Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-20-2006, 01:39 PM
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Does anybody realy understand Zacheria 1 chapter about the Horses under the myrtle tree? I would like someone elses input on this, maybe it will clear up for me!!!
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Neil Peart
Old 02-23-2006, 03:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Does anybody realy understand Zacheria 1 chapter about the Horses under the myrtle tree? I would like someone elses input on this, maybe it will clear up for me!!!

No Slim we shure don't, or Yes Slim we shure do.
I'm loosing it, now I am talking to myself. :lol:
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Neil Peart
Old 02-25-2006, 01:39 AM
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Sorry Slim, I have not been on hardly at all this week. CDL school and homelife have kept me really busy.

I have not read the passages you noted but will do it this weekend and give you some feedback.

A question back at you. Have you ever heard any reference to the Taliban forcing those who did not believe in Islam to take a mark? I watched part of a National Geographic show on the Taliban in Afghanistan and they told the story of Hindu's still living under Taliban rule (before the US invasion). Those Hindu's were allowed to stay and live under Taliban rule but only by taking a specific mark on their forehead or right hand.

Did you ever see this? I have been trying to look up material on the internet and have yet to find anything. But I admit when I saw this show and the actual people the Taliban marked I was floored. Especially when they stated that the Hindu's were not allowed to by or sell in Afghanistan without this mark.
Old 02-25-2006, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Sorry Slim, I have not been on hardly at all this week. CDL school and homelife have kept me really busy.

I have not read the passages you noted but will do it this weekend and give you some feedback.

A question back at you. Have you ever heard any reference to the Taliban forcing those who did not believe in Islam to take a mark? I watched part of a National Geographic show on the Taliban in Afghanistan and they told the story of Hindu's still living under Taliban rule (before the US invasion). Those Hindu's were allowed to stay and live under Taliban rule but only by taking a specific mark on their forehead or right hand.

Did you ever see this? I have been trying to look up material on the internet and have yet to find anything. But I admit when I saw this show and the actual people the Taliban marked I was floored. Especially when they stated that the Hindu's were not allowed to by or sell in Afghanistan without this mark.

No I have not heard this, this is new to me. I do find it interesting!
From my understanding of the scriptur, I believe the one world religion would be some what like the Holy Roman. Is it possible to be Muslim--Roman one world Religion?, Exspecialy after the Rapture, Since the true Christians would be gone? Maybe Fozzy's right it is the Muslims turn, to kill in the Name of there God! Jesus tells us," they will kill you, thinking they are doing God service". Maybe it was just my limited mind, and pride, thinking it would be like the Dark Age's, under a fake Christian Rule. I guess this could be possible!, The One World Religious Government under Muslim Rule. Exspecialy after the True Church is gone, but I would have to think, the U.S.A would have to no longer exist, or under muslim rule, or just weaken. I dont know maybe I am just rambiling now. But I guess it could be possible!
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Neil Peart
Old 03-03-2006, 11:07 PM
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Neil Peart
Old 03-04-2006, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Um heres one.

Why are we, the human race, here on earth? I know there is a simple answer to this, and I feel stupid even posting this question, but there ya go slim!
8) Why, to go fishing, of course!!
Old 03-05-2006, 03:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Useless
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Um heres one.

Why are we, the human race, here on earth? I know there is a simple answer to this, and I feel stupid even posting this question, but there ya go slim!
8) Why, to go fishing, of course!!
and to drive trucks! :P
Old 03-08-2006, 06:37 PM
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Where's all the prophecy students?
I guess since this is not a debate it is not that interesting?
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Neil Peart
Old 03-14-2006, 12:36 AM
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Alright redeemed your time is up. start

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Neil Peart
Old 03-16-2006, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Alright redeemed your time is up. start

Uh, my dog ate my homework? :lol:

Ok, that won't work. So lets go back to your original question. I just finished reading the first several chapters of Zechariah, specifically the man and horses among the Myrtle Trees. So let me give you my initial thoughts. Please remember, my understanding of Old Testament is very limited.

Clearly it is a prophetic picture. My first thought took me to the horses in the Book of Revelation. However, there were four horses there.....White, Red, Black & Pale. Here you have three horses.....Red, Brown, and White. But in Ch 1 Vrs 10 it explains that the horses are "ones the Lord has sent to go throughout the earth." According to Revelation Ch 6 the White horse is the one of conquest and the Red horse is the one of war. I believe the same description applies here in Zechariah. I am unsure what the brown horse stands for in this vision.

The vision I believe describes the times and circumstances just before God's intervention on behalf of his chosen. In Zechariah's time this was Israel suffering under oppression from an occuping army. But this should also foretell of the times before the Tribulation and Christ's return. The horses were sent out over all the earth and found the earth "at rest and in peace." (Zech Ch1 Vrs 11). Now compare the description of rest and peace with this description .....

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

"Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying "Peace and saftey," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."

Very similar! Here you have Paul describing a scene very similar to what Zechariah saw in his vision. But Paul's description is about the Second Coming.

Now what is very interesting is verses 12 & 13. The angel of the Lord ask God how much longer will He withhold mercy from Jerusalem and the towns of Judah which you have been angry with these 70 years? Whoa! This passage implies that the 70 years of punishment against Israel is up! There is no doubt here that this vision speaks directly to the end times and Christ's Second Coming. Daniel 9:24 refers to this time of finishing transgressions. Daniel uses seventy sevens to describe the time. Now a little stretch here I know but is the time period in Verses 12-14 of Zechariah not the same time period in Daniel 9:24? I believe it is. In Daniel 9:2 he explains that he understood the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 years. He prayed and then was given the answer of how long it would take.

To tie it in are verses 14-17 where the Lord gave the word that Judah will be returned with mercy and His house rebuilt. God expresses his anger at the other nations because they took advantage of the situation and instead of just punishing Israel they tried to wipe them out completely. Very much the same situation today. Israel surrounded by enemies bent on her destruction as a people. Iran and Hamas come first to mind.

So in short, I believe that Zechariah is describing the time just before the Tribulation and Christ return.

Ok, now back to you.

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