Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 04-14-2008, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
What is interesting about the original subject we started here is the ever increasing call for interfaith cooperation and even recognition. For hundreds of years man has been fighting man about many things including religious belief. But now, at this moment in time you are hearing more about the faiths trying to reconcile than anytime before. Interesting times!
The only reason that any of these religious monkeys are trying to band together is the fact that the sword is now pointed at THEIR throat.. its called desperation... they are no longer at the top of the heap and no one fears their followers anymore.. so they are trying to do what they should have done a couple of thousand years ago.. too little too late and the end is neigh.
Old 04-14-2008, 03:49 PM
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Aliens? I thought that to even mentioning anything like ghosts, goblins, zombies, witches, Ouija boards and especially anything remotely linked to anything out of this world was frowned upon by the Christian folk???
Foz, I'm a Christian, but believe there are many things that we, as a human race, do not understand or our brains are simply not wired to understand it.

I believe in ghosts...have had the opportunity to see a ghost at one time and no one will ever be able to convince me it was anything but.

As far as having discussions about those topics? I've never been counseled not to talk about subjects like that, only that it's something we shouldn't needlessly ydwell on or immerse ourselves into. So I don't. But the topics are fascinating....undead, other-worldly? I'm a reader and a writer and my favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. Some people might say that makes me atypical...I say it makes me normal.


The only reason that any of these religious monkeys are trying to band together is the fact that the sword is now pointed at THEIR throat.. its called desperation... they are no longer at the top of the heap and no one fears their followers anymore.. so they are trying to do what they should have done a couple of thousand years ago.. too little too late and the end is neigh.
I'd have to disagree with that statement. It's not that the sword is pointed at the throat of's pointed at the throat of mankind. If you aren't a believer and therefore have no belief in Second Coming of Christ, it's going to be hard for you to understand.

But to Christians and believers, we definitely feel that we are in the last days before Christ returns. We may differ on timeframes and exactly what is going to happen up to that point, but I think you'll find that Christians as a whole fully believe it will happen soon.

And that does cause desperation in many people. People get worried and scared because the final days mean some pretty serious trials and tribulations. Or they are concerned for their fellow many will be needlessly lost that might be saved if they hear the right message?

Whatever the case, the people of the world on both sides of religion are getting stirred up.

Old 04-14-2008, 05:33 PM
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I'd have to disagree with that statement. It's not that the sword is pointed at the throat of's pointed at the throat of mankind. If you aren't a believer and therefore have no belief in Second Coming of Christ, it's going to be hard for you to understand.
As for being hard for me to understand, that inference rather demeaning. I fully understand the concept of what the Christian theology believes. Your point is exactly what I was getting at however. When the Christians were perfectly happy wielding the sword and destroying other humans on a massive scale, they didn’t seem overly concerned about mankind in the least then or now. Only recently that there is a real threat for them to lose that generations long lofty perch as the sword wielder do they feign any sort of concern about this. On this the radical muslim has a VALID point as it concerns Christians specifically. The world does not care

This is nothing more than sour grapes and the reckoning that frankly the Christians have their future misery coming as a second class theology. Those who are for either of these religions play the same part historically irregardless of who is wielding the sword and both are equally guilty of spreading death and destruction to societies that they could not convince or those who they just wanted to steal everything they had. They are just there to be added to the body counts by whatever group has decided that their great god wants them dead.

But to Christians and believers, we definitely feel that we are in the last days before Christ returns. We may differ on timeframes and exactly what is going to happen up to that point, but I think you'll find that Christians as a whole fully believe it will happen soon.
I’m 46 years old and have heard this same gas before and since I discovered the fact of what religion is and historically is not. The world is and always has been coming to an end and the people proclaiming this are just quite giddy with the prospect of the world being destroyed by the “big guy” so they can move to the big mansion in the sky and all those people they feel are beneath them will get their comeuppance . The final end to this planet will never come, the end of humans probably will and will be a blessing to the rest of the creatures here.

And that does cause desperation in many people. People get worried and scared because the final days mean some pretty serious trials and tribulations. Or they are concerned for their fellow many will be needlessly lost that might be saved if they hear the right message?

Whatever the case, the people of the world on both sides of religion are getting stirred up.
If these people were practicing what they preach.. what is there to be worried about? I KNOW the answer…
Old 04-14-2008, 06:53 PM
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As for being hard for me to understand, that inference rather demeaning
No, not demeaning it all. It's just that when discussing theology, people really have to have a common point of reference to start anywhere. Believers and non-believers have no real commonality to begin a debate from. That was the basis of my comment.

Case in have no idea why I can believe in God and I, for the life of me, cannot understand why you don't believe in God. So, it's a case of having absolutely zero common ground. We end up having to agree to disagree about everything.


The world is and always has been coming to an end and the people proclaiming this are just quite giddy with the prospect of the world being destroyed by the “big guy” so they can move to the big mansion in the sky and all those people they feel are beneath them will get their comeuppance
...this you nail dead on. The issues have never been about Christianity....being a Christian, believing in Christ and our Savior, believing in God, believing in eternal life...none of that is the problem.

The problem is in the people...Christianity is rife with pretenders, charlatons, and deceivers, who unfortunately take center stage. When the Second Coming does happen, there's going to be a lot of "christians" in word only, who are going to be sorely suprised and eternally punished.

It's funny in an odd sort of way. I don't have a problem with a non-believer. I fully believe that a non-believer simply hasn't had the opportunity to hear the message and I count a number of non-believers as friends. But I have a big problem with intolerant jerks who claim to be a Christian, but are in actuallity doing everything in their power to drive people away from God in some stupid hope of having a bigger piece of the pie.

If these people were practicing what they preach.. what is there to be worried about? I KNOW the answer
So do I and I'm a big believer in divine justice. In other words, they'll get theirs.

Old 04-14-2008, 08:40 PM
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Twilight Flyer…I have to agree with you on many of your points especially the attitude that many so called Christians take with their holier than thou statements (and bumper stickers) and their attitude that their interpretation of Christ and the bible is the only true way and any other belief (and atheists) are simply wrong. I just don’t think God is going to be that selective. The key (in my view) is whether a person believes in God and the fact Christ died for us or not and whether that person believes in the simple truths that Jesus asked us to live by and that is 1) love God with all your heart and 2) treat your fellow man as you would treat yourself. That’s it in a nut shell, the rest is fluff and nitpicking.

And it isn’t that Fozzy doesn’t believe in God (or a god, or a force etc), it’s just that he won’t state it here. I’ve asked in the past with no success.
Old 04-15-2008, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????

Aliens? I thought that to even mentioning anything like ghosts, goblins, zombies, witches, Ouija boards and especially anything remotely linked to anything out of this world was frowned upon by the Christian folk??? :shock:
First let me say it is good to see you back into the discussion..

Let me clarify something on what I meant on Aliens!
In Eziekiel it speaks of Angels -- Specifically of Cheribum Angels..
My point was not that there Aliens, But maybe Aliens are them.. Like fallen Angels! :!:

If they are just Aliens like if we where to visit a planet of another race.. Then the Concept of the Bible IMOP would stand..
A superior race visits earth time after time, possibly its own creation.. or with a knowlege of GOD as a messenger.. or possibly God Himself..

Fozzy this isn't the first time I have mention the belief in other life forms, besides what is here on earth.. We see over a billion Galaxy's, and each Gallaxy, at least a 100 billion suns, and to imagine 9 or more planets around those suns.. the possibility's of other life is possible.. Maybe we are the one out of the 99 that strayed!
The Bible says the God made the World's, the word is Plural in Greek and Hebrew.. and the Host in them.. I do not limit this to Angels.

My other point was that the description of these Angels, and there means of transportation. Seem to match that of a UFO, at least what we have heard, and some have seen..
A wheel within a wheel, with eye's all around.. etc.

As for witches, goblins, ouija boards etc.. I have no fear of talking or discussing these, for my past is full of them..
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Old 04-15-2008, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
Originally Posted by Redeemed
What is interesting about the original subject we started here is the ever increasing call for interfaith cooperation and even recognition. For hundreds of years man has been fighting man about many things including religious belief. But now, at this moment in time you are hearing more about the faiths trying to reconcile than anytime before. Interesting times!
The only reason that any of these religious monkeys are trying to band together is the fact that the sword is now pointed at THEIR throat.. its called desperation... they are no longer at the top of the heap and no one fears their followers anymore.. so they are trying to do what they should have done a couple of thousand years ago.. too little too late and the end is neigh.
According to Prophecy they band together, cause the Anti-Christ Spirit calls!
In the end, all that supposed they stood for, is now against the True Christ, and lead by the ANti Christ..

You should read prophecy! for that is the Testimony of Jesus.. it is without fail.

And again-- Religion is just a tool, the whole concept of those wars and all wars, is the wants and desires from man upon man..
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Neil Peart
Old 04-15-2008, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by geomon

And it isn’t that Fozzy doesn’t believe in God (or a god, or a force etc), it’s just that he won’t state it here. I’ve asked in the past with no success.

Geomon-- Fozzy has said as much, and I tried to point you to it at one time..
He IMOP is close to a Diest.. Kinda like Karma or Hinduism.. Those who believe a God created creation, but now just sits back and watches, without interference.. I think, at least that is the way I understood it.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-15-2008, 08:03 PM
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Hey Slim, here's something to chew on for a bit.

How do you think that moron peanut farmer fits into things? I think most people agree that Jimmy Carter was the worst and most dismal failure as a president that this nation has ever seen. Yes, he's even worse that what our current sitting president might end up being if the current downward spiral continues. And personally, I think Carter has more inncoent blood on his hands than anyone we've ever had in politics.

But I have to wonder how his meeting with Hamas today is going to stir things up in the middle east. If I read a news story tomorrow that Israel rocketed the meeting, taking out the Hamas terrorist leaders and Carter, I might have to take a vacation day to cover the celebration. But I think everyone knows what's going to happen - Hamas will view the meeting as legitimizing their actions and you can expect an all out offensive against Israel, further destabilizing the region and Carter can once again dip his hands in blood.

Man, I detest that rat bastard traitorous son of a b!tch. :x :x

Old 04-15-2008, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Fozzy
Originally Posted by Redeemed
What is interesting about the original subject we started here is the ever increasing call for interfaith cooperation and even recognition. For hundreds of years man has been fighting man about many things including religious belief. But now, at this moment in time you are hearing more about the faiths trying to reconcile than anytime before. Interesting times!
The only reason that any of these religious monkeys are trying to band together is the fact that the sword is now pointed at THEIR throat.. its called desperation... they are no longer at the top of the heap and no one fears their followers anymore.. so they are trying to do what they should have done a couple of thousand years ago.. too little too late and the end is neigh.
According to Prophecy they band together, cause the Anti-Christ Spirit calls!
In the end, all that supposed they stood for, is now against the True Christ, and lead by the ANti Christ..

You should read prophecy! for that is the Testimony of Jesus.. it is without fail.

And again-- Religion is just a tool, the whole concept of those wars and all wars, is the wants and desires from man upon man..
Dead On Slim.....Dead on Right! It's not just Christians seeking this reconciliation of the faiths. The article I posted earlier was an effort headed by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (last time I read he is not a Christian). And he is not the only one nor is Islam or Christianity the only faith doing this. It is happening across the faiths from Jews to Hindus. It is happening inside of the Christian faiths from Catholics to Anglicans to Eastern Orthodox too. There is a greater call than ever before for the faiths to break down the walls that divide them and come together.

It can't just be happening because one or the other is afraid of the sword. Hundreds of years and thousands of martyrs from all faiths have proven that a fear of death will not stop them. If that narrow minded view would have worked then the Romans would have stopped Christianity, or the Christians stopped Jews and Muslims, or any faith against another. A big point of any faith is that there is something more, something greater, and something more important than just ourselves and that it is worth dying for if necessary.

So why is it happening? Why is it, or how will it be, that a Christian and a Muslim will come to common agreement when the tennants of their faith are so opposed. In that article I posted the conference that the King of Saudi Arabia is conveining is going to include Jews as well. These are the same people that were called "pigs who eat children" in Saudi Arabia. How is it that Muslims will then be able to sit down and discuss religious issues on an equal footing with a people they hold in such low esteem? Because one or the other is afraid of the sword? Considering history...not possible at all.

It is because the time is right and the one who will be in charge for a short time here on the earth is setting the stage for it. Like Slim said, the spirit of the Anti-Christ is calling for it.

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