Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 04-15-2008, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
Hey Slim, here's something to chew on for a bit.

How do you think that moron peanut farmer fits into things? I think most people agree that Jimmy Carter was the worst and most dismal failure as a president that this nation has ever seen. Yes, he's even worse that what our current sitting president might end up being if the current downward spiral continues. And personally, I think Carter has more inncoent blood on his hands than anyone we've ever had in politics.

But I have to wonder how his meeting with Hamas today is going to stir things up in the middle east. If I read a news story tomorrow that Israel rocketed the meeting, taking out the Hamas terrorist leaders and Carter, I might have to take a vacation day to cover the celebration. But I think everyone knows what's going to happen - Hamas will view the meeting as legitimizing their actions and you can expect an all out offensive against Israel, further destabilizing the region and Carter can once again dip his hands in blood.

Man, I detest that rat bastard traitorous son of a b!tch. :x :x
TF, you asked for Slim's input specifically but I hope you don't mind other thoughts as well.

I have said before, especially when people try to tag this title on Bush, that Carter stands as the worst US President in modern times. People think it is rough now but I lived through the late '70's watching high double digit inflation & interest rates, gas prices at all time highs, unemployment thru the roof. I remember stories of companies advertising 50 jobs to fill and 2000+ lined up to apply. And that does not even start in on his foreign policy blunders.

All that aside I do believe that Carter is a good man. But he was a misguided man as a President and is a VERY misguided man as a former President. His meeting with Hamas is doing some of the very things out in the open that he claimed Reagan did in secret, and condemed Reagan for it.

There has been talk for months now that a new summer offensive will be started by Hamas &/or Hezbollah. They bloodied Israel's nose last year and they smell blood. This meeting gives Hamas legitimacy in the international community and will embolden them to attack Israel again. This summer is going to be very hot in more ways than one.
Old 04-15-2008, 08:54 PM
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TF, you asked for Slim's input specifically but I hope you don't mind other thoughts as well.
I'm good with anyone's input.

{SNIP}.....And that does not even start in on his foreign policy blunders.
I think Carter's foriegn policy blunders were cornerstones for the issues we face today in the middle east. But for believers, this is all part of prophecy coming to pass.

All that aside I do believe that Carter is a good man.
I don't agree with that. I think he's the opposite. I think he's got an evil streak in him a mile wide and his affiliation with things like Habitat for Humanity are nothing more than a smokescreen. His actions in the middle east will lead to a lot of blood being have to be a complete idiot to think you'll broker a peace accord by meeting with a bunch of blood-sucking terrorists.

You know, there has been discussions in the past about Carter being the antichrist and one cannot argue that his goals in the middle east are the same as those of the antichrist. I don't believe Carter is the one...far too old and with far too many enemies. But I do believe he's laying the groundwork that the antichrist will build from...establishing a false peace before the real bloodshed begins worldwide.

There has been talk for months now that a new summer offensive will be started by Hamas &/or Hezbollah. They bloodied Israel's nose last year and they smell blood. This meeting gives Hamas legitimacy in the international community and will embolden them to attack Israel again. This summer is going to be very hot in more ways than one.
I totally agree with that. It's nothing more than a sign of the times. As I watch more and more of these things come to pass, I am more firmly convinced that the singing fat lady is about ready to be introduced. I think you'll begin to see things being to happen at a rapid pace. Watch for the creation of a few glass parking lots in the middle east and the eventual rise of a charasmatic world leader to finally bring about peace in the middle east. Then the real 'fun' begins. :?

Old 04-16-2008, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

I think Carter's foriegn policy blunders were cornerstones for the issues we face today in the middle east. But for believers, this is all part of prophecy coming to pass.

All that aside I do believe that Carter is a good man.
I don't agree with that. I think he's the opposite. I think he's got an evil streak in him a mile wide and his affiliation with things like Habitat for Humanity are nothing more than a smokescreen. His actions in the middle east will lead to a lot of blood being have to be a complete idiot to think you'll broker a peace accord by meeting with a bunch of blood-sucking terrorists.

You know, there has been discussions in the past about Carter being the antichrist and one cannot argue that his goals in the middle east are the same as those of the antichrist. I don't believe Carter is the one...far too old and with far too many enemies. But I do believe he's laying the groundwork that the antichrist will build from...establishing a false peace before the real bloodshed begins worldwide.

There has been talk for months now that a new summer offensive will be started by Hamas &/or Hezbollah. They bloodied Israel's nose last year and they smell blood. This meeting gives Hamas legitimacy in the international community and will embolden them to attack Israel again. This summer is going to be very hot in more ways than one.
I totally agree with that. It's nothing more than a sign of the times. As I watch more and more of these things come to pass, I am more firmly convinced that the singing fat lady is about ready to be introduced. I think you'll begin to see things being to happen at a rapid pace. Watch for the creation of a few glass parking lots in the middle east and the eventual rise of a charasmatic world leader to finally bring about peace in the middle east. Then the real 'fun' begins. :?
I agree with you on Carter's foreign policy blunders setting the stage for what we see today and what we know will come from prophecy. It was his poor handling of the issues in Iran that caused us to have a hostage crisis then and a nuke crisis now. And that is one of many examples of Carter's blunders to choose from.

Could I be wrong about Carter being a good man overall. Well, I have been wrong about someones character before. Based on his actions I tend to look at him as more naive and ignorant than evil. But I can be wrong.

But you make a good point about the AC question and Carter. It reminded me of this Bible verse.

I John 2:18

18Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

This scripture seems clear that there will be one main AC but many smaller ones will come ahead of the main one. Could Carter be a smaller one just preparing the way for the last days.....absolutely.

As far as Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc........This summer will be something to watch with events coming at a rapid pace. And yes I agree we may see some glass parking lots too.
Old 04-17-2008, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
Hey Slim, here's something to chew on for a bit.

How do you think that moron peanut farmer fits into things? I think most people agree that Jimmy Carter was the worst and most dismal failure as a president that this nation has ever seen. Yes, he's even worse that what our current sitting president might end up being if the current downward spiral continues. And personally, I think Carter has more inncoent blood on his hands than anyone we've ever had in politics.

But I have to wonder how his meeting with Hamas today is going to stir things up in the middle east. If I read a news story tomorrow that Israel rocketed the meeting, taking out the Hamas terrorist leaders and Carter, I might have to take a vacation day to cover the celebration. But I think everyone knows what's going to happen - Hamas will view the meeting as legitimizing their actions and you can expect an all out offensive against Israel, further destabilizing the region and Carter can once again dip his hands in blood.

Man, I detest that rat bastard traitorous son of a b!tch. :x :x
I honestly have not heard anything about this.. And don't know too much about Carter, I was so young then.. What I do remember is that he wasn't a very good Pres-- and my grandmother on my dad's side, said out of all the famouse people we might be kin to , he was the one she didn't much care for..

I realy couldn't make an opinion on it, seeing I havn't followed nor heard, nor know much past about this man..
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:05 AM
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It is that time of the week again for the news clips.. Here is the first one..

Preparing For A Nuclear attack on D.C. - A Hypothetical Scenario

A nuclear device detonated near the White House would kill roughly 100,000 people and flatten downtown federal buildings, while the radioactive plume from the explosion would likely spread toward the Capitol and into Southeast D.C., contaminating thousands more.

The blast from the 10-kiloton bomb — similar to the bomb dropped over Hiroshima during World War II — would kill up to one in 10 tourists visiting the Washington Monument and send shards of glass flying the length of the National Mall, in a scenario that has become increasingly likely to occur in a major U.S. city in recent years, panel members told a Senate committee yesterday.

"It's inevitable," said Cham E. Dallas, director of the Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia, who has charted the potential explosion's effect in the District and testified before a hearing of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. "I think it's wistful to think that it won't happen by 20 years."

The Senate committee has convened a series of hearings to examine the threat and effects of a terrorist nuclear attack on a U.S. city, as well as the needed response.

Yesterday's panel stressed the importance of state and local cooperation with federal authorities in the wake of an attack, assistance from the private business sector to aid recovery and the dire need to boost the capabilities of area hospitals.

They recommended expanding emergency personnel by training physicians like pharmacists and dentists to aid in all-hazards care, monitoring the exposure of first responders to radiation and clearly disseminating information to the public.

"The scenarios we discuss today are very hard for us to contemplate, and so emotionally traumatic and unsettling that it is tempting to push them aside," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut independent and committee chairman. "However, now is the time to have this difficult conversation, to ask the tough questions, and then to get answers as best we can and take preparatory and preventive action."

Ashton B. Carter, co-director of the Preventive Defense Project at Harvard University, said the likelihood of a nuclear attack on U.S. soil is undetermined, but it has increased with the proliferation of weapons by Iran and North Korea and the failure to secure Russia's nuclear arsenal following the Cold War.

"For while the probability of a nuclear weapon one day going off in a U.S. city cannot be calculated, it is almost surely larger than it was five years ago," Mr. Carter said.

Mr. Carter described a more destructive blast effect. He said the ground-based detonation of a 10-kiloton bomb would result in near-total devastation within a circle about two miles in diameter, or the length of the Mall.

The zone of destruction is projected to be less than that of Hiroshima, where the bomb was dropped from an airplane and detonated above the city.

A similar blast in a more densely populated city than the District, such as Chicago or New York, would result in an injury toll up to eight times higher. A plume a few miles long could also dole out lethal doses of radiation, Mr. Carter said.

However, the experts emphasized that the explosion would not impact most of a major city and that in many cases, residents could remain safe by not evacuating immediately and clogging area roadways.

"It is also expected that, due to lack of information getting to the public, many people will try to flee by car or on foot, often in the wrong direction, again exposing themselves to high levels of radiation, as vehicles provide virtually no protection," Mr. Carter said.

Mr. Dallas said a major problem facing most cities is a lack of available hospital beds for victims of burns that would result from a nuclear blast. He said up to 95 percent of such victims would not receive potentially life-saving care.

"We're completely underprepared," he said. "Most of them will die."

Mr. Dallas said the District also faces a unique challenge because of the way the city is configured geographically: A wind blowing west to east would gradually spread radiation from the explosion into the low-income neighborhoods of Southeast, where there are limited health care options available and only one hospital.

Area officials have spent millions of dollars in recent years to develop evacuation plans and stockpile emergency supplies after a 2006 study by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said local preparation for a disaster was "not sufficient."

Darrell L. Darnell, director of the District's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, said the city is continuing to develop its "emergency preparedness capabilities" and has numerous methods of informing residents of actions they should take, including through text messages, voice alerts and Web sites like and

"We are confident that the District is prepared to respond to a catastrophic incident affecting the District," Mr. Darnell said.

Still, Mr. Dallas said the majority of victims in a nuclear explosion will likely have to fend for themselves in the first hours after an attack.

"These people are going to be on their own," he said after the hearing. "There's no white horse to ride to the rescue."
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:07 AM
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This 2nd one worry's me.. Makes me wonder if the beast in Revelations are like in Daniel and representing actual kingdoms??

Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in U.S.

The Bush administration said yesterday that it plans to start using the nation's most advanced spy technology for domestic purposes soon, rebuffing challenges by House Democrats over the idea's legal authority.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department will activate his department's new domestic satellite surveillance office in stages, starting as soon as possible with traditional scientific and homeland security activities -- such as tracking hurricane damage, monitoring climate change and creating terrain maps.

Sophisticated overhead sensor data will be used for law enforcement once privacy and civil rights concerns are resolved, he said. The department has previously said the program will not intercept communications.

"There is no basis to suggest that this process is in any way insufficient to protect the privacy and civil liberties of Americans," Chertoff wrote to Reps. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) and Jane Harman (D-Calif.), chairmen of the House Homeland Security Committee and its intelligence subcommittee, respectively, in letters released yesterday.

"I think we've fully addressed anybody's concerns," Chertoff added in remarks last week to bloggers. "I think the way is now clear to stand it up and go warm on it."

His statements marked a fresh determination to operate the department's new National Applications Office as part of its counterterrorism efforts. The administration in May 2007 gave DHS authority to coordinate requests for satellite imagery, radar, electronic-signal information, chemical detection and other monitoring capabilities that have been used for decades within U.S. borders for mapping and disaster response.

But Congress delayed launch of the new office last October. Critics cited its potential to expand the role of military assets in domestic law enforcement, to turn new or as-yet-undeveloped technologies against Americans without adequate public debate, and to divert the existing civilian and scientific focus of some satellite work to security uses.

Democrats say Chertoff has not spelled out what federal laws govern the NAO, whose funding and size are classified. Congress barred Homeland Security from funding the office until its investigators could review the office's operating procedures and safeguards. The department submitted answers on Thursday, but some lawmakers promptly said the response was inadequate.

"I have had a firsthand experience with the trust-me theory of law from this administration," said Harman, citing the 2005 disclosure of the National Security Agency's domestic spying program, which included warrantless eavesdropping on calls and e-mails between people in the United States and overseas. "I won't make the same mistake. . . . I want to see the legal underpinnings for the whole program."

Thompson called DHS's release Thursday of the office's procedures and a civil liberties impact assessment "a good start." But, he said, "We still don't know whether the NAO will pass constitutional muster since no legal framework has been provided."

DHS officials said the demands are unwarranted. "The legal framework that governs the National Applications Office . . . is reflected in the Constitution, the U.S. Code and all other U.S. laws," said DHS spokeswoman Laura Keehner. She said its operations will be subject to "robust," structured legal scrutiny by multiple agencies.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:09 AM
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WOW I was kinda in a fix here, couldn't decide which thread to put this one on.. Could go on both, but will post it here..

Source: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing

Contrary to some claims that the Bush administration will allow diplomacy to handle Iran’s nuclear weapons program, a leading member of America’s Jewish community tells Newsmax that a military strike is not only on the table – but likely.

“Israel is preparing for heavy casualties,” the source said, suggesting that although Israel will not take part in the strike, it is expecting to be the target of Iranian retribution.

“Look at Dick Cheney’s recent trip through the Middle East as preparation for the U.S. attack,” the source said.

Cheney’s hastily arranged 9-day visit to the region, which began on March 16, included stops in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Turkey, and the Palestinian territories.

Tensions in the region have been rising.

While Israel was conducting the largest homefront military exercises in its history last week, Israel’s National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer warned Tehran about expected attacks on the Jewish state.

“An Iranian attack will prompt a severe reaction from Israel, which will destroy the Iranian nation,” he said.

He predicted that in a future war, “hundreds of missiles will rain on Israel,” but added that Iran “is definitely aware of our strength.”

In addition to long-range missiles Iran has been developing to strike Israel, Israel’s military strategists see the Iranians using terror groups they back like Hamas operating from Palestine and Hezbollah from Lebanon to launch attacks.

Iran has supplied Hezbollah with an arsenal that now contains “tens of thousands of missiles,” according to the Washington Post.

Israel’s recent war exercises, including preparations for chemical and biological weapons attacks, drew a sharp response from Syria which held its own military drills. The Syrian government accused Israel of preparing for a war which Damascus predicted would be begin anytime between May 1 and the end of June.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently told foreign journalists that Israel needs to confront the threat posed by Iran. Privately he has been telling associates his number one priority is have the Israeli military strike Iran if the U.S. is unwilling.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz disclosed that Israel is concerned that North Korea has transferred technology and nuclear materials to Iran to aid Tehran’s secret nuclear weapons program.

Iran remains intransigent to international pressure that it offer full transparency relating to its nuclear program. On Sunday the head of Iran’s nuclear program “abruptly canceled a meeting with the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, dealing a blow to the U.N. monitor's efforts to investigate allegations that Iran tried to make nuclear arms, an agency official said,” according to an AP report.

“But a senior diplomat had told the AP that IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] head Mohamed ElBaradei likely planned to use the meeting with Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, the head of Iran's nuclear program, to renew a request for more information on allegations Tehran had tried to make atomic arms.”

A number of signs indicate that, contrary to the belief President Bush is a lame duck who will not act before he leaves office, the U.S. is poised to strike before Iran can acquire nuclear weapons and carry out the threat of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to “wipe Israel off the map”:

# According to intelligence sources, the administration now rejects the National Intelligence Estimate report issued in December that asserted Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program in late 2003.

The French daily Le Monde reported in March that newly surfaced documents show that Iran has continued developing nuclear weapons. In late 2006, U.S. intelligence reportedly intercepted a phone conversation in Iran’s Defense Ministry in which the nuclear weapons program was discussed.

# The commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, Admiral William Fallon, resigned in March amid media reports that he broke with President Bush’s strategy on Iran and did not want to be in the chain of command when the order comes down from the President to launch a strike on the Islamic Republic.

Democrats suggested he had been forced out because of his candor in opposing Bush’s Iran plans, and Esquire magazine contended that Fallon’s departure signaled that the U.S. is preparing to attack Iran.

# According to a Tehran-based Iranian news network, Press TV, Saudi Arabia is taking emergency steps in preparing to counter any “radioactive hazards” that may result from an American attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The Saudi newspaper Okaz disclosed that the Saudi government has approved nuclear fallout preparations, and the Iranian network reported that the approval came a day after Cheney met with the kingdom’s high-ranking officials, further stating that the U.S. “is now informing its Arab allies of a potential war.”

# The American commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, has stepped up criticism of Iran, telling Congress last week that Iranian support for Shiite militias posed the most serious threat to Iraq’s stability. He told senators : “Iran has fueled the violence in a particularly damaging way.” Last week, the U.S. said Iran was providing insurgents with missiles that were killing Americans and hitting targets within the U.S. occupied Green Zone in Baghdad.

MSNBC Commentator Pat Buchanan said Petraeus’ remarks to Congress lay the groundwork for a U.S. attack on Iran.

# President Bush said in a speech at the White House on April 10 that Iran, along with al-Qaida, are “two of the greatest threats to America.”

He said Iran “can live in peace with its neighbors,” or “continue to arm and train and fund illegal militant groups which are terrorizing the Iraqi people … If Iran makes the wrong choice, America will act to protect our interests and our troops and our Iraqi partners.”

He later told ABC News that if Iran continues to help militants in Iraq, “then we’ll deal with them.”

Members of Congress are said to have been briefed by the administration about the rising Iran threat.

Iran did little to cool tensions when it announced that it had begun installing 6,000 new centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz.

Centrifuges can enrich uranium to a low level to produce nuclear fuel or a high level for use in weapons.

The announcement of the new centrifuges by President Ahmadinejad came on April 8, Iran’s National Day of Nuclear Technology, which marked the second anniversary of Iran’s first enrichment of uranium.

Iran already has about 3,000 centrifuges operating in Natanz, and the new announcement was widely seen as a show of defiance to international demands to halt a nuclear program that the U.S. and its allies insist is aimed at building nuclear weapons.
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Neil Peart
Old 04-18-2008, 02:12 AM
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A little off the War thing, But I think this belongs here.. Like the days of Noah!

'Now we have the technology that can make a cloned child'

A new form of cloning has been developed that is easier to carry out than the technique used to create Dolly the sheep, raising fears that it may one day be used on human embryos to produce "designer" babies.

Scientists who used the procedure to create baby mice from the skin cells of adult animals have found it to be far more efficient than the Dolly technique, with fewer side effects, which makes it more acceptable for human use.

The mice were made by inserting skin cells of an adult animal into early embryos produced by in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Some of the resulting offspring were partial clones but some were full clones – just like Dolly.

Unlike the Dolly technique, however, the procedure is so simple and efficient that it has raised fears that it will be seized on by IVF doctors to help infertile couples who are eager to have their own biological children.

One scientist said this weekend that a maverick attempt to perform the technique on humans is now too real to ignore. "It's unethical and unsafe, but someone may be doing it today," said Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer of American biotechnology company Advanced Cell Technology.

"Cloning isn't here now, but with this new technique we have the technology that can actually produce a child. If this was applied to humans it would be enormously important and troublesome," said Dr Lanza, whose company has pioneered developments in stem cells and cell reprogramming.

"It raises the same issues as reproductive cloning and although the technology for reproductive cloning in humans doesn't exist, with this breakthrough we now have a working technology whereby anyone, young or old, fertile or infertile, straight or gay can pass on their genes to a child by using just a few skin cells," he said.

The technique involves the genetic reprogramming of skin cells so they revert to an embryonic-like state. Last year, when the breakthrough was used on human skin cells for the first time, it was lauded by the Catholic Church and President George Bush as a morally acceptable way of producing embryonic stem cells without having to create or destroy human embryos.

However, the same technique has already been used in another way to reproduce offspring of laboratory mice that are either full clones or genetic "chimeras" of the adult mouse whose skin cells were reprogrammed.

The experiments on mice demonstrated that it is now possible in principle to take a human skin cell, reprogramme it back to its embryonic state and then insert it into an early human embryo.

The resulting child would share some of the genes of the person who supplied the skin tissue, as well as the genes of the embryo's two parents.

These offspring are chimeras – a genetic mix of two or more individuals – because some of their cells derive from the embryo and some from the skin cell. Technically, such a child would have three biological parents.

Human chimeras occur naturally when two embryos fuse in the womb and such people are often normal and healthy. Dr Lanza says there is no reason to believe that a human chimera created by the new technique would be unhealthy.

Furthermore, studies on mice have shown that it is possible to produce fully cloned offspring that are 100 per cent genetically identical to the adult. This was achieved by using a type of defective mouse embryo with four sets of chromosomes instead of the normal two.

This "tetraploid" embryo only developed into the placenta of the foetus and when it was injected with a reprogrammed skin cell, the rest of the foetus developed from this single cell to become a full clone of the adult animal whose skin was used.

None of the scientists working on cell reprogramming to produce induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells – as the embryonic cells are known – plan to use it for human reproductive medicine. Their main aim is to produce stem cells for the therapeutic treatment of conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and stroke.

However, Dr Lanza said that the mouse experiments his company had done demonstrated how easily the technology could be used to produce cloned or chimeric babies by inserting iPS cells into early human embryos. This is not banned in many countries, where legislation has not kept pace with scientific developments.

In Britain, the Human Tissue and Embryos Bill going through Parliament does not mention the iPS technique, although experts believe that the new law should make it illegal because it involves genetic modification of cells that become part of the embryo.

"In addition to the great therapeutic promise demonstrated by this technology, the same technology opens a whole new can of worms," Dr Lanza said.

"At this point there are no laws or regulations for this kind of thing and the bizarre thing is that the Catholic Church and other traditional stem-cell opponents think this technology is great when in reality it could in the end become one of their biggest nightmares," he said. "It is quite possible that the real legacy of this whole new programming technology is that it will be introducing the era of designer babies.

"So for instance if we had a few skin cells from Albert Einstein, or anyone else in the world, you could have a child that is say 10 per cent or 70 per cent Albert Einstein by just injecting a few of their cells into an embryo," he said.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:15 AM
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There Must be a Falling Away.. Then he can be revealed.. The falling away word in Greek is Harpazo? To defect from the Truth.. Hmm

Some Christians helping Self-help guru teach falsehoods about Christ

Tom McMahon, with a spiritual discernment ministry, warns that an influential self-help guru who frequently appears on Larry King and Oprah is presenting a bogus view of Jesus in his latest book.

Author Deepak Chopra claims in his book, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore, that Jesus is a state of mind and not the son of God. The Indian medical doctor suggests that Jesus never spoke of the necessity to believe in Him for salvation, but that those words were put into his mouth by followers writing decades after.

According to Chopra, this "third Jesus" is a "cosmic Christ" who "taught his followers how to reach God consciousness." He also argues that Christ was a savior, not the Savior of mankind, and was an "enlightened teacher who intended to save the world by showing others the path to God consciousness."

Christian author and broadcaster Tom McMahon, president of The Berean Call ministry, says Chopra's view of Jesus is so foreign to the Bible, it is upsetting.

"That's the religion of the anti-Christ, whom the entire world will worship, according to Revelation 13. You know, it just rejects Jesus saying 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.' So this is just anti-Christ religion. It is prophetic; we're seeing it happen. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that in the last days there would be religious deception, and this is what it's all about," McMahon contends.

McMahon believes Chopra's view of Christ is based on his Catholic schooling and his Hinduism upbringing, the latter of which he has translated into a westernized, "almost New Age" form that is appealing to many Americans.

"So now we have the undermining of the Word of God. And if people aren't into the Word of God, they may buy some of this. Chopra says that the idea of the second coming has been especially destructive to Jesus' intentions because it postpones what needs to happen now. He proposes a third coming -- finding 'God consciousness' through your own efforts. I challenge anybody to find this in Scripture. It's just not there," McMahon points out.

McMahon is very concerned that some professing Christians, including retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong, are promoting Chopra's book.
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Old 04-18-2008, 02:18 AM
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This one speaks for itself.

Police officers to be 'microchipped' by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme

Every single Metropolitan police officer will be 'microchipped' so top brass can monitor their movements on a Big Brother style tracking scheme, it can be revealed today.

According to respected industry magazine Police Review, the plan - which affects all 31,000 serving officers in the Met, including Sir Ian Blair - is set to replace the unreliable Airwave radio system currently used to help monitor officer's movements.

The new electronic tracking device - called the Automated Personal Location System (APLS) - means that officers will never be out of range of supervising officers.

But many serving officers fear being turned into "Robocops" - controlled by bosses who have not been out on the beat in years.

According to service providers Telent, the new technology 'will enable operators in the Service's operations centres to identify the location of each police officer' at any time they are on duty - whether overground or underground.

Although police chiefs say the new technology is about 'improving officer safety' and reacting to incidents more quickly, many rank and file believe it is just a Big Brother style system to keep tabs on them and make sure they don't 'doze off on duty'.

Some officers are concerned that the system - which will be able to pinpoint any of the 31,000 officers in the Met to within a few feet of their location - will put a complete end to community policing and leave officers purely at the beck and call of control room staff rather than reacting to members of the public on the ground.

Pete Smyth, chairman of the Met Police Federation, said: "This could be very good for officers' safety but it could also involve an element of Big Brother.

"We need to look at it very carefully."

Other officers, however, were more scathing, saying the new system - set to be implemented within the next few weeks - will turn them into 'Robocops' simply obeying instructions from above rather than using their own judgement.

One officer, working in Peckham, south London, said: "They are keeping the exact workings of the system very hush-hush at the moment - although it will be similar to the way criminals are electronically tagged. There will not be any choice about wearing one.

"We depend on our own ability and local knowledge to react to situations accordingly.

"Obviously we need the back up and information from control, but a lot of us feel that we will simply be used as machines, or robots, to do what we are told with little or no chance to put in anything ourselves."

He added: "Most of us joined up so we could apply the law and think for ourselves, but if Sarge knows where we are every second of the day it just makes it difficult."

Another officer, who did not want to be named, said: "A lot of my time is spent speaking to people in cafes, parks or just wherever I'm approached. If I feel I've got my chief breathing down my neck to make another arrest I won't feel I'm doing my job properly."

The system is one of the largest of its kind in the world, according to Telent, the company behind the technology, although neither the Met nor Telent would provide Police Review with any more information about exactly how the system will work or what sort of devices officers will wear.

Nigel Lee, a workstream manager at the Met, said: "Safety is a primary concern for all police forces.

"The area served by our force covers 620 miles and knowing the location of our officers means that not only can we provision resource more quickly, but should an officer need assistance, we can get to them even more quickly."

Forces currently have the facility to track all their officers through GPS devices on their Airwave radio headsets, but this is subject to headsets being up to date and forces buying the back office systems to accompany them, according to Airwave.

Steve Rands, health and safety head for the Met Police Federation, told Police Review: "This is so that we know where officers are. Let us say that when voice distortion or sound quality over the radio is lost, if you cannot hear where that officer telling you where he is, you can still pinpoint his exact position by global positioning system.

"If he needs help but you cannot hear him for whatever reason, APLS will say where he is."
You can twist perceptions
Reality won't budge
You can raise objections
I will be the judge
And the jury

Neil Peart

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