Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-24-2008, 08:10 PM
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Skywalker said:

Whether or not we would retaliate with nukes remains to be seen. But in the event that enemy troops were foolish enough to land on our soil, even with many of our troops dislocated from CONUS....the enemy knows that every self-respecting American owns at least one gun, and many have in effect, since our nation's population is considered "dangerous"....they would effectively run into a firestorm....that would eventually defeat conventional warfare. Seems I remember watching a "b" grade movie called "Red Dawn"....with this kind of scenario.
I consider myself "self respecting" and I don't own a gun. Many of the Islamic terrorists that we are now fighting didn't OWN a gun. Guns are EASY to get once one has joined a resistance movement. :wink:

The interesting point about what you said is how well it describes ANY "resistance" or "insurgency" force.... and how well it describes the situation we are in NOW, and have been in BEFORE. Apparently, "WE" are the foolish ones who haven't come to this understanding! I think it might be more likely that our enemies might fear attacking our soil PRECISELY because they have seen OUR own failures against resistance forces.

If the great American military cannot defeat (in short order) an armed populace, what chance would others have (with more limited supply lines and resources?

The days of a country capitulating because their "standing army" was defeated on a battlefield or arena are OVER. Ironically, it was probably OUR support of the French Resistance that taught others that there is always HOPE! Equally ironic is that we didn't even learn the lesson of our OWN war for independence!

I am ALL FOR a strong military for defensive purposes.... but if there ever WAS a time when Gunboat Diplomacy was effective, this surely is NOT that time.

WE have taught the World that their personal freedom is worth fighting for, and they see US as the oppressor. They will NEVER stop fighting us! And we can NEVER win - militarily!

It seems that WE are the ones "behind the learning curve." And THIS, if anything, will be our downfall.

It is comforting to know that WE, as Americans, would fight to the end to defend our homeland. But, it is not until we lose the arrogance that makes us believe that others will not and cannot do the same, that we will be a World LEADER in ending the strife on this planet. We are one of the YOUNGEST countries and civilizations in the World. And right now.... we are ACTING like it!

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 02-24-2008, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Syncrosonix

Raptor Jesus appeared before me, and he said: "Take heed my son, for there shall be many who doubt me, but whosoever believeth in me shall have everlasting life." I wept with joy at the gift bestowed, "Yet, my lord, what fate shall be given to the unworthy?" He answered: "Their entrails shall be rent from their stomachs, their limbs ripped from their torso, to feast our hungry bodies, and restore our souls. Whensoever you feast upon the heart of thine enemy, think of me." For that is the beauty of Raptor Jesus.

One day, Raptor Jesus walked a busy street with his disciple, Anonymous. Anonymous and his like-named brethren populated the land on which they strolled, as common as blades of grass. They walked, discussing many things, but, Anonymous paused for a moment. “Lord?” he spoke, “Is not this idle talk frowned upon by your father?” And quoth Raptor Jesus; “All voice communicates knowledge. Knowledge is hardly frowned upon by anyone, and thus your ‘idle talk’ does not exist, unless you speak of memes. Memes are idle, as they are merely communication of things all know of” And thus our Lord beckoned to a painting of an insanely smiling man. “However, memes can bring laughter and happiness, thus, one can surmise that He enjoys them, and hardly frowns upon them” And Anonymous looked ahead, silent.
Nother Troll?! What was the purpose of this? Becuase you don't share a Christian belief, so you have to make fun of it? :roll:
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Neil Peart
Old 02-24-2008, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
Originally Posted by Bunny
Nope.. don't read minds but have studied human behavior for years.
Apparently not "Christian" human behavior or focus. Christians talk about the end of the world (as we know it) and the second coming, NOT because they fear death.... but because they eagerly anticipate an end to the strife and turmoil of Satan's rule of the World, and its redemption by their Lord. Indeed, because they are ready and anxious to "go home" to be with God. A "true believer" fears NOTHING.
As for bringing something to the discussion.. the world is not going to end ...
So now YOU are a prophet? It may not happen just as the believers say it will, but who really knows? With all the nukes out there, the end of civilization as we know it, is MORE than just a possibility. It would, in fact, be a "miracle" if it DOESN"T happen!

As for your admonition to "go and LIVE.." I couldn't agree more. But, any asssumption that Christians are NOT "living" a full life, as opposed to those who "live" like there's no tomorrow, or no consequences (see Soddom and Gomorrah,) shows a definite LACK of understanding of Christian thoughts and beliefs..... and NO understanding of their "behavior."

Hope you didn't PAY anything for those life-long "studies" of yours. :wink:
Thanks Hobo! :wink:
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Neil Peart
Old 02-25-2008, 12:30 AM
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no, i'm not a troll. i only trolled *this* thread. i've been holding off for some time now. i couldn't hold back any longer.

my feelings on religion is that the world would be a much better place without any of the faiths. besides politics, what is the common denominator in the chaos in the world today? religion. it's been responsible for some of the darkest times in history.

i believe a person doesn't have to be religious to have and practice good morals. it's always funny to hear and see religious hypocrisy being played out in our daily lives. it's usually those who are quick to throw their beliefs upon others, that do the exact opposite. when you call them out on their hypocrisy, they're quick to place blame and responsibility on to others.

besides, how do you or anyone know that what's written in the bible, is the complete truth? how do you know it wasn't written by some wacko who was drunk, and decided to make up a farce, without any idea how serious people would take it?
Old 02-25-2008, 03:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Syncrosonix
no, i'm not a troll. i only trolled *this* thread. i've been holding off for some time now. i couldn't hold back any longer.

my feelings on religion is that the world would be a much better place without any of the faiths. besides politics, what is the common denominator in the chaos in the world today? religion. it's been responsible for some of the darkest times in history.

i believe a person doesn't have to be religious to have and practice good morals. it's always funny to hear and see religious hypocrisy being played out in our daily lives. it's usually those who are quick to throw their beliefs upon others, that do the exact opposite. when you call them out on their hypocrisy, they're quick to place blame and responsibility on to others.

besides, how do you or anyone know that what's written in the bible, is the complete truth? how do you know it wasn't written by some wacko who was drunk, and decided to make up a farce, without any idea how serious people would take it?

no, i'm not a troll. i only trolled *this* thread. i've been holding off for some time now. i couldn't hold back any longer.
Ok-Your not a Troll, just acting like one.

You don't like religion, ok.. you think it is pretty much the downfall of man.. I have no argument with this. I agree with it.

But here is the situation Syncrosonix-- This here is a Thread on Prophecy and Teaching that is Christian based-- and it clearly state's that on the thread Name.. Here are believers, and some non-believers. Discussing prophecy that is Christian based. If you are a non-believer in Christianity, 1) then why would you even want to come here?
2) what does it matter to you, that we are discussing this?
3) why troll?--If it is for the sake of argument, we do have threads for those or you can make another, and I am sure someone who is a believer will come along and give you the argument debate you are looking for. BUT this thread is for discussion on Prophecy.
4) Do you want to discuss Prophecy is that why you came? If so you are more than welcome to come here. Just don't troll, you seem to intellegent for that kinda stuff.

Respect is what I am asking for-- anyone here will tell you, I am a man of Faith. But I am fair, and I do not put down others belief's.. I might question and discuss them, but put them down No.

So if you want to answer the above 4 questions please do. If your looking for argument or debate take it somewhere else.

Thankyou for your respect
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Neil Peart
Old 03-11-2008, 10:33 PM
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I wonder if Skywalker is still around?? Hey Skywalker Helloooo!!

I am thinking of throwing some things out on the Papacy. With that in mind I would like Skywalker to correct where I am Wrong. I state him because at one time early in this thread, we got off on the wrong foot. That being said over the years of reading his thoughts on this site, and another. I see he has more knowledge than I in this area.. So I will Pm him and ask him to the discussion.

What I put is not my opinion it is just for discussion and a outlook that I find interesting..

538 A.D. TO 1798 A.D.
A period of only 1260 literal days, only 3 1/2 years, falls absurdly short of fulfilling the requirements of the 1260-day prophecies in regard to the Papacy. But when, by the year-day principle is extended to 1260 years, the prophecy meets a unique fulfillment.

In 538 A.D. the Ostragoths abandoned their siege of Rome -- and this left the Bishop of Rome to excercise the perogatives of Justinian's decree of 533 A.D. the power and the authority of the Papacy grew, and grew, and grew.

Exactly 1260 years later the Papcy suffered its "deathblow."

The spectacular victories of the armies of Napoleon in Italy placed the Pope at the mercy of the French Revolutionary Government, which now advised that the Roman Religion would always be a persistant enemy of the Republic.

The government urged Napoleon to destroy the center of unity of the Roman church, and Napoleon did just that.

In 1798 the French general Berthier, with a French army, marched into Rome and proclaimed the political rule of the Papcy at an end and took the Pope prisoner. The Pope was removed to France where he died in exile.

The 1260 year rule of the Papacy was finished.

I find this interesting cause the beast in Daniel, on its horns has no crowns.

In Revelation we see this beast with Crowns on its horns.. Same beast?

Revelation 17
The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast
1 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me,[a] “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.[b] 5 And on her forehead a name was written:


6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
The Meaning of the Woman and the Beast

7 But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. 8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.[c]
9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.
12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw on[d] the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

A city on 7 hills? ROME maybe-- Not to mention the Papacy came back in 1929, became its own country..

5 kings have fallen, 1 IS, the other not yet come, but will and continue for a short time.. THen the Beast that Was-- and IS not, will come. He is of the 7 but is the 8th.. A resurrection maybe? The beast with a wound..

System wise, it has happend and is growing, changing laws and times again. Pope wise is yet to be seen.. there now has been only 7 Pope's since 1929, and the 6th wich IS, right now is not.. and the 7 currently rules wich is Ratzy.. IF this is True Then the most loved Pope has to come back as a ressurection like Christ, well He better do it soon, cause John Paul died April 2nd of 2005.. and according to Isaiha 1 year for each day.. Christ was dead 3 days, then Rose.. If this Pope is the 6th and is the 8th, then he has to be here and alive by next month. Then we shall know weather the Papacy reign is the Anti-Christ system and man. And this Beast is the same, but now to rule again for 1260 days 3 and 1/2 years or 42 months.. Will it be exactly that or what is was?
But now it has the crowns.

Remember this is not my opinion, just a discussion..

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Neil Peart
Old 03-12-2008, 02:15 AM
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Frankly, I don't tend to think its true.... Yes I am a Catholic, but at the same time I am very much a "free thinker"....and a bit of a student of history. Here is a link to a secular encapsulation of Vatican History, which differs from the history that some tend to embrace:

As you can see, other than during times of wars that were fought around Rome, the Pope has always been in the Vatican. While the Vatican has never had an army in the traditional sense...and unless monarchs or states that supported the Church came to its was virtually defenseless as far as warlike attacks were concerned. Additionally, one has to delve very deeply into European history to understand the happenings that transpired from prior to the middle ages...this is also to say that one has to delve deeply into the political history of Europe as well to get a true sense of what happened in the different countries. Never the less, the Vatican was always there, the Pope lived there, all that changed was the politics and boundary lines.

The actions taken by Italy in 1929...were wholly "political" in nature to correct what was done by Victor Emmanuel, and this article though it deals with Post Offices and "stamps" explains how a lot of the politics and such were involved.

Victor Emmanuel captured Rome after the French troops defending it returned to France to fight their own 1870... some of that information is here:

I don't put much stock, well...actually none whatsoever in the conspiracy theories that are supposed to be "prophecies"....based on strange permutations of "interpretations" of passages contained in the Bible. 100% of those "interpretations" of prophecies are foisted upon the gullible by much avowed enemies of the Catholic Church. It is used by them as "justifications" for their beliefs. So be it. Tis they who will stand before God on Judgement Day....and then we will see where God stands on the issues....

One interesting thought though....I have always found it curious as to how so many non-Catholics have found it necessary to spend so much time attacking a religion they don't embrace....while Catholics as a whole don't spend any time at all even thinking about the subject. Speaking for myself and most Catholics, or at least many....we aren't interested in wasting time over the issue....because we tend to "respect" the right of others to worship as they please. Google the words "Catholic prejudice against other religions" and see what the responses are.... interesting to say the least. The saddest thing of all is that some people and denominations have used "religious prejudice" and hatemongering as the "very justification" for their own beliefs and theology.

I will confine my comments to those made so far, because to go beyond that would be cause for me to open the Pandora's Box of "who's Bible is correct", and who's is a mutation or whatever. Really don't care to go there....its really quite "pointless".

Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

Old 03-13-2008, 01:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Skywalker
Frankly, I don't tend to think its true.... Yes I am a Catholic, but at the same time I am very much a "free thinker"....and a bit of a student of history. Here is a link to a secular encapsulation of Vatican History, which differs from the history that some tend to embrace:

As you can see, other than during times of wars that were fought around Rome, the Pope has always been in the Vatican. While the Vatican has never had an army in the traditional sense...and unless monarchs or states that supported the Church came to its was virtually defenseless as far as warlike attacks were concerned. Additionally, one has to delve very deeply into European history to understand the happenings that transpired from prior to the middle ages...this is also to say that one has to delve deeply into the political history of Europe as well to get a true sense of what happened in the different countries. Never the less, the Vatican was always there, the Pope lived there, all that changed was the politics and boundary lines.

The actions taken by Italy in 1929...were wholly "political" in nature to correct what was done by Victor Emmanuel, and this article though it deals with Post Offices and "stamps" explains how a lot of the politics and such were involved.

Victor Emmanuel captured Rome after the French troops defending it returned to France to fight their own 1870... some of that information is here:

I don't put much stock, well...actually none whatsoever in the conspiracy theories that are supposed to be "prophecies"....based on strange permutations of "interpretations" of passages contained in the Bible. 100% of those "interpretations" of prophecies are foisted upon the gullible by much avowed enemies of the Catholic Church. It is used by them as "justifications" for their beliefs. So be it. Tis they who will stand before God on Judgement Day....and then we will see where God stands on the issues....

One interesting thought though....I have always found it curious as to how so many non-Catholics have found it necessary to spend so much time attacking a religion they don't embrace....while Catholics as a whole don't spend any time at all even thinking about the subject. Speaking for myself and most Catholics, or at least many....we aren't interested in wasting time over the issue....because we tend to "respect" the right of others to worship as they please. Google the words "Catholic prejudice against other religions" and see what the responses are.... interesting to say the least. The saddest thing of all is that some people and denominations have used "religious prejudice" and hatemongering as the "very justification" for their own beliefs and theology.

I will confine my comments to those made so far, because to go beyond that would be cause for me to open the Pandora's Box of "who's Bible is correct", and who's is a mutation or whatever. Really don't care to go there....its really quite "pointless".

Skywalker Thankyou for your thoughts on the matter, and thankyou for the links.
I want to point out again that this was not my opinion, and wasn't meant to bash Catholics. I just found it interesting and thought it could be a good discussion. So again if I have offended you, that was not my intention.

Thanks again
Your Brother in Christ
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Neil Peart
Old 03-15-2008, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Slimland

Skywalker Thankyou for your thoughts on the matter, and thankyou for the links.
I want to point out again that this was not my opinion, and wasn't meant to bash Catholics. I just found it interesting and thought it could be a good discussion. So again if I have offended you, that was not my intention.

Thanks again
Your Brother in Christ
No need to apologize!! I was not "offended"!! You let me know up front what was up....and you just asked questions and for my opinion....which can be "dangerous ground to tread on".. 8) 8) Truthfully....its nothing new. I've seen it before... Again, no offense taken, and I know you weren't doing any "bashing". 8) 8)
Forrest Gump was right....and some people literally strive to prove it.....everyday. Strive not to be one of "them".... And "lemmings" are a dime a dozen!

Remember: The "truth WILL set you free"! If it doesn't "set you free"....."it will trap you in the cesspool of your own design".

They lost my original "avatar"....oh well.

Old 03-21-2008, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Human ID Chips Get Under My Skin

While it's easy to reject the notion of placing little ID chips inside humans as an ominous Orwellian invasion of individual rights, I suspect it's inevitable that in my lifetime we will all have some kind of computerized implants. My problem is not with the technology, known as chipping, or with the companies that sell it. My concern stems from my lack of trust in institutions and lack of belief that the technology will be forever restricted to beneficial, socially acceptable uses.

Chipping involves implanting a transponder chip below the skin for identification purposes. VeriChip (CHIP), the one company that has gained FDA clearance to perform this procedure, has emerged as the process's leading advocate. The implant procedure itself is simple and mostly painless, accomplished in a doctor's office in a matter of seconds.

Generally speaking, the only data stored on the chip is a 16-digit ID number that cross-references to a record in VeriChip's database. Nevertheless the chip raises a number of troubling concerns:

Health. Before diving into privacy and security concerns, it is worth noting recent reports indicate implanted chips may have caused tumors in small lab animals, and therefore may be equally dangerous for humans. I am not qualified to express an opinion on the subject other than to note the FDA has approved the device as safe. Evidence to the contrary will probably take years to accumulate, and at that point, a debate would be useless to those already afflicted.

Privacy. Advocates of chipping often downplay privacy and security worries by stressing the chips merely contain a number rather than any actual personal information. However, that may be dangerous enough. A centralized numeric database storing information on a significant number of Americans begins to look a lot like a national ID card. But unlike an ID card safely stowed in a wallet, the numbers on these chips can potentially be read wirelessly by someone standing near you with an inexpensive handheld reader. Legislative attempts to establish a national ID, such as the REAL ID Act, have proven to be highly controversial. It would be a shame to have human chipping effectively short-circuit that debate and create a de facto national identification system.

Hacking and Misuse. I trust VeriChip, I guess. At least I have no reason not to trust them. But what about someone hacking into their databases? (Please don't tell me their security is absolutely foolproof—thanks to all the credit-card system breaches, we all know better.) All it would take is a careless employee to accidentally expose everyone's numbers to an ill-intentioned hacker. Since you can't reprogram chips already implanted, would we all need to have them physically swapped out whenever VeriChip's database was compromised? I also suspect it wouldn't be too hard to execute "man-in-the-middle" attacks that snag an individual's chip number for malicious use.

Consent. The leading candidates proposed for the initial rounds of chipping are people who are either unwilling or unable to give informed consent. While there have been a few actual instances of mandatory chipping—the Attorney General of Mexico forced his staff to get implants to gain access to a sensitive document room—most uses remain theoretical. For example, VeriChip has advocated chipping Alzheimer's patients as a way to help families find those sufferers who get lost.

Scott Silverman, VeriChip's chairman, has proposed mandatory chipping of guest workers and immigrants. A hospital in Ontario plans to implant the chips in babies, and the U.S. Army is mulling a requirement for enlisted personnel. The elderly, immigrants, babies, low-ranking soldiers…these are not exactly the most powerful segments of U.S. society.

Compare this to new technologies such as laser eye surgery and non-invasive heart procedures, where the wealthy and powerful typically benefit well before the lower rungs of the social ladder. I am inherently distrustful of technologies that start deployment at the bottom of the power pyramid.

Unintended Consequences. Once implanted, these chips, and the associated network of chip readers deployed to work with them, will be around for a long time. Let's give VeriChip, participating hospitals, and government agencies the benefit of the doubt about being ethical and well-intentioned organizations. But who knows which agencies might be given access to the database down the road as part of new policy initiatives. Congressmen are notorious for passing legislation requiring the government to exploit existing databases for new endeavors, such as targeting deadbeat dads or delinquent student loan holders through the IRS tax refund system.

I can think of countless initiatives that could be launched to make use of a sufficiently large group of chipped people: a universal college student ID system; chip readers in cars that would block drivers with unpaid parking tickets from using their vehicles; tracking people with a history of emotional disturbances; court-ordered chipping tied to domestic restraining orders; government monitoring of people found to have a high-risk profile through computer profiling; outfitting firearms with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader and requiring gun owners to be chipped to fire their weapon (like existing thumbprint locks).

Once a sufficient number of humans have had chips implanted, for whatever the reason, all bets on containing the technology are off. A responsible debate on human chipping would consider the extreme scenario—widespread mandatory implants—and not just focus on the initial "socially acceptable" proposals that target specific populations such as Alzheimer's patients, children, or convicts on work release programs.

Reduced Expectations. Although there is no guarantee of privacy written explicitly into the Constitution, a century of court rulings has carved out some tenuous protections for Americans, most of which are based on the concept of "expectation of privacy." A widely deployed system of human ID chips might very well erode that expectation, weakening everyone's shield against privacy intrusions.

As citizens, we need legal safeguards ensuring that any use of this technology adheres to publicly acceptable guidelines. At a minimum, any chipping must be truly voluntary rather than mandatory. But I am afraid this will be almost impossible to ensure without legislation such as that enacted by Wisconsin last year, barring all mandatory human chipping.

Any potential privacy-busting technology such as this one must be introduced with substantive protections that far exceed ambiguous corporate pledges that boil down to "Trust me." With all due respect, I'm afraid that I don't.
Well Slimland, I am poking my head in here for a little bit.

I worked in this very industry before changing careers to truck driving. If people actually knew how advanced that the technology is they would never allow it to move forward. But basically there is virtually no limit to the applications of this technology nor in the violations of privacy that can come from it.

One example is a cashless method of payment. The technology used was the RFID tags and a chip somewhere on your person. An entire grocery basket was filled with items and you pushed it through a scanner similar to a metal detector at an airport. In just a brief pass the scanner checked out every item in the basket and then took the money from your account electronically via the chip carried by the person. In this case the chip was in a credit card size id. But it was small enough itself to be placed anywhere including under your skin.

In the marketing information it was suggested as a selling point that it provided privacy and security to the shopper. No more credit card or bank theft was the idea since you would never have to take a card out to pay for anything again. However, it also suggested to businesses that customers buying patterns could be tracked and messages such as advertising could be aimed at the customer via video screens placed at strategic places in the general public. Imagine walking downtown on a hot day and then have a drink machine call out to you by name and say, "quit drinking so much Coke, buy a bottle of cold water right now!"

However, other businesses are already interested in tracking our buying patterens using current technology. Insurance companies already try to buy information from grocery stores who use the frequent customer cards for discounts and incentives. The insurance companies then use the information to assess your risk factors in setting insurnace rates on everything from health to car insurance.

If this technology goes forward in any fashion then personal privacy is completely out the window. You wont even be safe at home. If fully implemented, anyone with the right equipment can ride down your street and then know exactly who is home and what you have inside your house.

The other suggestions for this technology are scarier than most want to think about.

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