Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 03-18-2006, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
I believe there IS already a secret society in place with regard to the mark of the beast. All the signs are there. Big Brother Gov't keepin' tabs on all of its citizens, and especially post-911 - which includes Bush's domestic spying program. Is it just me, or is our currency being changed every other few years? I'm surprised we don't have serial numbers tatted to our A** yet! We have become a cashless society ever increasingly spent upon gluttony. What better way to deter citizens from the real issues by serving up entertainment! For that IS what people desire in this life - A MATERIAL WORLD. Most people don't want to know the truth because of deep seated fear and selfish ambition. We want it, and we want it now - we can hear those shouts over the PA system of modern television... All we have is time, right? - Atleast that's what we are lead to believe. "We'll just put things off until tomorrow", and with the advent of tomorrow, another day is wasted with yesterday's approach. I often wonder how many people would refuse the mark if that means "to lose everything". I can see it now by the droves, people bustin' the door down like the new orleans saga of katrina waitin' to be slaughtered with the "stamp" of approval.
Well spoken Daywalker
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Neil Peart
Old 03-18-2006, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
I believe there IS already a secret society in place with regard to the mark of the beast. All the signs are there. Big Brother Gov't keepin' tabs on all of its citizens, and especially post-911 - which includes Bush's domestic spying program. Is it just me, or is our currency being changed every other few years? I'm surprised we don't have serial numbers tatted to our A** yet! We have become a cashless society ever increasingly spent upon gluttony. What better way to deter citizens from the real issues by serving up entertainment! For that IS what people desire in this life - A MATERIAL WORLD. Most people don't want to know the truth because of deep seated fear and selfish ambition. We want it, and we want it now - we can hear those shouts over the PA system of modern television... All we have is time, right? - Atleast that's what we are lead to believe. "We'll just put things off until tomorrow", and with the advent of tomorrow, another day is wasted with yesterday's approach. I often wonder how many people would refuse the mark if that means "to lose everything". I can see it now by the droves, people bustin' the door down like the new orleans saga of katrina waitin' to be slaughtered with the "stamp" of approval.
Well spoken Daywalker
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Neil Peart
Old 03-19-2006, 12:09 AM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
I believe there IS already a secret society in place with regard to the mark of the beast. All the signs are there. Big Brother Gov't keepin' tabs on all of its citizens, and especially post-911 - which includes Bush's domestic spying program. Is it just me, or is our currency being changed every other few years? I'm surprised we don't have serial numbers tatted to our A** yet! We have become a cashless society ever increasingly spent upon gluttony. What better way to deter citizens from the real issues by serving up entertainment! For that IS what people desire in this life - A MATERIAL WORLD. Most people don't want to know the truth because of deep seated fear and selfish ambition. We want it, and we want it now - we can hear those shouts over the PA system of modern television... All we have is time, right? - Atleast that's what we are lead to believe. "We'll just put things off until tomorrow", and with the advent of tomorrow, another day is wasted with yesterday's approach. I often wonder how many people would refuse the mark if that means "to lose everything". I can see it now by the droves, people bustin' the door down like the new orleans saga of katrina waitin' to be slaughtered with the "stamp" of approval.
My sentiments exactly daywalker! On the secret societies I believe they are in place to help usher in that time. And what gets me is that some will think it is one political party are the other. It's both parties involved. I don't believe that we have really had two separate political parties since before World War 2.

The currency thing is interesting too. All of it is being changed and to what end? More and more people are being conditioned to use debt and credit cards for purchases as small as lunch at a fast food restaurant. I go somewhere and write a check and I get some of the strangest looks (sometimes because of writing a check and sometimes because of me ). The company I used to work for sold barcode scanning, point of sale, and radio frequency id tags among other things. They already have a system ready for sale that can scan everything in a regular grocery cart then scan you for a smart credit/debt card that you have already given them authorization to process without using a cashier or checkout stand. I am not talking about these do-it-yourself check outs like at Wal-Mart. These things are built like metal detectors at airports that you walk through while pushing your grocery cart. At the other side you get your receipt with everything you bought. Just like you said, a society where we want everything now and a government willing to set us up to get it.

The entertainment side is another thing that makes me think we are closer to the end-days. The system usually described in prophecy as the end-times government is compared to Babaloyn or Rome. Rome was a perfect example of a representative government that slowly slid into a dictatorship ruled by a monarch who wanted to declare himself god. And in Rome the ruler of the day made sure his subjects were well entertained by offering up things such as gladiator fights, slaves offered up to fight againts wild animals, or outright exicutions along with the other forms of entertainment. By doing this the ruler made sure his subjects were fat and happy and not ready to revolt against him. When I look at today's world of ultimate fighters, glam wrestlers, and the holywood weirdo's it is so close to the ancient Romans who only cared about their own self-intrest for gluttony, entertainment, and self-satisfaction it is scary. Even our news reports are glossed over entertainment pushed only for ratings and not for real factual news. I don't think many people now could handle a Woodward and Bernstein today.

Your last comment is right on target. Look how many people during the last storms and catastrophies sat around waiting for the government to come to their rescue. And we are not just talking about the poor or disadvantaged. All during my growing up years we as a family have prepared for hurricanes, storms, tornados, and potential problems that might cut off necessary things like power, water, or other services. Even with the most minimal money (I mean we were POOR) we delt with a hurricane that left us without power and water for several days. And we did not need to scream about the government not providing. I think you are right that many will gladly stand in line for their "stamp" if that means they are feed, watered, and entertained without any effort on their parts. Kinda like cattle.
Old 03-19-2006, 04:56 AM
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Man, Redeemed you definantly have a God given talent.
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Neil Peart
Old 03-19-2006, 06:14 AM
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I know i may joke around with some of the comments i've posted on the class a drivers forum much to the dismay of others. But I will be the first to admit, that i do watch christian television more than most. The programs are very informative, and they tell you the "real deal" that is goin' on in our society and also with our government. The U.S. is simply a nation in decline. Our own government has become very powerful with the politics of entertainment. They are fully aware that the american people love to be entertained! Bush is a genious in his useage of propaganda. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of this guy, but people were willing to crucify former president Clinton for makin' a few mistakes, and Bush gets away with murder - literally! People complain so much about Bush and all the underhanded scheme's he's devised, yet they elect him to a second term... In my opinion, the form of gov't we have set up today is no different than the mob. The only difference between crime families and the regime we have in place is "Legal Gangsterism".

People have become so enamored in worldly living that they simply don't have the time or effort to be hampered with what's right and what's wrong anymore. We have been trained to charge everything - the "why pay now when you can pay later" mentality. We all know that social security aint gonna be there when we retire, but you don't see people lining up to do anything about it. And the violence has erupted all over the world, even the earth quakes with its displeasure! We've seen more natural disasters in the last ten years than we've ever seen in history. All the signs are there if you look... But once again, people are just too busy to stop and do that - case in point - fast food joints on every corner. Demand is what keeps business thriving. You'd be surprised at what types of services money can buy these days. You see, the government knows this. They know people demand to be entertained, so they give it to 'em. The 1st three years of office don't mean s***, it's the last year that counts when the president is up for re-election! Timing is of the essence. Keep people in a drunken state of pleasure and they'll be satisfied.

You know, there's gonna come a point in time when people are going to be forced to deal with the issues that they've swept under the carpet. 9-11 was a wake up call; Hurricane Katrina, and the dependence of people on gov't... God is trying to get our attention to prepare for what lies ahead. In the age of technology we're in, computerized systems track the movement of it's patrons - "the time has commenced towards the mark". People are deceived in the notion that tomorrow will always be here, until the day of reckoning when the reaper knocks!
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Old 03-19-2006, 09:45 PM
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I agree completely with the US being a nation in decline. Scary when you think about the comparisons of the USA and the Roman Empire. Makes you wonder if we are not the Babalyon mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Slimland, if there is any gift at all it is definately from God. Sometimes I just start writing or reading and the thoughts come streaming in. Like daywalker said, just watching what goes on day to day I seem to see things like a countdown clock instead of life as usual.
Old 03-19-2006, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
I agree completely with the US being a nation in decline. Scary when you think about the comparisons of the USA and the Roman Empire. Makes you wonder if we are not the Babalyon mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Slimland, if there is any gift at all it is definately from God. Sometimes I just start writing or reading and the thoughts come streaming in. Like daywalker said, just watching what goes on day to day I seem to see things like a countdown clock instead of life as usual.

Same here!!!
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Neil Peart
Old 03-19-2006, 10:52 PM
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A story.....

Back in 1997 in around november or december, I had a dream.
In this dream I was managing my brothers Sonic, He had gotten into an argument with some High school kids who were fighting. He was breaking up there fight and I went to help him. We got it broke up and one of the kids, started arguing with us. I don't know why but I told him to find Christ real soon, and he mocked me. So I told him to look behind himself, There behind this Sonic stood a water Tower. And comming out of the sky where 2 missles, one straight down and the other at a wobble. Both where nuclear, and both exploded, The kids disolved right befor my eye's. My brother and I were unharmed, but the town I live in was gone, some people where walking around looking at the damage and praising God, that they where Saved, while the ones who did not believe in God where disintergrated.

All the sudden, I was in back of the Sonic, every thing was back to normal.
There was a man, a very tall man, He told me he was an Angel of the Risin Savior, Jesus Christ, The Alpha and Omega. He told me what I had just seen will come to past. I asked him how I would know. He told me when I see the Name Ashley it would be soon. Then he pointed to the hood of a car, and on the car was a picture of a little black boy and the back ground was blue. He then proceded to tell me, that when I saw this picture it was right at the door, I then awoke from my dream.

This was in 1997, I then told my wife, and brother, and immediate famly of this dream. My brother knowing me, told me to let him know when I seen the first sign. I then went to work for a Local hospital as a courier, delivering hospital stuff within a 300 mile radious. In 1998 in the summer, I come across the first Ashley truck I had ever seen. I then knew in my heart that, that was the first sighn. I imediatly called my brother and told him. He thought it was cool. I almost couldn't wait for the next sign.

Well, 3 years past and I had seen a number of Ashley trucks, and I had quit the Hospital and went back to manage my brothers Sonic. I had given up on the dream, I thought it was my own mind getting rid of the crap that resides there.
On september 4, 2001 I was working in the Kitchen, When I heard my brother say some school kids where fighting in front. So he and another manager went out to stop the scuffle, at that exact time, a former employee, who is a reserve came in wanting to clean our floors and ducts above the grill, came in to dicuss with me this offer. I was telling him to wait untill my brother came back in, this is when it dawned on me. This guy, has a car with a picture of his son on the hood, and he is black. and the back ground is blue. I freaked out, remembering the dream, My brother comes in after taking care of the fight. And I bombard him with it. He tells me that he remembers, but now he does not put to much stock in it, that it has been to long.

on September 11, 2001 I was woke up by my wife, to tell me that one of the Towers had been hit by a plane. I got up drinking coffie and watch the other hit, and in an hour they fell. Imediatly I remembered that after the second sign he said it would be right at the door. It was exactly a week, since the sign of the picture on the hood of the car.

Then I wondered what the water tower ment, because there is a water tower behind this Sonic. I am not sure, still to this day.

Ya think I am crazy.
Has anyone else had somthing simular happen.
This is not the only time I have had dreams come true, and I still have some that has not happend yet.
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Neil Peart
Old 03-19-2006, 11:39 PM
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I'm a firm believer that God speaks to us thru our dreams, and so does the devil. A child of God would be able to differentiate between the two. It's very strange how dreams depict things because of it's constant "switching". There's no logical sequence from one event to another. It's like bits and pieces are being thrown at you from one place to the next. Slimland, i believe you what you saw was very real... As to why God chose to show it to you, you'll have to pray about that. Maybe you have some type of calling in your life to do His work. Maybe it's some evangelical type of work... I don't think He would've given you those visions without purpose. In the bible, it says that in the last days, God will pour out His visions thru His people - the children of God. Only a handful of people look for the signs that will lead us into God's care in the millenium. As in the days of Noah, people will be about their daily lives ignoring the signs until the flood comes and it's too late. Only this time, it won't be a flood! I wanna be caught up in the cloud before the Great Tribulation... I thank God I'm a believer.
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Old 03-20-2006, 02:01 AM
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I will share this dream with you I had back in 2000. It was after I hit rock bottom and rededicated my life to Christ.

I am sitting in a motel room. It's strange because first of all somehow I know that it is the end times when this takes place. Second, I am in this room talking with two bearded men. I have no idea who they are or what we are talking about but I believe we are somehow friends or at least acquainted.

Then I start to rise up into the ceiling. Fear grips me as I grab onto ceiling joists and roof rafters as I rise up holding on for dear life. Then I wake up.

It is strange for me because I am not a person who dreams alot and when I do I very seldom remember full details of my dreams but only bits and pieces. But I awoke from this one in a cold sweat and my heart pounding out of my chest. It was so vivid and real!

That dream has bothered me for years now. I have prayed and asked God to explain to me what it means. I believe it was a dream about the rapture. However, it bothers me that I had such fear about it happening to me. I have questioned why in the dream I was hanging on to the building to keep from rising. Normally I do not like to fly but the rapture is one flight I am looking forward to.

On the other hand while I don't know the meaning of the whole dream I do know it was telling me that the end times are near. Right now I am waiting for a call from Maverick Trucking to go to orientaion. I will be in a hotel room and probably share it with someone else. Has the thought crossed my mind that this dream may take place during that time. You better believe it.

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