Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 06-03-2007, 08:54 PM
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slimland, yes it is 2007. If you would like an accurate Hebrew calander, Michael Rood who runs He spent along time to create it using strictly the Bible, Biblical timelines, and how God taught the Hebrews to determine the new year and months. This is so strict, that they wait to put out the new calander until the first new moon after the Barley reaches aviv in Isreal.

On the calander page he has some timeline charts. The rapture will happen according to Yom Teruach - Day of Trumpets Rabbinic Rosh HaShana. The feasts of the Lord is God's timeline. Remember Revelations say that the rapture will happen when the last trumpet blows. That could relate to the trumpets that the angels blow in revelations as well as the last time Rosh HaShana is practiced by the Jewish people before the last judgement.

Also, here is something else interesting about time lines and calanders. It is known that our calander is wau off compaired to God's calander. It is said the Myans developed an extremely advanced calander for their culture. Of course what we probablly know about their culture is mostly after their culture declined from its peak. The Myan calander stops at the year 2012.

Here are the two thoughts on this. 1) Time stops at the year 2012 - which would equate to the final judgement. 2) Like our calander cycles every year, the myan calander resets in the year 2012. I have heard that their calander is very complex and has many different cycles in it.

What would be interesting to find out is how accurate this Myan calander is to the Hebranic calander. If the two calanders are close or exact, then I wonder if there would be something to the year 2012. If it isn't, then for some who came up with theory number 1, it will by like Y2K was.
Old 06-04-2007, 02:31 AM
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Hey TruckFam How have you been?

Well You pinpointed pretty much exactly what I was refering too.

The only diffrence in my thought was What if God had Noah build the Ark, Knowing that man would have to start over. So when the flood came, not only was the past destroyed, but anything that might resemble today, God might have just mad it vanish. So man had to start over....

We know that the nephalim "Giants" where half human and half Angel. The intellegence they must have had. Not to mention what they might have looked like. Considering the Cheribum and Seriphim angels discribed in the Bible, where not all human looking.

I think you and I are on the same page here.. and the end will be just like the days of Noah, Not only where the drinking and giving in marrage. They also IMOP where Intellegent.

As for the calander I'll check it out. I was just going by 1948 and 1967, when the fig tree blossoms and puts forth figs. That generation shall not pass, till it sees these things come to past. And the 2 scriptures' seem to back it up..

I think of these things, and study. I get excited and just think it is right at the door. Then I have to pull my head up, and go on living. Each day I pray for His return, one of these days it will happen. I just hope it is in my life time, and the way I see it, it just might be!!
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Neil Peart
Old 06-04-2007, 05:05 AM
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Not quite everything was wiped out, or we wouldn't have the stories, myths, and legends that we do today. I imagine some of them had to be based on the time before Noah.

Think back on the Atlantis legend. That was suppose to be the most powerful and intelligent race on Earth, but continent sank in the sea. If the stories of Atlantis are true, then that might have been where we would have found out how advanced technology wise the human race had become. No one can even find the place under the sea/ocean. I bet the ocean carries alot of hidden history in it that we can't access.

When everything is said and done, in a way I do hope that our true history will be revealed to us from the time of creation to the final judgement. The Bible does say everythig that has been hidden will be revealed.
Old 06-04-2007, 02:03 PM
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You can speculate and put your best guess as to when the Rature will occur until you are blue in the face. It will happen in God's time not a fairy tale timetable you come come up with based on some Mayan calendar or whatver other BS man-based "formula". Anything humans touch or try to figure out usually turns to [email protected] at the internet, great technology but it is become more of a bastion for "cyber crime " than its original intent.
Old 06-04-2007, 03:30 PM
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It will happen in God's time
If it even happens at all. In 20 years of interest on this subject, I have yet to see compelling evidence that there will be this so-called 'rapture.'

As far as the second coming, that will happen in God's own time and not even Christ knows when that time will be.

Old 06-04-2007, 07:30 PM
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You can't have one without the other.
Old 06-04-2007, 07:50 PM
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You can't have a rapture without the second coming? :?: :?: :?: How so?

Old 06-04-2007, 09:40 PM
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TF, I'm not a biblical scholar. I can only surmise what I read in the Bible unless of course you or someone else will set me straight on this. ops: ops:
Old 06-04-2007, 09:59 PM
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Well I have studied for a while now, and have noticed, that the Raptur gives the season, but not the day nor time, just the season in which it can happen. As for the second comming, when Christ stands on the Mount of Olives, that gives the day, just not the hour.

When Jesus said no man knows, not even the Angels, or Himself, "which as part of the Godhead He does, but it is not for man" He was refering to the Raptur, Remember one in the field the other taken, etc. As for the second comming Every eye will see Him, and mourn for whom they pierced.

The day of the Second Comming can be found in Daniel, and the Season for the Raptur and the day of the Lord, can be found in many places, but the above is just 2 in particular.

Note as I said befor and will say it again, I am not predicting anything, just found it interesting and food for thought!!!

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Neil Peart
Old 06-04-2007, 10:22 PM
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Not to sound condescending or anything like that, but I've said it before and I'll say it again. Find me the verses in the Bible where it speaks of the Rapture.

I'm sorry, but it's just not in there. It's something man came up with through interpretation of scripture. Sure, I wish it would happen like rapturists believe, but I'm not holding my breath. If it happens, great. But it's not something I believe will ever happen.

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