slow trucks in the middle lane

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Old 11-05-2006, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by supertrker73
no not a super trucker but i do like some courtesy and by the way the 3 lane on i 75 in fl and ga is 70 you know there is such a law as slower traffic keep right but i guess it dosen't pretain to proffesional drivers
whats wrong with me running 75 in a 70 zone i guess that classifes me as a supertrucker i don't mean to be smart but what is the thought proess
here i would like some logic here

Old 11-05-2006, 02:00 PM
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you call me a moron but how may of you will run about 5 over the speed limit when your truck is able to do it
Old 11-05-2006, 03:03 PM
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the "keep right except to pass" signs arent on all highways, there are certain stretches of highways that have that sign up, I-40/85 in NC i run the middle lane doing 68-70 mph...only because i know there is alot of traffic merging onto highway and some drivers dont understand that!
Old 11-06-2006, 12:24 AM
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On the 3 lane highways, I typically will drive in the middle lane doing the speed limit, and most cars just file in at a good clip behind me. If I move over to the right lane and cruise, when I come up on a Weiner, or a Swifty and need to jump to the center, people don't mind and will let me over. I've been known to jump to the far left lane and pass traffic, and honestly I have passed several patrol officers and never had them do anything to me yet. If I am passing people, and not "speeding", then I guess they see no harm in it?

The only thing where I agree with the original poster here, is when you have a Werner in the far right lane, and a JB Hunt driver trying to pass him, and they do the 4 mile dragrace. I only see this a problem in either a 75mph state, or where there are only two lanes and they start obstructing traffic. Otherwise, like the other guy said, just go with the flow, you're only going to lose 20-30 minutes at the end of the day.
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Old 03-01-2007, 12:09 AM
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Wouldn't it be smarter to have through trucks in the farthest 2 left lanes in a 4 lane highway. Most the 4 wheelers don't know how to merge at all forcing me to step on my breaks and creating the caterpillar effect.
Old 03-01-2007, 07:57 AM
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Some companies require that drivers use "the lane of least resistance".

This is often the middle lane.
Old 03-01-2007, 04:10 PM
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It used to tick me off , but i feel that drivers do this because they don't want to have to keep slowing down/speeding up when traffic merges in.

Or they might be practicing the Smith system.

I just wait until we get to the open road (away from the metropolitan areas) and pass them.

Actually, he's right; A professional driver should stay to extreme right in most cases. If this means the driver has to deal with merging traffic then that is part of trucking and they need to deal with it. That's the price you pay for wanting to go slower.

Whatever the case, i don't lose any sleep over it. That's trucking. Deal with it.
Old 03-01-2007, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: slow trucks in the middle lane

Originally Posted by supertrker73
whats it going to take to get thease people to step to the right.
the best one is 2 trucks 68 mph becuase one can run 68.3 mph
he can hold up the middle lane for 10 miles sorry guys just venting
The true courteous driver in that situation, if they were the truck in the right lane, would have lifted off the throttle and let the truck on the left go by.

I'm no fan of restrictor plate trucking, but when you're dead-necking for more than 2 miles, you're impeding traffic, regardless of the # of lanes on the highway.
Old 03-01-2007, 08:47 PM
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I will not let off Hat Rak. It's their fault for pulling out and trying to pass, not mine. They are the one being discourteous, I'm minding my own business and doing the right thing, holding my speed and staying in the right lane. If I need to merge over for a ramp that is merging in, I will but I will get back over ASAP. If I can't merge, I have no problem slowing down and chilling out. I will only lose about 5 seconds. If it's a real slow merge in, I try to stay ahead of my situation and look hard for a hole to slide over in but again I am quick to get on back over out of the way.
Old 03-01-2007, 10:27 PM
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I spend a LOT of time on I-35 (Waco, Austin, San Antonio) and my .02 is that traffic will move much more smoothly around metro areas if the through trucks stay in the center lane (left lane truck restricted). Not only will it give better access to those using the off/on ramps but it reduces the chances for accidents. That being said, I run the center lane at the SPEED LIMIT, but if I see a truck gaining on me from behind, obviously he is moving faster than I am, so I have no problem extending the courtesy of moving to the right to let him pass. 4 wheelers are on their own. 8)

I guess being in my mid 50s and in this game a long time, I have come to the conclusion that a cool relaxed attitude along with common courtesy suits me better than ulcers and high blood pressure.

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