Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-14-2006, 12:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I believe the same that you do - that we are in the final days before He returns. However, I just don't believe we are going to be raptured away before His return, which means we'll be in for some very difficult times ahead.
Thank you TF for the good words about the thread and your comments on the subject.

If pre-trib I will see you on the way up,
If post-trib then we can pray together for the strength to withstand the upcoming trials.
Either way we do it together with God.
Old 02-14-2006, 01:18 AM
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Bible Prophecy and the Rapture

Q. Why is Bible prophecy so important? And what do you mean when you talk about the "rapture" of the church?

A. Prophecy is important because such a significant amount of Scripture is devoted to it: about one-quarter of the Bible was prophetic when it was written. Bible prophecy proves beyond any reasonable doubt that God knows and controls the future, and the fact that He included so much prophecy in His Word shows that He wants us to understand the things to come. Most of the events prophesied in Scripture have already come to pass, but some remain to be fulfilled at a later date, including the Rapture of the Church.

While the term rapture is not used in the New Testament, the concept of a "catching away" is vividly described. It refers to a future event when the church-all members of the body of Christ, past and present-will be reunited with Jesus. First Thessalonians says, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ [Christians who have died] will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord" (4:16-18; see also 1 Cor. 15:51-52).

When will this take place? Although no one knows the day or the hour, the Bible describes the time period immediately preceding. I have written extensively about why I believe that the generation that is alive today will see the mass ingathering of believers commonly called the Rapture. The Bible says that as they did when Noah was building the ark, people on earth will be conducting their daily affairs, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, right up to the moment of His return. And just as God set apart His chosen ones by placing Noah and his family into the ark for safe-keeping, He will remove his Church from the seven years of tribulation that will follow the Rapture.

The Rapture will also protect the church from Satan's ultimate delusion. (See 2 Thess. 2:9-12.) Jesus prophesied that before His return there would be many false messiahs and false christs (Matt. 24:23). Think about it. Anyone can stand up and say, "I am Jesus." Anyone can wear a white robe and claim to be the descendant of King David. Anyone can place surgical scars in his hands and feet. How can you tell the real from the false Jesus? Not by dramatic displays of supernatural power. Remember this: a man with supernatural power is not necessarily from God; the devil has supernatural power too, as do his demons.

So how will you know when the real Jesus comes to earth? I'll know Jesus has reappeared when my glorified body sails through the heavens past the Milky Way into the presence of God. I'll know I'm with the real Jesus when I stand in His glorious presence with my brand new disease-proof, never-dying, fatigue-free body!

Just my view!!!
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
Well I have been TRYING to find him, but I can't seem to. I don't know whats wrong with me. Any thoughts about this?
kimahri, you pose some very deep questions for being 15. There are people who dedicate their entire lives trying to find God and never succeed. I hope this will make sense when I say this but God does not have to be found, He has to be accepted. Let me try and explain.

God is always here. He was here before time, when the earth was new, and he will be forever. We were in perfect friendship with God until the first sin in the Garden of Eden. Then man was eternally separated from Him. Why? Because God is perfect and can not tolerate sin.

But God being perfect that he is set about His plan to bring us back into perfect friendship with him. That was through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. He shed His sinless blood to pay for the sins of you, me, and the whole world. With God knowing that we alone could never find our way back to Him, He sent out a search party for us in the form of Jesus Christ.

Now the only thing we need to do is accept God's gift, become humble and admit that we will never find God by ourselves because of our sins, and then ask forgiveness of our sins by Christ sacrifice for us. You see, you don't need to go find God.....He already knew where to find you.

kimahri, if you have not already you can restore that perfect friendship with God by asking for God to forgive you of your sins by the blood Jesus shed for you. There is no set statement to make or special prayer to say. Confess your sins, ask forgiveness, ask Jesus to live inside of you to help you because you can not do it on your own. If you believe this in your heart, you will be saved. That is a fact that no one can deny nor can they ever take it away from you. If you have already done this and believe then you have found God my friend.

Now, once you do this will it make everything magically alright, solve all your problems, and make you a perfect person just like Jesus. I'm sorry to say it wont. But by your faith in God you will have a helper, a counselor who will help guide you in the right direction. Will you still sin. Yes. Will you have times of doubt that make you question your salvation? Yes. Even some of the worlds great preachers and teachers of the Gospel have had doubts. But that same helper and guide, the Holy Spirit that lives in you when you accept Christ, will help you. Along with believers just like you find here who suffer the same things. We all share a faith in God and a love for each other to help us through our day to day problems till Jesus returns or till we meet Him in Heaven earlier.

Once you have taken this step then you need to find a strong Bible believing Church that lives by those same beliefs. I will not tell you a particular denomination because you may find a good group of believers to worship with and help you grow in just about any kind of denomination or in an independent church. Just start looking, praying for God to lead you to the right one, and ask questions about what they believe. Use the Bible as your guide.

And you have more than a couple of folks here who will help if they can.

Godspeed, kimahri.

I could not have said this better!!!
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:03 PM
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I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?
Old 02-14-2006, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?

Well I don't rightly know, but it could be that in the dark ages, the Holy Roman Church is the one who persecuted the Christians, the Jews, and everyone else who did not follow there system of belief.

Not only that, but in essence,and in my opinion, this is where the false prophet will make his stand and proclomation, when the Antichrist is revealed. but that goes even deeper.

Then you have some of the priest, who are pedifiles, being protected by that church, so forth and so on.
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Old 02-14-2006, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by bulldog2036
......666 (# of the beast) = microchip?.....hmmmmmm.......
ahaa, the 666.

I have got a view on it, it is simular to what you have, but it goes deeper, I'll take a shot at here in a little bit. I've got to get off for a while, gotta clean the house befor the woman gets home, Don't want her to think I have been on the computer all day .

Not only that it give's some others to tell what they think.

What is the ministry of calling down fire from heaven?

Now, there was a good prophet named Elijah who called down fire from heaven to say somthing like this,"My God is greater and I'm going to call down fire from heaven, you should worship my God".

This bad beast is going to have that same function of a prophet, he is going to call down fire from heaven and say somthing like this,"Look, my God is greater. You worship my God here" This beast.

But guess what he is a false prophet. one of the fallen Angelic Beast is the false prophet."as I said earlier with the kings"

You see, our mindset is to think that a prophet has to be a man., But this is a beast. It says so right in vrs 11."Revelations ch13", It is a beast. He's the false prophet and he is not a man he is a fallen angilic beast.
Now vrs. 16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to recieve a mark in their right hand, or in heir foreheads: vrs 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had",: ONE OF THREE THINGS

We know what the name of this beast is, Because it tells us that in Recelation Ch 9. The name of the beast is Abaddon, and that name means destroyer, so his name actualy is DESTROYER.

The number of his name

The number of his name is the number that means what his name means.
What is that number?
Well it tells us it is 6
It is 666
It tells us..."here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast"
E.W.Bullinger in his book Number in Scripture. He said that counting the number of the beast has to do with calculating the number. Numbers have meaning, and it is more than just counting up of the gamatria of a name.

The number has to have a symbolic meaning. It is figuring out what the meaning of the number is. and when the symbolic meaning of that number matches the meaning of the name itself, then that's it. Thats the answer.

OK, The number of his nam is 6, it's 666.
The number is also the number of man. Now, has anybody studied numbers?
new beginnings=8

"Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man"

The numbe of man is 6.

if 6 is a bad number then 666 is realy bad.
So the next step is if we can find in scripture if the number6 means the same thing that his name means, which is DESTROYER, then thos puzzle pieces fit together, and our mystery is solved.

Genisis ch6 vrs 7 the Lord says "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth: both man, and beast"
he repeats this in vrs s7 " and, behold, I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh" Again in ch 7 once again he says " and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."

And in vrs 6, Noah was HOW MANY hundred years old when the flood came to destroy the earth? 600 years old, in vrs 11, it repeats it in the SIX hundreth year of Noah's life the earth was Destroyed.
Exodus ch 14 vrs 6 They went out to Destroy Isreal. Guess how many chariots did Pharoah take out to be the destroyer of Isreal? 600.
It is like a rating on a movie XXX is worst thatn X, so we now that 666 is worst than 6.
An angel is called a Son of man, therfor the number of Angels is 6.

And just think 2 beast are in the Bottom less pit, Abadon and Apollyon, Both names mean destroyer, destroyer, what will they do? Destroy.

Their number is that of man it is 6. 666.
The mark is counterfit to the mark that God puts on his people, but who ever does not have that mark, or his name, or the number of his name, cannot buy sell or anything, So is the wound heald in the economy of Lucifer. Thus the Kings post.

Any Question?
here is a more simple answer if 7 is perfection so 777 would be total perfection Father, Son Holy ghost. so anything that a person can or hangs on to or worships in this life over the true son of God will not bring him to perfection. simpler and says the same thing you just said.
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?
Slimland already said it. There is some bad reputation that goes back a long long time. There are some prime examples where they went very wrong. The inquisitions and persecutions for one example.

But some don't like them because of the stands they take. Abortion for example.

Also, there is alot of rumors about Catholics spread by people who don't know any better.

So basically, they say bad things for many of the same reasons that people say bad things about other religions and denominations.

But there are good people in the Catholic church as well. I have a very good friend who is Catholic. She is very much Christ centered, placed her faith in God's graceful gift, and believes in the same things as a Christian that anyone else believes.

There are good and bad everywhere when man is involved.
Old 02-15-2006, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by littleman2
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by bulldog2036
......666 (# of the beast) = microchip?.....hmmmmmm.......
ahaa, the 666.

I have got a view on it, it is simular to what you have, but it goes deeper, I'll take a shot at here in a little bit. I've got to get off for a while, gotta clean the house befor the woman gets home, Don't want her to think I have been on the computer all day .

Not only that it give's some others to tell what they think.

What is the ministry of calling down fire from heaven?

Now, there was a good prophet named Elijah who called down fire from heaven to say somthing like this,"My God is greater and I'm going to call down fire from heaven, you should worship my God".

This bad beast is going to have that same function of a prophet, he is going to call down fire from heaven and say somthing like this,"Look, my God is greater. You worship my God here" This beast.

But guess what he is a false prophet. one of the fallen Angelic Beast is the false prophet."as I said earlier with the kings"

You see, our mindset is to think that a prophet has to be a man., But this is a beast. It says so right in vrs 11."Revelations ch13", It is a beast. He's the false prophet and he is not a man he is a fallen angilic beast.
Now vrs. 16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to recieve a mark in their right hand, or in heir foreheads: vrs 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had",: ONE OF THREE THINGS

We know what the name of this beast is, Because it tells us that in Recelation Ch 9. The name of the beast is Abaddon, and that name means destroyer, so his name actualy is DESTROYER.

The number of his name

The number of his name is the number that means what his name means.
What is that number?
Well it tells us it is 6
It is 666
It tells us..."here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast"
E.W.Bullinger in his book Number in Scripture. He said that counting the number of the beast has to do with calculating the number. Numbers have meaning, and it is more than just counting up of the gamatria of a name.

The number has to have a symbolic meaning. It is figuring out what the meaning of the number is. and when the symbolic meaning of that number matches the meaning of the name itself, then that's it. Thats the answer.

OK, The number of his nam is 6, it's 666.
The number is also the number of man. Now, has anybody studied numbers?
new beginnings=8

"Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man"

The numbe of man is 6.

if 6 is a bad number then 666 is realy bad.
So the next step is if we can find in scripture if the number6 means the same thing that his name means, which is DESTROYER, then thos puzzle pieces fit together, and our mystery is solved.

Genisis ch6 vrs 7 the Lord says "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth: both man, and beast"
he repeats this in vrs s7 " and, behold, I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh" Again in ch 7 once again he says " and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."

And in vrs 6, Noah was HOW MANY hundred years old when the flood came to destroy the earth? 600 years old, in vrs 11, it repeats it in the SIX hundreth year of Noah's life the earth was Destroyed.
Exodus ch 14 vrs 6 They went out to Destroy Isreal. Guess how many chariots did Pharoah take out to be the destroyer of Isreal? 600.
It is like a rating on a movie XXX is worst thatn X, so we now that 666 is worst than 6.
An angel is called a Son of man, therfor the number of Angels is 6.

And just think 2 beast are in the Bottom less pit, Abadon and Apollyon, Both names mean destroyer, destroyer, what will they do? Destroy.

Their number is that of man it is 6. 666.
The mark is counterfit to the mark that God puts on his people, but who ever does not have that mark, or his name, or the number of his name, cannot buy sell or anything, So is the wound heald in the economy of Lucifer. Thus the Kings post.

Any Question?
here is a more simple answer if 7 is perfection so 777 would be total perfection Father, Son Holy ghost. so anything that a person can or hangs on to or worships in this life over the true son of God will not bring him to perfection. simpler and says the same thing you just said.
Well put. Anything that gets in the way can be a "mark" so to speak. In reference to end-times I believe this will still take place and then be manifested in an actual person. Just like you compared 777 to the perfection of God's Trinity the 666 will be the unholy trinity. Satan, the anti-christ, and the false prophet.
Old 02-15-2006, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by littleman2
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by bulldog2036
......666 (# of the beast) = microchip?.....hmmmmmm.......
ahaa, the 666.

I have got a view on it, it is simular to what you have, but it goes deeper, I'll take a shot at here in a little bit. I've got to get off for a while, gotta clean the house befor the woman gets home, Don't want her to think I have been on the computer all day .

Not only that it give's some others to tell what they think.

What is the ministry of calling down fire from heaven?

Now, there was a good prophet named Elijah who called down fire from heaven to say somthing like this,"My God is greater and I'm going to call down fire from heaven, you should worship my God".

This bad beast is going to have that same function of a prophet, he is going to call down fire from heaven and say somthing like this,"Look, my God is greater. You worship my God here" This beast.

But guess what he is a false prophet. one of the fallen Angelic Beast is the false prophet."as I said earlier with the kings"

You see, our mindset is to think that a prophet has to be a man., But this is a beast. It says so right in vrs 11."Revelations ch13", It is a beast. He's the false prophet and he is not a man he is a fallen angilic beast.
Now vrs. 16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to recieve a mark in their right hand, or in heir foreheads: vrs 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had",: ONE OF THREE THINGS

We know what the name of this beast is, Because it tells us that in Recelation Ch 9. The name of the beast is Abaddon, and that name means destroyer, so his name actualy is DESTROYER.

The number of his name

The number of his name is the number that means what his name means.
What is that number?
Well it tells us it is 6
It is 666
It tells us..."here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast"
E.W.Bullinger in his book Number in Scripture. He said that counting the number of the beast has to do with calculating the number. Numbers have meaning, and it is more than just counting up of the gamatria of a name.

The number has to have a symbolic meaning. It is figuring out what the meaning of the number is. and when the symbolic meaning of that number matches the meaning of the name itself, then that's it. Thats the answer.

OK, The number of his nam is 6, it's 666.
The number is also the number of man. Now, has anybody studied numbers?
new beginnings=8

"Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man"

The numbe of man is 6.

if 6 is a bad number then 666 is realy bad.
So the next step is if we can find in scripture if the number6 means the same thing that his name means, which is DESTROYER, then thos puzzle pieces fit together, and our mystery is solved.

Genisis ch6 vrs 7 the Lord says "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth: both man, and beast"
he repeats this in vrs s7 " and, behold, I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh" Again in ch 7 once again he says " and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."

And in vrs 6, Noah was HOW MANY hundred years old when the flood came to destroy the earth? 600 years old, in vrs 11, it repeats it in the SIX hundreth year of Noah's life the earth was Destroyed.
Exodus ch 14 vrs 6 They went out to Destroy Isreal. Guess how many chariots did Pharoah take out to be the destroyer of Isreal? 600.
It is like a rating on a movie XXX is worst thatn X, so we now that 666 is worst than 6.
An angel is called a Son of man, therfor the number of Angels is 6.

And just think 2 beast are in the Bottom less pit, Abadon and Apollyon, Both names mean destroyer, destroyer, what will they do? Destroy.

Their number is that of man it is 6. 666.
The mark is counterfit to the mark that God puts on his people, but who ever does not have that mark, or his name, or the number of his name, cannot buy sell or anything, So is the wound heald in the economy of Lucifer. Thus the Kings post.

Any Question?
here is a more simple answer if 7 is perfection so 777 would be total perfection Father, Son Holy ghost. so anything that a person can or hangs on to or worships in this life over the true son of God will not bring him to perfection. simpler and says the same thing you just said.
Well put. Anything that gets in the way can be a "mark" so to speak. In reference to end-times I believe this will still take place and then be manifested in an actual person. Just like you compared 777 to the perfection of God's Trinity the 666 will be the unholy trinity. Satan, the anti-christ, and the false prophet.

Both of you said it great, I guess I've got a bad problem of just trying to hit it home, with trying to explain it to death.
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Neil Peart
Old 02-15-2006, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?
Slimland already said it. There is some bad reputation that goes back a long long time. There are some prime examples where they went very wrong. The inquisitions and persecutions for one example.

But some don't like them because of the stands they take. Abortion for example.

Also, there is alot of rumors about Catholics spread by people who don't know any better.

So basically, they say bad things for many of the same reasons that people say bad things about other religions and denominations.

But there are good people in the Catholic church as well. I have a very good friend who is Catholic. She is very much Christ centered, placed her faith in God's graceful gift, and believes in the same things as a Christian that anyone else believes.

There are good and bad everywhere when man is involved.

It is true, there is some real good Christians in the Catholic beliefe. I don't agree with some of the Catholic belief. "like praying to Mary, Even though she is blessed among women, the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ, NO other name has been given to man, but the name of Jesus Christ" and "not only that, some sects say the Pope is infallable, Thats Bolongia, he is a man, and all men fall short of the Glory of God, He is no diffrent than you or I." That is why I like John Paul, he was down to earth, and stated that he was just a man.

But in the Dark Ages, the had to think the Pope was like Christ himself, and if you didn't see it that way you where put to death. Luther was a prime, example and Huss, They even went as far to say that the Catholic Regime was the AntiChrist, in a sense they where correct. Revised Roman Empire!!!
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Neil Peart

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