Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 04-24-2006, 01:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
You know I am not sure about who moves first. I have heard it as Russia alone and then in conjunction with an arab alliance. I do agree with you about Israel and the oil. Once they tap into it and start pumping then their will be alot of angry people at Israel ready to wipe them out.

If even the conservative numbers are true then Israel is sitting on more oil than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia. With the US as her main ally we could stop buying from other unstable countries (Saudi, Venesula, Nigeria) and buy strictly from Israel. Better yet enter into an agreement to supply arms and/or agreements on defense of Israel in return for a fair price on oil.

But right now with Hamas in control of the Palestinian Authority and violence escalating with Israel I do not know how long Israel will be able to turn a blind eye to Hamas. They are already talking about taking out members of their cabinet. I think it is only a short step away from the IDF moving into the West Bank and Gaza to remove the entire Hamas government by force.

Then what will the rest of the world do? On one hand you have a government elected by their people to represent them. But that same government is at odds with most of the world by continuing to approve terrorism against Israel and call for their complete destruction. I have a good idea on what side the US will fall. Do you want to guess where the rest of the world will place blame if Israel takes out the Hamas government? Maybe enough to justify an attack against Israel?

Every bit of this I must agree on! Well done!!

Concerning the U.S --- Here is you something to think about.

We and Israel are friends "I know bad wording, but can't think of the correct term" anyway if Israel was to be attacked we would join in, Correct?
What if Russia, China, and the Arab alliance, attacked the USA first, with Nukes? Then try to take out Israel?
Can the USA, take a hit so hard, and can it defeat an alliance that big?

In Revelation's Israel "the people of God, and the Hebrews" will be able to go into the wilderness for 3 1/2 years "Petra" It says that they will get there on the wings of the Eagle, could this be the USA helping with Jets and Hellicopters?

I have had dreams of the USA getting attacked, and they came in from mexico and canada, in addition attacking our coast. I might have had these dreams, because I heard 2 soposed prophets on this same subject. Maybe it got stuck in my subconcious, Who knows!!
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Old 04-24-2006, 02:37 AM
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I believe that an attack on the US is not only possible but very likely. However, even if Russia and China both hit us with everything they have (unlikely they would go all out..more later on why) I don't think they could come anywhere near knocking us out completely. If nothing else we have a nice submarine fleet that would survive and take out targets on both countries at will. But neither country now has a navy that could stand up to the US in the open waters. And we still have a nice presence in military strength all over the world that would at least disturb each country from doing whatever they want.

While I believe that an attack from one or both Russia & China is likely I believe any attack would be limited in scope. Very limited nuke and then some kind of attacks on specific targets to cause confusion and take us out of any battle against Israel. First, I believe both countries know that should we retaliate with full force that neither of them would survive. So they will attack but make it clear at that time that it is limited and try to talk us out of massive retaliation. What is scary is that I believe our current US politicians would agree to this and not retaliate in full. Second, if Russia or China had any plans of taking any spoils of war in the US they could not use a full attack or risk destroying the same resources they want for themselves.

In short I believe either country would try to hit us just hard enough to make us back down and not challenge them when they make their big move in the Middle East. I like your comparison to the remnant of Israel being swept away on wings of eagles. And I agree this could be a very real description of the US. This could go along with any agreement not to strike back at the Russians or Chineese by allowing the US to rescue Israel and fly them to a safe haven.
Old 04-24-2006, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed

I believe that an attack on the US is not only possible but very likely. However, even if Russia and China both hit us with everything they have (unlikely they would go all out..more later on why) I don't think they could come anywhere near knocking us out completely. If nothing else we have a nice submarine fleet that would survive and take out targets on both countries at will. But neither country now has a navy that could stand up to the US in the open waters. And we still have a nice presence in military strength all over the world that would at least disturb each country from doing whatever they want.

While I believe that an attack from one or both Russia & China is likely I believe any attack would be limited in scope. Very limited nuke and then some kind of attacks on specific targets to cause confusion and take us out of any battle against Israel. First, I believe both countries know that should we retaliate with full force that neither of them would survive. So they will attack but make it clear at that time that it is limited and try to talk us out of massive retaliation. What is scary is that I believe our current US politicians would agree to this and not retaliate in full. Second, if Russia or China had any plans of taking any spoils of war in the US they could not use a full attack or risk destroying the same resources they want for themselves.

In short I believe either country would try to hit us just hard enough to make us back down and not challenge them when they make their big move in the Middle East. I like your comparison to the remnant of Israel being swept away on wings of eagles. And I agree this could be a very real description of the US. This could go along with any agreement not to strike back at the Russians or Chineese by allowing the US to rescue Israel and fly them to a safe haven.

Very well put!!

I believe it is not just the remanant! Also the promenant people of Ammon and Moab, so this includes some Muslim's and the like. This is when they learn of the Messiah. They one which they looked on whome they pierced.

The promise to Abraham of his children as being the sand of the sea, includes his discendants from not only Isacc and Jacob, but also Ishmael. But the promis of the Messiah, was to come through the seed of Isacc,"for in Isacc you seed shall be called" cause he was the Son of the free woman, and Ishmael of the bond woman, but the discendants that where promised, where of both.

Sorry Got off subject.
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Old 04-24-2006, 05:27 PM
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No not off subject at all. When the time comes I believe there will be many people from all different religious backgrounds who will accept Jesus as the Messiah. Muslims should be more likely to accept this than some other groups. All but the most radical Muslims already acknowledge him as a great prophet. Just as there are friendly countries to Israel now I see them still friendly when it all comes down. Jordan is a country that comes to mind right off the bat. Especially since that is where Petra is located.
Old 04-25-2006, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
No not off subject at all. When the time comes I believe there will be many people from all different religious backgrounds who will accept Jesus as the Messiah. Muslims should be more likely to accept this than some other groups. All but the most radical Muslims already acknowledge him as a great prophet. Just as there are friendly countries to Israel now I see them still friendly when it all comes down. Jordan is a country that comes to mind right off the bat. Especially since that is where Petra is located.
Have you ever read the left behind books? I think they are pretty dang acurate!!!
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Neil Peart
Old 04-25-2006, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
No not off subject at all. When the time comes I believe there will be many people from all different religious backgrounds who will accept Jesus as the Messiah. Muslims should be more likely to accept this than some other groups. All but the most radical Muslims already acknowledge him as a great prophet. Just as there are friendly countries to Israel now I see them still friendly when it all comes down. Jordan is a country that comes to mind right off the bat. Especially since that is where Petra is located.
Have you ever read the left behind books? I think they are pretty dang acurate!!!
Yes, I have read them. In fact it was a co-worker who lent me the first left behind book that helped to get my life centered back on Christ.

I am no expert on prophecy but I do agree that there are many points in those books that will be seen by those who are left behind. Another series on End-Times is "The Christ-Clone Trilogy." Have you read that one? I have to admit there are parts of that book that are downright scary.
Old 04-26-2006, 01:23 PM
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No I havent read those, I have never even heard of them. But I will check into them.
I have been thinking about re-reading the left behind series.

These gas price's are ridiculous!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-28-2006, 12:32 AM
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What happened to daywalker??

Redeemed, What do you think of hell, hade's, death, grave, and lake of fire?
Do you think there the same place or diffrent?

I think there Diffrent, I'll hear your's, then I'll explain mine.

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Neil Peart
Old 04-28-2006, 02:24 AM
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What happened to daywalker??

Redeemed, What do you think of hell, hade's, death, grave, and lake of fire?
Do you think there the same place or diffrent?

I think there Diffrent, I'll hear your's, then I'll explain mine.

I used to think they were the same. But I was listening to a sermon from someone on the radio (cant remember the name off hand) and he was explaining from the Bible why there is no one in hell right now. However, after Jesus return and the sheep are separated from the goats and Satan is bound for 1000 years with the false prophet then will hell be poplulated with lost souls.

So now I have to ask where are those lost souls now who have died? I have always been taught that for believers who have died their spirit is with our Lord Jesus. So would those lost souls who have died be sent somewhere else while waiting for judgement? Could that then be hades, the grave, or death? I believe that hell and the lake of fire are one in the same.

Ok, now spill the beans. I want to hear your thoughts on this. I have to admit I am not studied up on hell.
Old 04-28-2006, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
What happened to daywalker??

Redeemed, What do you think of hell, hade's, death, grave, and lake of fire?
Do you think there the same place or diffrent?

I think there Diffrent, I'll hear your's, then I'll explain mine.

I used to think they were the same. But I was listening to a sermon from someone on the radio (cant remember the name off hand) and he was explaining from the Bible why there is no one in hell right now. However, after Jesus return and the sheep are separated from the goats and Satan is bound for 1000 years with the false prophet then will hell be poplulated with lost souls.

So now I have to ask where are those lost souls now who have died? I have always been taught that for believers who have died their spirit is with our Lord Jesus. So would those lost souls who have died be sent somewhere else while waiting for judgement? Could that then be hades, the grave, or death? I believe that hell and the lake of fire are one in the same.

Ok, now spill the beans. I want to hear your thoughts on this. I have to admit I am not studied up on hell.

I too used to think they where the same. The lost souls, I believe are being held somewhere, could be death, hades, or the grave, I do know those who are dead and do not know Christ, are well dead. Soloman in his great knowledgs said the dead know nothing, was he talking about those spiritualy dead? or realy dead?
Revelations when the great white throne judgment comes, it says death, hell, grave, hades, sea's all release there dead.

We know that, when Christ died he moved paradise into heaven, befor this there was a gulf between abrahams boosom, and hell. This is when he preached to those in hell.
So I think there diffrent. But I do think the lake of fire and hell are diffrent also. I think hell maybe the 1st heaven befor the fall, and Lucifer resides over the 1st and 2nd heaven, and the 2nd heaven being the sky." seeking whome he may devour".

Lucifer was a Cheribium beast "Angle" He could walk on fire. but the lake of fire, he will not be able too.

I know I jumped around on this a little, but I am not at home.
So I hope this was intertaning
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