Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-11-2006, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Inkytruck
Originally Posted by OverTheRoad
I'm with you Redeemed, I was surprised about Lucifer and the money system. Slimland shot this idea at me awhile back and I have been trying to do some research on the subject. I find it very fascinating but on the other hand sometimes I rather just focus on what God has in store for me in Heaven and more importantly how He wants me to live today.
Ditto. Figuring out when the day of reckoning is is like trying to figure out the day you are going to die. It's something that might be interesting but in the end you don't really want to know. I just want to focus on living life according to God's will and let the end come when it does.

I think you guys are on the right track with this, in a sense.
What I mean is God gives everyone of his children Gifts of the Spirit, you can read this in 1st Corinthians. So therefor someone might be a leg in the body of Christ, Someone might be a foot, but neither go without each-other, a leg needs a foot to stand on, and a foot needs a leg to carry it.

Prophecy is very important in a believer's life, why? Because it is the Testimony of Jesus Christ Revelations Ch 19 vrs 10. It Glorifies God and it cuts right to the Heart of man, for Gods love is shown in Prophecy. If Gods will is to tell people of Jesus Christ " The Great Commission", first we must look how God the Father told us about Christ, He did it through prophecy. The Apostle's of Christ, based there foundations on Prophecy.
They show how it happened or will happen, then show how it points to Christ. For prophecy in it self is only partial, it will be done away with when the one it prophecy's-is about is come in it's fullness. This also is in, Corinthians.
So a believer's life is wound in the Word of prophecy, "this is the Hope, the Faith, The Love". It is there to tell us what will happen, don't close your eye's to it, that's what the Pharisees did, and when it happened they didn't think IT WAS FAIR YOU SEE. And the Sadducee's did the same thing, that's why THEY WHERE SAD! :lol:

Prophecy is a tool, a strong tool for the believer, and for the non-believer it cuts to the heart showing the darkness of their lives. Therefor the secrets are revealed.

But I don't understand prophecy?"some might say"

I tell you it is one of the most, easily understandable things God has given us. It just takes car-full reading and some history work, and to understand the whole context of the vision. Some in the old days could not understand it cause it was not time. In Daniel the Angel tells him "to shut up the book, until the time of the end, when people go to and fro, and knowledge increases" This is that time. Now we as the body of Christ have a better understanding of prophecy, concerning these latter events, The seals have been broken by the Lamb, allowing us access to Gods mind.

Any questions?
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Neil Peart
Old 02-11-2006, 04:13 PM
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You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Old 02-11-2006, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Let me explain.
In the book of Daniel the last chapter 12 vrs 11&12 "after the Abomination of desolation is set up there is 1290 days, BLESSED is he who waits, and comes to 1335 days" This is the Second Comming, This is when Christ steps on the mount of Olive and splits it, return to earth. The exact day.

Now the Raptur can happen "from what I understand" 40 years after Israel gets thier land back. This happend in 1967 that put a generation around 2007-2008. To give further support to this I will have to point to the below.

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

After the fall of the 2 towers, there is a period of 7 years, that God sends his light out, thus the light of the moon "which is God light shinning in the darkness" will be seven fold "more people comming to Christ the great call to come out of the darkness" The sun light is seven fold, " The Glory of God will be seen in his people, and the heavens". Then also after the Fall of the Towers, God will cause all the Nation to Error. Thus what is happening now. After the seven years there will be a call to come up to the mountain of the Lord "Raptur" after this Judgment on the Earth.

The Towers fell in 9-11-01, that with 7 years is about 2007-2008 give or take on both accounts because this would be going by Jewish Calander and Months.

It is now 2006.


Not to mention befor Christ recieves his Church to himself, in Luke "There will be signs in the sea, it's waves roaring, and this will cause peplexity among the nations, for fear of whats comming upon the Earth, There will be signs in the Heavens, and mens hearts will fail them." "Paraphrasing"
SO all of this means that I may not even get to my dream? Thats wonderful...............
Old 02-11-2006, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Yea, I think some of them go to far. but what is too far? Paul tells us Some save by fear of whats comming, some save by just telling someone about Christ. So ethier way something is being said of Jesus Christ. It depends on the listener, what will get there attention.
What is His will? But to live life, and Love Him with all your heart. His will is for others to know about Him so they can make that discission on there own. No I agree we should not and just sit and watch the sky, that sky is there to let us know, that there's not much time left befor the master returns, it is the Christian Clock so to say.
Either way it all points to Christ and His love that He has for man. The only need is to accept it.

In other words I think we agree, I just wanted to expound on it more.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-11-2006, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Originally Posted by Slimland
Let me explain.
In the book of Daniel the last chapter 12 vrs 11&12 "after the Abomination of desolation is set up there is 1290 days, BLESSED is he who waits, and comes to 1335 days" This is the Second Comming, This is when Christ steps on the mount of Olive and splits it, return to earth. The exact day.

Now the Raptur can happen "from what I understand" 40 years after Israel gets thier land back. This happend in 1967 that put a generation around 2007-2008. To give further support to this I will have to point to the below.

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

After the fall of the 2 towers, there is a period of 7 years, that God sends his light out, thus the light of the moon "which is God light shinning in the darkness" will be seven fold "more people comming to Christ the great call to come out of the darkness" The sun light is seven fold, " The Glory of God will be seen in his people, and the heavens". Then also after the Fall of the Towers, God will cause all the Nation to Error. Thus what is happening now. After the seven years there will be a call to come up to the mountain of the Lord "Raptur" after this Judgment on the Earth.

The Towers fell in 9-11-01, that with 7 years is about 2007-2008 give or take on both accounts because this would be going by Jewish Calander and Months.

It is now 2006.


Not to mention befor Christ recieves his Church to himself, in Luke "There will be signs in the sea, it's waves roaring, and this will cause peplexity among the nations, for fear of whats comming upon the Earth, There will be signs in the Heavens, and mens hearts will fail them." "Paraphrasing"
SO all of this means that I may not even get to my dream? Thats wonderful...............

Kamarri I did not say that, I said it is my opinion and what I have found in my studies. But even If it was correct "which I do believe it is" what diffrence does it make. Your dreams are nothing compared to the reality of Jesus Christ and being in Heaven. The absolutes of being up thier overwhelms the mind. Just think Saturn, mars, jupiter, other Galaxys, will be at your touch because you believed in the maker, a truck who cares when you can ride the Chariot of God. Time has no meaning. the things that Christ has prepared for us, is unimaginable to the human mind. The things of this world will not matter. I can't wait!!
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Neil Peart
Old 02-11-2006, 06:27 PM
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Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

The arguments of wich trib is correct can be singled out by reading and asking God to show you the truth. The bible is explisit in its teaching on these subjects. I figure you know of what I talk about, I let the Holy Spirit teach me not man. But I found something interesting take a look at it, it supports the pre-trib argument which I believe to be the thruth.

Isaih Ch 57 vrs1&2, After this comes Judgment.3-21.

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Old 02-11-2006, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Kamarri I did not say that, I said it is my opinion and what I have found in my studies. But even If it was correct "which I do believe it is" what diffrence does it make. Your dreams are nothing compared to the reality of Jesus Christ and being in Heaven. The absolutes of being up thier overwhelms the mind. Just think Saturn, mars, jupiter, other Galaxys, will be at your touch because you believed in the maker, a truck who cares when you can ride the Chariot of God. Time has no meaning. the things that Christ has prepared for us, is unimaginable to the human mind. The things of this world will not matter. I can't wait!!
Now you know how I feel about trucks!
Old 02-11-2006, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Originally Posted by Slimland
Let me explain.
In the book of Daniel the last chapter 12 vrs 11&12 "after the Abomination of desolation is set up there is 1290 days, BLESSED is he who waits, and comes to 1335 days" This is the Second Comming, This is when Christ steps on the mount of Olive and splits it, return to earth. The exact day.

Now the Raptur can happen "from what I understand" 40 years after Israel gets thier land back. This happend in 1967 that put a generation around 2007-2008. To give further support to this I will have to point to the below.

This scripture is referring to the fall of the Towers on 9-11-01. This is the only time since Israel became a country, that 2 Towers have Fallen Thus "The Great Slaughter, When the Towers Fall". The sun and moon light is God's word going out into the world bringing people to him after the Fall of the 2 Towers. From my opinion of the scripture this will last for about 7 years, (1 year for 1 day, This is also found in Isaiah) if you keep reading vrs 27-33, you will notice that God makes the Nation to Error, then after that the Rapture this is the mountain of the Lord and the Music spoken about, Then on earth the Lord releases his Judgments on the earth and ungodly who denied him, during this time people will still be able to save their souls by accepting what Christ did on the Cross, but they will have hell on earth.

After the fall of the 2 towers, there is a period of 7 years, that God sends his light out, thus the light of the moon "which is God light shinning in the darkness" will be seven fold "more people comming to Christ the great call to come out of the darkness" The sun light is seven fold, " The Glory of God will be seen in his people, and the heavens". Then also after the Fall of the Towers, God will cause all the Nation to Error. Thus what is happening now. After the seven years there will be a call to come up to the mountain of the Lord "Raptur" after this Judgment on the Earth.

The Towers fell in 9-11-01, that with 7 years is about 2007-2008 give or take on both accounts because this would be going by Jewish Calander and Months.

It is now 2006.


Not to mention befor Christ recieves his Church to himself, in Luke "There will be signs in the sea, it's waves roaring, and this will cause peplexity among the nations, for fear of whats comming upon the Earth, There will be signs in the Heavens, and mens hearts will fail them." "Paraphrasing"
SO all of this means that I may not even get to my dream? Thats wonderful...............

Kamarri I did not say that, I said it is my opinion and what I have found in my studies. But even If it was correct "which I do believe it is" what diffrence does it make. Your dreams are nothing compared to the reality of Jesus Christ and being in Heaven. The absolutes of being up thier overwhelms the mind. Just think Saturn, mars, jupiter, other Galaxys, will be at your touch because you believed in the maker, a truck who cares when you can ride the Chariot of God. Time has no meaning. the things that Christ has prepared for us, is unimaginable to the human mind. The things of this world will not matter. I can't wait!!
That sums it up right there. None of this earthly crap means a damn. Its all about Him and what he has in store for us.
Ryan & Kali
Old 02-11-2006, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Yea, I think some of them go to far. but what is too far? Paul tells us Some save by fear of whats comming, some save by just telling someone about Christ. So ethier way something is being said of Jesus Christ. It depends on the listener, what will get there attention.
What is His will? But to live life, and Love Him with all your heart. His will is for others to know about Him so they can make that discission on there own. No I agree we should not and just sit and watch the sky, that sky is there to let us know, that there's not much time left befor the master returns, it is the Christian Clock so to say.
Either way it all points to Christ and His love that He has for man. The only need is to accept it.

In other words I think we agree, I just wanted to expound on it more.
Your right Slimland, we do agree. My comments here were more directed toward an earlier comment of trying to figure out the date. I would not want to try and be a date setter because it sets a bad example. But Jesus was clear in many passages to be watching for his return. Not to guess the date or time but to recognize the signs. That is me, a watcher of the signs.

My past experience of someone going to far with a end-times arguement was a post-tribber who got so adament about his belief that he declared that no one could be a true believer who thought other than he. Bad move when you let something like that take over and be the judgement of others salvation. It gets in the way of Gods greatest commandments...Love God with everything you got.....Love each other as you would love yourself.

When I strayed away from Christ it was the subject of prophecy that started me back to Him again. You are right that not everyone will be saved by the same subject matter. For some it will be the helping hand of a hot meal or a warm bed. For others it will be friendship and companion ship of a caring person. And for some like me it is a reminder of what is to come for those who are not watching and ready.
Old 02-11-2006, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Yea, I think some of them go to far. but what is too far? Paul tells us Some save by fear of whats comming, some save by just telling someone about Christ. So ethier way something is being said of Jesus Christ. It depends on the listener, what will get there attention.
What is His will? But to live life, and Love Him with all your heart. His will is for others to know about Him so they can make that discission on there own. No I agree we should not and just sit and watch the sky, that sky is there to let us know, that there's not much time left befor the master returns, it is the Christian Clock so to say.
Either way it all points to Christ and His love that He has for man. The only need is to accept it.

In other words I think we agree, I just wanted to expound on it more.
Your right Slimland, we do agree. My comments here were more directed toward an earlier comment of trying to figure out the date. I would not want to try and be a date setter because it sets a bad example. But Jesus was clear in many passages to be watching for his return. Not to guess the date or time but to recognize the signs. That is me, a watcher of the signs.

My past experience of someone going to far with a end-times arguement was a post-tribber who got so adament about his belief that he declared that no one could be a true believer who thought other than he. Bad move when you let something like that take over and be the judgement of others salvation. It gets in the way of Gods greatest commandments...Love God with everything you got.....Love each other as you would love yourself.

When I strayed away from Christ it was the subject of prophecy that started me back to Him again. You are right that not everyone will be saved by the same subject matter. For some it will be the helping hand of a hot meal or a warm bed. For others it will be friendship and companion ship of a caring person. And for some like me it is a reminder of what is to come for those who are not watching and ready.

Well I am glad we cleared that up. It crackes me up and pisses me off, when people who think a certain way, tell us if we don't think like them, then where not believers. That is exactly what the Holy Roman Empire did, therfor Killing all in Gods name. If it wern't for People like Huss, Luther, Joan of Arch, etc. The truth of "By grace you are Saved" would have probably been squished in those days. I don't care what you believe when it comes to prophecy, as long as you believe in what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvery, and Rose the Third day. Thats what matters.
I do not like Organized Religion, it is worse that Athiesm, and the Penalty from God is worse, it is better to have never known Him, than to have known Him and rejected Him.
As concerning to put a time on things, that is NOT what I am Doing. I am simply stating that Jesus gave us the Clock to go by, the first and second comming He told us when they would be, But the Rapture He gave us a time frame, but the day and hour we do not know. I was just pointing out the time frame, and showing how close it was to being over. Maybe someone will read it and realize just how close it is. That is My duty, That is My gift, from the Holy Spirit wich is the Last Testamony of Jesus Christ.
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Neil Peart

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