Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 11-30-2006, 03:16 AM
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Hi, Guys!!


Please accept my most heart-felt praise for the quality and eloquence of your post.

If ever the right words were spoken at the right time to the right people (i.e.; the ones who are in the greatest need of love, comfort, support, and Prayer), they would be the words that you have shared with all of us.

I feel both proud and humbled to call you my friend.

Redeemed, my prayers are with your mother, your family, and you.

Old 11-30-2006, 05:37 AM
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Thanks, Useless. I didn't even know you were listening!

I don't really KNOW "Redeemed." For awhile I thought he was a she. But, I've read alot of his responses to Slim, and I think I know he is a "true believer."

I wasn't even really following this thread.... too religious for me. But, I happened to read his "off topic" post about his mother. I haven't lost either of MY parents yet. Not even close. I hope I can heed my own advice when my time comes!

But, it IS what I've always been taught, and what I believe. I'm quite sure Redeemed knows it as well, but sometimes, when the situation faces us, we forget our faith. I KNEW he was too good a person to forget his faith, but might need just a little reminder. And sometimes that can come from the most remote regions.

I am about as remote a region as they come. :cry:

If I've EVER said anything that gives comfort to another soul, then I am way ahead of what I expected of myself. Sometimes, I just open a "channel" to my higher power, and it speaks through me. It's not like others aren't saying the same things, but sometimes they are not where I am. And where I am, is where it is needed.

I don't deserve any praise for what I said. It is all in the spoken word of the creator. It is but the Truth, and I am not the origin of the Truth. If I can manage to relate it without corrupting it with my sinful prejudices and failings, then I have not failed in my mission or ministry.

It is "I" who am humbled to be called a friend by you. There are few in this life that understand me. And fewer still, who like me. If your're not real careful, you might end up being one!

Peace and blessings on you and your family.

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 11-30-2006, 09:54 PM
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I just read your response and unfortunately there are no words or emoticons available to me to express how much your post helped me. So I will just say thank you. You are right that I have "forgotten my faith" and I pray that God will forgive me and help me for that.

Just as an update on my mother.....

She made it through this last episode with her heart and is now back out of the hospital. I know little about congestive heartfailure but according to her doctor her heart will continue to have these "episodes" where it stresses out until it finally gives out. He seemed surprised she made it through this last one but he says the prognosis is unchanged and she will not make it much longer. They have given her the strongest medication to control her heart and they have nothing else available to do.

Golfhobo, Useless, Slimland, and anyone else reading....thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Old 12-02-2006, 02:48 AM
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GolfHobo- Excellent post, and TRUTH flowed all through it!

As we are diffrent parts of the Body of Christ, you sir God has used to uplift a Brother. May God Bless you Hobo.

Redeemed-- I am glade to hear about your mother having a little while longer with you and yours. Take advantage of it, and let her know how much your love is for her.

To live is Christ, But to die is gain! This says it all.
You can twist perceptions
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I will be the judge
And the jury

Neil Peart
Old 12-02-2006, 03:39 AM
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you can rename this thread with my catchy phrase
what has god dun for you today.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????
Old 12-02-2006, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ken_o
you can rename this thread with my catchy phrase
what has god dun for you today.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????

What has God done for me today?

Even in trials and Tribulation, I have the Peace and Tranquility of nowing He is there, and holding me up. Eventhough I do not see Him nor feel Him, the scripture says He will never leave me nor forsake me. And the Scripture says that God cannot lie. So I reside in this truth and Thank my creator for all my faults, for through my faults God shows His mercy and streingth. For if I had no faults and were perfect, what would my need for God be?: But I have a continual remindence of my need for the Father, and the forgiving Blood of His Son. And through the Holy Spirit of Promise, I have an assurance, a seal, and an unction that tells me, that I am His, and my sins and lawless acts, He has delt with on the cross. And this assurance allows me to Love and fulfill the Law of God, wich is the Law of Love. And therfor shows the fruit of the Spirit. So what has God done for me? He gave me life, and that life is found in His Son Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can twist perceptions
Reality won't budge
You can raise objections
I will be the judge
And the jury

Neil Peart
Old 12-02-2006, 08:41 PM
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i asked with my catchy phrase "what has god dun for you today" and you felt the need to preach but not answer the question.
do you feel he is with you all the time well then what has he dun for you today please enlighten me as for i am openminded to the whole god religion thing.
Old 12-02-2006, 11:58 PM
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Just a few things, like supplies the air I need to breathe, regulates the weather patterns, regulates my body temperature, etc, etc.

He does these though for people who do not acknowledge Him and even those who curse Him.
Old 12-03-2006, 01:39 AM
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i just as convinced their is a god as am convinced their is an easter bunny i ask you nice folks what he has done for you today that you havent done foryourself
and your response is rhetoric.
the air you breathe is a chemical reaction the weather patterns r regulated by such things as oceanic tempatures the moon mountains barometric pressure etc.....
your bodys temp is regulated by chemical reations on a more biological level. i can go for a jog or step into a sauna does that make me god.
this god religion thing makes people feel better about dying someday while hampering our advancement in medical sciences ie stemcell research its almost ironic. meanwhile the my god is better then your god arguement has killed people for centurys. is your god better then the muslims god. if people would drop this and spend time and money on whats really important advancing humanity.

the question is still unanswered what has god dun for u today.
Old 12-03-2006, 02:42 AM
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The question can not be answered. It is a philosophical question that has gone on for ages between those who believe in a higher power and those who do not.

The simple nature of believing in any supreme being, whether you call that being God, Allah, Buddha, etc, calls for a measure of faith in something that can not been readily seen or measured.

This in itself is why your question can not be answered. You would require specific empirical evidence that God did something. Yet because of your own unbelief you are prepared to explain away any answer a believer gives you as something other than God.

So your question is not a search for answers but instead an attempt to discredit those who you disagree with. If you are really looking for an answer you need to ask the proper question.

Even then, if you are not willing to at least try and be open minded about the answer then it is just a waste of everyone's time. It would be like two people who speak totally different languages trying to communicate. You will have to be prepared to step away from what you know so you can understand the other person.

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