Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 03-20-2006, 03:23 AM
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It could very well mean that God was leading you back to the kingdom... If i read correctly, you stated that you had this dream after you hit rock bottom before dedicating your life back to Christ. Being that you held on from going "up", it could signify that before you rededicated yourself, you were holding onto something that kept you from giving yourself totally to God at that time. From what i can tell now is that you've already made your way back, and you are doin' alot better now. Our dreams say a lot for us individually as God speaks to us thru them. I dream almost every night, and i always ponder the meaning when i wake up. God has given me the ability to interpret some of my dreams, and i've learned how to correlate piece by piece to understand the meaning. Sometimes dreams are so odd, that we cannot interpret them or have any idea as to what they mean. A dream can have several meanings just like scripture. But i've also learned that a dream is most likely to be specific towards the dreamer - about your own life. My dreams are usually specific to my own life - past, present, and future. I noticed that when I draw near to God, I dream a lot more... I usually read church books or some scripture before i call it a night. I also set my television to TBN or Daystar cuz i like to fall asleep hearing the word. I've had nightmares ever since I was a kid, so that's one of the main reason's i stay in the habit of doin' what i do. When I refer to nightmares, i'm speakin' of demons. I don't wanna get into details cuz i don't wanna sound like i've just come out of the loony bin. But you get the idea.

Dreams help us to find our way in this lifetime. Some people wouldn't buy that, but some will... It all depends on you whether you believe that or not. A few christians, myself included, take dreams very seriously cuz you never know you can get out of those dreams.
"He that has an ill name is already half-hanged"
Old 03-20-2006, 01:56 PM
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I believe you are right daywalker. I think it does have to do with Him leading me back. The dream happened within months after I rededicated my life to God. In someways I worried thinking it was His way of telling me I was not saved. But then I was being lifted up in the dream so that could not be right. It was by my own power I was trying to hold on against the force lifting me up. Again, God letting me know I will have to let go of things here. I am sure there are other things He was telling me in this dream. I may not know the answers till we meet on the other side.
Old 03-20-2006, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
I'm a firm believer that God speaks to us thru our dreams, and so does the devil. A child of God would be able to differentiate between the two. It's very strange how dreams depict things because of it's constant "switching". There's no logical sequence from one event to another. It's like bits and pieces are being thrown at you from one place to the next. Slimland, i believe you what you saw was very real... As to why God chose to show it to you, you'll have to pray about that. Maybe you have some type of calling in your life to do His work. Maybe it's some evangelical type of work... I don't think He would've given you those visions without purpose. In the bible, it says that in the last days, God will pour out His visions thru His people - the children of God. Only a handful of people look for the signs that will lead us into God's care in the millenium. As in the days of Noah, people will be about their daily lives ignoring the signs until the flood comes and it's too late. Only this time, it won't be a flood! I wanna be caught up in the cloud before the Great Tribulation... I thank God I'm a believer.

I believe it was very real also. I've had others that came to be, and I have some that have not yet happened. I love to dream these type of dreams. But the only problem I have is if this is my calling, I don't know if I want that responsibility. What I mean is I know who I am, and I am weak, I know God's striength is made perfect in my weakness. But the things I think and feel sometimes, cloud my concious. I know Christ has cleans our concious, but I am only human, and not perfect. So I know my short comming's and I do not believe I am fit, for this pupose. The evil that grows in my heart, and the mind. I guess this is what Paul ment when he said I do the things I dont want to do, and the thing I want to do, I don't. Oh wretched man that I am. So with the Spirit I serve God, and with the body Sin.
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Neil Peart
Old 03-20-2006, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
It could very well mean that God was leading you back to the kingdom... If i read correctly, you stated that you had this dream after you hit rock bottom before dedicating your life back to Christ. Being that you held on from going "up", it could signify that before you rededicated yourself, you were holding onto something that kept you from giving yourself totally to God at that time. From what i can tell now is that you've already made your way back, and you are doin' alot better now. Our dreams say a lot for us individually as God speaks to us thru them. I dream almost every night, and i always ponder the meaning when i wake up. God has given me the ability to interpret some of my dreams, and i've learned how to correlate piece by piece to understand the meaning. Sometimes dreams are so odd, that we cannot interpret them or have any idea as to what they mean. A dream can have several meanings just like scripture. But i've also learned that a dream is most likely to be specific towards the dreamer - about your own life. My dreams are usually specific to my own life - past, present, and future. I noticed that when I draw near to God, I dream a lot more... I usually read church books or some scripture before i call it a night. I also set my television to TBN or Daystar cuz i like to fall asleep hearing the word. I've had nightmares ever since I was a kid, so that's one of the main reason's i stay in the habit of doin' what i do. When I refer to nightmares, i'm speakin' of demons. I don't wanna get into details cuz i don't wanna sound like i've just come out of the loony bin. But you get the idea.

Dreams help us to find our way in this lifetime. Some people wouldn't buy that, but some will... It all depends on you whether you believe that or not. A few christians, myself included, take dreams very seriously cuz you never know you can get out of those dreams.
I agree a whole lot with Daywalker here. You trying to hold on to something is classic, of trying to hold on to the matterial things in this life, and holding on to the past. I think this was God showing you, to let go. I find this hard to do in some casses.

On another note; I would never think you have come out of the loony bin.
Befor I had recieved Christ I was heavly into witchcraft, I have seen and heard thing that were not permissable. I have actualy walked through the valley of death, and stood below death himself. It is a long story, but it is true.
So no, no loony bin thinking here!!!
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Neil Peart
Old 03-20-2006, 09:29 PM
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I've had an abundance of dreams to where i've dealt with demons attempting to devour me, literally. I've seen so many devils(forms of devils), the priest of satan, and also the black madonna. Mind you, thoughts of evil things do not consume my mind on a daily basis, but all of my dreams are constant. In other words, i don't even think about these things let alone to dream it! I've even held conversations with angels charging me of what needs to be changed in my life and pointing out specifics. As far back as i can remember as a kid, i've had dealings with the "unknown"... I'm not afraid anymore... I've matured in Christ, and now i've been given the perception to know when a spirit is near whether good or bad. I always see dark figures(shadows) or the light dim or "clicking" sounds whenever an ungodly spirit is near followed by chills... I even had a dream that i seen a dragon circling in a figure 8(the sign of infinity) and a demon that had a babies body with an arrow shaped tail with a man's head that was floating thru the holes inside of the dragon circling. I also had a dream where i seen a voodoo doll floating in a pitch black room next to a window on the upper left-hand corner of the room. I remember running up to it, and as i got closer, it looked at me and "smiled" and started to grow a human head... As i got closer, it floated down towards me, and i started choking it... The voodoo doll just kept smilin' with its black glossy eyes and snow-white hair, and started growin' and growin' forming arms and legs. This doll harrassed me the entire time i was dreaming. In another dream, the priest of satan found me, gently tapped me on the left shoulder and whispered something into my ear. Upon hearing what was uttered, the priest anointed me with the left thumbprint. As soon as that happened, it felt as if a nuclear blast had pummeled me to the ground. All sorts of demons that were gathered around just stared at my corpse as they stepped back from me. I began to recite "The Lord's Prayer". I saw lightning and Christ crucified on the cross while sayin' this prayer. Then, an imaginary line started to circle the area around my body... I immediately woke up after all this happened. I knew exactly what the dream meant. It was something specific to my own life that was goin' to happen in the future.

I've had a lot more dreams in my life regarding these occurrence's... I know that dreams are important because i've been studying mine for years now. I've even learned how to wake up from my dreams whenever i'm about to encounter these demonic forces. I've also learned that these same devils can discover our thought by the aura that emanates from our bodies. I know this all sounds too hard to fathom, but these are my own experiences. My ancestors used to be involved in witchcraft. I am currently under a 3 generation curse. I know that i'm covered in the blood of Christ, but i have to get the elders of the church to cast this curse out. I am waiting on God to lead me into His own timing for all of this to take place.
"He that has an ill name is already half-hanged"
Old 03-21-2006, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by daywalker
I've had an abundance of dreams to where i've dealt with demons attempting to devour me, literally. I've seen so many devils(forms of devils), the priest of satan, and also the black madonna. Mind you, thoughts of evil things do not consume my mind on a daily basis, but all of my dreams are constant. In other words, i don't even think about these things let alone to dream it! I've even held conversations with angels charging me of what needs to be changed in my life and pointing out specifics. As far back as i can remember as a kid, i've had dealings with the "unknown"... I'm not afraid anymore... I've matured in Christ, and now i've been given the perception to know when a spirit is near whether good or bad. I always see dark figures(shadows) or the light dim or "clicking" sounds whenever an ungodly spirit is near followed by chills... I even had a dream that i seen a dragon circling in a figure 8(the sign of infinity) and a demon that had a babies body with an arrow shaped tail with a man's head that was floating thru the holes inside of the dragon circling. I also had a dream where i seen a voodoo doll floating in a pitch black room next to a window on the upper left-hand corner of the room. I remember running up to it, and as i got closer, it looked at me and "smiled" and started to grow a human head... As i got closer, it floated down towards me, and i started choking it... The voodoo doll just kept smilin' with its black glossy eyes and snow-white hair, and started growin' and growin' forming arms and legs. This doll harrassed me the entire time i was dreaming. In another dream, the priest of satan found me, gently tapped me on the left shoulder and whispered something into my ear. Upon hearing what was uttered, the priest anointed me with the left thumbprint. As soon as that happened, it felt as if a nuclear blast had pummeled me to the ground. All sorts of demons that were gathered around just stared at my corpse as they stepped back from me. I began to recite "The Lord's Prayer". I saw lightning and Christ crucified on the cross while sayin' this prayer. Then, an imaginary line started to circle the area around my body... I immediately woke up after all this happened. I knew exactly what the dream meant. It was something specific to my own life that was goin' to happen in the future.

I've had a lot more dreams in my life regarding these occurrence's... I know that dreams are important because i've been studying mine for years now. I've even learned how to wake up from my dreams whenever i'm about to encounter these demonic forces. I've also learned that these same devils can discover our thought by the aura that emanates from our bodies. I know this all sounds too hard to fathom, but these are my own experiences. My ancestors used to be involved in witchcraft. I am currently under a 3 generation curse. I know that i'm covered in the blood of Christ, but i have to get the elders of the church to cast this curse out. I am waiting on God to lead me into His own timing for all of this to take place.

Sounds like you and I have walked simular roads.
I stated befor I was heavly into witchcraft befor I recieved my salvation.
I studied the works of Alister Crowley, Gerald Gardner, etc. I studied heavly on Egyptian Mythologys, Sumarian "AKA Babylonian", Norse, Greek, some Roman. I have walked upon the graves of life, and dead. I done many things on the Green moon, and Blue. But I thank Jesus Christ for sending His Angel to protect me and save me from myself, and my puffed up mind.

I no longer am plagued by death, or his minnions, trying to kill me. Now I am plagued by my own mind, and sometimes I wonder wich was worse. :lol:
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Neil Peart
Old 03-21-2006, 03:51 AM
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Although i never practiced witchcraft, my family did two generations ago. Upon study of christianity, i've learned about generational curses. I truly believe that we suffer from previous generation's mishaps. There's always a consequence of our actions. However, there is an out in Christ's shed blood.

On another note, what some thick-headed people don't understand is the fact that everything in this lifetime cannot be proven. I guess that's why the bible is misrepresented by unbelievers. Other than eyewitness account, there is no "hard" proof provided. These are the same people as the pharisees who demanded Christ to "show them a sign". The bible is based upon faith, and that is how the christian is supposed to live. Of course we all make mistakes, but it's the blood of Christ that cleanses us. One religion is not meant to be compared to another religion, that's where we run into all sorts of problems. The only time this event happens is when a person tries to force their beliefs on someone else. It's entirely different if a person is really genuine, and they just want to share their belief rather than making you prove yours. You cannot reason with a person who is prejudiced to seeing it only one way harboring a narrow-minded view of how they see fit.
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Old 03-21-2006, 04:17 PM
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daywalker, some of those thick headed people know exactly what they are doing. Now don't get me wrong...I believe there are some thick headed people who question and deny faith in general, and Christ specifically, because their eyes have not yet opened. But there are others who have no intent at all of ever opening their eyes. Instead, they use the debate of science to mock any of those with faith. They do this because they enjoy living in their state of darkness and have no desire to come into the light. Furthermore, they detest the light so much that they want to do anything to put it out......permenantly.

I know you have seen them because there are some on this very board. The conversation probably goes something like this.......

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
The Bible is a fable writen by man and not the real word of God.
Yes, the Bible was written by men with the influence and direction of the Holy Spirit.
Prove it! And while you're at it prove God exists. And no I will not prove he does not exists because in science you cant prove a negative so you must prove God exists or you are wrong.

Then later on the conversation goes like this.......

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
Well so & so wrote that in the Bible but Jesus never said it so how can you believe it? See, no where in the Gospels does Jesus say that.

Funny how they claim a win in the first arguement by saying the Bible is a fraud written by men. Then in another arguement they pull out that same "fraud" to try and prove your faith wrong. Not very scientific is it?

No one of my favorite arguments go something like this.....

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
Well the Bible also said don't do this or that, and you could do this or that awful thing. So do you believe those too?

This last argument is used alot in the "alternative lifestyle" debates.

Basically, these type of people have no desire for true discussion or provoking thought. There whole intent is to make anyone professing faith foolish and stupid. They do this with the hope of intimidating the faithful from coming forward and changing the state of darkness around them. Better still if they can get you to question your faith and turn you away from the light as well.

I believe these are the type of people Jesus told His disciples about when He said if they will not welcome you shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town as a testamony against them. I try to avoid these types of people because they will suck you into a debate that can go nowhere and all the while debating them I give up a chance to go where the message is welcome. Does not have to be accepted but at least welcomed.
Old 03-21-2006, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
daywalker, some of those thick headed people know exactly what they are doing. Now don't get me wrong...I believe there are some thick headed people who question and deny faith in general, and Christ specifically, because their eyes have not yet opened. But there are others who have no intent at all of ever opening their eyes. Instead, they use the debate of science to mock any of those with faith. They do this because they enjoy living in their state of darkness and have no desire to come into the light. Furthermore, they detest the light so much that they want to do anything to put it out......permenantly.

I know you have seen them because there are some on this very board. The conversation probably goes something like this.......

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
The Bible is a fable writen by man and not the real word of God.
Yes, the Bible was written by men with the influence and direction of the Holy Spirit.
Prove it! And while you're at it prove God exists. And no I will not prove he does not exists because in science you cant prove a negative so you must prove God exists or you are wrong.

Then later on the conversation goes like this.......

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
Well so & so wrote that in the Bible but Jesus never said it so how can you believe it? See, no where in the Gospels does Jesus say that.

Funny how they claim a win in the first arguement by saying the Bible is a fraud written by men. Then in another arguement they pull out that same "fraud" to try and prove your faith wrong. Not very scientific is it?

No one of my favorite arguments go something like this.....

Why do you believe this or that?
Because the Bible says so.
Well the Bible also said don't do this or that, and you could do this or that awful thing. So do you believe those too?

This last argument is used alot in the "alternative lifestyle" debates.

Basically, these type of people have no desire for true discussion or provoking thought. There whole intent is to make anyone professing faith foolish and stupid. They do this with the hope of intimidating the faithful from coming forward and changing the state of darkness around them. Better still if they can get you to question your faith and turn you away from the light as well.

I believe these are the type of people Jesus told His disciples about when He said if they will not welcome you shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town as a testamony against them. I try to avoid these types of people because they will suck you into a debate that can go nowhere and all the while debating them I give up a chance to go where the message is welcome. Does not have to be accepted but at least welcomed.
This is so true!! But I believ and do know that the proof of God is in history and biblical prophecy. In Revelations " the Testamony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy" Not to mention the artifacs and discoverys like Sodom and Gomorrah etc.
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Neil Peart
Old 03-21-2006, 08:40 PM
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Very true Slimland. More and more there is evidence that comes up daily such as ancient artifacts that prove the Bible correct. That is after science supposedly proved the Bible wrong. What many forget is that science is constantly changing what we "know." We should have our faith in God and not science.

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