Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-11-2006, 11:22 PM
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Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
Old 02-11-2006, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Yea, I think some of them go to far. but what is too far? Paul tells us Some save by fear of whats comming, some save by just telling someone about Christ. So ethier way something is being said of Jesus Christ. It depends on the listener, what will get there attention.
What is His will? But to live life, and Love Him with all your heart. His will is for others to know about Him so they can make that discission on there own. No I agree we should not and just sit and watch the sky, that sky is there to let us know, that there's not much time left befor the master returns, it is the Christian Clock so to say.
Either way it all points to Christ and His love that He has for man. The only need is to accept it.

In other words I think we agree, I just wanted to expound on it more.
Your right Slimland, we do agree. My comments here were more directed toward an earlier comment of trying to figure out the date. I would not want to try and be a date setter because it sets a bad example. But Jesus was clear in many passages to be watching for his return. Not to guess the date or time but to recognize the signs. That is me, a watcher of the signs.

My past experience of someone going to far with a end-times arguement was a post-tribber who got so adament about his belief that he declared that no one could be a true believer who thought other than he. Bad move when you let something like that take over and be the judgement of others salvation. It gets in the way of Gods greatest commandments...Love God with everything you got.....Love each other as you would love yourself.

When I strayed away from Christ it was the subject of prophecy that started me back to Him again. You are right that not everyone will be saved by the same subject matter. For some it will be the helping hand of a hot meal or a warm bed. For others it will be friendship and companion ship of a caring person. And for some like me it is a reminder of what is to come for those who are not watching and ready.

Well I am glad we cleared that up. It crackes me up and pisses me off, when people who think a certain way, tell us if we don't think like them, then where not believers. That is exactly what the Holy Roman Empire did, therfor Killing all in Gods name. If it wern't for People like Huss, Luther, Joan of Arch, etc. The truth of "By grace you are Saved" would have probably been squished in those days. I don't care what you believe when it comes to prophecy, as long as you believe in what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvery, and Rose the Third day. Thats what matters.
I do not like Organized Religion, it is worse that Athiesm, and the Penalty from God is worse, it is better to have never known Him, than to have known Him and rejected Him.
As concerning to put a time on things, that is NOT what I am Doing. I am simply stating that Jesus gave us the Clock to go by, the first and second comming He told us when they would be, But the Rapture He gave us a time frame, but the day and hour we do not know. I was just pointing out the time frame, and showing how close it was to being over. Maybe someone will read it and realize just how close it is. That is My duty, That is My gift, from the Holy Spirit wich is the Last Testamony of Jesus Christ.
I have the same hope too Slimland. In a general sense I guess you could call us God's weathermen and trying to let others know of the approaching storm so they can seek shelter in God's grace. We are not trying to tell everyone exactly when it will hit, just that it is on the way and to be ready. I hope many will read this thread and take something good from it to further His kingdom.
Old 02-11-2006, 11:59 PM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
kimahri, this is a tough question you ask because it will open up to more than just non-believers. For example, many believers have suffered and still suffer for their testamony in Christ. It's not just unbelievers that suffer for their lack of belief. Present day suffering believers can be found in many third world countries where the Good News is not accepted or allowed because of existing belief. Saudi Arabia is one such country where anyone who believes in anything except Islam can face imprisonment, torture, and death.

Some people ask why is God so mean at all. For example when a tragedy like the tsunami that killed thousands, 9-11 that killed thousands, or the murder/robbery of someone you know. I wish I had an answer to everything that happens but then I would probably still not understand it. But I will tell you this story and see if it helps answer your question.

I heard a story from a preacher who had seen this wonderful missionary from the jungles of South America. This one South American missionary was responsible for sharing the Good News of Christ with untold numbers of other South Americans bringing them to salvation. What was interesting about the story was how the missionary himself was saved.

You see he was in a tribe in the South American jungle when an American missionary came in to share the Gospel. The American missionary was slaughtered by the tribesmen. It was only after other American missionaries came to the tribe and finally made contact did this South American man know that he had murdered a messanger of God. He accepted Jesus and repented of his sins and then proceeded to share the Gospel with others in his tribe and in nearby tribes and then all over South America and the world.

Yes, the tribal man who murdered the first American missionary became a successful missionary himself. The preacher who told the story was the murdered American missionaries son! There is a movie out that I understand is based on a similar story. It's called "the End of the Spear."

What on the surface appeared to be a very mean action allowed by God turned out to be literal salvation for thousands of souls that may have never known the love of Jesus otherwise. What a testimony to the love and foregiveness Jesus stood for than for the murdered missionaries son to stand side by side with the murderer (in foregiveness) and both working to save others.

Sorry for the long post. In short, we don't always know why God allows some bad things to happen. To us it seems totally wrong or illogical. But God has His plan and it works to the benefit of all who love Him. Sometimes we see it in our lifetime. Sometimes we may not see it till we get to Heaven.

Hope that helps some.
Old 02-12-2006, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
kimahri, this is a tough question you ask because it will open up to more than just non-believers. For example, many believers have suffered and still suffer for their testamony in Christ. It's not just unbelievers that suffer for their lack of belief. Present day suffering believers can be found in many third world countries where the Good News is not accepted or allowed because of existing belief. Saudi Arabia is one such country where anyone who believes in anything except Islam can face imprisonment, torture, and death.

Some people ask why is God so mean at all. For example when a tragedy like the tsunami that killed thousands, 9-11 that killed thousands, or the murder/robbery of someone you know. I wish I had an answer to everything that happens but then I would probably still not understand it. But I will tell you this story and see if it helps answer your question.

I heard a story from a preacher who had seen this wonderful missionary from the jungles of South America. This one South American missionary was responsible for sharing the Good News of Christ with untold numbers of other South Americans bringing them to salvation. What was interesting about the story was how the missionary himself was saved.

You see he was in a tribe in the South American jungle when an American missionary came in to share the Gospel. The American missionary was slaughtered by the tribesmen. It was only after other American missionaries came to the tribe and finally made contact did this South American man know that he had murdered a messanger of God. He accepted Jesus and repented of his sins and then proceeded to share the Gospel with others in his tribe and in nearby tribes and then all over South America and the world.

Yes, the tribal man who murdered the first American missionary became a successful missionary himself. The preacher who told the story was the murdered American missionaries son! There is a movie out that I understand is based on a similar story. It's called "the End of the Spear."

What on the surface appeared to be a very mean action allowed by God turned out to be literal salvation for thousands of souls that may have never known the love of Jesus otherwise. What a testimony to the love and foregiveness Jesus stood for than for the murdered missionaries son to stand side by side with the murderer (in foregiveness) and both working to save others.

Sorry for the long post. In short, we don't always know why God allows some bad things to happen. To us it seems totally wrong or illogical. But God has His plan and it works to the benefit of all who love Him. Sometimes we see it in our lifetime. Sometimes we may not see it till we get to Heaven.

Hope that helps some.
That was excillent, God gave man and Angels free will, this can explain a-lote of what you see and hear. Wars and strif come about because of what we as the human race want's. Not relying on the giver of Life. It is a missplaced dependancy. Depending on other things to make you happy, when they are a temporary fix.

God does work His plan to benifit his believers, it might be a bad situation, but in the end it will benifit someone, therfor bringing Glory to God. The fall of man and expulsion from the garden, gave us the redemtion of Jesus Christ. The Law of God flows through man and kills him, but the gift of life through Jesus Christ is givin to man who believes. Soo forth and soo on.

So that bring the point of God not being mean, but man.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-12-2006, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
You are correct. Being in the body of Christ we are to use and refine our gifts and talents while being mindful of keeping balance that says one part of the body is not more important than the other.

Prophecy is interesting for me but I have seen many who take it too far and ends up leading them farther away from Christ instead of closer. Arguments of pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillinialism, etc., etc. While I like to study it I take the "pan" approach meaning no one knows the time of his return so study, watch, and wait and it will "pan" out to His will in the end.

But Jesus was clear that we should not just sit watching the sky. We should be about the Masters business and dilligently working for his will until he returns.

Matt 24:45-51 for reference.
Yea, I think some of them go to far. but what is too far? Paul tells us Some save by fear of whats comming, some save by just telling someone about Christ. So ethier way something is being said of Jesus Christ. It depends on the listener, what will get there attention.
What is His will? But to live life, and Love Him with all your heart. His will is for others to know about Him so they can make that discission on there own. No I agree we should not and just sit and watch the sky, that sky is there to let us know, that there's not much time left befor the master returns, it is the Christian Clock so to say.
Either way it all points to Christ and His love that He has for man. The only need is to accept it.

In other words I think we agree, I just wanted to expound on it more.
Your right Slimland, we do agree. My comments here were more directed toward an earlier comment of trying to figure out the date. I would not want to try and be a date setter because it sets a bad example. But Jesus was clear in many passages to be watching for his return. Not to guess the date or time but to recognize the signs. That is me, a watcher of the signs.

My past experience of someone going to far with a end-times arguement was a post-tribber who got so adament about his belief that he declared that no one could be a true believer who thought other than he. Bad move when you let something like that take over and be the judgement of others salvation. It gets in the way of Gods greatest commandments...Love God with everything you got.....Love each other as you would love yourself.

When I strayed away from Christ it was the subject of prophecy that started me back to Him again. You are right that not everyone will be saved by the same subject matter. For some it will be the helping hand of a hot meal or a warm bed. For others it will be friendship and companion ship of a caring person. And for some like me it is a reminder of what is to come for those who are not watching and ready.

Well I am glad we cleared that up. It crackes me up and pisses me off, when people who think a certain way, tell us if we don't think like them, then where not believers. That is exactly what the Holy Roman Empire did, therfor Killing all in Gods name. If it wern't for People like Huss, Luther, Joan of Arch, etc. The truth of "By grace you are Saved" would have probably been squished in those days. I don't care what you believe when it comes to prophecy, as long as you believe in what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvery, and Rose the Third day. Thats what matters.
I do not like Organized Religion, it is worse that Athiesm, and the Penalty from God is worse, it is better to have never known Him, than to have known Him and rejected Him.
As concerning to put a time on things, that is NOT what I am Doing. I am simply stating that Jesus gave us the Clock to go by, the first and second comming He told us when they would be, But the Rapture He gave us a time frame, but the day and hour we do not know. I was just pointing out the time frame, and showing how close it was to being over. Maybe someone will read it and realize just how close it is. That is My duty, That is My gift, from the Holy Spirit wich is the Last Testamony of Jesus Christ.
I have the same hope too Slimland. In a general sense I guess you could call us God's weathermen and trying to let others know of the approaching storm so they can seek shelter in God's grace. We are not trying to tell everyone exactly when it will hit, just that it is on the way and to be ready. I hope many will read this thread and take something good from it to further His kingdom.

Well spoken!!!
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Neil Peart
Old 02-12-2006, 03:42 AM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
He isn't. Christians made the whole thing up when they assigned human characteristics to God.
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Old 02-12-2006, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Aligator
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
He isn't. Christians made the whole thing up when they assigned human characteristics to God.

Aligator gald you could stop by, but don't come in here attacking, thats not what this thread is for.

We did not assign human characturistics to God, "God mad man in His image and His likeness" So you are mistaken."Let US make man in Our Image" Thus the Holy Trininty Spoke to it self. It was an agreeinse between The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

This is a thread for prophecy not debate.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-12-2006, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Aligator
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
He isn't. Christians made the whole thing up when they assigned human characteristics to God.

Aligator gald you could stop by, but don't come in here attacking, thats not what this thread is for.

We did not assign human characturistics to God, "God mad man in His image and His likeness" So you are mistaken."Let US make man in Our Image" Thus the Holy Trininty Spoke to it self. It was an agreeinse between The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

This is a thread for prophecy not debate.
Heh, heh....Guy asked a question, I offered an answer in defense of God!. This irritates you?
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Old 02-12-2006, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Aligator
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Aligator
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Why is God so mean? I mean, to the people that don't believe? (again, I am not saying I don't believe)
He isn't. Christians made the whole thing up when they assigned human characteristics to God.

Aligator gald you could stop by, but don't come in here attacking, thats not what this thread is for.

We did not assign human characturistics to God, "God mad man in His image and His likeness" So you are mistaken."Let US make man in Our Image" Thus the Holy Trininty Spoke to it self. It was an agreeinse between The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

This is a thread for prophecy not debate.
Heh, heh....Guy asked a question, I offered an answer in defense of God!. This irritates you?

I took offence to it yes. I am a Christian, if I went by what you said, that would mean that God hates non-believers, and I would have to support that. BUT that is not the case, God Loves non-believers also, therfor you are sterio typing Christians, by what a majority seems to think. Wich is not the case again God loves Non- believers also. Maybe I jumped the Gun, I will give you the benifit of the doubt and think you meant organized religion, if this is the point you where making then I will have to agree with you. But the way you put it is ALL Christians. That is why I got offended, that would put myself in that catagory and everyone else thats a Christian.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-12-2006, 09:50 PM
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Going back to the end times topic let me ask you this question. Do you see any particular actions or events going on at this time that point to the time being at hand?

This question is kinda broad and I know in this thread we have already hit on things like Israel becoming a nation and the 9/11 attack. Do you see anything else happening that you would put in that same catagory? I have a few of my own but would like to hear yours.

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