Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 12-26-2006, 01:12 AM
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The Love of many will grow cold!!

I never thought I would find myself in this situation, being a Christian and Knowing what I believe to be Truth! But each day I find myself starting to loath people, I wouldn't so much as call it hate, because I don't. But I don't know how to explain it!
I guess this question should be, can a Child of God, be subject to this scripture? Yes maybe so in a sense, though we are in the world, we are not of the world, but things that pertain to the world do affect us also! Exspecialy since we are human, and not perfect. But the thing that strikes me most, is out of all the people I loath, it is I myself the most!

Do you guys and gals ever hear music, that just fits the mood? I do, and it comes in spurts. The mood I have been in recently, is some bad rubbish and a I don't give a crap mood. To tell the truth, that is not like me, though it is more like the old me. Like when I was younger.

The love of many will grow cold. I hope I don't!

Hearts will fail man for what is comming upon the earth.

War, Pestelence's and famine!
Is it comming? Yes, in due time.
We already see the growing of global war, could this be the red horse?
Take peace from the earth!!
I feel it,, do you?

A mesure of wheat for a penny, and three measure's of barley for a penny. But hurt not the oil and wine!
This is comming to past, and to be accelerated in the near futur.

On another site, something was said to me. and it struck a cord.

It goes somthin like this!
You have a very Merry Christmas, and pray for Our Lord Jesus, Who is cut off from us right now for awhile, so that the devil can have his best with us. Remember, all the negative thoughts are just a test and trial period. Don't let it get to you. It is God's way of having you weather the devil for a while, and overcome him in the end, so you will never fall from heaven, once you get there. Trust me, it's necessary.

A Very Merry Holiday Season To You and Yours,
What is funny is I never said anything about negative thoughts of any sort on this site! matter of fact I am usualy debating this guy, but in a good way not like just for argument. Is he a brother in CHrist? Yes I believe soo, but he has some wierd out looks.
But when he wrote this, it struck a cord in me, and opened my eyes to something matter of fact 2 things.

1 -- the way I have been thinking and acting, and feeling, in wich I have stated befor, and to put it in perspective, wayging war on myself and mind!

2-- The scripture he is refering too is in daniel 9:26.
The messiah will be cut off but not for himself! "paraphrased"

Cut off??? I know what it means, but the context he put it in, still matches the context that it is in--in scripture. I never noticed it, and to be frank it suprised me, that someone, other than Redeemed, or Hobo, or even the Reverend. Pointed this out. But then again there is my fall, Pride!
Thinking I know something, when I should have been smart enough to know I know nothin!! :?

Well I would like some take on this, this is alot of food for thought when broken down. Anyone care to take a crack at it. I know Redeemed will, He and I seem to go through the same things about the same time!


Now I will have to change my signature just to match the mood, and point out more truth!
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Neil Peart
Old 12-26-2006, 01:52 PM
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First thoughts,

I don't believe that God is testing us to make sure that we can stand up and not fall when we get to Heaven. Think about the fact that once we are in His hand that nothing and no one can take us away. That is paraphrased so I will locate the scripture for it.

However, do I believe that we can go through dry periods where the Lord is absent, or appears to be absent? Yes. Also, I think you have something about in the last days that the love of many will grow cold. I don't believe that believers will be totally immune to the effects of the last days. Remember, when the false christ appear that they will do great signs and miracles, so great as even to fool the elect, if that were possible.

What I take from that is that the believers will be subject to many of the same ills of the world that unbelievers will be. But that it is the hand of God Himself that holds us in place when these terrible things fall on us.

I know what you mean when you talk about loathing in general because I find myself doing that everyday. It takes a real effort of myself to stop and reflect on what I am doing and thinking to keep from falling into that hole.

I will give some more later when I can study it a little more.
Old 12-26-2006, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed

First thoughts,

I don't believe that God is testing us to make sure that we can stand up and not fall when we get to Heaven. Think about the fact that once we are in His hand that nothing and no one can take us away. That is paraphrased so I will locate the scripture for it.

However, do I believe that we can go through dry periods where the Lord is absent, or appears to be absent? Yes. Also, I think you have something about in the last days that the love of many will grow cold. I don't believe that believers will be totally immune to the effects of the last days. Remember, when the false christ appear that they will do great signs and miracles, so great as even to fool the elect, if that were possible.

What I take from that is that the believers will be subject to many of the same ills of the world that unbelievers will be. But that it is the hand of God Himself that holds us in place when these terrible things fall on us.

I know what you mean when you talk about loathing in general because I find myself doing that everyday. It takes a real effort of myself to stop and reflect on what I am doing and thinking to keep from falling into that hole.

I will give some more later when I can study it a little more.
I agree you could never fall, That is just one of the things that this guy spouts that I don't agree with! But none the less the point he made was a good one, and made some sense if you leave out the falling from Grace once arrived in Heaven.

I am looking forward to your thoughts, as for finding the scripture. No need to unless you want to. I know what you are talking about, and If I remember it right it is in Corinthians, maybe the 2nd one but I think it is the first one.
Goes something like this. Oops it was Romans

Romans 8:31-39

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“ For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Is this what you where talking about?
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Neil Peart
Old 12-27-2006, 03:58 PM
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Yes that scripture would cover it. And in general I think you hit the nail on the head by saying that we as believers can be affected by the world in a negative way.

First, while we have been redeemed by Jesus we have only been given a small taste of what is to come. So our ability to sin is still with us and we can still be affected by the sinful world around us. How many times are we told to be watchful for his coming. I think part of it is clearly to be prepared not only for His coming but not to be caught committing sin when He gets here. Also we are told to pray that we will escape and be able to stand before the Son of Man. See Luke 22:34-36

More thoughts to come.
Old 12-28-2006, 01:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Yes that scripture would cover it. And in general I think you hit the nail on the head by saying that we as believers can be affected by the world in a negative way.

First, while we have been redeemed by Jesus we have only been given a small taste of what is to come. So our ability to sin is still with us and we can still be affected by the sinful world around us. How many times are we told to be watchful for his coming. I think part of it is clearly to be prepared not only for His coming but not to be caught committing sin when He gets here. Also we are told to pray that we will escape and be able to stand before the Son of Man. See Luke 22:34-36

More thoughts to come.
I think part of it is clearly to be prepared not only for His coming but not to be caught committing sin when He gets here. Also we are told to pray that we will escape and be able to stand before the Son of Man. See Luke 22:34-36
This I have heard befor, and it might start debate if it does, it should still fit in this thread, because it is about Prophecy.

Now Lets look at this a moment Redeemed!

I guess my question is, what would happen if a person who is in Christ, is found sinning, when He "Christ" raptur's His church?

For if it is to be left behind, Then I know for sure I will be left!

But we have to look at the definition of Sin under the New covenant, and that is to reject Jesus Christ. So IMOP the sin that has to be commited, would be to deny Christ.
Since all sin was forgiven at the cross, except for Unbelief. "because it needs a change of the mind, Not forgivness" then I would assume that this is what it is refering too.
If not then we as Christians are being still held under the Old Law!
And then God would be found a liar, since He stated that the New Covenant "There sins and Lawless acts I will remmember No More" Where these have been forgven, Now there is no more sacrifice for sin! And Paul stated that God can do anything but Lie. And I have kinda went over this with Golf Hobo. Though He is not subject to His own Law, at times in past we see Him subject Himself to His own Law!

So How can We as Believers and accepter's of Christ, be found in Sin. For in Jesus Christ there is no more sin, because there is no more Old Law. Thus we are free from the old law of sin and death!

Your thought's please!!

Your Brother in Christ
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Old 12-29-2006, 01:49 AM
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Ok Y'all Now is the time. I am canceling my service, But I do have a laptop, and I can recieve some service for a limited time. But toward the end of Jaunuary like the 3 rd week I will be fully operational.

I will still be here just laying low for a few weeks, so keep it coming!!

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Neil Peart
Old 12-29-2006, 02:52 PM
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Hope you can still get this Slimland. I just briefly read your post about your ISP ending so I am not sure.

In short, I do not believe that if a believer is caught sinning when Jesus returns he will be left behind. As stated even as a believer we do not lose the capacity or will to sin. I believe it is what is in the heart of the believer and only Jesus knows which is sincere and which is phoney.

I do believe that if a believer is caught doing something they should not when he comes it will be an embarassment to the believer.....but then again it should be an embarassment regardless since we should live like He is going to return at any moment.

I fall short on this one too Slimland.

More later...just got in from work and gotta get some sleep.
Old 01-13-2007, 02:24 PM
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I am still working on getting my internet service up, should b by the end of this month.

Talk to y'all soon!

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Old 01-13-2007, 02:26 PM
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I am still working on getting my internet service up, should b by the end of this month.

Talk to y'all soon!

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Old 01-27-2007, 03:38 PM
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Hopefuly I will be back next week!

Chat with y'all soon!

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Neil Peart

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