Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 03-16-2006, 11:50 PM
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I didn't read every page but I want to commend you all for having an excellent discussion and keeping it civil (at least what I saw). That is awesome.

Now...the "two towers" comment caught my attention. I had never heard that before. It could be true but I don't know if we should put so much stock in two buildings falling down in New York city in relation to biblical prophecy. You know what I mean? Again, great thread guys.
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Old 03-17-2006, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
I didn't read every page but I want to commend you all for having an excellent discussion and keeping it civil (at least what I saw). That is awesome.

Now...the "two towers" comment caught my attention. I had never heard that before. It could be true but I don't know if we should put so much stock in two buildings falling down in New York city in relation to biblical prophecy. You know what I mean? Again, great thread guys.
Thanks hoosierdaddy. Please feel free to jump in. It's been moving slow for the last couple of weeks but I hope Slimland has not lost hope in me. Maybe we can get this thread back to life again.
Old 03-17-2006, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Alright redeemed your time is up. start

Uh, my dog ate my homework? :lol:

Ok, that won't work. So lets go back to your original question. I just finished reading the first several chapters of Zechariah, specifically the man and horses among the Myrtle Trees. So let me give you my initial thoughts. Please remember, my understanding of Old Testament is very limited.

Clearly it is a prophetic picture. My first thought took me to the horses in the Book of Revelation. However, there were four horses there.....White, Red, Black & Pale. Here you have three horses.....Red, Brown, and White. But in Ch 1 Vrs 10 it explains that the horses are "ones the Lord has sent to go throughout the earth." According to Revelation Ch 6 the White horse is the one of conquest and the Red horse is the one of war. I believe the same description applies here in Zechariah. I am unsure what the brown horse stands for in this vision.

The vision I believe describes the times and circumstances just before God's intervention on behalf of his chosen. In Zechariah's time this was Israel suffering under oppression from an occuping army. But this should also foretell of the times before the Tribulation and Christ's return. The horses were sent out over all the earth and found the earth "at rest and in peace." (Zech Ch1 Vrs 11). Now compare the description of rest and peace with this description .....

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

"Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying "Peace and saftey," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."

Very similar! Here you have Paul describing a scene very similar to what Zechariah saw in his vision. But Paul's description is about the Second Coming.

Now what is very interesting is verses 12 & 13. The angel of the Lord ask God how much longer will He withhold mercy from Jerusalem and the towns of Judah which you have been angry with these 70 years? Whoa! This passage implies that the 70 years of punishment against Israel is up! There is no doubt here that this vision speaks directly to the end times and Christ's Second Coming. Daniel 9:24 refers to this time of finishing transgressions. Daniel uses seventy sevens to describe the time. Now a little stretch here I know but is the time period in Verses 12-14 of Zechariah not the same time period in Daniel 9:24? I believe it is. In Daniel 9:2 he explains that he understood the desolation of Jerusalem would last 70 years. He prayed and then was given the answer of how long it would take.

To tie it in are verses 14-17 where the Lord gave the word that Judah will be returned with mercy and His house rebuilt. God expresses his anger at the other nations because they took advantage of the situation and instead of just punishing Israel they tried to wipe them out completely. Very much the same situation today. Israel surrounded by enemies bent on her destruction as a people. Iran and Hamas come first to mind.

So in short, I believe that Zechariah is describing the time just before the Tribulation and Christ return.

Ok, now back to you.

Man Redeemed that was clearly awsome, I too have though it refered to end time, but you have brought it together for me. The thing that always, through me off was the one that went to the north country to quiet it down, Now I understand it. You have a great gift my friend, I just hope that, that gift you have don't make you go As I have this gift also, sometimes I get obsessed with it, next thing you know there is so much information it gets hard to process, and you know that saying "To much learning can make a man crazy, or dead".

Here latly I have had to take a break from the Word, This has been a conscius discission, because The more I look into the word, the more I feel unworthy. So I take a break to soak up the things I have learned through the Spirit. Not only that but the more I am in the Word, the more I get attacked Spritualy, There is only so much I can take. I know that seems contradictory, and it is not supposed to be. I just cant put it into words, the way I would like to. I guess Amy Grant said it better "the better I try to be, the worst I get" so I live by another saying of hers "All I have to be is what He made me, any more or less would be a step out of His plane".

Now I have been rambling on, how did I get on that one. My conscious I guess.

Redeemed you have been very helpfull.

Do you think that the 4 horsemen have been released?
I do, but I think they are being held back, until the 144,000 are sealed, as it says in Revelations. The Angel told the Four winds to wait until the servants of God are sealed befor they reek havoc on the earth.

Man I am jumping around this morning, it is like I have somthing to say, but don't know what it is.
Lets keep this thread alive, I think it would be profitable.
I am out of questions at this moment, Redeemed do you have any? or anyone else?
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Neil Peart
Old 03-17-2006, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
I didn't read every page but I want to commend you all for having an excellent discussion and keeping it civil (at least what I saw). That is awesome.

Now...the "two towers" comment caught my attention. I had never heard that before. It could be true but I don't know if we should put so much stock in two buildings falling down in New York city in relation to biblical prophecy. You know what I mean? Again, great thread guys.
Hey thanks hoosierdaddy, your more than welcome here.
About the two towers, the reason I put the "stock" into it, is because of World trade. everything was effectid, but this is a dual prophecy, and a tri prophecy at the same time. What I mean is it is a Past, present, futur prophecy. and it is spiritual and phisical.

I will in a couple of days place a storie on here, that happened to me, that refers and coicides with this topic, so keep a close eye, I do not have the time now, but soon.

I hope more people will get involved in this discussion.
I would like to hear from so many on this board, I feel they would have so much input not only for my own good, but for others as well.

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Neil Peart
Old 03-17-2006, 04:34 PM
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To answer your question about the 4 horsemen....Yes and No.

Clearly all of the signs of what the horsemen stand for have been witnessed.


But like in the day of Zechariah I believe that this vision of prophecy has a dual meaning. I believe it describes the times of the last days as they relate to the days from Jesus assention after the crucifixion until His return at the Second Coming. So in that sense the horsemen have been released. Read 1 John 2:18 & 19. It describes anti-christ's (plural) that have already gone out. I believe that these forerunners to the man described in 2 Thessalonians Ch 2 (the man of lawlessness) who help prepare the way (so to speak) and thereby spead the plagues described by the horsemen.

However, I believe that the vision of the horsemen describe the time when the anti-christ & false prophet will take over. The white horse in Ch6 of Revelation I believe describes the rise to power of the anti-christ. Satan seeks to be above God and would try to copy God in an effort to decive many. Because Christ is to return on a white horse (Rev Ch19 Vs 11) satan will copy that scene to use it for the arrival of his own anti-christ's coming. The following horses are the effects the anti-christ will have on the world. Again, we have already seen those effects during the last 2000 years. But when the anti-christ comes to power the wars, famines, and deaths will be magnified beyond human comprehension.

I understand what you mean by feeling unworthy. I have been dealing with similar feelings for a while. But it's like my doctor told me, if we were worthy we would not need Christ. And God knows it so I just need to realize it and quit trying to be something I am not.....perfect.

A question for you. What do you make of the seven churches listed in the book of Revelation? I have heard many try to make comparisons to actual physical churches, other denominations, and even specific preachers. However, I think it is something different. I believe it describes the stages or places a believer actually walks through or could walk through if he is not following the narrow path. What do you think?
Old 03-18-2006, 02:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
To answer your question about the 4 horsemen....Yes and No.

Clearly all of the signs of what the horsemen stand for have been witnessed.


But like in the day of Zechariah I believe that this vision of prophecy has a dual meaning. I believe it describes the times of the last days as they relate to the days from Jesus assention after the crucifixion until His return at the Second Coming. So in that sense the horsemen have been released. Read 1 John 2:18 & 19. It describes anti-christ's (plural) that have already gone out. I believe that these forerunners to the man described in 2 Thessalonians Ch 2 (the man of lawlessness) who help prepare the way (so to speak) and thereby spead the plagues described by the horsemen.

However, I believe that the vision of the horsemen describe the time when the anti-christ & false prophet will take over. The white horse in Ch6 of Revelation I believe describes the rise to power of the anti-christ. Satan seeks to be above God and would try to copy God in an effort to decive many. Because Christ is to return on a white horse (Rev Ch19 Vs 11) satan will copy that scene to use it for the arrival of his own anti-christ's coming. The following horses are the effects the anti-christ will have on the world. Again, we have already seen those effects during the last 2000 years. But when the anti-christ comes to power the wars, famines, and deaths will be magnified beyond human comprehension.

I understand what you mean by feeling unworthy. I have been dealing with similar feelings for a while. But it's like my doctor told me, if we were worthy we would not need Christ. And God knows it so I just need to realize it and quit trying to be something I am not.....perfect.

A question for you. What do you make of the seven churches listed in the book of Revelation? I have heard many try to make comparisons to actual physical churches, other denominations, and even specific preachers. However, I think it is something different. I believe it describes the stages or places a believer actually walks through or could walk through if he is not following the narrow path. What do you think?

Well, before I answer the question, I agree with you statement on the horse men.

I think it is what you said, the stages of the believer.
On another note, they where churches in that time. After John wrote Revelations he sent it to them.
I read a book one time, about a guy who actualy believed his church was the Philidelphia church in the book of revelations. This book was pretty kooky, I think it is funny how some of these preachers, and churches include themselves in the prophecy's. It is not for private interpetation, it clearly states that, I believe in John or Peter. Also the one's who preach for financial gain, that also is forbiden. Granted a Preacher is worthy of double wages, and you can usualy tell the ones who do it for money, and the ones who do it for the Glory of God.

I think this could also be about the stages of the church system.
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Neil Peart
Old 03-18-2006, 04:16 AM
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Old 03-18-2006, 05:47 PM
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The stages of the church system would also seem to make sense. The book you talk about does not surprise me. I have actually seen churches name themselves the Philidelphia church in belief that it marks them as the church in the book of Revelation. It gives me chills to think about it. I would not want to presuppose myself as that church unless I were absolutely sure I was right. Talk about making a proud statement!

Those preachers who preach only for the love of money will be found out. If not in this life they will when they approach God. If there is anything good that comes out of what they do it is only because its in God's plan. I think these will be some of those that try and say to God "look at all those souls who received the message of the Gospel from my efforts." God knowing their heart will tell them He never knew them. Ironic that when they stand before God they may actually see someone saved because of the Gospel message they gave out......but not because their heart was right but because they sought after money.

Next subject. Let me know some of your thoughts on the mark of the beast. I believe the groundwork is in place now for its implementation.
Old 03-18-2006, 06:10 PM
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I believe there IS already a secret society in place with regard to the mark of the beast. All the signs are there. Big Brother Gov't keepin' tabs on all of its citizens, and especially post-911 - which includes Bush's domestic spying program. Is it just me, or is our currency being changed every other few years? I'm surprised we don't have serial numbers tatted to our A** yet! We have become a cashless society ever increasingly spent upon gluttony. What better way to deter citizens from the real issues by serving up entertainment! For that IS what people desire in this life - A MATERIAL WORLD. Most people don't want to know the truth because of deep seated fear and selfish ambition. We want it, and we want it now - we can hear those shouts over the PA system of modern television... All we have is time, right? - Atleast that's what we are lead to believe. "We'll just put things off until tomorrow", and with the advent of tomorrow, another day is wasted with yesterday's approach. I often wonder how many people would refuse the mark if that means "to lose everything". I can see it now by the droves, people bustin' the door down like the new orleans saga of katrina waitin' to be slaughtered with the "stamp" of approval.
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Old 03-18-2006, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
The stages of the church system would also seem to make sense. The book you talk about does not surprise me. I have actually seen churches name themselves the Philidelphia church in belief that it marks them as the church in the book of Revelation. It gives me chills to think about it. I would not want to presuppose myself as that church unless I were absolutely sure I was right. Talk about making a proud statement!

Those preachers who preach only for the love of money will be found out. If not in this life they will when they approach God. If there is anything good that comes out of what they do it is only because its in God's plan. I think these will be some of those that try and say to God "look at all those souls who received the message of the Gospel from my efforts." God knowing their heart will tell them He never knew them. Ironic that when they stand before God they may actually see someone saved because of the Gospel message they gave out......but not because their heart was right but because they sought after money.

Next subject. Let me know some of your thoughts on the mark of the beast. I believe the groundwork is in place now for its implementation.

Yea, that was the church I was talking about, the preacher of it wrote a book. That was the book I was talking about.

Your next statment couldn't be MORE true. It remindes me of Paul being in prison, and some where preaching to add to his affliction, and some where preaching to spread the Gosphel. As Paul said "ethier way God was being preached." That was a good point you made.

About the mark of the beast, I am sure our thoughts on the matter will be exact. like you said the ground work is already in place, just a catastrophy would be all it needed to start implementing the chip. hmm, Rapture.
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