Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-15-2008, 02:07 PM
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Russia is Russia - I don't see anything to worry about from Russia because of M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction.

China is China - While they are probaby our biggest threat in the world, their economy is based heavily on exporting cheap crap to the United States, which we buy up en masse. We fall, they fall.

Chipping? Well, if you're a Christian, you know that that portends. If you're not, then your only worry is privacy, right?

Old 02-21-2008, 08:37 PM
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Entering the Dragon’s Lair - analyzing Chinese war strategy with the U.S.

“China? There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes, he will move the world.” Those are the words of Napoleon Bonaparte. In his time, China was an insular nation under pressure to open its ports to Western trade. Today, it is a restive giant, eager to expand its hegemony over its neighboring nations.

In one scenario suggested by the Rand Corporation after reviewing Chinese military documents China targets the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet. Its objective (in this wargame scenario) is to launch a surprise attack, catching it in port so its big ships cannot maneuver to escape, evade and defend.

The scenario is chillingly similar to that involving Japan’s Imperial Navy 67 years ago. But this scenario has a twist. In this attack, the Japanese host the American fleet at Yokosuka. It is a new era Asian power now seeking to inflict damage on America’s military might, diminishing any US counter-attack capability. The plan would be to hit quick, hard and in a way that literally knocks the wind out of our sails, leaving the American public reluctant to fight a protracted and costly conflict.

This is no Hollywood movie script. Nor is it someone’s wild imagination. It is a frightening realistic war strategy gleaned by Rand Corporation through an analysis of numerous Chinese military doctrinal writings. Rand’s assessment, entitled “Entering the Dragon’s Lair,” is that China would employ an “antiaccess” strategy. Such actions seek “to impede the deployment of U.S. forces into the combat theater, limit the locations from which those forces could effectively operate, or force them to operate from locations farther from the locus of conflict than they would normally prefer.” And, as at Pearl Harbor, the success of China’s war strategy turns on achieving surprise.

Through its comprehensive analysis of these Chinese sources, the Rand report describes what antiaccess measures China might employ against the U.S.-- the country clearly targeted throughout these various Chinese writings.

Such an attack would be multi-faceted. Surprise missile strikes would be launched against all regional US military targets, stationary and mobile, having any capability to counter-attack. Critical too in the attack plan’s success is “blinding” US military forces by disrupting and/or destroying information flow, thus hindering US ability to act or react.

Success here turns on the capability to knock down US military satellites -- a capability China effectively demonstrated last year in destroying one of its own orbiting satellites. It also involves cyber-attacks against US computer networks -- attacks China’s military
freely conducts today. US forces would be further disrupted by way of an above-surface nuclear blast, creating a devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) wave, destroying any unshielded electronic equipment.

The American public’s indifference towards increasing signs of an aggressive Chinese mindset is reminiscent of a famous response by 19th century British naval war hero Lord Nelson. Blind in one eye, Nelson was engaged in battle when a senior commander, fearing defeat, struck a flag onboard his ship ordering Nelson to withdraw. When subordinates pointed to the flag, Nelson -- holding his long glass to his blind eye -- said he saw nothing and continued the fight. The American public appears to be taking a similar “blind eye” approach towards China today.

But, while Nelson’s tactic eventually won him a great victory, that tactic will only spell disaster for the U.S. if we ignore signs of China’s true intentions. The Rand report and China’s continuing massive military build-up -- one including an ominous offensive punch -- should give us major cause for concern.

Unlike most Americans, the Chinese are very good students of history. They well remember what they once had and what, therefore, is possible again. Centuries ago the world witnessed the rise and fall of a great superpower. Having built the largest ships and the largest navy to ever set sail, China was a formidable power. Its influence spread throughout the then- known world. The Chinese navy flourished under the Ming dynasty but when the dynasty died, so too did China’s great navy. Fearing a foreign land threat and failing to comprehend the need to project power at sea, Ming’s successors scuttled China’s fleet, withdrawing behind the Great Wall.

Today, a resurgent China, dependent upon foreign energy (China alone is responsible for a 40% growth in world oil demand) and raw material sources, fully understands a navy’s important role. This understanding has caused Beijing to embark upon its “String of Pearls” military posturing policy -- i.e., developing a series of bases from the Middle East to the South China Sea, including now a port in Pakistan, to secure the Strait of Malacca through which 80% of China’s oil transits.

In this context, building up one’s military power to achieve this capability may sound reasonable. But China has embarked upon a growth program suggestive more of a perceived U.S. threat. This is reflected in its secret nuclear arms build-up -- undertaken, interestingly, even after the U.S. removed all tactical nuclear weapons from its naval forces, following the fall of the Soviet Union, based on its perception of a reduced strategic threat. Meanwhile, China perceives the U.S. to be “the enemy.”

That Beijing mindset should cause us further concern as Chinese companies now operate in two major U.S. west coast ports, New Orleans and the Panama Canal. A surprise attack by China would obviously take advantage of access to these locations -- locations Beijing undoubtedly has already put to use as assets in the conduct of its espionage warfare against the U.S.

Americans often have difficulty understanding who the enemy is. China has no such problem. And, while a communist state lacking a free market economy, like Mao’s China, was doomed to fail, a communist state with a quasi- free market economy, operating under old Cold War perceptions, like today’s China, poses a much greater threat to US interests.

It is time we woke up to this realization. After his attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto feared he had but awoken a sleeping tiger. But the Chinese dragon has no fear of the sleeping American tiger.

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Neil Peart
Old 02-21-2008, 09:31 PM
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Sounds like the start to a good book.

Seriously, though, do you really think China would try anything? Even if we didn't talk about how much China's economy depends on us buying their cheap crap, they would still fall into the same boat as Russia.

If China attacked us, it would be World War III. It would consist of a bunch of low-yield nuclear attacks against us, them, and Russia (because they would get involved), though I daresay that Israel would probably get a few shots in, too.

In the end, the world as everyone knows it is finished. All the major players are in ruins, the world economy is gone, and life becomes a fight to survive for those few that remain. China knows this, just as we do. All of their military doctrines are nothing more than saber-rattling. They do it, we do it. Life goes on. As a matter of fact, we won the last round by popping that satellite yesterday with a missile. That was pure showmanship on our part, nothing more.

In the end, I don't worry about it. Sure, there will be a World War III...any believer knows it's coming. But we already know how that one will end. And if it's China that instigates it? Well...the outcome remains the same.

Old 02-22-2008, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
Sounds like the start to a good book.

Seriously, though, do you really think China would try anything? Even if we didn't talk about how much China's economy depends on us buying their cheap crap, they would still fall into the same boat as Russia.

If China attacked us, it would be World War III. It would consist of a bunch of low-yield nuclear attacks against us, them, and Russia (because they would get involved), though I daresay that Israel would probably get a few shots in, too.

In the end, the world as everyone knows it is finished. All the major players are in ruins, the world economy is gone, and life becomes a fight to survive for those few that remain. China knows this, just as we do. All of their military doctrines are nothing more than saber-rattling. They do it, we do it. Life goes on. As a matter of fact, we won the last round by popping that satellite yesterday with a missile. That was pure showmanship on our part, nothing more.

In the end, I don't worry about it. Sure, there will be a World War III...any believer knows it's coming. But we already know how that one will end. And if it's China that instigates it? Well...the outcome remains the same.

Seriously, though, do you really think China would try anything?
Yes, I do think they would.. and so would Russia!

China's economy depends on us buying their cheap crap
This could be a good argument, but IMOP wouldn't if we were outa the way. The bigger the market for them and others. right now we have some pretty good pickens, and alot of them they want'.

If China attacked us, it would be World War III. It would consist of a bunch of low-yield nuclear attacks against us, them, and Russia (because they would get involved), though I daresay that Israel would probably get a few shots in, too.

In the end, the world as everyone knows it is finished. All the major players are in ruins, the world economy is gone, and life becomes a fight to survive for those few that remain. China knows this, just as we do. All of their military doctrines are nothing more than saber-rattling. They do it, we do it. Life goes on. As a matter of fact, we won the last round by popping that satellite yesterday with a missile. That was pure showmanship on our part, nothing more.

In the end, I don't worry about it. Sure, there will be a World War III...any believer knows it's coming. But we already know how that one will end. And if it's China that instigates it? Well...the outcome remains the same.
Would we? If Russia and China suprised attacked us. What would be the outcome..? I don't think they would be alone, there would be others involved.. and if it is a suprise attack, they could knock out our comunications. I remember 2 defectors from Russia. The names are mispelled but--- Stanislav Luneb, and Demitri Dutamen. Who both said to our government that Russia is planning to attack the USA.. I know that Luneb was a high ranking officer. the other I am not sure.. There the one's who told us of the suitcase nukes.. If I remember correctly.

At one post you said it wouldn't happen, because of mutual distruction.. It is possible to win a nuke war, Stratigic places to hit, and then invade.. Exspecialy if the one your attacking doesn't know.. I don't think we are as strong as we used to be. And our troops being somewher else doesn't help either.. But I don't know, its a article and a possibility. would it end up in WW3, probly-- would we win, Not if were suprised.
Just a thought!
You can twist perceptions
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Neil Peart
Old 02-22-2008, 01:04 PM
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I don't think we are as strong as we used to be. And our troops being somewher else doesn't help either..
I've got no argument with that at all.

But I don't know, its a article and a possibility. would it end up in WW3, probly-- would we win, Not if were suprised.
That's just the point. We wouldn't win...but neither would they. If we were attacked and enemy soldiers put boots on our sovereign land , we would retaliate with nukes. Our enemies know that.

No, the fall of America is going to be orchestrated much more carefully and the erosion of our constitution is a huge part of that. We've been well on our way for many years and today we simply teeter on the brink. I consider myself politically aware and keep a close eye on the geo-political landscape, too. If I were not a Christian, I would probably have moved my family deep into the mountains somewhere a long time ago. Yes, I have that little faith in our country getting fixed without divine intervention.

But since I am a Christian, I know how things are going to end, so I don't much worry about it. I prepare for it and keep a watchful eye, but I don't let it beat me down. It's simply all part of the times we live in and we're likely not going to get out of our generation before the final few years are upon us. So, I take care of my family and raise my children to the best of my ability, trying to instill the proper values in them, and the rest I put in God's hands. And in doing so, I sleep well at night.

Old 02-22-2008, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I don't think we are as strong as we used to be. And our troops being somewher else doesn't help either..
I've got no argument with that at all.

But I don't know, its a article and a possibility. would it end up in WW3, probly-- would we win, Not if were suprised.
That's just the point. We wouldn't win...but neither would they. If we were attacked and enemy soldiers put boots on our sovereign land , we would retaliate with nukes. Our enemies know that.

No, the fall of America is going to be orchestrated much more carefully and the erosion of our constitution is a huge part of that. We've been well on our way for many years and today we simply teeter on the brink. I consider myself politically aware and keep a close eye on the geo-political landscape, too. If I were not a Christian, I would probably have moved my family deep into the mountains somewhere a long time ago. Yes, I have that little faith in our country getting fixed without divine intervention.

But since I am a Christian, I know how things are going to end, so I don't much worry about it. I prepare for it and keep a watchful eye, but I don't let it beat me down. It's simply all part of the times we live in and we're likely not going to get out of our generation before the final few years are upon us. So, I take care of my family and raise my children to the best of my ability, trying to instill the proper values in them, and the rest I put in God's hands. And in doing so, I sleep well at night.
Well saif TF!
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Old 02-22-2008, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I don't think we are as strong as we used to be. And our troops being somewher else doesn't help either..
I've got no argument with that at all.

But I don't know, its a article and a possibility. would it end up in WW3, probly-- would we win, Not if were suprised.
That's just the point. We wouldn't win...but neither would they. If we were attacked and enemy soldiers put boots on our sovereign land , we would retaliate with nukes. Our enemies know that.
Whether or not we would retaliate with nukes remains to be seen. But in the event that enemy troops were foolish enough to land on our soil, even with many of our troops dislocated from CONUS....the enemy knows that every self-respecting American owns at least one gun, and many have in effect, since our nation's population is considered "dangerous"....they would effectively run into a firestorm....that would eventually defeat conventional warfare. Seems I remember watching a "b" grade movie called "Red Dawn"....with this kind of scenario.

No, the fall of America is going to be orchestrated much more carefully and the erosion of our constitution is a huge part of that. We've been well on our way for many years and today we simply teeter on the brink. I consider myself politically aware and keep a close eye on the geo-political landscape, too. If I were not a Christian, I would probably have moved my family deep into the mountains somewhere a long time ago. Yes, I have that little faith in our country getting fixed without divine intervention.
Personally....I think if we are to suffer a defeat of any will be done financially....without a single shot being fired. As a country we have virtually no laws in place to protect us against foreign entities buying the country out from under us....

They buy us out, they own us....simple as that. And we haven't a single person qualified as a leader with the guts to take it all back by "nationalization".....or any other method for that matter.
Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

Old 02-22-2008, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Skywalker
Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I don't think we are as strong as we used to be. And our troops being somewher else doesn't help either..
I've got no argument with that at all.

But I don't know, its a article and a possibility. would it end up in WW3, probly-- would we win, Not if were suprised.
That's just the point. We wouldn't win...but neither would they. If we were attacked and enemy soldiers put boots on our sovereign land , we would retaliate with nukes. Our enemies know that.
Whether or not we would retaliate with nukes remains to be seen. But in the event that enemy troops were foolish enough to land on our soil, even with many of our troops dislocated from CONUS....the enemy knows that every self-respecting American owns at least one gun, and many have in effect, since our nation's population is considered "dangerous"....they would effectively run into a firestorm....that would eventually defeat conventional warfare. Seems I remember watching a "b" grade movie called "Red Dawn"....with this kind of scenario.

No, the fall of America is going to be orchestrated much more carefully and the erosion of our constitution is a huge part of that. We've been well on our way for many years and today we simply teeter on the brink. I consider myself politically aware and keep a close eye on the geo-political landscape, too. If I were not a Christian, I would probably have moved my family deep into the mountains somewhere a long time ago. Yes, I have that little faith in our country getting fixed without divine intervention.
Personally....I think if we are to suffer a defeat of any will be done financially....without a single shot being fired. As a country we have virtually no laws in place to protect us against foreign entities buying the country out from under us....

They buy us out, they own us....simple as that. And we haven't a single person qualified as a leader with the guts to take it all back by "nationalization".....or any other method for that matter.
:shock: :shock: That would just be to "Un-american"...protecting our nation like that !! :? :? :?

Why .....The ACLU would have a hissy-fit like none before, if such a thing happened!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Old 02-24-2008, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Bunny
Nope.. don't read minds but have studied human behavior for years.
Apparently not "Christian" human behavior or focus. Christians talk about the end of the world (as we know it) and the second coming, NOT because they fear death.... but because they eagerly anticipate an end to the strife and turmoil of Satan's rule of the World, and its redemption by their Lord. Indeed, because they are ready and anxious to "go home" to be with God. A "true believer" fears NOTHING.

As for bringing something to the discussion.. the world is not going to end ...
So now YOU are a prophet? It may not happen just as the believers say it will, but who really knows? With all the nukes out there, the end of civilization as we know it, is MORE than just a possibility. It would, in fact, be a "miracle" if it DOESN"T happen!

As for your admonition to "go and LIVE.." I couldn't agree more. But, any asssumption that Christians are NOT "living" a full life, as opposed to those who "live" like there's no tomorrow, or no consequences (see Soddom and Gomorrah,) shows a definite LACK of understanding of Christian thoughts and beliefs..... and NO understanding of their "behavior."

Hope you didn't PAY anything for those life-long "studies" of yours. :wink:
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Old 02-24-2008, 07:52 PM
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Raptor Jesus appeared before me, and he said: "Take heed my son, for there shall be many who doubt me, but whosoever believeth in me shall have everlasting life." I wept with joy at the gift bestowed, "Yet, my lord, what fate shall be given to the unworthy?" He answered: "Their entrails shall be rent from their stomachs, their limbs ripped from their torso, to feast our hungry bodies, and restore our souls. Whensoever you feast upon the heart of thine enemy, think of me." For that is the beauty of Raptor Jesus.

One day, Raptor Jesus walked a busy street with his disciple, Anonymous. Anonymous and his like-named brethren populated the land on which they strolled, as common as blades of grass. They walked, discussing many things, but, Anonymous paused for a moment. “Lord?” he spoke, “Is not this idle talk frowned upon by your father?” And quoth Raptor Jesus; “All voice communicates knowledge. Knowledge is hardly frowned upon by anyone, and thus your ‘idle talk’ does not exist, unless you speak of memes. Memes are idle, as they are merely communication of things all know of” And thus our Lord beckoned to a painting of an insanely smiling man. “However, memes can bring laughter and happiness, thus, one can surmise that He enjoys them, and hardly frowns upon them” And Anonymous looked ahead, silent.

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