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Orangetxguy 01-19-2009 01:58 AM


Kat...Ya'all are doing a good job, keeping winter up north of I-40! I thank you!!!

:bigthumbsup::bigthumbsup: :bigclap::bigclap: :bigthumbsup::bigthumbsup:

mike3fan 01-19-2009 02:00 AM

my question is didn't you guys build a nice new barn to park those trucks in?

wildkat 01-19-2009 02:44 AM

We did Mike, but my hubby was working in the shop when I got home & I didn't want to freeze him out opening that big door & when I went in there he had the old plow truck we use to plow the yard in pieces all over the had to wait till he was done & besides we've had a minor heat wave up here for the last week & it was nice enough to leave them outside for a bit with no troubles...hell I even got to sleep the last 2 nights with my truck shut OFF! I slep like a baby...never could sleep with the truck running!

wildkat 01-19-2009 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 434765)
Is there any question as to why my husband named him "Diesel"?

Diesel will be ok.......we always are.

Where's my baby girl?

At this very moment she's draped over my shoulder purring in my ear!

jonp 01-20-2009 04:08 PM

winter finally got to North Carolina. 2-4 inches of snow today and 20degrees or so. Of course they shut down the whole state and everyone is in a panic. I went to the Wal-Mart last night and it was packed with people buying milk, bread etc.. Delivered to a place 15 miles from here this morning and counted 9 accidents. My company recommended that i take the rest of today and tomarrow off to let the roads clear. I agreed and forgot to mention that I'm from Vermont and grew up driving in this stuff. :)

joettanne 02-01-2009 02:48 PM

Hey Wildkat! Great pics! I can relate to them now. I'm way up in Northern Alberta now. Just went through a long cold spell. Wow. I never seen roads glaze over with ice all the time, like they do here. No sand or salt works here. One highway to the oil fields. And it is crazy with traffic. The cold sure does crazy things to machinery and equipment after a long time.
And talk about dirty trucks! Ha! I have never seen trucks so dirty as here. Can't even tell what make or colour they are. And try to keep the headlights clean let alone the windshield. lol Cheers!

wildkat 02-03-2009 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by joettanne (Post 436734)
Hey Wildkat! Great pics! I can relate to them now. I'm way up in Northern Alberta now. Just went through a long cold spell. Wow. I never seen roads glaze over with ice all the time, like they do here. No sand or salt works here. One highway to the oil fields. And it is crazy with traffic. The cold sure does crazy things to machinery and equipment after a long time.
And talk about dirty trucks! Ha! I have never seen trucks so dirty as here. Can't even tell what make or colour they are. And try to keep the headlights clean let alone the windshield. lol Cheers!

Well Holy Cow joettanne...I get up to Syncrude usually about once/week...we should try to get together! But my days tend to start at midnight, so I'm usually up there between 4 & 6 am. No kidding about the traffic! Just crazy isn't it?

joettanne 02-04-2009 04:25 PM

Fort Mc Crazy! lol
No Way!!! Well, I work some nights, so it is long and boring at times. Would love to get together for a coffee! I drive locally, so just PM me and I could give you my phone #. Going to Syncrude between 4 and 6am is about the worse time. Whatcha think of Supertest Hill? I heard of it closing down a few times this winter already. And the heavy loads. Some awesome ones went through just in the last few weeks. One was 2.2 million lbs. The whole load with trucks was 369 feet long. It is so interesting the configurations used to haul those oversized loads.
I can sure have some admiration for you and what you drive in. It is no easy task to drive these roads. If you land in the ditch here, could be 3 or more days before a truck can tow you out. And the weather is so unpredictable up here. Like today. Sunny, warm, +6. Heat wave! Gotta love it! Cheers!

wildkat 02-12-2009 12:48 PM

Well here we go, just got back from Yellowknife last night & thought that maybe I'd bore you all with a few more "ICE ROAD" pictures!

The "portage"...

Out on the ICE...

It's 3 kilometres (about 2 miles) to the other side!

And crossing at night!

BlooMoose 02-12-2009 01:19 PM

Those are breathtaking shots!

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