New York City Sued by Trucking Association Over Congestion Plan


Photo by Hardik Pandya on Unsplash

Despite being the engine of the economy, the trucking industry is being disproportionately targeted by a new plan from New York City aimed at reducing street congestion. In response, the Trucking Association of New York (TANY) has launched a federal lawsuit against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Let’s take a look.

The Plan for Congestion Pricing

Private passenger cars entering Manhattan’s Central Business District (CBD), which is the region below 61st Street, will be assessed a $15 toll under the MTA’s congestion pricing plan. But depending on their size, trucks will have to pay much more, from $24 to $36 every trip.

The lawsuit filed by the Trucking Association of New York seeks to prevent the tolls from being implemented; they are scheduled to go into effect on June 30, 2024.

TANY’s Legal Case

According to TANY, the trucking business is unfairly and unconstitutionally targeted by the higher truck tolls. According to the group, truck drivers are not allowed to choose their own driving routes or timetables because the companies they work with choose them. As a result, consumers will unavoidably pay more for commodities that are delivered into Manhattan due to the increasing costs.

Suggested Substitutes

TANY proposes that the MTA rework its proposal to charge trucks at the same rate as passenger cars, exempt the trucking sector from the congestion levy, or limit truck tolling to just once a day.

Additional Legal Difficulties

At least eight lawsuits are being filed in an attempt to overturn New York City’s congestion pricing scheme, including TANY’s. Politicians, unionized public school teachers, and citizens of New York and New Jersey are among the other claimants. These lawsuits contend that a more thorough environmental analysis need to be carried out prior to the tolling scheme’s deployment and that federal transportation officials approved it without giving it the necessary scrutiny.

The goal of the congestion pricing proposal is to lower emissions and traffic in Manhattan while raising money for the deteriorating transit system. But the trucking industry, which is essential to getting products into the city, has criticized the higher fees for trucks.