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Old 04-03-2008, 02:25 AM
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Well it is good to see you again Redeemed, wondered what happend to ya.

I kinda stayed away myself for a couple of weeks, but now I think I might post a little more. Now that I have gotten the custody battle out of the way.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-03-2008, 02:26 AM
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Russia ‘Alarmed’ As US Readies April Nuclear Attack On Iran

This article replaces the "Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border" which was outdated. We would treat the source of this article somewhat skeptically but still believe it is worth sharing.

Russian Foreign Ministry Officials are reported to be ‘alarmed’ today over a ‘presentation’ made by the United States War Leaders to President Putin at this weeks NATO summit in Romania and which details the Americans plan to begin a nuclear attack against Irans atomic facilities in the next two weeks.

Most disturbing of these reports, according to Foreign Ministry Analysts, are the United States ‘offers and threats’ towards Russia to ‘remain neutral’ in this conflict or face the combined weight of the American and EU central banks deliberate collapsing of the Western banking system, and US dollar, and which is estimated will cause the loss of nearly $800 billion of Russian foreign reserves.

To the ‘offers’ presented to President Putin for keeping Russia out of this war, these reports continue, will be NATO’s rejection of Ukraine and Georgia membership into the Western Military Alliance and the ending of the planned US Missile Shield being planned for Poland and the Czech Republic.

In what, sadly, passes for diplomacy these days with the United States, this ‘presentation’ to President Putin is eerily reminiscent of the offer made to the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan prior to the US invasion of their country after their rejection of the American offer, and which French news sources reported was stated, “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

To the likelihood of the US carrying out such an attack upon Iran there remains today little doubt as Saudi Arabia has ordered their people to prepare for nuclear war, and as we can read as reported by Iran’s Press TV News Service, and which says:

"Saudi Arabia is reportedly preparing to counter any ’radioactive hazards’ which may result from a US strike on Iran’s nuclear plants.

Popular government-guided Saudi newspaper Okaz recently reported that the Saudi Shura Council approved of nuclear fallout preparation plans only a day after US Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Kingdom’s high ranking officials, including King Abdullah.

As a result of the Shura ruling, the Saudi government will start the implementation of ’national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the Kingdom following expert warnings of possible attacks on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactors’."

Israel is, likewise, said to be preparing for this new war, and as we can read as reported by Israeli News Sources, and which state: "Defense Minister Ehud Barak authorized on Sunday evening the plans for a national emergency drill, which is scheduled to take place in two weeks time."

Russian Military Analysts, in these reports, further state that with a US nuclear strike against Iran, Israel will, also, launch a simultaneous against Syria, and as we can read, as reported by Israel’s Ynet News Service, the Syrian Nation is preparing for:

"Syria is preparing for a comprehensive Israeli strike which will be combined with an attack on Hizbullah, sources in Damascus have told the London-based Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. The sources, which refused to reveal their identity, reported that Syria was closely monitoring the movement of Israeli forces along the northern border.

The newspaper reported Wednesday that Damascus viewed the Israeli media reports and statements made by senior Israel Defense Forces officials as incitement and attempts to prepare the Israeli and global public opinion for a war against Syria.

In addition to the military preparations, the sources said, Damascus has raised its security alert level for fear that Israeli forces would infiltrate its territories through one of its bordering countries, mainly referring to Lebanon.

Over the past few weeks, the Syrians have stationed three armored divisions, special forces and nine mechanized infantry divisions opposite Lebanon’s western valley, as the Syrians estimate that a ground Israeli invasion may take place in that area."

As the American people remain under the greatest threat in their history to their freedom, and as Britain’s top economic experts are stating that the US is now falling into a Great Depression, with the most of their citizens receiving food aid in their entire history, while at the same time their Military reports the spending of over $1.6 trillion on new weapons for their wars, one cannot but shudder to think of the grave consequences should their grab for total World domination fails.

But, with all of the failed attempts by many Global powers in the past to establish their rule over the entire World, and should the United States fail in their nuclear attack against Iran, and with the added backdrop of the growing crisis of our Earth being able to feed its own people, never has it been more true the age old saying, “For those who do not learn history they are doomed to repeat it.”
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Neil Peart
Old 04-03-2008, 02:27 AM
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The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'

Saudi Arabia is reportedly preparing to counter any 'radioactive hazards' which may result from a US strike on Iran's nuclear plants.

Popular government-guided Saudi newspaper Okaz recently reported that the Saudi Shura Council approved of nuclear fallout preparation plans only a day after US Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Kingdom's high ranking officials, including King Abdullah.

As a result of the Shura ruling, the Saudi government will start the implementation of 'national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the Kingdom following expert warnings of possible attacks on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactors'.

As the details of Cheney's recent discussions with his Arab allies remain unclear, pundits have begun to question the timing of the drastic measure by the Shura.

Analysts claim the Bush administration had long rattled sabers with Iran over its nuclear program and is now informing its Arab allies of a potential war, in turn, allowing them to take precautionary measures.

With the sudden resignation of Admiral William Fallon, a high-ranking US military official who was a fierce critic of White House war rhetoric against Iran, and reports of the recent deployment of a US nuclear submarine in the Persian Gulf; there is speculation that Washington is moving forward with yet another war plan in the oil-rich Middle East.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-03-2008, 02:29 AM
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Ezekiel 38 draws closer as Iran forms military pact with Sudan

Iran jumped in with gusto to meet Sudan president Omar al-Bashir’s application for a military package including arms and training of his army. The application was received after the horrendous Darfur tragedy and Khartoum’s backing for Chad rebels finally convinced Sudan’s traditional arms suppliers, Russia, China and Libya, to back away from arming Sudan’s 120,000-strong army.

Beijing came last, sensitized to its international image by the approaching Olympic Games in August. Libya has a major beef with Khartoum for backing the rebels fighting to overthrow Chad president Idriss Debby.

The pacts were signed on March 8 by Iran’s defense minister Gen. Mostafa Mohammad Majjar and his Sudanese counterpart, Gen. Abdul Rahim Mohammad Hussein, a fighter pilot appointed defense minister last month.

For years Tehran has been building up its military ties with Khartoum with an eye on its geopolitical assets: a long coast on the Red Sea, a main sea lanes to the Persian Gulf, a Muslim nation located opposite Saudi Arabia and next door to Egypt; Sudan’s command of oil resources and the White Nile, a major water source for an entire African region. This strategic jewel finally dropped into Iran’s fundamentalist lap.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s Iranian sources disclosed its substance on March 14, 2008:

1. The Sudanese Army will gradually re-adjust from Russian and Chinese weaponry to Iranian-made items.

2. A 50 percent discount on Iran arms sold to Sudan.

3. Iran will build Sudan a military industry for the manufacture of Iranian weapons.

4. The two governments will establish a joint military commission to translate mutual defense collaboration into practical form. Each undertakes to come to the other’s aid in the event of foreign aggression.

5. The two air forces, navies and armored corps will exchange delegations.

6. Iran will help Sudan plan and construct security systems for strategic locations, such as oil fields, ports and the Nile River dams.

The $1.8 billion White Nile River Merowe Dam hydropower project, which includes a 174-kilometer long reservoir, is funded by China and Arab countries. Chinese, Sudanese, German and French companies participate in this project and in the Kajbar Dam downstream of the Merowe Dam.

The Sudanese are afraid that Egypt, which claims the Merowe project is diverting its water supply, may attack and destroy the project.

On March 10, the UN center in Geneva published a report compiled by a group of experts monitoring human rights in Sudan, which had this to say about these dams:

“We regret that the government did not allow access to Kajbar, Amir, Merowe and Makabrab in the northern state. The visit was planned to meet with local authorities and affected communities in the Nile valley area where two hydropower dams are being constructed. It was canceled by Sudan’s state security committee the day before it was scheduled to travel to the area. The reasons provided by the government did not justify their decision to prevent access.

‘”After being prevented from traveling to the area, the international experts met with representatives from the affected communities in Khartoum. They urged the government to ensure the safety and adequate housing of persons displaced from the area.

They also requested access for UN human rights officers to conduct an independent assessment mission to the area.”

According to the information reaching DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s sources, the Merowe Dam is displacing more than 50,000 people living in the fertile Nile Valley and casting them out to arid desert locations. The government is violently suppressing the protests of the Nubian people who would be displaced by the Kajbar Dam.

7. Iran has assumed responsibility for sending instructors to train Sudanese army units deployed in Darfur. To disguise the aid rendered to the forces perpetrating atrocities in Darfur, the Iranians have set up a number of welfare facilities in the province.

The have also built a military hospital to serve the Sudanese army.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military and intelligence sources disclose that in 2006, Sudan secretly permitted Iran to deploy intelligence agents along its border with Chad. These agents were entrusted with three missions.

Their missions were Oneb: To subjugate the Chad tribes working the uranium deposits of eastern Chad preparatory to their seizure; Two: To establish links with Chadian elements willing to challenge Libyan influence; Three: To strike west via Chad and hook up with the terrorist organizations battling Western influence - primarily American and Israeli – on the African continent.

By no coincidence, an American-Israeli plot was suddenly “uncovered” in Khartoum - at the very moment last month when the Sudanese defense minister was away in Tehran signing military pacts.

Sudan’s security agencies were said to have carried out a snap search of a private plane belonging to an unnamed American company operating in Sudan as it arrived with oil field equipment. What they claimed to have found was an “Israeli Mossad electric surveillance device” which was to have been planted at local military facilities.

Khartoum’s tie-in between a US oil company operating in Sudan and Israeli intelligence warned Washington that Omar al-Bashir was in the process of lining up behind Tehran’s anti-American campaign.

Our sources add that Sudan’s vice president Salva Kiir Mayardit, head of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), who has good relations with the Americans, has chosen to stay silent at this point and not demur against the new military pacts signed with Iran.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-03-2008, 02:30 AM
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Laser plane could destroy tanks from 10 miles

The United States Defence Department has developed a prototype of an aircraft armed with a laser gun that could destroy tanks 10 miles away.

The weapon is capable of destroying targets up to 15km (10m) away, according to Defense Update online magazine.

The ten-centimetre-wide beam will heat targets almost instantly to thousands of degrees and will slice through metal even at maximum range. It is intended both for battlefield use and for missile defense.

It is anticipated the beam will be adjustable, allowing the gunner to choose between, for example, targeting a vehicle's fuel tank to destroy it utterly, or slice through a tyre to bring it to a halt without injuring the driver.

The laser will be housed in a rotating turret attached to the underside of the aircraft and will be aimed independently of the plane. Early tests have focused on testing the rotation of the laser housing.

So far the laser itself has not been tested in flight, but first trials are expected during 2008.

Tests on a laser for destroying vehicles will be carried out on the prototype based on the C-130 "Hercules" transport aircraft. A separate version of the missile will be trialled on a Boeing 747.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-03-2008, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Well it is good to see you again Redeemed, wondered what happend to ya.

I kinda stayed away myself for a couple of weeks, but now I think I might post a little more. Now that I have gotten the custody battle out of the way.
Things have just started to calm down a little just lately. I am just now able to see my plate starting to clear a little bit. After my mom passed away Thanksgiving we then lost my Uncle (her brother) the first part of Feb. Feels like someone in my family has been sick, dying, or deceased now for over a year. But holding out a hope and a prayer that '08 is a better.
Old 04-03-2008, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Russia ‘Alarmed’ As US Readies April Nuclear Attack On Iran

This article replaces the "Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border" which was outdated. We would treat the source of this article somewhat skeptically but still believe it is worth sharing.

Russian Foreign Ministry Officials are reported to be ‘alarmed’ today over a ‘presentation’ made by the United States War Leaders to President Putin at this weeks NATO summit in Romania and which details the Americans plan to begin a nuclear attack against Irans atomic facilities in the next two weeks.

Are the hooks being set in Gog's jaws? Could this be a reason that Russia and her partners go after Israel? Possibly. Russia has been infused with lots of oil revenue as of late. And has used it to resurrect its neglected military machine.

Ezekiel 38 (Contemporary English Version)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society

Ezekiel 38
Gog Invades Israel
1The LORD said:
2Ezekiel, son of man, condemn Gog, that wicked ruler of the kingdoms of Meshech and Tubal in the land of Magog. Tell him:

3I, the LORD God, am your enemy, 4and I will make you powerless! I will put a hook in your jaw and drag away both you and your large army. You command cavalry troops that wear heavy armor and carry shields and swords. 5Your army includes soldiers from Persia, Ethiopia, [a] and Libya, 6as well as from Gomer and Beth-Togarmah in the north. Your army is enormous! 7So keep your troops prepared to fight, 8because in a few years, I will command you to invade Israel, a country that was ruined by war. It was deserted for a long time, but its people have returned from the foreign nations where they once lived. The Israelites now live in peace in the mountains of their own land. 9But you and your army will attack them like a fierce thunderstorm and surround them like a cloud.

10When that day comes, I know that you will have an evil plan 11to take advantage of Israel, that weak and peaceful country where people live safely inside towns that have no walls or gates or locks. 12You will rob the people in towns that were once a pile of rubble. These people lived as prisoners in foreign nations, but they have returned to Israel, the most important place in the world, and they own livestock and property. 13The people of Sheba and Dedan, along with merchants from villages in [b] southern Spain, [c] will be your allies. They will want some of the silver and gold, as well as the livestock and property that your army takes from Israel. 14I, the LORD God, know that when you see [d] my people Israel living in peace, 15you will lead your powerful cavalry from your kingdom in the north. 16You will attack my people like a storm-cloud that covers their land. I will let you invade my country Israel, so that every nation on earth will know that I, the LORD, am holy.
Old 04-04-2008, 02:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Well it is good to see you again Redeemed, wondered what happend to ya.

I kinda stayed away myself for a couple of weeks, but now I think I might post a little more. Now that I have gotten the custody battle out of the way.
Things have just started to calm down a little just lately. I am just now able to see my plate starting to clear a little bit. After my mom passed away Thanksgiving we then lost my Uncle (her brother) the first part of Feb. Feels like someone in my family has been sick, dying, or deceased now for over a year. But holding out a hope and a prayer that '08 is a better.
I knew about your mom, but I didn't know about your Uncle. Has it been that long since I spoke to you last??

As for Gog, I was kinda thinking that same thing.. But you know what even if and when it happens, they will still deny HIM. even though it is propheciesed.

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Neil Peart
Old 04-04-2008, 10:04 PM
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You are right Slim, they will still deny Him even to the end.

Revelation 16:11
and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

In the 16th chapter it repeats several times that in spite of the judgements there is still a refusal to repent and thereby deny Jesus.

One thing that is interesting in the Bible search I just did. The first few examples of "repent" in the book of Revelation are examples where Jesus is pleading with the seven churches to repent. All the rest are examples where the judgements come and in spite of them people still refuse. So pleading does not work nor does judgements. Eventually it is only when seeing him face to face do those who survived finally accept Him. But too late.
Old 04-04-2008, 10:12 PM
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Reading through your latest entries, Slim, the only comment I would have is that if we (and/or Israel) went after Iran, it would be with conventional weapons, not nukes. I don't think Iran getting bombed is much of a stretch...I simply believe it's only a matter of time and will be done with conventional warheads.

As far as whether it leads to the fulfillment of the prophecies in Ezekiel, time will tell on that. Times are certainly interesting.

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