Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 12-04-2006, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Truckfam
Originally Posted by ken_o
i asked with my catchy phrase "what has god dun for you today" and you felt the need to preach but not answer the question.
do you feel he is with you all the time well then what has he dun for you today please enlighten me as for i am openminded to the whole god religion thing.
I know this was a question asked to someone else, but I can answer that question.

1) He gave me a peace of mind, and took away my depression
2) He took away the small shadows that were running along the floor boards - also known as imps or the smaller devils.
3) He has helped my husband find a job with a company that really suits him right now.
4) He has kept us out of financial trouble.
5) He has given me strength to live through out this day instead of wanting to sleep the entire day because of depression.
6) He has given me my life back, I would not be here if it were not for him.
7) Because of him I have a loving husband and three wonderful children eventhough I don't deserve them.

The stories behind all of these statements can be long. I went through alot of trials, and it wasen't until afterwards that I saw God's hand in every thing. I know both sides, and I know which side I want to be on and belong to.
It really doesn't matter what God gives or does not give you in this life, the promise is eternal life. It does not matter how comfortable or horrible this life is, if you have eternal life.
Terry L. Davis
O/O with own authority
Old 12-04-2006, 05:56 PM
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Sorry, I'm coming into this late... Up to this point read up to page 4. I thought I might interject a couple of thoughts that might be of some interest.

Slimland - you said Isreal was the key. From my understanding, Isreal is connected with the fig tree in Matthew. Isreal is techincally the only country in history that has been a country, then been scattered all over the earth. In essence it died. Then in 1948, it became a country again. In essence, the fig tree started to bloom again. This is the sign that the end is near.

Redeemed - You said a generation was generally 60 - 70 years. Here is something to think on. They maya calander end in the year 2012. Some think this is signafinant, and others think it is just an end to a time cycle as our cycles every 12 months. I think there is a small possiblity that there may be something to the 2012 ending based on some conspiricy theories I have read. I'll leave it at that.

Also, the traditional Jewish wedding can be compaired to the rapture. Read this when you get a chance, and do a google search. Very interesting stuff.
From the website in a Jewish wedding, we are the waiting bride in step 4 of 8 not knowing when the groom is going to come and get us.
Old 12-04-2006, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by terrylamar

It really doesn't matter what God gives or does not give you in this life, the promise is eternal life. It does not matter how comfortable or horrible this life is, if you have eternal life.
I'm not so sure about that. I do not believe God wants us to lead a horrible life, but he doesn't interfere in our decisions unless we ask Him to. Having a relationship with God is the ultimate goal though.

Sometimes people still need to know that God still works in the here and now, and working in ordinary people's lives. Also, that miracles are still happening, and angels are still looking out for us.

There are two others I know of that have seen angels. One was a person drivng truck, and his angel in the guise of another truck driver in another truck driving down a steep slipery mountain saved his life. If that other truck wasen't there, he would probablly have panicked and killed himself. The other truck driver told him that he needed to, he could hit the back of his truck to help slow him down. How many times does that happen? Never. Second at the bottom of the hill, there was only one road going up the mountain and away from the mountain. He cb'ed asking for the other driver. A driver coming toward the mountain said he hasen't passed any other trucks.

I got the story from the driver himself. The other is from my mother and an event that happened at her church. The pastor was up praying at the alter. Some people went up to the pastor's wife, and asked who was praying. The pastor's wife questioning look said, that is the pastor. They said we know him, but who is that praying beside him? Several people saw the other person also. Some others didn't including the pastor and his wife.
Old 12-05-2006, 12:44 AM
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Well, I am not sure, but--- A possibility is, that Gods kingdom and government to man, was a monarchy. And it is possible that the action taken in Iraq and trying to make it a democracy, is the house that it is talking about. But I realy do not know, for it is only speculation on my part.

This is why I brought it up, and if you remember on the other site, we where bringing up alot of Zacheria, for I see it pertains alot to Apocalipto. And we never realy finished the subjects. I think we should stay on this book for awhile, and discuss it. YOU Game? :lol:
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Neil Peart
Old 12-05-2006, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Truckfam
Sorry, I'm coming into this late... Up to this point read up to page 4. I thought I might interject a couple of thoughts that might be of some interest.

Slimland - you said Isreal was the key. From my understanding, Isreal is connected with the fig tree in Matthew. Isreal is techincally the only country in history that has been a country, then been scattered all over the earth. In essence it died. Then in 1948, it became a country again. In essence, the fig tree started to bloom again. This is the sign that the end is near.

Redeemed - You said a generation was generally 60 - 70 years. Here is something to think on. They maya calander end in the year 2012. Some think this is signafinant, and others think it is just an end to a time cycle as our cycles every 12 months. I think there is a small possiblity that there may be something to the 2012 ending based on some conspiricy theories I have read. I'll leave it at that.

Also, the traditional Jewish wedding can be compaired to the rapture. Read this when you get a chance, and do a google search. Very interesting stuff.
From the website in a Jewish wedding, we are the waiting bride in step 4 of 8 not knowing when the groom is going to come and get us.
You IMOP have a good understanding of the Fig Tree being Israel.
Go back and read the rest of the pages, there is some good info, and opinions.
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Neil Peart
Old 12-05-2006, 02:35 AM
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You IMOP have a good understanding of the Fig Tree being Israel.
Go back and read the rest of the pages, there is some good info, and opinions.
Thanks. To be honest, I wouldn't have as good of understanding if I didn't do any studies on the rapture and tribulation as it compairs to original Jewish traditions and the Jewish feasts. Each feast represents God's timeline. For example the passover feast to celebrate the passing over of the angel of death in Egypt also plays out Jesus dying on the cross.

I have heard from a messianiac Jew that in the 7 feasts, 4 have already passed. We are currently in the long streach between the past four feasts and the fall feasts. The fall feasts are very, very somber, and they take place in a more rapid succession.

Get this, for the rapture we are awaiting a trumpet blow. The next feast is the feast of the Trumpets.

I will read over the rest of the posts as I have time.
Old 12-05-2006, 04:55 AM
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Slimland - I admit that the towers referenced in Isaiah could be the twin towers. I would have to study that further. It is too much of a strech for Revelation ch 18. One of the problems is that Babylon is refered back to Revelation 17 where it says the woman riding the beast has mystery Babylon on her forhead. Then in 17:9 the seven heads are seven mountains in which the woman sits on. The woman who is Babylon is a city that sits more than likely at the base of seven mountains.

Another problem I have with the towers being babylon is that later in ch 18:19 it talks about an entire city and not just a couple of buildings in a city. In ch 18:11 it says no man will buy their merchandise any longer. Yet, the stock market is still going as strong as ever. The other companies who were in the twin towers moved to other locations. In 18:24 it states that the blood of the prophets and the saints was foiund in her. Sorry, no one killed any mayrters in the the twin towers.

I do believe much evidence points to the Vatican as you mentioned in an earlier post. I'm not longer a Roman Catholic.

"The same reason he fell from heaven Pride what gave him pride? his beauty, what gave him his beauty His Trading,"

I don't really think trading gave him beauty. You did hit on a point here. He fell from heaven because of Pride. I do believe he created the trading and currency system we have today. Why stop there, since that is not the ultimate goal? One world government, one world currency, one world religion, and of course war on the saints.

My thoughts is that his entire system is the beast starting with the UN. The UN was created to unite the world. The UN now has a world court that all countries under its charter has to obey even if those rulings goes against a countries constiution. I have even heard of rulings in the US where the judge goes against the constitution in favor of international "standards". One world currency, well think of what they did in Europe with the EURO, and rumors of a cashless society and how we are headed that way. One world religion clearly spelled out in Revelation 13:15 worship or die.

"Remember this: a man with supernatural power is not necessarily from God; the devil has supernatural power too, as do his demons."

Very well said.
Old 12-05-2006, 05:49 AM
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Redeemed - thanks for the news story on the Tailban.

Simland - "the U.S.A would have to no longer exist, or under muslim rule, or just weaken. "

Conspery therorist here. Yes there are rumors of those who are planning USA's demise. Under their (people behind the governmental powers pulling the strings/secert societies) want to see USA fall. This could be anything from cities being bomed, for various reasons declaring a state of emergancy and enacting martial law in which we would be under FEMA control for at least 6 months before congress could do anything about out. All enacted through executive orders. Or a possible planned economic crash as great or worse than the great depression. This doesn't have to be done through the stock market either with the way our money is set up with the federal reserve system. Side note, the federal reserve does not belong to the US, but a bunch of bankers. Because of this system, we will never be able to pay off our debt even if every penny was collected and given back to them.

Daywalker with what you said on page 8 I agree.

I always wondered about the mark of the beast and why after you take it, you're done for. After reading about brain washing and the possiblity of technology being far more advanced than what is out on the market today, I started to think the chip could very well be a way to control us. If our mind, emotions, and even possibly body was controled, then we would never really be able to make another free will choice again. The choice to choose Jesus would be lost forever.

Redeemed - Wow on the post about the Romans. I never thought of it that way.
Old 12-08-2006, 12:06 AM
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Ooops double post!
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Neil Peart
Old 12-08-2006, 12:08 AM
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Ahh a fresh mind Truckfam!

I like the way you put the babylone thing, but that was just a phisical account, it even goes deeper, into the spiritual. But it is just an outlook and an opinion on my part. I wished I could give you a link to another thread where I went into more detail about it, but unfortunatly CAD had problems and all that info and discussion was erased. But I will look on another site, where I think I reposted it, but not sure and put it here.

As for Daywalker, He unfortanantly is no longer with us. He is working out in the ocean on some oil rig and I very rarly hear from him. I hope he is doing fine!

Truckfam what do you think of the Zacheria passage of the basket and wickedness?
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