Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 01-27-2007, 03:40 PM
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Hopefuly I will be back next week!

Chat with y'all soon!

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Neil Peart
Old 02-02-2007, 02:44 AM
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Hey all y'all I now have internet service, so we can continue.

Any points want to be made?
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Neil Peart
Old 02-02-2007, 04:02 AM
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Simland, you talk about loathing people. My uncle who is a Christian also talked about how he started to feel the same thing a few years back.

I was reading some of Rick Joyner's work. Boy does he really make you think. I will never be able to put what he said in as good of wording as he does. He got me to think of how I look at people even those whom I hate. You don't look at them for what they are doing to you now. You don't judge them whether or not they have Christ. Everybody has bad days. Even if they don't, you don't take that into consideration.

You look at the person including your enemies through God's eyes. To try to start to see who God called them to be knowing God loves them even when they are in the middle of a henious crime. To know God still wants that person in His kingdom, and if/when that person accepts God, that God has a plan and purpose for him or her. That person once God gets a hold of him/her, that he/she could very well be doing great works for God.

It is alot harder to do than to say. There is a person in another thread of mine, I had to appologize to. Just because I really started to hate that person, and it blead out on the words I wrote. I responded to that person again today. Probablly not as nicely as I should have, but I didn't do so in anger either. It is still hard to not look at the words, but to look at them as God would want me to see him. As God would see him.

In every one who says they are Christian and have accepted Christ, the Holy Ghost dwells in them. You should remember that when trying to see them through God's eyes. While realizing they are still human and bound to make mistakes and get others angry, you should be seeing the Holy Ghost in them.

The author also got me wondering on this also. God does things differently than we do here on earth. What makes sense to us, does not always line up with God. What makes sense to God has us beweildered. I do believe that God will reward us for the things we did here on Earth for him, but how will he determine that reward though.

Here on Earth we would reward someone for a job well done, thank you for helping out, you won this or that. I wonder if God is going to take into consideration the choices we didn't make that could have helped his kingdom. Or if you would be shown all the souls you lost because you did this instead of that. For example a person go up to a pastor saying he has a calling to become one. Just say that pastor was prideful and didn't want his congergation to become one least of all better than him. In that pride the pastor convinces that person not to go that route. Would God show that pastor all the souls that were lost because he didn't help that person on their way to becoming a minister?

Here is something he said about trials you are going through:

"When you worship without seeing His glory in the midst of your trials, that is worship in Spirit and in truth. The Father seeks such to be His worshipers. Do not waste your trials. Worship the Father, not for what you will receive, but to bring Him joy. You will never be stronger than when you bring Him joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

I have been through many trials, and sometimes feel like I'm in one long continous one. I have prayed alot. After I read that, I started to worship meaning just thanking God even I don't feel like it. It seems the more I do, the better things get. What I pray about now really does seem more possible.
Old 02-03-2007, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Truckfam
Simland, you talk about loathing people. My uncle who is a Christian also talked about how he started to feel the same thing a few years back.

I was reading some of Rick Joyner's work. Boy does he really make you think. I will never be able to put what he said in as good of wording as he does. He got me to think of how I look at people even those whom I hate. You don't look at them for what they are doing to you now. You don't judge them whether or not they have Christ. Everybody has bad days. Even if they don't, you don't take that into consideration.

You look at the person including your enemies through God's eyes. To try to start to see who God called them to be knowing God loves them even when they are in the middle of a henious crime. To know God still wants that person in His kingdom, and if/when that person accepts God, that God has a plan and purpose for him or her. That person once God gets a hold of him/her, that he/she could very well be doing great works for God.

It is alot harder to do than to say. There is a person in another thread of mine, I had to appologize to. Just because I really started to hate that person, and it blead out on the words I wrote. I responded to that person again today. Probablly not as nicely as I should have, but I didn't do so in anger either. It is still hard to not look at the words, but to look at them as God would want me to see him. As God would see him.

In every one who says they are Christian and have accepted Christ, the Holy Ghost dwells in them. You should remember that when trying to see them through God's eyes. While realizing they are still human and bound to make mistakes and get others angry, you should be seeing the Holy Ghost in them.

The author also got me wondering on this also. God does things differently than we do here on earth. What makes sense to us, does not always line up with God. What makes sense to God has us beweildered. I do believe that God will reward us for the things we did here on Earth for him, but how will he determine that reward though.

Here on Earth we would reward someone for a job well done, thank you for helping out, you won this or that. I wonder if God is going to take into consideration the choices we didn't make that could have helped his kingdom. Or if you would be shown all the souls you lost because you did this instead of that. For example a person go up to a pastor saying he has a calling to become one. Just say that pastor was prideful and didn't want his congergation to become one least of all better than him. In that pride the pastor convinces that person not to go that route. Would God show that pastor all the souls that were lost because he didn't help that person on their way to becoming a minister?

Here is something he said about trials you are going through:

"When you worship without seeing His glory in the midst of your trials, that is worship in Spirit and in truth. The Father seeks such to be His worshipers. Do not waste your trials. Worship the Father, not for what you will receive, but to bring Him joy. You will never be stronger than when you bring Him joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

I have been through many trials, and sometimes feel like I'm in one long continous one. I have prayed alot. After I read that, I started to worship meaning just thanking God even I don't feel like it. It seems the more I do, the better things get. What I pray about now really does seem more possible.
That couldn't have been put any better!

To look upon man as God would, under the New Covenant!

I will hopefuly bring more to the table tomorrow, I stayed up most the night trying to get my PC wirless. 2 hours to figure out it was reading the wrong thing. and once I found the problem wich was under my nose the whole time, I realized that it was late.

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Neil Peart
Old 06-01-2007, 09:02 PM
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Thought I would revive this a little.

I posted this question on another site, I would like some thought's on this.

I found and article and thought it was interesting. I will past it, but before I do, I want to consider the possibility of the times befor the flood. Was it like now, with the same technology, just wiped away? For Solomon said nothing new under the sun, all has been before.Paraphrased---

So it is possible that the mythology's could be from and actual fact?

Now the article---

Can Centaurs and Talking Pigs Be Far Behind?

Nobel laureate and famed geneticist Sydney Brenner once delivered a somewhat tongue-in-cheek lecture to students at Cambridge University about how to nonsurgically create a centaur. He concluded that one day soon it might be possible to create such a six-limbed vertebrate. Mermaids and other mythical hybrids might be on the way, too, as well as human-dog drudges trained to cook omelets and happily perform useful tasks around the house, like changing the light bulbs.

This day has not yet arrived, but it may be inching closer with a recent amendment to a bill in the British Parliament that would legalize human hybrids for research. This legislation, offered by the British Department of Health, is a U-turn from government ministers who said last December that they supported a ban on creating chimeras.

Since then, a vigorous and sometimes contentious debate has raged in the United Kingdom between supporters of a ban--some religious, some not--and the scientific community, led by Ian Wilmut (Dolly the sheep) and others who insist that a ban would stifle research into stem-cell treatments. A lengthy report by the Science and Technology Committee in the House of Commons endorsed chimerical research as part of the legislation reauthorizing the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act of 1990.

Wilmut and the other United Kingdom scientists are not interested in making mermaids--or mermen, either. They want to use animal eggs to grow human stem cells by cleaning out 99.9 percent of the animal materials from the eggs and injecting them with human DNA. These hybrids would provide a solution to the severe shortage of pure human eggs needed for embryonic stem-cell research, which now depends on human volunteers to provide eggs.

Advocates of outlawing chimeras (the "no to mermaids" bunch) were predictably outraged. Here is what the GuardianUnlimited website said recently about the pro-banners:

There were only 300 responses to the government consultation, with 277 opposed to the research--although many of these came from pro-life groups opposed to any research on embryos. But not all opposition is religious or ethical. Some scientists are also sceptical about the research. Josephine Qunitavalle, of the lobby group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, told the Guardian: "One has to ask, what will they actually create? It is simplistic or even deceptive to say they are simply making stem cells. In order to obtain stem cells. They ... have to create a 'something' from which to derive the new cells. What is this something? It must be in some way human to be of any use to researchers."

Two groups in the United Kingdom--at King's College London and at Newcastle University--have already applied for licenses to create embryos by injecting human cells into empty eggs from rabbits or cows. Their applications are on hold, pending the fate of the legislation.

On our side of the pond, chimeras are not even on the table at the federal level: Washington remains locked in a debate over whether to allow embryonic stem-cell research at all.

This gridlock has led to a state of affairs in which our country has failed to have a meaningful debate about chimeras. Some states have allowed scientists to race ahead with this science, which may yield promising treatments, but it also has a potential to produce monsters.

In 2003, Panayiotis Zavos created "human cow" embryos that lived for several days and, theoretically, could have been implanted into a woman's womb. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota have produced pigs with hybrid pig-human blood cells. Last year, Yale researcher Eugene Redmond injected millions of human neural stem cells into the brains of monkeys afflicted with Parkinson's disease.

As my friend Greg Stock says, hybrids are inevitable. But before we start making centaurs and such, we should pause and talk about the possibility in a rational manner, taking a cue from the Old Country.

So lets discuss!
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Neil Peart
Old 06-01-2007, 09:22 PM
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Was it like now, with the same technology, just wiped away?
Can't see that being a possibility at all. There are just too many ways to argue that one down.

This day has not yet arrived, but it may be inching closer with a recent amendment to a bill in the British Parliament that would legalize human hybrids for research.
We're already dangerously close to playing God as a race. As a believer, do you really think God would allow us to take this final step? Never happen. Look how fast the world is spiralling downward into wars, depredations, and worse. We're close enough to feel it.

Old 06-02-2007, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
Was it like now, with the same technology, just wiped away?
Can't see that being a possibility at all. There are just too many ways to argue that one down.
This day has not yet arrived, but it may be inching closer with a recent amendment to a bill in the British Parliament that would legalize human hybrids for research.
We're already dangerously close to playing God as a race. As a believer, do you really think God would allow us to take this final step? Never happen. Look how fast the world is spiralling downward into wars, depredations, and worse. We're close enough to feel it.
Maybe, I don't know-- But the end is supposed to be like the days of Noah.
And we know according to the Word that, Nephalim walked the earth, and that was half human and half fallen Angel.

I was just thinking, that if it where possible, then that could explain, all the myths of satyers, monitors etc.

I heard one time that most if not all myths come from some form of truth! and there is so much out there, and possibility's.
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Neil Peart
Old 06-02-2007, 04:12 PM
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I think it is time to repost this again, it has been on my mind and heart lately. And I am sure most of y'all are tired of these type of threads, but this one was busy at one time or another. Not to mention there is so much prophecy in the word, there will always be something to talk about.

IMOP--this is right at the door, though I could be wrong! But it is impressed upon me, so I must repost it.

Let me start by saying, by No means am I making a claim here, Just an opinion and a diffrent out look. Some of you have already read this befor, but I will type it again, Just for thought and discussion.

As we have discussed the Bible tells us that a generation is 40 years. The number 40 comes up quite often. Mosses and the Israelites where in the wilderness for 40 years until that generation passed on. Noah -- It rained 40 days and 40 nights,etc.

Anyway, Jesus told us that when we see the fig tree blossom we Know it is near, and that generation will not pass befor these things happen. "

Well Israel became their own in 1948, but they didn't realy bloom untill 1967, this is when they got there land back from the 6 day war.
If this is what the bible was talking about, wich I think it is. Add a generation to that and we have 2007. Give or take a year because of Jewich calander. So the question is, what is next on the prophetic calander. the Answer= The Rapture.

Does the bible back itself up on this? Yes IMOP!

I am reposting the next one, Don't want to retype it!

Now the Raptur can happen "from what I understand" 40 years after Israel gets thier land back. This happend in 1967 that put a generation around 2007-2008. To give further support to this I will have to point to the below.

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

After the fall of the 2 towers, there is a period of 7 years, that God sends his light out, thus the light of the moon "which is God light shinning in the darkness" will be seven fold "more people comming to Christ the great call to come out of the darkness" The sun light is seven fold, " The Glory of God will be seen in his people, and the heavens". Then also after the Fall of the Towers, God will cause all the Nation to Error. Thus what is happening now. After the seven years there will be a call to come up to the mountain of the Lord "Raptur" after this Judgment on the Earth.

The Towers fell in 9-11-01, that with 7 years is about 2007-2008 give or take on both accounts because this would be going by Jewish Calander and Months.

It is now 2006.


Not to mention befor Christ recieves his Church to himself, in Luke "There will be signs in the sea, it's waves roaring, and this will cause peplexity among the nations, for fear of whats comming upon the Earth, There will be signs in the Heavens, and mens hearts will fail them." "Paraphrasing"

So the New and Old Testament, both backing each other up.

Is the Raptur going to happen this year 2007 or the next 2008? I don't know but I hope soo! And it kinda looks that way.

What do y'all think?

And another Repost cause I screwed up again!!

Isaiah CH30:25-26

"There will be on every high mountain and on every high hill Rivers and streams of waters, In the day of the Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall. Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound."

I found this interesting.

I am going to quote myself and double post!

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

The reason I put the Kings!

It is the makeup of the kingdom of darkness, it's also physical as it is spiritual. The king that was presently sitting on the beast was Lucifer "Satan" the beast that is to come out of the abyss is the Destroyer. His spirit is the one who flows over the earth, the one John told us about, the Spirit of the Antichrist. Before he comes out of the abyss he gets 10 kings "fallen Arch Angels" to attack Satan, When Satan falls or fell his Image fell with him. What is his Image? The same reason he fell from heaven Pride what gave him pride? his beauty, what gave him his beauty His Trading, The love of money is a root to all kinds of Evil. This all can be found in Ezekiel Ch 28 vrs 11-19. So now we know that the money systems of the world where made by Lucifer. When he fell his trading fell. Thus the 2 Towers. Rev ch 18 exact description, How many times does the Angle say Fallen? 2 Times vrs 2 "Babylon the Great is Fallen, Fallen" how much time does it take? 1 Hour vrs 10 "for in one our your judgment has come".

God called his people out before it fell "come out of her my people, so you do not participate in her plagues". Did God cause this to happen? No, The beast in the pit did.

Now what? Well, first the rapture then Satan has the key to the bottomless pit, he will open it releasing the 2 beast that reside in there, there names are Abbadon, and Apollyon, both mean destroyers. This is your Antichrist and False Prophet. They will heal the wound that was caused to the Kingdom of darkness "The neck wound" and they will reign, first the false prophet then the Antichrist."7&8" Notice the 8th one is of the 7, the 5th kingdom on earth was the Holy Roman Empire, it is reborn in the European union which originally consisted of 10 country's."10 Kings".
Here's the diffrence, It is now 2007. Hmm
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Neil Peart
Old 06-03-2007, 07:52 PM
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This gets interesting. Solomon did say nothing new under the sun. If nothing is new under the sun, then wouldn't that mean our technology isn't new either? Does that mean they had today's technology back then, but possibly never shared it with the common people? Did today's technology exist, but they never developed it like we did today? Or was it those whom they called wizards, warlocks, alchemists, and ect that developed technology like today, but just kept it secert to themselves. If all of our technology got wiped out in a world wide flood, would any of it be left to give clues to future generations?

What you are suggesting is that they were capable of manuplating DNA in such a major way that they would practically need the knowledge and technology we have today. Your basically saying in the days before Noah, at least the eliate had the technology we have today.

Here is another posibility. Nothing new under the sun meant how people think, feel, and act towards themselves and others. Also, how they would use new technologies that God has left for us to discover. That the creatures mentioned in myths and legends were in actually demons manifested in physical form on Earth. These demons would have knowledge way beyond man, and they could have been the ones doing the gene splicing and making new creatures. They could have set themselves up as gods to be worshipped and feared. Then God wiped them out. In later generation of Noah, people remembered them and still worshipped them in fear incase they came back?

Today, they changed tatics.Today they could possibly be appearing as UFO's and aliens. Any one who would even scratch the surface would know that they experiment in gene manuplation and hybreads between themselves and humans. They are keeping the hybreads with them this time. Another theory goes that they shared their technology with us, and that is why we possibly have advanced further than we should have. Real conspiricy theory is that most of what they shared with the governments still remains hidden. That governments are capable of much, much more than they let us know about. Possibilities include they already know how to manupliate the weather. There are already manupliated and enhanced human clones, and who knows what else. A solider that could breathe underwater as well as air would be an asset to any military government. Of course none of this could be proved, since it is hidden so well, and under so many layers of red tape, mazes, disinformation, mind control, and very well being able to wipe the human mind that it would be practically impossible to find out. I guess those would be todays wizards, warlocks, and ect.

Just remember scientists cloned a sheep when we thought they were just starting to learn about DNA and cloning. It was a suprise to everyone when they showed the actual cloned sheep in the main stream media. Before announcing that, I remember there was very little discussion on cloning. They seemed to introduce the very real possiblity of being able to clone something shortly before actually producing an actual clone. I remembered when I saw that, it was still hard for me to believe it actually happened. Science fiction coming true. That was how many years ago? You can't tell me they have done nothing since then. I believe they developed that technology further, but didn't want anyone to know what they were actually doing with it. So therefore, you practically have dead scilence in the media.

All you basically hear about now is the ethics of stem cell research. Really, do you think all governments and scientists haven't done any "illegal" work in that area? The question is are US scientists working on it in top secert military underground bases? What? You think the government is being 100% honest with us, and the president is being 100% honest with congress? Our government and presidents have proved to us that they are capable of lying to us, and I believe they will do so again. They do keep many secerts from us, yes, supposedly under military secerts so our enemies don't find out new weapons we are developing. What aren't they telling their own citizens?

Nothing new under the sun. It is not new that governments and those in leadership positions will keep secerts and lie to it's citizens.
Old 06-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
We're already dangerously close to playing God as a race. As a believer, do you really think God would allow us to take this final step? Never happen. Look how fast the world is spiralling downward into wars, depredations, and worse. We're close enough to feel it.
Actually I think God would let us take that final step before the final judgement. I think it actually might go back to the beginning and the reason why satan got kicked out of heaven in the first place. He basically claimed to be better than God and wanted to raise himself higher than God.

Maybe God will let satan play God through us to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God is the only supreme in power, wisdom, and knowledge. No one can become God, or better than God.

God and satan live in the spiritual realm which is also a different plane than us. Maybe satan thought he had a reason to think the way he did. What that reason is, I don't know. Did satan think he found out how God does and knows things? Then he thought he could do a better job than God? The problem is the Bible says every day the Seperhim that circle his throne constantly see something new and different about God that was always there, but they just have precieved it. There is so much we don't know, and won't find out until we die.

Maybe God interfered with satan's plans through the flood and the destruction of the tower of babel, that satan accused him of underhandedness and claimed God had to stop him because he was more powerful than God himself. Isn't that basically the whole reason for armageton? Satan thinking he can beat God?

God is going to let things play out once and for all, eventhough he doesn't want to see his creation to have to go through this. In the end there will be no further questions or challenges.

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