Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-13-2006, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed

Going back to the end times topic let me ask you this question. Do you see any particular actions or events going on at this time that point to the time being at hand?

This question is kinda broad and I know in this thread we have already hit on things like Israel becoming a nation and the 9/11 attack. Do you see anything else happening that you would put in that same catagory? I have a few of my own but would like to hear yours.
I'll give it a shot. I'm not 100% on the whole middle east situation but I know that God said everything will revolve around Israel especially in the end times. Israel is in the news everyday about something or another.

The crazy weather thats going on around the world, 2005 was record setting in all categories. 2006 is starting off the same way. Some folk will say its a cycle, but everything that the bible talks about mostly in Matthew 24 is happening all at once, compared to previous generations.

The bible uses the word pestilence,, In truckdriver terms(lol) disease is running wild, increasing insect problems around the world..ect..

Dormant(sp?) volcanoes coming back to life around the world.

Apostacy, Other religions trying to "shut down" christians when it comes to Christ, when those other religions are okay.

I'm not sure where its found but the Bible talks about "people being lovers of their self" in the end times... Man, isn't that the truth nowdays.

This is probably a touchy subject for some, but the rise of the new world order. you can't do anything without being watched/tracked. Its all leading up to the rise of the anti-christ.

Theres some of my thought in a nutshell.
Old 02-13-2006, 01:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Brotherman
Originally Posted by Redeemed

Going back to the end times topic let me ask you this question. Do you see any particular actions or events going on at this time that point to the time being at hand?

This question is kinda broad and I know in this thread we have already hit on things like Israel becoming a nation and the 9/11 attack. Do you see anything else happening that you would put in that same catagory? I have a few of my own but would like to hear yours.
I'll give it a shot. I'm not 100% on the whole middle east situation but I know that God said everything will revolve around Israel especially in the end times. Israel is in the news everyday about something or another.

The crazy weather thats going on around the world, 2005 was record setting in all categories. 2006 is starting off the same way. Some folk will say its a cycle, but everything that the bible talks about mostly in Matthew 24 is happening all at once, compared to previous generations.

The bible uses the word pestilence,, In truckdriver terms(lol) disease is running wild, increasing insect problems around the world..ect..

Dormant(sp?) volcanoes coming back to life around the world.

Apostacy, Other religions trying to "shut down" christians when it comes to Christ, when those other religions are okay.

I'm not sure where its found but the Bible talks about "people being lovers of their self" in the end times... Man, isn't that the truth nowdays.

This is probably a touchy subject for some, but the rise of the new world order. you can't do anything without being watched/tracked. Its all leading up to the rise of the anti-christ.

Theres some of my thought in a nutshell.

Well I see quiet a few thing's to take into consideration. The above is already mention, so I wont have to put that down,"just makes it easier on my fingers lol".

I know befor the great and terrible day of the Lord "tribulation", there will be a sign of blood and smoke, This I believe was also attributed with 9-11, every eye seen it. Here's one in particular We have 2 asteroids that swing by the earth every 3 years, These 2 asteroids are actualy joined together "kinda looks like a dumb bell" any way the closest they ever come to earth was 2004, They say that the path of the big rock goes through the asteroid belt around mars, goes wherever it goes then returns through the asteroid belt back to earth. 2008 will be the next time it it comes by earth again, whose to say that when it goes through that belt again it don't get knocked around, get off course and hit earth. Just a thought.
here is a link to this story, also the name of the Asteroid is touatitis, there is other stories on this just use your search engins.

Mention above is the fact of people falling away "Apostasy" this word also means to defect, to defect from the truth, and to be removed. Thats good news, while some are rejecting Christ, Christ is removing His own.

The expansion of New age religions, which we know not to be new, but old sumerian, and babylonian beliefs.
Also and not to mention, it will be like the days of Noah, well what were the days of Noah like, they where Godless, not knowing God and not carring of who He is. Then we have as mention above the New world Order, the rising of the Holy Roman Empire, we know it as the European Union, the Original states of the union was exactly 10 countries. I believe I kindo expounded on this earlier at least in the spiritual.

I will say this, I truly believe that the seals have been opened, and the Four Angels holding the winds "4 horsmen" so they dont harm the earth yet, untill the servants of God are sealed "wich is the 144 thousand Jews", will soon be released, after the Rapture, but I think it will be mild at first, Cause I think there just might be a short period after the Rapture, until the Tribulation, the Tribulation will start when the covenant is made between the Antichrist and Isreal, then they shall say peace and safty, then sudden distruction.

Oh look at that, I got kinda off the subject of the question you asked Sorry.

Signs in the Sun and moon and heavens.
I think we are seeing these, the sun is sending out more burst than ever, the heavens we are learning more about and not to mention the chances of the Asteroids. They say Global Warming, bull crap, there is a Angel that is over the Sun who has Power to scorch men on earth, I think he's just getting ready.

So take your pick, and I am sure I have missed some.

Y'all let me know if this link works, if not just type toutitis in you search.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-13-2006, 02:08 AM
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Man, Slimland and Brotherman you both hit on some major ones. Especially Brotherman on those that are lovers of themselves. I don't have my Bible handy but if my poor memory is right I thing you find that in 1st or 2nd Peter.

The first thing that hits me (other than what you two already listed) is the return of some countries to the world stage that were mighty kingdoms in past history. The European Union is fast approaching the original land size as the old Roman Empire and if Turkey ever gets into the EU then it will include the capital regions of both the old western empire (Rome) and the eastern empire that was run out of Constantinople (now Ankara, Turkey). I believe that the European Union will play a major role in end-time events as a revised Roman Empire.

Others countries now on the world stage are Iran (formerly Persia) and China which is quickly taking over the spot of the 2nd super-power from Russia. When I think of China I think of the passage in Revelation that refers to the "kings of the east" crossing the great rivers to join in the final battle. Clearly we have more "wars and rumors of wars" at this time than ever before except for just prior to World War II. But strange that the players starting to rise up at this point have histories going back into ancient history.

There are some other things that come to mind but I keep coming back to how the love of man has grown cold and how we have allowed good things to be called bad and vice versa. On average I don't see the human race as being more caring or concerned for each other. And there are too many examples to list of things that used to called bad and now are accepted. The language that is tolerated in public, radio, and television now compared to even 5 years ago is worse and that is just one example.

Just a couple of mine but there are more.
Old 02-13-2006, 12:43 PM
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I stumbled across this, it takes some of the research out of current events... but its still a good read.
Old 02-13-2006, 01:12 PM
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I hope that I can find God soon because its coming!
Old 02-13-2006, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Man, Slimland and Brotherman you both hit on some major ones. Especially Brotherman on those that are lovers of themselves. I don't have my Bible handy but if my poor memory is right I thing you find that in 1st or 2nd Peter.

The first thing that hits me (other than what you two already listed) is the return of some countries to the world stage that were mighty kingdoms in past history. The European Union is fast approaching the original land size as the old Roman Empire and if Turkey ever gets into the EU then it will include the capital regions of both the old western empire (Rome) and the eastern empire that was run out of Constantinople (now Ankara, Turkey). I believe that the European Union will play a major role in end-time events as a revised Roman Empire.

Others countries now on the world stage are Iran (formerly Persia) and China which is quickly taking over the spot of the 2nd super-power from Russia. When I think of China I think of the passage in Revelation that refers to the "kings of the east" crossing the great rivers to join in the final battle. Clearly we have more "wars and rumors of wars" at this time than ever before except for just prior to World War II. But strange that the players starting to rise up at this point have histories going back into ancient history.

There are some other things that come to mind but I keep coming back to how the love of man has grown cold and how we have allowed good things to be called bad and vice versa. On average I don't see the human race as being more caring or concerned for each other. And there are too many examples to list of things that used to called bad and now are accepted. The language that is tolerated in public, radio, and television now compared to even 5 years ago is worse and that is just one example.

Just a couple of mine but there are more.
Yes, we are the terminal genaration, it is comming we know the signs and the generation just not the time or day, that being said. I have got a question and a answer. Why do you think that the earth is doing what it is doing? Doesn't Peter say the world will rock and roll like a drunkerd, this will explain the polar ice caps changing, the scientist say our earth tilt is changing, this would explain all of these exspecialy in conjunction with the sun. The reson the earth is acting this way, is because unwillingly it has been subject to corruption that we humans have willingly subjected to it. Therfor like us in groans for the day of Redemtion. Just like us. I think that is so neat in it self.

Lets go to Revelations, and the Book of Daniel, those two go hand in hand. I think we need to talk about those things, because alot of people do not understand them.

I just woke up so my writing and thinking ability is not up to par. So I will get on here later, and see what has been said.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-13-2006, 01:38 PM
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Here is another site that I belong to and where I have learned lots from:

I also like Jack Van Impe:

Gotta go back and reread the posts before I respond to anything. Just kinda skimmed through them - had my 4 year old nephew this past weekend, not much time for myself :wink:
Old 02-13-2006, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I hope that I can find God soon because its coming!

Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ died for your sins, Arose on the 3rd day to give you new life in Him. And you shall be saved. it is so simple, that the pharasis and saducees stumble at this. "The chief cornerstone, has become a rock of offense".

Jesus said " He that believes in Me, Even though he is dead, Yet shall he live"

What that means is we as people are dead spiritualy, when we believe in Christ we become alive through Him. because of His Ressurection. He forgave the whole world of there Sin, but there still dead, the new life is in Him. "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the Sin of the World"

" I will take away the old covenant, and give them a new covenant, not like the former that I gave them on mount sinia, with Mosses. The new covenant, I will be merciful, and there sins and lawless acts I will Remember no more"

Kammarri did you read what I asked you too?
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Old 02-13-2006, 01:56 PM
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......666 (# of the beast) = microchip?.....hmmmmmm.......
Old 02-13-2006, 02:09 PM
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You guys are having a good discussion about what can typically be a volatile subject. We appreciate that it is being handled calmly and cooly. That said, let me interject a couple of quick points to consider and spark more discussion.

Israel became a state again in 1948, I believe, and scripture states that not a generation will go by before He returns. So how do you figure a generation? Is it 40 years as indicated in Psalms? Is it 78 years, as is the standard today? Is it hundreds of years, as compared to the general ages of many prophets in the Bible? No one has the answer there, but it's the cause of many debates. Regardless, the end (or the beginning, depending on how you view it) is probably quite near.

Regarding the Rapture, many Christians do not believe in the Rapture and believe that there is more scripture debunking the Rapture than there is supporting it. Food for thought, there.

Several times, I have heard mention that the key to everything is Israel. That point is indisputable. So, how about last week's bomb about Russia inviting Hamas up to talks in Moscow on their new government? Check out the Book of Ezekiel for how big that little invite could be.

Coming as a thief in the night is simply a reference to be prepared. In literal terms, if you are not prepared and a thief breaks into your house, you will lose possessions, money, maybe more. In regards to His return, if you are not ready, you could lose your salvation. It's a good analogy.

Carry on.

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