Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 06-04-2006, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Now that is all out of the way!

Continue Redeemed!
Slimland, I will summarize this because I have to leave out tomorrow and will be gone for the week.

It goes back to 2Peter 3:8. To the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. We have talked before how God likes to work in dualities. For example, the different color horses mentioned in Revelation being used in another part of the Bible. Another example being the book of Isaiah describing the return of the Jews from Babylon and the coming of Jesus.

Well this is an end time theory I had heard before that Jesus return could correspond with the original story of creation. That God created everything in 6 days then rested on the seventh. That there were 4000 years from creation to Jesus and 2000 years from Jesus to present. That if 2Peter was correct then we have hit the sixth day mark. That God's creation will come to its completion and now it is time for the day of rest. The 1000 years of Jesus reign of peace.

To me the theory always seemed to miss something because you had to explain the millions of years that show up in different scientific test for time/dating ancient artifacts. But after hearing this bible study it seemed to click. It was the old argument of what came first, the chicken or the egg? If you believe in creation then the chicken came first. Not just a chicken but a full matured chicken capable of pro-creation. So just like Jesus created fully matured aged wine at the wedding feast God created a world in full maturity. So just as if you could scientifically call the chicken mature/older on the day of its creation you could call the earth mature and showing itself millions of years old even on the day God created it. Another example would be rings found in trees signifing their age. Do you think that the trees God created had no rings because they were brand new or did they have rings in them signifing their maturity? Adam is another example. All biblical reference describe him as a man. Not a new born child.

So in short, this was another explaination of a sign that shows us at the end-times. That God's 6-days for his creation have come and now it is time for the rest. Could this be what was meant when it was said that the full number of believers must come before the end would come?

Slimland, I will send you a PM. Thanks!
Old 06-04-2006, 01:16 AM
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Wow! What a tolerant message.

This from a Christian? The Christians are the last people on the planet that should be even utter the world tolerance and not blush or hang their heads in shame. When in world history can you point to a time where religions and especially the Christian religions can be called tolerant?

Sorry but our founding fathers of this great country knew about that kind of thinking and tried to find a way to stop it. You may have heard about's called The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

So do you follow the Constitution or the bible and which document do you place first in your list of priorities? Where is Jesus mentioned on either of these documents? The activities that they were designed to prevent were the societies of old Europe because they were close enough to remember it and the actions of the theocratic nations that ruled their populations by fear of the church state's reprisals and the church state's unflinching use of torture and slaughter.

I don't know you, but you sound like someone who has been hurt by organized religion in the past. If so, I am sorry. Sorry because I too have been hurt by those who think "religion" is the same as being a Christian. It has taken me 37 years to know that it is not the same and then get over the pain I have suffered from those trying to push their "religion" on me. If my guess is wrong so be it. If I am right please accept my apologies for any wrong you have suffered.

Try taking ?you? and ?Me? out of the equation and try looking historically at this and stop using this convenient argument. If you stop trying to hide this on a personal level, Can you say honestly that religion has been anything but a disaster for the humans on the planet? I have been aware of people's religious hipocracy for a very long time. I look at what people do and have done and when people start to organized religiously and nothing good has EVER come out of it.
Old 06-04-2006, 02:27 AM
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Tolerant as a Christian, yes I can say that with no problem. I count as friends and/or family whites, blacks, asians, latinos, gays, lesbians, muslims, hindus, liberals, and conservatives. My cousin is gay yet I have no problem hugging him in public or sitting down for lunch with him and his partner.

Fozzy what you are doing is looking at everything negative about religion and blaming it for all of man's troubles. The problem is not religion no matter which religion you pick. The problem is man.

Man has always been corrupt, evil, and bad at some level. And we are all that way. Even if you could wipe out religion completely then man would pick up something else in its place to corrupt and do bad things. Nazi Germany is a prime example. It was no religion but facism....the belief in a strong national state taken to such an extreme as to kill millions. Stalin and his gulag camps were very similar. If you believed in religion, freedom, or anything that Stalin disagreed with then he painted you with his broad brush, called you an enemy of the state, and sentenced you to a little corner of Siberia. There he rounded up all those who he disagreed with so he could easily smack them around anytime he felt threatened by them. Sound familiar?

You don't like religion or believers of religion. Fine. But you're throwing around that broad paint brush of yours painting everyone you disagree with in one color. Guess what, everyone is different even among believers. You are doing the very thing you say you despise of religious believers. Ironic, is it not? In your desperate hate of all things religious you have become exactly what you say you hate the most.

We have met the enemy.......and they are us.
Old 06-04-2006, 09:08 AM
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Fozzy what you are doing is looking at everything negative about religion and blaming it for all of man's troubles. The problem is not religion no matter which religion you pick. The problem is man.

Not all, but there is a blatant difference between those who kill and maim and suject their will on others for physical things and a difference in doing these things because you have perverted the word of some text to make it completely condoned and sanctioned by a theocracy.

Man has always been corrupt, evil, and bad at some level. And we are all that way. Even if you could wipe out religion completely then man would pick up something else in its place to corrupt and do bad things.

So this makes religious no better than the non-believing masses? Thats what I've been saying all along. The human animal needs little help to kill their fellow man. However if the human animal has reached the point of some belief system that they are completely exhonerated and in fact will be rewarded in the "afterlife", things are worse! We've faced this enemy before and we currently are facing them right now. There are areas of the christian religion that has the same mindset and they are right here, right now.

Nazi Germany is a prime example. It was no religion but facism....the belief in a strong national state taken to such an extreme as to kill millions.

Wrong! The Nazi's we're almost 100% from religious backgrounds and Hitler was a Catholic. The propeganda and even uniforms were adorned with many religious slogans "God Mit Uns" was right there on the belt buckle worn by the Army.

Stalin and his gulag camps were very similar. If you believed in religion, freedom, or anything that Stalin disagreed with then he painted you with his broad brush, called you an enemy of the state, and sentenced you to a little corner of Siberia. There he rounded up all those who he disagreed with so he could easily smack them around anytime he felt threatened by them. Sound familiar?

Only partially true. The Churches were never closed, they were however (like old Europe) were converted to state churches and were there to foward the message of the state. Both of these situations prove more of the case that I have been describing. Just as in this country where a vast majority claim to be Christian, the news and the actions of the people sure do not bear out any correlation between religion and peace nor well being.

You don't like religion or believers of religion. Fine. But you're throwing around that broad paint brush of yours painting everyone you disagree with in one color. Guess what, everyone is different even among believers. You are doing the very thing you say you despise of religious believers.

And this is what usually set off the religious ractionaries, when their own type of logic is tossed their way, they get all confused and start spinning or putting up the barricades. Its not the true beleivers of any religion that is dangerous because they usually read the basic tennants of the religion and are taught by others who see the good in what their religion can be. However the good is short lived when there is an agenda behind it and thats when the human animal is at its most dangerous to his fellow man. Its stupid not to prepare for this. If you have a dangerous dog in the neighborhood that has biten several people, you do not let the dog run the neigborhood. Orginized Religion is JUST like the mad dog.

Ironic, is it not? In your desperate hate of all things religious you have become exactly what you say you hate the most.

Desperate? Hardly. Hate? Not even close. Frustrated that the world will continue to follow the same paths, you betcha! Again you do not answer the questions offered on your last post's premise.. Do you follow the bible FIRST or the bill or rights and the constitution?
Old 06-04-2006, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Fozzy what you are doing is looking at everything negative about religion and blaming it for all of man's troubles. The problem is not religion no matter which religion you pick. The problem is man.

Not all, but there is a blatant difference between those who kill and maim and suject their will on others for physical things and a difference in doing these things because you have perverted the word of some text to make it completely condoned and sanctioned by a theocracy.

Man has always been corrupt, evil, and bad at some level. And we are all that way. Even if you could wipe out religion completely then man would pick up something else in its place to corrupt and do bad things.

So this makes religious no better than the non-believing masses? Thats what I've been saying all along. The human animal needs little help to kill their fellow man. However if the human animal has reached the point of some belief system that they are completely exhonerated and in fact will be rewarded in the "afterlife", things are worse! We've faced this enemy before and we currently are facing them right now. There are areas of the christian religion that has the same mindset and they are right here, right now.

Nazi Germany is a prime example. It was no religion but facism....the belief in a strong national state taken to such an extreme as to kill millions.

Wrong! The Nazi's we're almost 100% from religious backgrounds and Hitler was a Catholic. The propeganda and even uniforms were adorned with many religious slogans "God Mit Uns" was right there on the belt buckle worn by the Army.

Stalin and his gulag camps were very similar. If you believed in religion, freedom, or anything that Stalin disagreed with then he painted you with his broad brush, called you an enemy of the state, and sentenced you to a little corner of Siberia. There he rounded up all those who he disagreed with so he could easily smack them around anytime he felt threatened by them. Sound familiar?

Only partially true. The Churches were never closed, they were however (like old Europe) were converted to state churches and were there to foward the message of the state. Both of these situations prove more of the case that I have been describing. Just as in this country where a vast majority claim to be Christian, the news and the actions of the people sure do not bear out any correlation between religion and peace nor well being.

You don't like religion or believers of religion. Fine. But you're throwing around that broad paint brush of yours painting everyone you disagree with in one color. Guess what, everyone is different even among believers. You are doing the very thing you say you despise of religious believers.

And this is what usually set off the religious ractionaries, when their own type of logic is tossed their way, they get all confused and start spinning or putting up the barricades. Its not the true beleivers of any religion that is dangerous because they usually read the basic tennants of the religion and are taught by others who see the good in what their religion can be. However the good is short lived when there is an agenda behind it and thats when the human animal is at its most dangerous to his fellow man. Its stupid not to prepare for this. If you have a dangerous dog in the neighborhood that has biten several people, you do not let the dog run the neigborhood. Orginized Religion is JUST like the mad dog.

Ironic, is it not? In your desperate hate of all things religious you have become exactly what you say you hate the most.

Desperate? Hardly. Hate? Not even close. Frustrated that the world will continue to follow the same paths, you betcha! Again you do not answer the questions offered on your last post's premise.. Do you follow the bible FIRST or the bill or rights and the constitution?
Well so far you have attacked me personally, then rant and rave about items you obviously know nothing about (i.e. Nazi Germany being religiously based! Yes they may have come from religious backgrounds as many did in Europe at that time. But this is a clear example of coming from religious backgrounds and BELIEVING is two different things) Jim Jones came from a religious background but it was his own man made desires, fears, and anxieties that turned his church into a cult and caused the deaths of hundredes in South America in the late 1970's. Just the same as Hitler.

You have yet to offer an explaination to me on how you can logically say you have no desire to know me but yet can say that I and people like me are no good for humanity. If you don't know me and don't care to how can you logically say that? By your own definition you have insufficient information to say I am no good for humanity yet you paint with that broad brush and put me neatly in your little stack of religious extremist. You are acting no better than a Hitler.

Now you want to throw up that I have not answered your question about what is first in my life.....the Bible or the US Constitution? Fozzy, you personally attack me and my beliefs and then expect me to answer a question that calls for you to express my beliefs? Are you that stupid? That is a philisophical trap you want to lay down. If I answer the Bible then you belittle me about not respecting others rights and being a religious fanatic. If I answer the Constitution you will belittle me saying I am weak on my faith by not putting it first. It's the same example of the boy who when to the wise man with a bird in his hand. The boy said I will fool the wise man when I ask him if the bird is alive or dead. If he says dead then I will release it from my hand. If he says alive I will crush it and kill it. Either way I win. That is exactly what you want to do here with your question.

If I explain the real answer to you it would not help because it requires at least some minor attempt at respect and understanding of anothers beliefs. You have already demonstrated you have nothing but utter contempt for me and my beliefs so why should I try. It would be like two people who speak different languages trying to talk to one another when one has no desire to respect the other and try to translate and understand the message.

Fozzy, man will continue to prevert anything he gets his hands on to his own means. Religion, fascism, communisum, his race, his creed, his size, his color, his anything. You want to send religion out to the executioner because of what you perceive as many many wrongs. But you neglect to look at the good that religion has done. How many starving people in the world have been feed by the love and compassion of a believer who really tried to follow the right way? How many threatened people were protected by the love and charity of a believer even when that believer was threatened? Just one example for you is Franklin Graham's program Samaritan's Purse. That program is responsible for helping millions of people world wide REGARDLESS OF WHAT BELIEF THEY HAVE. When they provide food, clothing, shelter, etc they do not ask what faith they belong to or require a conversion to Christianity. They just help because it is what their belief your neighbor as yourself. And there are many many other doing the same thing.

I know that neither of us will change the others mind here. You think I am a kook who needs mental observation at best and banishment to a little barren island at worst. You think I am shocked by that? Man, that has been going on for centuries and it is nothing new.
Old 06-04-2006, 01:55 PM
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Well so far you have attacked me personally, then rant and rave about items you obviously know nothing about (i.e. Nazi Germany being religiously based! Yes they may have come from religious backgrounds as many did in Europe at that time. But this is a clear example of coming from religious backgrounds and BELIEVING is two different things) Jim Jones came from a religious background but it was his own man made desires, fears, and anxieties that turned his church into a cult and caused the deaths of hundredes in South America in the late 1970's. Just the same as Hitler.

You have yet to offer an explaination to me on how you can logically say you have no desire to know me but yet can say that I and people like me are no good for humanity. If you don't know me and don't care to how can you logically say that? By your own definition you have insufficient information to say I am no good for humanity yet you paint with that broad brush and put me neatly in your little stack of religious extremist. You are acting no better than a Hitler.

Now you want to throw up that I have not answered your question about what is first in my life.....the Bible or the US Constitution? Fozzy, you personally attack me and my beliefs and then expect me to answer a question that calls for you to express my beliefs? Are you that stupid? That is a philisophical trap you want to lay down. If I answer the Bible then you belittle me about not respecting others rights and being a religious fanatic. If I answer the Constitution you will belittle me saying I am weak on my faith by not putting it first. It's the same example of the boy who when to the wise man with a bird in his hand. The boy said I will fool the wise man when I ask him if the bird is alive or dead. If he says dead then I will release it from my hand. If he says alive I will crush it and kill it. Either way I win. That is exactly what you want to do here with your question.

If I explain the real answer to you it would not help because it requires at least some minor attempt at respect and understanding of anothers beliefs. You have already demonstrated you have nothing but utter contempt for me and my beliefs so why should I try. It would be like two people who speak different languages trying to talk to one another when one has no desire to respect the other and try to translate and understand the message.

Fozzy, man will continue to prevert anything he gets his hands on to his own means. Religion, fascism, communisum, his race, his creed, his size, his color, his anything. You want to send religion out to the executioner because of what you perceive as many many wrongs. But you neglect to look at the good that religion has done. How many starving people in the world have been feed by the love and compassion of a believer who really tried to follow the right way? How many threatened people were protected by the love and charity of a believer even when that believer was threatened? Just one example for you is Franklin Graham's program Samaritan's Purse. That program is responsible for helping millions of people world wide REGARDLESS OF WHAT BELIEF THEY HAVE. When they provide food, clothing, shelter, etc they do not ask what faith they belong to or require a conversion to Christianity. They just help because it is what their belief your neighbor as yourself. And there are many many other doing the same thing.

I know that neither of us will change the others mind here. You think I am a kook who needs mental observation at best and banishment to a little barren island at worst. You think I am shocked by that? Man, that has been going on for centuries and it is nothing new.

VERY WELL spoken Redeemed!!
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Neil Peart
Old 06-04-2006, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Wow! What a tolerant message.

This from a Christian? The Christians are the last people on the planet that should be even utter the world tolerance and not blush or hang their heads in shame. When in world history can you point to a time where religions and especially the Christian religions can be called tolerant?

Sorry but our founding fathers of this great country knew about that kind of thinking and tried to find a way to stop it. You may have heard about's called The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

So do you follow the Constitution or the bible and which document do you place first in your list of priorities? Where is Jesus mentioned on either of these documents? The activities that they were designed to prevent were the societies of old Europe because they were close enough to remember it and the actions of the theocratic nations that ruled their populations by fear of the church state's reprisals and the church state's unflinching use of torture and slaughter.

I don't know you, but you sound like someone who has been hurt by organized religion in the past. If so, I am sorry. Sorry because I too have been hurt by those who think "religion" is the same as being a Christian. It has taken me 37 years to know that it is not the same and then get over the pain I have suffered from those trying to push their "religion" on me. If my guess is wrong so be it. If I am right please accept my apologies for any wrong you have suffered.

Try taking ?you? and ?Me? out of the equation and try looking historically at this and stop using this convenient argument. If you stop trying to hide this on a personal level, Can you say honestly that religion has been anything but a disaster for the humans on the planet? I have been aware of people's religious hipocracy for a very long time. I look at what people do and have done and when people start to organized religiously and nothing good has EVER come out of it.
I have asked you Not to make this a debate, Fozzy!!!!!!

But you insist on opening your trap!

You continue to debate on this thread when that is not what it is for, you sir are inconsiderate, and no better that what you preach.

I have been patient, even when we have had our own runarounds, but this is ridiculouse. This proves the fact that you are out for trouble. And are no better that the Nazies. Are you proud of this? Does this make you smile everytime you tap that keyboard.

You say you want to bring thought, into a thread that has a religiouse thought. What thought do you want to bring into a prophetic thread? I asked you," Do you have a prophecy to discuss?" NO, then what is you buisness, to sped contention. If so you are no better that what you spout.

There is many proverbs for you, but one comes into mind!

A dog always returns to his own vomit! And a Pig returns to whallowing in the mire!

King Solomon should have put you picture under that proverb. So prove me wrong and quite debating on theis thread. there is others for that!!!!!!!

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Neil Peart
Old 06-04-2006, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Now that is all out of the way!

Continue Redeemed!
Slimland, I will summarize this because I have to leave out tomorrow and will be gone for the week.

It goes back to 2Peter 3:8. To the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. We have talked before how God likes to work in dualities. For example, the different color horses mentioned in Revelation being used in another part of the Bible. Another example being the book of Isaiah describing the return of the Jews from Babylon and the coming of Jesus.

Well this is an end time theory I had heard before that Jesus return could correspond with the original story of creation. That God created everything in 6 days then rested on the seventh. That there were 4000 years from creation to Jesus and 2000 years from Jesus to present. That if 2Peter was correct then we have hit the sixth day mark. That God's creation will come to its completion and now it is time for the day of rest. The 1000 years of Jesus reign of peace.

To me the theory always seemed to miss something because you had to explain the millions of years that show up in different scientific test for time/dating ancient artifacts. But after hearing this bible study it seemed to click. It was the old argument of what came first, the chicken or the egg? If you believe in creation then the chicken came first. Not just a chicken but a full matured chicken capable of pro-creation. So just like Jesus created fully matured aged wine at the wedding feast God created a world in full maturity. So just as if you could scientifically call the chicken mature/older on the day of its creation you could call the earth mature and showing itself millions of years old even on the day God created it. Another example would be rings found in trees signifing their age. Do you think that the trees God created had no rings because they were brand new or did they have rings in them signifing their maturity? Adam is another example. All biblical reference describe him as a man. Not a new born child.

So in short, this was another explaination of a sign that shows us at the end-times. That God's 6-days for his creation have come and now it is time for the rest. Could this be what was meant when it was said that the full number of believers must come before the end would come?

Slimland, I will send you a PM. Thanks!
I too have heard this and see alote of Truth to it. The insight that God give's His Children is awsome, for the world cannot understand it, and the understanding of it is only found in Christ Jesus. When that Holy Spirit of Promise comes to reside in the believier the Viel of the old Testament is taken out of the way, and He teaches and brings you into all truth.

Redeemed injoy your rest, a God be With You!!

May He keep you, and bless you!
May He leet His face shine upon you!
And lift up His countanace to you!
And give you PEACE!!
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Neil Peart
Old 06-10-2006, 03:05 PM
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I know this is not prophetic of Nature.

But I was reading and I came across something that astounded me.

First let me ask, has anyone ever heard that when Adam and Eve, ate of the apple that we handed over rule of the earth to Satan?

I have!

I understood it, but I came across something that I found interesting.

In the Old Testament, Cain was upset because his gift to the Lord was rejected. and the Lord told him.

Genesis 4:5-7
5 but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.
6 So the LORD said to Cain, ?Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.?

So my question is according to this, we had rule over it, was this untill the Law come and put us under subjection to the law?

I know the answer, I want to see what y'alls opinions are!
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Neil Peart
Old 07-30-2006, 06:22 PM
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Hmm--Open for buisness 8)
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Neil Peart

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