Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 12-17-2006, 01:31 PM
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I love your thread Slim. Ken is in a melt down and wanting to be banned. Call it a cry for help?

I read your thread with lots of interest.
I know you are busy these days, and hope your job is going great.
Hope you had a good Hanukkah yesterday!

ops: ...oooooooh wait... :P ...never mind. :lol:

Old 12-17-2006, 01:45 PM
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="roadhog"]I love your thread Slim. Ken is in a melt down and wanting to be banned. Call it a cry for help?

I read your thread with lots of interest.
I know you are busy these days, and hope your job is going great.
Hope you had a good Hanukkah yesterday!

ops: ...oooooooh wait... :P ...never mind. :lol:


Thanks RoadHog, been a long time! I am ready for Christmas to be over with, I seem to be one of those Grenches this time of year :lol: My job is doing good, I was moved from Asst, Prodution Manager to Quality Assurance, They needed someone in that field, and thought I would be a good canidate. My boss thought I would be upset, I told him I don't care what I do as long as my pay don't change and I don't have to lift anything heavy. He said he figured I would have my feelings hurt, No I reminded him I was off for 2 years and when I got released, it was so hard for me to find a job, I didn't care what it was!, and not to mention, the only power I have lost is the ability to hire and fire, but I gained the ability to shut down the whole plant and write up managment! :shock:
I don't know wich is more stressful, when I was asst, my teritory was mainly production, Now it is all over the plant. I am just glade I don't have to manage all the old women now, Less stress. And still making the same money. I will be training in all the USDA stuff, Plus the Qualaty Assurance.

As for Ken-o I notice My thread was not the only one, and yes he is melting down.

How have you been? are you ready for Chistmas also?

Oh I went to Jents house of music here in Lubbock, and played on a seagul accoustic. Man it sounded better that my 62 Gibson, and the neck was much wider, and easier to play. I want It!!! but right now I don't have the money, it was 500 dollars, pretty good price for the quality. It was Mahogony with a cedar top, and no finish on it.
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Neil Peart
Old 12-17-2006, 02:07 PM
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You have GAS. ( Gear Acquisition Syndrome )
All Musician's suffer this. Especially this time of the year, and
if your sickness developes to the terminal level like mine...
you suffer all year.
Forget is incurable. You have to just live with it. :?

I really want one of these this year.
They work great on CD's too.

If you really want that have to get tough.
I might feel bad later...but
I don't know. No GAIN.

You suffer an incurable disease. You could feel worse
if your GAS is not treated. You MUST acquire.
Good luck Bro. 8)
God Bless

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Old 12-18-2006, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland

Oh I went to Jents house of music here in Lubbock, and played on a seagul accoustic. Man it sounded better that my 62 Gibson, and the neck was much wider, and easier to play. I want It!!! but right now I don't have the money, it was 500 dollars, pretty good price for the quality. It was Mahogony with a cedar top, and no finish on it.
Well, as for the matter of price, just remember that a good guitar is a "sound" investment!!
Old 12-18-2006, 05:04 PM
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Hi, Slimland!!

Now, getting back to the issue of prophecy, what events do you see transpiring in the upcomming year of 2007??

What events do you think we should be keeping our eyes on right now??

Merry Christmas 2U& Urs!!

Peace, Useless
Old 12-19-2006, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Useless
Hi, Slimland!!

Now, getting back to the issue of prophecy, what events do you see transpiring in the upcomming year of 2007??

What events do you think we should be keeping our eyes on right now??

Merry Christmas 2U& Urs!!

Peace, Useless

I am sure Slimland will give some good thoughts but I thought I would try some of my own as well. There are so many areas to look at for things to effect prophecy.

First, I would definitely keep your eyes on Jerusalem and Israel. Any moves there will have great effect. Specifically, any peace talks that call for giving up more land or splitting up Jerusalem.

Then watch Iran and the status of these new elections and their dealings with Russia. If these elections go against Ahmadenijad(sp) then the radical clerics there could try to take more aggressive measures to keep control. Russia has a lot at stake in Iran with investments and trying to balance out the US presence in the area.

Other things area's to watch in the Mid-East are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. All three are countries with strong radical elements in them that would love to overthrow the current governments.

Finally, keep watch in South America. Hugo Chavez has several leaders of countries in South America talking about forming a political-economic partnership to increase their force in the world. Something similar to the European Common Market/European Union. If this is successful they could clearly become a strong force to be dealt with in our own hemisphere.

And this does not even start on discussing China, the EU, or the growing animosity between two of the worlds three greatest religions. But its just a start.
Old 12-19-2006, 01:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Useless
Hi, Slimland!!

Now, getting back to the issue of prophecy, what events do you see transpiring in the upcomming year of 2007??

What events do you think we should be keeping our eyes on right now??

Merry Christmas 2U& Urs!!

Peace, Useless
First off I want to say good job and some very good points Redeemed. Also thanks Useless, You and Yours also have a Merry Christmas.

Let me start by saying, by No means am I making a claim here, Just an opinion and a diffrent out look. Some of you have already read this befor, but I will type it again, Just for thought and discussion.

As we have discussed the Bible tells us that a generation is 40 years. The number 40 comes up quite often. Mosses and the Israelites where in the wilderness for 40 years until that generation passed on. Noah -- It rained 40 days and 40 nights,etc.

Anyway, Jesus told us that when we see the fig tree blossom we Know it is near, and that generation will not pass befor these things happen. "

Well Israel became their own in 1948, but they didn't realy bloom untill 1967, this is when they got there land back from the 6 day war.
If this is what the bible was talking about, wich I think it is. Add a generation to that and we have 2007. Give or take a year because of Jewich calander. So the question is, what is next on the prophetic calander. the Answer= The Rapture.

Does the bible back itself up on this? Yes IMOP!

I am reposting the next one, Don't want to retype it!

Now the Raptur can happen "from what I understand" 40 years after Israel gets thier land back. This happend in 1967 that put a generation around 2007-2008. To give further support to this I will have to point to the below.

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

After the fall of the 2 towers, there is a period of 7 years, that God sends his light out, thus the light of the moon "which is God light shinning in the darkness" will be seven fold "more people comming to Christ the great call to come out of the darkness" The sun light is seven fold, " The Glory of God will be seen in his people, and the heavens". Then also after the Fall of the Towers, God will cause all the Nation to Error. Thus what is happening now. After the seven years there will be a call to come up to the mountain of the Lord "Raptur" after this Judgment on the Earth.

The Towers fell in 9-11-01, that with 7 years is about 2007-2008 give or take on both accounts because this would be going by Jewish Calander and Months.

It is now 2006.


Not to mention befor Christ recieves his Church to himself, in Luke "There will be signs in the sea, it's waves roaring, and this will cause peplexity among the nations, for fear of whats comming upon the Earth, There will be signs in the Heavens, and mens hearts will fail them." "Paraphrasing"

So the New and Old Testament, both backing each other up.

Is the Raptur going to happen this year 2007 or the next 2008? I don't know but I hope soo! And it kinda looks that way.

What do y'all think?

And another Repost cause I screwed up again!!

Isaiah CH30:25-26

"There will be on every high mountain and on every high hill Rivers and streams of waters, In the day of the Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall. Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound."

I found this interesting.

I am going to quote myself and double post!

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

The reason I put the Kings!

It is the makeup of the kingdom of darkness, it's also physical as it is spiritual. The king that was presently sitting on the beast was Lucifer "Satan" the beast that is to come out of the abyss is the Destroyer. His spirit is the one who flows over the earth, the one John told us about, the Spirit of the Antichrist. Before he comes out of the abyss he gets 10 kings "fallen Arch Angels" to attack Satan, When Satan falls or fell his Image fell with him. What is his Image? The same reason he fell from heaven Pride what gave him pride? his beauty, what gave him his beauty His Trading, The love of money is a root to all kinds of Evil. This all can be found in Ezekiel Ch 28 vrs 11-19. So now we know that the money systems of the world where made by Lucifer. When he fell his trading fell. Thus the 2 Towers. Rev ch 18 exact description, How many times does the Angle say Fallen? 2 Times vrs 2 "Babylon the Great is Fallen, Fallen" how much time does it take? 1 Hour vrs 10 "for in one our your judgment has come".

God called his people out before it fell "come out of her my people, so you do not participate in her plagues". Did God cause this to happen? No, The beast in the pit did.

Now what? Well, first the rapture then Satan has the key to the bottomless pit, he will open it releasing the 2 beast that reside in there, there names are Abbadon, and Apollyon, both mean destroyers. This is your Antichrist and False Prophet. They will heal the wound that was caused to the Kingdom of darkness "The neck wound" and they will reign, first the false prophet then the Antichrist."7&8" Notice the 8th one is of the 7, the 5th kingdom on earth was the Holy Roman Empire, it is reborn in the European union which originally consisted of 10 country's."10 Kings".

any questions?
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Neil Peart
Old 12-24-2006, 12:28 AM
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Finally, keep watch in South America. Hugo Chavez has several leaders of countries in South America talking about forming a political-economic partnership to increase their force in the world. Something similar to the European Common Market/European Union. If this is successful they could clearly become a strong force to be dealt with in our own hemisphere.
For those interested, read this article. What makes it prophetically important is the implication that this charismatic political leader would also become the uncontested religious head in the country.,00.html
Old 12-24-2006, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Finally, keep watch in South America. Hugo Chavez has several leaders of countries in South America talking about forming a political-economic partnership to increase their force in the world. Something similar to the European Common Market/European Union. If this is successful they could clearly become a strong force to be dealt with in our own hemisphere.
For those interested, read this article. What makes it prophetically important is the implication that this charismatic political leader would also become the uncontested religious head in the country.,00.html

Redeemed I found this interesting! Could this be the making of the False Prophet? Stay Tunned!!

I noticed the scripture doesnot realy say where the False prophet will come from, but since he is the right hand of the ANti Christ I would assume that he would come from the same form of power, but not neccesarly the same area! So it is possible!!!

I want to hear some other thought's on this, then I will place a more thorough analyisis.

What do you think of the Raptur?
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Neil Peart
Old 12-24-2006, 01:52 PM
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What do I think of the rapture? In short, pre-trib & with current events the way they are.....any day. I have read other prophecy researchers and preachers and they all seem to agree that nothing else is due on the prophetic calander before the rapture.

I don't know if this is really the false prophet or just someone who is setting precedent for things to come. Anyway, it is very freaky.

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