Karl Rove smiling...

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Old 10-22-2006, 06:09 PM
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Fozzy and Rev: I was watching CNN today (after giving equal time to FOXNews,) and much of this conversation was brought up, including the issue of identification.

When I see the issues I'm discussing followed up (sometimes almost word for word) on either and sometimes both major networks, I'm convinced that I am not alone in my concerns.

I also share your concerns about "dead voters." I assure you, I have NO desire to see an election stolen by EITHER party in this.. or any other... method.

My main points are these:

Voting processes and ballots should NOT be individualized by counties or states, but (when including Federal elections, at least) should be uniform and verifiable.

ANY errors or mistakes that disenfranchise even a small portion of the American vote should be corrected by any means necessary to ensure the propriety of the American vote.... without regard to deadlines.

"Black Box voting" is a major threat to our system of representative government, period. It is akin to, and I am against, computer controlled launch systems in our nuclear missile silos for the OBVIOUS reasons.

Regardless of who you want to blame for allowing 9/11 to happen, we are now bogged down in a war we may not win. I would just like to be sure that the thousands of American lives that have been lost, and the lives that will continue to be affected, are at the direction of an administration and a President that the PEOPLE fairly elected. It is RARE in American history that a president was elected by the Electoral College AGAINST the evidence of the popular vote. And under those conditions, there will always be questions of fairness and legallity.

With all the polls showing the GOP is in trouble, and even many GOP leaders coming on CNN (where they can speak freely) and confirming this, I find that the most glaring possible reason that Karl Rove is smiling is that HE and Bush know something that apparently YOU don't want to consider.

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"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 10-22-2006, 06:17 PM
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If you are too stupid to read or understand a ballot, you are not "disenfranchised"
Old 10-22-2006, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Fozzy
If you are too stupid to read or understand a ballot, you are not "disenfranchised"
That is 100% correct. The constitution only affords you the right to vote. It does not state that you have the right to understand who you are voting for.

If that were the case, then you would see people suing because they didn't understand the positions of the person they voted for.
Old 10-22-2006, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Originally Posted by Fozzy
If you are too stupid to read or understand a ballot, you are not "disenfranchised"
That is 100% correct. The constitution only affords you the right to vote. It does not state that you have the right to understand who you are voting for.
This is a ridiculous statement. That's like saying they could design the ballots in Japanese, and screw you if you didn't understand it.

Why do you think they send out sample ballots? (In THIS case, they added to the confusion.)

Why do you think they have people at the polls to assist you in voting?

Why do they think they offer you a second ballot if you make a mistake and catch it before you drop it in the box?

Why do you two insist on defending the "selection" of George Bush by insulting the intelligence of a high number of people in ONE single county in the whole U.S?

Is it that you hate OLD people? Or just because the majority of them are JEWS?

It can't be JUST that you hate Dems, cuz even YOU realize that most Dems had no problems in every other county in America?

And I'm sure there were other counties in which the majority demographic was old Jewish people. So, what was the difference? Could it be the ballot design?

I haven't found it yet, but I bet I WILL find such a provision in the Federal Election Guidelines.

But, of course, there will be SOME provision that allows a loophole for your party (or any other trying to save an election) to manipulate the process for no reason OTHER than to DENY American citizens the right to fairly vote for the person they intended to.

But, for you two to continue to state that this is FAIR, is disingenous and exemplary of the methods and attitude of your party.

Win at ALL cost, because WE are right, and deserve to RUN the country.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Old 10-22-2006, 08:19 PM
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I love when they become so emotional that they flap off into a hysterical fit! LOL!!!

You may need to go lay down and rest after that rant! :lol:

Old 10-22-2006, 08:39 PM
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Foz, if you spent nearly as much time reading the news as doing facy things with those wierd pics, you may be halfway moderate.
Old 10-22-2006, 09:06 PM
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Old 10-22-2006, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by JR OTR

If you don't want to be schooled you need to learn to keep your trap shut. That is all.

Such an arrogant little unschooled twerp!!; especially for a 24 post wonder boy!!

Why don't you keep your trap shut until you learn a little bit more about the history of Texas politics, the role that the coppuption of the Democratic political machinery played in the outcome of that election, the role that it played in LBJ's political career, and realities of that election, JR.!!!

The irregularities of that election were not confined to Illinois, nor the corruption of The Daley political machine. They also occurred in Texas, where dead people turned out to vote in masses, and they voted Democratic by overwhelming margins!!!

There is no doubt that Dailey stole Illinois for Kennedy. The Grave Yard Votes for Democrat candidates in Texas has been around for decades.

So, your assertion that "If Kennedy had lost Illinois, he would have still been elected President is wrapped in ignorance, or else it is wrapped in deceit!!!

So, contrary to your snotty little "That is All" remark, there is much more to the story than you have bothered to take the time to study.
Old 10-22-2006, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
Why do you think they send out sample ballots? (In THIS case, they added to the confusion.)

Why do you think they have people at the polls to assist you in voting?

Why do they think they offer you a second ballot if you make a mistake and catch it before you drop it in the box?
You just proved my point. In Florida, they had all these things available, yet they claim that the voters were "disenfranchised". Yet when they used the exact same ballot in 1995, they weren't "disenfranchised".

Why do you two insist on defending the "selection" of George Bush by insulting the intelligence of a high number of people in ONE single county in the whole U.S?
Actually, it is the Democrats who are REALLY insulting their intelligence, by claiming they were too stupid to understand how to vote.

Is it that you hate OLD people? Or just because the majority of them are JEWS?
So now it is a religious issue, huh?

It can't be JUST that you hate Dems, cuz even YOU realize that most Dems had no problems in every other county in America?
Sure they did - with several Ohio counties in 2004.

And I'm sure there were other counties in which the majority demographic was old Jewish people. So, what was the difference? Could it be the ballot design?
No. The ballot design was approved by BOTH parties.

I haven't found it yet, but I bet I WILL find such a provision in the Federal Election Guidelines.
Good luck with that. :wink:

But, of course, there will be SOME provision that allows a loophole for your party (or any other trying to save an election) to manipulate the process for no reason OTHER than to DENY American citizens the right to fairly vote for the person they intended to.
News flash: An independent group went in AFTER the supreme court ruled, and found that Bush had indeed won in that county.

The United States Supreme Court voted 7–2 to end the recount on the grounds that differing standards in different counties constituted an equal protection violation, and 5–4 that no new recount with uniform standards could be conducted. The 7-2 ruling was more important as the votes had already been counted several times with uniform standards. However, the 5-4 decision became extremely controversial due to the partisan split in the court's 5–4 decision and the majority's irregular instruction that its judgment in Bush v. Gore should not set precedent but should be "limited to the present circumstances". Gore publicly disagreed with the court's decision, but conceded the election "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy". He had previously made a concession phone call to Bush the night of the election, then retracted it after learning just how close the election was. Following the election, recounts conducted by various United States news media organizations indicated that Bush would have won if certain recounting methods had been used (including the one favored by Gore at the time of the Supreme Court decision) but that Gore would have won had a full state-wide recount been conducted (The American Statistitian, February 2003, Vol. 57, No.1).
But don't let the details get in the way of your tirade against Republicans. :wink:
Old 10-23-2006, 12:21 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 26

Originally Posted by golfhobo
It can't be JUST that you hate Dems, cuz even YOU realize that most Dems had no problems in every other county in America?

And I'm sure there were other counties in which the majority demographic was old Jewish people. So, what was the difference? Could it be the ballot design?
Is this guy a racists? I suspect this GOLF GUY dropped out at 3rd grade. Could we please have this guy banned due to stupidity? He is taking up space and breathing my air!

Get a clue dude, try watching Popeye cartoons. Get a clue!

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