Phrophecy of end times, Warning Christian Based!!

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Old 02-15-2006, 04:41 PM
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Oh, now it makes more sense to me! I guess it pays to ask questions!
Old 02-16-2006, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?
Slimland already said it. There is some bad reputation that goes back a long long time. There are some prime examples where they went very wrong. The inquisitions and persecutions for one example.

But some don't like them because of the stands they take. Abortion for example.

Also, there is alot of rumors about Catholics spread by people who don't know any better.

So basically, they say bad things for many of the same reasons that people say bad things about other religions and denominations.

But there are good people in the Catholic church as well. I have a very good friend who is Catholic. She is very much Christ centered, placed her faith in God's graceful gift, and believes in the same things as a Christian that anyone else believes.

There are good and bad everywhere when man is involved.

It is true, there is some real good Christians in the Catholic beliefe. I don't agree with some of the Catholic belief. "like praying to Mary, Even though she is blessed among women, the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ, NO other name has been given to man, but the name of Jesus Christ" and "not only that, some sects say the Pope is infallable, Thats Bolongia, he is a man, and all men fall short of the Glory of God, He is no diffrent than you or I." That is why I like John Paul, he was down to earth, and stated that he was just a man.

But in the Dark Ages, the had to think the Pope was like Christ himself, and if you didn't see it that way you where put to death. Luther was a prime, example and Huss, They even went as far to say that the Catholic Regime was the AntiChrist, in a sense they where correct. Revised Roman Empire!!!
I agree with you on the praying to Mary and on the infallable. I told my friend this and was surprised by her answer. She claims that not all Catholics believe in praying to or claiming Mary as divine. The way she told me is that there can be differences in Catholic parishes just like we have differences from church to church and denomination to denomination. The same with the Pope. Some try to elevate him and others look upon him as only their human church leader like a Bishop or Pastor.

You make an interesting point about the Catholic church and the end-times. Have you ever heard of the prophecy of St Malachi? To the best of my memory he was some 10th or 11th century priest who claims to have had a prophetic vision of the end times. He claims he was given the entire line of Popes till Christ's return. I found a web sight a while back and showed it to my friend. Especially where according to his prophecy the Pope after John Paul would take his name from the Bennedictine order. Boy did she freak out when JPII died and then picked the new Pope and found out his new name would be Pope Bennedict the 16th!

What is interesting about the prophecy is that Bennedict is supposed to be second to the last Pope. Some say the prophecy says that the last pope will be the Anti-Christ or the False Prophet and try to destroy the church. Others interperet that there will be two last Popes. One the Anti-Christ and the other a follower of the faith who tries to gather and save the last bit of the church when Jesus returns. I will try and look up that web site and post a link.

Oh, by-the-way, the last Pope is supposed to take the name "Peter." This is significant because no other Pope has taken that name since the original disciple.
Old 02-16-2006, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by kimahri1114
I see. 8)

Why does everyone say bad things about Catholics?
Slimland already said it. There is some bad reputation that goes back a long long time. There are some prime examples where they went very wrong. The inquisitions and persecutions for one example.

But some don't like them because of the stands they take. Abortion for example.

Also, there is alot of rumors about Catholics spread by people who don't know any better.

So basically, they say bad things for many of the same reasons that people say bad things about other religions and denominations.

But there are good people in the Catholic church as well. I have a very good friend who is Catholic. She is very much Christ centered, placed her faith in God's graceful gift, and believes in the same things as a Christian that anyone else believes.

There are good and bad everywhere when man is involved.

It is true, there is some real good Christians in the Catholic beliefe. I don't agree with some of the Catholic belief. "like praying to Mary, Even though she is blessed among women, the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ, NO other name has been given to man, but the name of Jesus Christ" and "not only that, some sects say the Pope is infallable, Thats Bolongia, he is a man, and all men fall short of the Glory of God, He is no diffrent than you or I." That is why I like John Paul, he was down to earth, and stated that he was just a man.

But in the Dark Ages, the had to think the Pope was like Christ himself, and if you didn't see it that way you where put to death. Luther was a prime, example and Huss, They even went as far to say that the Catholic Regime was the AntiChrist, in a sense they where correct. Revised Roman Empire!!!
I agree with you on the praying to Mary and on the infallable. I told my friend this and was surprised by her answer. She claims that not all Catholics believe in praying to or claiming Mary as divine. The way she told me is that there can be differences in Catholic parishes just like we have differences from church to church and denomination to denomination. The same with the Pope. Some try to elevate him and others look upon him as only their human church leader like a Bishop or Pastor.

You make an interesting point about the Catholic church and the end-times. Have you ever heard of the prophecy of St Malachi? To the best of my memory he was some 10th or 11th century priest who claims to have had a prophetic vision of the end times. He claims he was given the entire line of Popes till Christ's return. I found a web sight a while back and showed it to my friend. Especially where according to his prophecy the Pope after John Paul would take his name from the Bennedictine order. Boy did she freak out when JPII died and then picked the new Pope and found out his new name would be Pope Bennedict the 16th!

What is interesting about the prophecy is that Bennedict is supposed to be second to the last Pope. Some say the prophecy says that the last pope will be the Anti-Christ or the False Prophet and try to destroy the church. Others interperet that there will be two last Popes. One the Anti-Christ and the other a follower of the faith who tries to gather and save the last bit of the church when Jesus returns. I will try and look up that web site and post a link.

Oh, by-the-way, the last Pope is supposed to take the name "Peter." This is significant because no other Pope has taken that name since the original disciple.

Yes, I have heard this and to tell the truth it does make some sense. When we were talkin about the Kings, I said that it was the Spiritual part of it, have you ever thought of the phisical? I will tell you It ties in with the book of Daniel, to make it short, "Instead of trying to explain to death", 7 hills on which the Woman sits!, And in Daniel it was the smallest horn, 10 kingdomes, Back in the dark ages, before the Pope came into full power, There where 10 Tribes 3 where in his way, Astrogoths, Gaths, Heriuli "I do not know if I spelled these right", These tribes no longer exist, because they where distroyed, this left 7 tribes we know them as the Huns, Vandals, anglo saxons, etc. " I do not have the Info infront of me at the time" Anyway the little horn waxes strong and plucks out, 3 horns in order to rise to full power, This little horn is the smallest country and area in the Europe, it is sits on 7 hills. What is it? Italy, The Roman Church, the False Prophet.

So yes I, believe the prophecy of the Papacy, but mind you it is the system not the people per say. Where is Satan the strongest? In the Church. Who owns most of the world bank? The roman church. What kind of Government will the New world order be? Religious like babylon. What will happen to it? It will be destroyed. That is the phisical, that is called dual prophecy, that is a fullfilment after the partial fullfilment.

Oops I did it again didn't I?
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Old 02-16-2006, 04:21 PM
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to really look at the end times read matt Chapter 24 that is going to happen.
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Member formally known as Littleman."Democracy is two wolfs and one sheep having a vote on what to have for lunch.
True Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting that vote." Ben Franklin

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Old 02-17-2006, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by littleman2
to really look at the end times read matt Chapter 24 that is going to happen.

It all goes hand in hand.

Matthew, Mark, Luke out of these I like Luke's version the most, it seem's he had more insight into the explaining of it, but I think there all great.
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Old 02-17-2006, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by littleman2
to really look at the end times read matt Chapter 24 that is going to happen.

It all goes hand in hand.

Matthew, Mark, Luke out of these I like Luke's version the most, it seem's he had more insight into the explaining of it, but I think there all great.
Agreed! As I have studied end-times more I have been amazed at the number of Bible passages, both Old and New Testament, that hit on end-times prophecy.
Old 02-18-2006, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Redeemed
Originally Posted by Slimland
Originally Posted by littleman2
to really look at the end times read matt Chapter 24 that is going to happen.

It all goes hand in hand.

Matthew, Mark, Luke out of these I like Luke's version the most, it seem's he had more insight into the explaining of it, but I think there all great.
Agreed! As I have studied end-times more I have been amazed at the number of Bible passages, both Old and New Testament, that hit on end-times prophecy.

Yeah, many, many, and many!!!

And I saw a White Horse and a Rider with Bow and Arrow.
And he wore a Golden Crown and he rode a trail so narrow.
And he rode out to conquer all the liar's, thieves, and cheaters.
All the weavers of illusion, the bigots, and mistreaters.
And the earth was shaken, like and old mans hand.
And the sun was black as mud.
And the oceans moved across the land.
And the moon became as blood.

And I saw a Red Horse, and the Rider with a Saber.
To take Peace from all the earth, for destruction was his labor.
And he rode out in anger, to turn brother against brother.
With poison for the nation's, to make them wanna kill one another.
And the stars from Heaven fell to earth, like an old maple tree was shaken.
By an unkindly wind, to be ever more forsaken.

And I saw a Black Horse, and the Rider with a Balance.
To separate the works of man, his vices from his talents.
A measure of wheat for a penny, three measure of barley in kine.
To divide the one from the many, but hurt not the oil and wine.
And the Heavens parted like a scroll, when it is rolled together.
And the mountains where moved out of place, like a whirlwind blows a Feather.

And I saw a Pale Horse, and Death was Riding on him.
And Hell was right behind him.
And No mortal man outshone him.
The Kings of the earth, and the mighty men, the glorious and free.
Hide themselves in the blackest hole, with the homeless and the needy.
And some priest an some television preachers, lay down with the vile and unholy.
And some senators and movie stars, share a hole with the weak and lonely.
(Glenn Campbell)

I love this!!
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Neil Peart
Old 02-19-2006, 11:29 PM
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I watched John Hagee today about the middle east situation, he was reading out Ezekiel 36-38, and a few others (I didn't write down the chapters)..

Anyways, he really broke it down for us to understand(atleast for me).

I'll see if I can find the link.
Old 02-19-2006, 11:35 PM
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John Hagee - The Covenant With Israel
Old 02-20-2006, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Brotherman
I watched John Hagee today about the middle east situation, he was reading out Ezekiel 36-38, and a few others (I didn't write down the chapters)..

Anyways, he really broke it down for us to understand(atleast for me).

I'll see if I can find the link.

I realy like John Hagee, he gives me alot of insight, and I agree with alot of his teaching's on the word. Another is Charlse Stanly.
You can twist perceptions
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Neil Peart

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