3406 b-model
3406 b-model
3406 b-model? What are the signs of a turbo going bad?
Is there an upgrade turbo ? Thanks!
When I have had a turbo go out, I don't remember any warning. They just go and there is smoke everywhere. It is usually the bearings that have a problem, according to my local CAT dealer. I had one that lost some of the blades off the fan, but it might have still been the bearings. If you have a pressure gauge for your turbo, that might give you some warning. It has been a while since I have had a problem with a turbo. Mine was a 3406E. I have lost them on a Detroit. The symptoms were the same. If I were you, I would check with a local CAT dealer and see what they say. You may also check with Truckpro or Fleetpride. Some of them have good mechanics (or former mechanics) that work there.