops).

- Also it has been confirmed that in SKILL positions some stats have an unbalancing effect on others:

For example, fast WRs need better Vision and Catching than slower WRs to achieve the same equation result.

The theory is that the faster they are running the harder it is to adjust on the ball.

Also the QB will have more problems with throwing in front of a Speedy WR than a slower WR. He will need more strength and more tight spiral Special Abilities. This is a trade off with Speedy WRs getting free so easily.

This was put in as a control equation to stop WRs superbuilding Speed to 50+ straight away to gain mismatches with Balanced CBs.

Confidence and Morale:

- If a CB gives up a reception his confidence drops, if he then makes the tackle on that play he regains a third of what he lost.

- FS are slightly less affected by giving up passes, and SS much less so.

- CBs gain more morale when they deflect a pass than either the FS or SS.

- Other defenders are less effected by this...

- Passing TDs effect morale of all players, but more so the Secondary.

- Rushing TD effect the DLine more than the secondary.

- LBs are effected equally by both.

During the game Morale is fluid, and changes after every play for every player. At the end of a game morale is reset depending on the outcome.

Low morale effects all your attributes during the game, although its effect is less than that of Stamina.

Higher Confidence reduces the effect of negative Morale and increases slightly the positive effects.

Any situation that decreases a player’s morale will have the opposite effect for the opposition team.

So every catch a WR makes his morale is increased.

Opinion is pretty divided if you should be focusing on Confidence...

The argument is that if you focus on building good core skills, then you will perform well and wont be as effected by negative morale.

Depending on the player’s position, however, it is likely that confidence will have more/less of an effect on how consistently they play:
- DBs probably balance out + and - plays through a game.
- WRs might only get 3 passes all game so if the first is a drop it’s a bigger deal.
- QBs probably face the most negative morale situations in a game as incompletions, drops, INTs hurries and sacks affect him. Only Completions and TDs increase his Morale.
- Kickers definitely need confidence.

Special Abilities / Skills:

Special Abilities (“SAs”) act as multipliers for certain skills, but they are not always active.

Some skills are very likely to be active, Run Block and Pass Block for the O-Line is a good example.

The ones that are more likely to be active are very low multipliers...0.075 times blocking in a Running play for example.

Additional levels of SAs will either make them more likely to be active, or add to the multiplier:
+1 Run Block = boost of 0.075 (Active 75% of plays)
+2 Run block adds an additional 0.025 (Active 75% of plays)
+3 Run Block adds an additional 0.015 (Active 75% of Plays)

So say we run 100 Running plays...
You have a 75% chance of a 0.075 bonus - 75 Plays.
You have a 75% chance of an additional 0.025 bonus - 56.25 plays.
You have a 75% chance of an additional 0.015 bonus - 42.1875 Plays.

So out of 100 Running plays you will get the full effects of a 3 SAs bonus on 42.1875 plays.
But you have a 3 out of 4 chance of some kind of bonus, think of it as rolling 3 Dice.

You get one roll to see if the level one boost takes effect, if yes then the second and third roll is to see if you get the additional boost.

ronjon619 07-09-2008 03:32 AM

TF. This team I'm on really has their shit together. Everyone follows the post I reposted here about building their players. Just follow what position player your building and stick to it. These guys take it seriously and are real football guys. The owner is a high school football coach and the coordinators are very good.(their not a bunch of 17 year old UBER-nerds.)

Heres a link to the team page

Twilight Flyer 07-09-2008 12:53 PM

Thanks Ronjon...good info to have. I got my RB and QB on that team link you posted on the other page. 1 year contracts, but enough to get them rolling. I'm a bit miffed at the special abilities thing, but they are low enough level that I can train them out of it.

ronjon619 07-11-2008 07:58 AM

TF, that Portsmouth team we are on SUCKS..........I think a few kids running it. I'm taking my 3 players and jumping ship on day 40. Maybe next season they can turn it around.

Twilight Flyer 07-11-2008 12:39 PM

TF, that Portsmouth team we are on SUCKS..........I think a few kids running it.
That they do, but they're paying me more than a CPU team. :)

Question. Can you break your own contract or do you have to wait until it runs out?

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