Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 06-03-2006, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Originally Posted by OverTheRoad
Originally Posted by Fozzy
I thought you said you wern't gonna post on this thread, because it is prophecy drivvin, and not a debate!!!

So do you have any prophecy to teach us, or speak of Fozzy?

You are more than welcome to share.
I said that I normally do not get involved in these types of discussions because its like getting into a discussion with the insane. Trying to discuss anything to anyone with such obvious mental problems is basically pointless. I was not debating, I was stating an opinion about the nutty statements. Religion is a mental illness.
:roll: :roll: Troll...... just out looking for trouble again? I think its past your bedtime, Fozzy? :wink:
Why no reply on the other thread punk boy?
Ryan & Kali
Old 06-03-2006, 06:33 AM
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Why no reply on the other thread punk boy?
Thats what I figured...
Old 06-03-2006, 03:49 PM
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I said that I normally do not get involved in these types of discussions because its like getting into a discussion with the insane. Trying to discuss anything to anyone with such obvious mental problems is basically pointless. I was not debating, I was stating an opinion about the nutty statements. Religion is a mental illness.
Ok, lets list this out. Fozzy, it was my comment so I guess you direct this to me.

So far I am insane and suffer mental problems. Please don't take this the wrong way as I ask this of you in the most sincere way possible. Why the personal attack against me? To my knowledge I have never spoken a harm's word against you on this board. If you disagree with the views I have no problem with it. There are many views I disagree with as well. But to tear into me and call me insane or have mental problems is kinda harsh to someone you don't even know.
Old 06-03-2006, 04:31 PM
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Ok, lets list this out. Fozzy, it was my comment so I guess you direct this to me.

So far I am insane and suffer mental problems. Please don't take this the wrong way as I ask this of you in the most sincere way possible. Why the personal attack against me? To my knowledge I have never spoken a harm's word against you on this board. If you disagree with the views I have no problem with it. There are many views I disagree with as well. But to tear into me and call me insane or have mental problems is kinda harsh to someone you don't even know.
Why the personal attack against common sense and historical records and science? I didn't know the hijackers, I don't know the people that are doing their level best to kill Americans and other infidels. I didn't know those who started nor finished things like the Inquisition nor those who rounded up people like Jews, homosexuals and gypsies and gassed them to death. ANYONE who will go so far to forward their religious dogma to the point of making hundreds of millions of years disappear to make their little religious idol seem magical or better is DANGEROUS to other citizens of the world!

If they had their own silly little country that we could bomb the hell out of if they got out of line it would be one thing, but to have Amerasians go to this point of irrational behavior means that they are obviously insane, completely ignorant of history or have a dangerous agenda. I don't know you "personally" nor do I care to. This wasn't a personal attack for all the reasons you stated. I've known enough people like you and those like you to realize that you are no good for humanity. This wasn't an ATTACK at all, this was a statement against the idiocy that religion fosters in the mind of some rather weak minded people who need to have and outright invent answers to questions that really dont improve anything in world.
Old 06-03-2006, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Why no reply on the other thread punk boy?
Thats what I figured...
Is that was you figured Fozzy, is it?
You see son, your a waste of my time. If I was as bored with life like you obviously are then I would lurk around like yourself looking for fights. Since I have better things to do with my time I choose not to engage in pissing matches with you. So go ahead and make your snide remarks or what ever little comments you feel like making, just remember... I really don't care what you have to say Fozzy, you have lost all credibility on this website. You have just proven to the forum that all you want to do is fight and stir up trouble.
Why don't you do us all a favor and go crawl back under the bridge you came from.

By the way, do you even drive a truck? I have never read any of your posts that have to do with trucking.

Now for the sake of Redeemed and Slimlands thread I will end my conversation with Fozzy, as I don't want to get this thread locked down.
Ryan & Kali
Old 06-03-2006, 06:54 PM
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Why no reply on the other thread punk boy?

Thats what I figured...
Is that was you figured Fozzy, is it?
You see son, your a waste of my time. If I was as bored with life like you obviously are then I would lurk around like yourself looking for fights. Since I have better things to do with my time I choose not to engage in pissing matches with you. So go ahead and make your snide remarks or what ever little comments you feel like making, just remember... I really don't care what you have to say Fozzy, you have lost all credibility on this website. You have just proven to the forum that all you want to do is fight and stir up trouble.
Why don't you do us all a favor and go crawl back under the bridge you came from.

By the way, do you even drive a truck? I have never read any of your posts that have to do with trucking.

Now for the sake of Redeemed and Slimlands thread I will end my conversation with Fozzy, as I don't want to get this thread locked down.
Seems that you and Slimland assign credibility according to how agreeable folks are to your views. It also seems that you have a tendency to "end" your conversations when you can't defend your position. I think you did that recently in another discussion.... I'm sure Fozzy has his reasons for being angry with religion. Lots of folks do. His pissed-off tone does not detract from his arguments. If his arguments are flawed, his tone should not detract from your ability to respond. At least Slimland stays the course and attempts to make his case, by sheer volume if nothing else. Your assigned credibility has no credibility.
I think the devil drives a T2000.
Old 06-03-2006, 07:13 PM
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What part of this is not a debate do y'all not understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why come here and start your retoric, when all we are doing is discussing biblical prophecy?

Take it somewhere else.

Who knows maybe I'll Join!

But then again I kinda, got my hands full!!
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Neil Peart
Old 06-03-2006, 08:06 PM
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Is that was you figured Fozzy, is it?

Thats what I figure, and thats what I know.. does that make you angry?

You see son, your a waste of my time.

Really? Then why all the tantrums? As for the son comment, have you spilt enough seeds all over the planet to worry that you have sons everywhere?

If I was as bored with life like you obviously are then I would lurk around like yourself looking for fights.

Fights? Who's "fighting"?

Since I have better things to do with my time I choose not to engage in pissing matches with you.

Really? How many responses is this from you directly to me?

So go ahead and make your snide remarks or what ever little comments you feel like making, just remember... I really don't care what you have to say Fozzy, you have lost all credibility on this website.

I've lost crediblity with "whom"? If you live your life needing a discussion board on the world wide web give you some credibility, your a hurtin unit!

You have just proven to the forum that all you want to do is fight and stir up trouble.

If you can re-read the posts and threads that get locked down, it's seldom do to me. Its usually the high pitched shreiks from folks like yourself who when they have exhausted all of their wisdom resort to childlike behavior.

Why don't you do us all a favor and go crawl back under the bridge you came from.

I don't live under a bridge, There are some rather nice bridges that I've seen that would make swell places to live under though!

By the way, do you even drive a truck? I have never read any of your posts that have to do with trucking.

Really? You don't read much then. the fact that I also have a life and can live without discussing trucker BS and tell trucker stories all day and the last thing I really want to discuss is trucking when I'm away from it should not be a suprise to anyone with a brain larger than a wombats.

Now for the sake of Redeemed and Slimlands thread I will end my conversation with Fozzy, as I don't want to get this thread locked down.

See ya later...
Old 06-03-2006, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Ok, lets list this out. Fozzy, it was my comment so I guess you direct this to me.

So far I am insane and suffer mental problems. Please don't take this the wrong way as I ask this of you in the most sincere way possible. Why the personal attack against me? To my knowledge I have never spoken a harm's word against you on this board. If you disagree with the views I have no problem with it. There are many views I disagree with as well. But to tear into me and call me insane or have mental problems is kinda harsh to someone you don't even know.
Why the personal attack against common sense and historical records and science? I didn't know the hijackers, I don't know the people that are doing their level best to kill Americans and other infidels. I didn't know those who started nor finished things like the Inquisition nor those who rounded up people like Jews, homosexuals and gypsies and gassed them to death. ANYONE who will go so far to forward their religious dogma to the point of making hundreds of millions of years disappear to make their little religious idol seem magical or better is DANGEROUS to other citizens of the world!

If they had their own silly little country that we could bomb the hell out of if they got out of line it would be one thing, but to have Amerasians go to this point of irrational behavior means that they are obviously insane, completely ignorant of history or have a dangerous agenda. I don't know you "personally" nor do I care to. This wasn't a personal attack for all the reasons you stated. I've known enough people like you and those like you to realize that you are no good for humanity. This wasn't an ATTACK at all, this was a statement against the idiocy that religion fosters in the mind of some rather weak minded people who need to have and outright invent answers to questions that really dont improve anything in world.
Wow! What a tolerant message. Fozzy I don't know you either. However, I am not going to be so bold as to say I would not want to. I have had many friends of different beliefs and ideas and got along with them very well. Sorry we could not do the same.

However, you state that you have known enough people like me to know that we are no good for humanity. If you first say you don't know me nor care to then how can you logically make this statement? What you know about me is from a few post on a message board. Is that enough for you to say I am no good for humanity? I'm sorry but that sounds more like what Osama Bin Laden spouts off.

You make allusions to my beliefs to those of the hi-jackers of 9-11, the leaders of the Inquisition and the Nazi's of WWII. Yet you make the statement that if all those who believed like this could be put in a silly little country and bomb the hell out of them if they got out of line is the exact same mentallity that Hitler & Stalin practiced. You decides what is out of line? You? Sorry but our founding fathers of this great country knew about that kind of thinking and tried to find a way to stop it. You may have heard about's called The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

You came onto a thread you had already said you had no interest in to cast dispersions on people expressing opinion and beliefs that disagree with yours. Why? Is this little thread that threatening to you? For the most part it was only me and Slimland conversing anyway. So the beliefs of two people on this big messageboard are so threatening to you that you have to jump in and call names. I have read other post of yours and know you are more intelligent and mature than that.

The only thing you said in your response that makes any common sense is that you don't know me nor have any interest to know me. That says enough about you right there. Too weak minded and afraid to engage someone of different beliefs with dignity and respect but quick to name call and put down what you don't care to even try to understand.

I don't know you, but you sound like someone who has been hurt by organized religion in the past. If so, I am sorry. Sorry because I too have been hurt by those who think "religion" is the same as being a Christian. It has taken me 37 years to know that it is not the same and then get over the pain I have suffered from those trying to push their "religion" on me. If my guess is wrong so be it. If I am right please accept my apologies for any wrong you have suffered.

However, before you go around calling someone insane, mentally challenged, weak minded, or no good for humanity please make sure you have enough common sense yourself to know what you are talking about. Your personal attacks only show your own lack of tolerance and respect for others and take away from any arguement you make.
Old 06-03-2006, 11:29 PM
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Now that is all out of the way!

Continue Redeemed!
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Neil Peart

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