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ladykatrina 10-20-2007 08:08 PM

more people= less available, prices on everything go up, quality goes down.... :sad:

ladykatrina 10-20-2007 08:10 PM

Re: Bottom Line: Everything is going up but wages.

Originally Posted by Saylor
Bottom Line: Everything is going up but wages. I have been in the plastics industry for 40 years. In the mid 70’s with the oil crisis in order to keep fuel they cut back on plastic material. That doesn’t work. We need changes that the government is not making. Alternative energy: Solar, Hydrogen, and such things as: the way we design and insulate our homes that advantage of the thermo mass of the home, radiant, wind, and geothermal energy, etc. and a national rail system that works. Planes are not the most efficient way to move people.
I was watching 20/20 about the Dubai U.A.E. oil wealth. We have made them rich and a lot of the rest of the Arabic world as well.

yep....its getting harder and harder to make a living wage in this country :?

littlesteper 10-27-2007 02:03 PM

i dont understand why o/o dont get in with each other and make there own fuel u dont have to make new oil to make bio-fuel maybe its coz people dont no about how to do it or maybe its coz people say it will do things to the motor that makes them think they cannt but my friends and my self got your own and we got it set up so we can go by and put 300 gals in and go to the next stop and put in 300 gals if needed and we pay way less then at the pump

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