slow trucks in the middle lane

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Old 03-03-2007, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Snowman7
It takes two to argue or fight. You guys who want to dig your heels in and say you have a right to the middle lane as long as you go the speed limit are just as bad as the impatient guy popping his cork trying to get around you. It just becomes a battle of wills. It cant be less stressful for you having him on your bumper and you know damn well what he wants. What's the big deal? Move over at the first opportunity. If I'm being held up I don't like it but I try to chill out until I can do something about it. If I'm holding someone else up I get out of the way as soon as I can. To be honest it doesn't happen much because I see him coming in my mirror and I find a hole before he gets there. It's called sharing the highway and getting along. Dealing with merging traffic isn't that hard if you try. You guys don't want to be inconvenienced so you inconvenience someone else. I say your using safety as an excuse for lazy because you just want to sit in the middle and hold the wheel. Yeah, there's probably more work in the right lane but I think I can handle it long enough for a guy to get around me.
as long as we are on the subject, how about the guy in the right lane going 10 mph slower who cuts over in front of me when he sees someone coming on an entrance ramp. I guess he figures it's better for me to slow down than him. I dont mean the guy who mergers over nicely, I mean the guy who makes me slam on the brakes.
Old 03-03-2007, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
ssoutlaw, that is what they teach at a CDS school by me. I will see their trucks out on the big road now and then and it's in the middle lane doing 55 in a 65. Not very smart when your trying to teach someone how to drive a truck.

As I said above, I have no trouble finding a hole to slide over real quick to get by an exit/entrance merge. If you have to sit there in the middle lane when nobody is beside you in the right, your not being the professional. This isn't just contained within the trucking world, 4 wheelers love to do 65 when the flow is 70 or more and sit in the middle lane or left lane.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
That is the difference between you and the other poster, you will slide over when you can! My post said with the flow of traffic, but the other guy thinks he should remain in the middle lane and screw the flow of traffic. I can tell you 1 thing, the flow of traffic is more than not higher than the posted speed limit!! In the job I have now, I run Chicago every night and I will run the right when I can, then move to the middle lane when needed. What people on this thread are talking about, are the BUMS in the middle lane who think they own the road, and everyone is passing on both sides of them. This is what causes traffic jams. Everyone here knows, and has seen these type of drivers, and this is the Bit#$ we are commenting about
How can someone be causing a traffic jam if everyone is passing on both sides? Either traffic is not moving, or cars are passing.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Think about what you just said!
Take 3 lanes of traffic, the truck or car in the middle lane is going slower than the other 2 lanes. People are switching lanes on either side of them, they may need to brake a little, or wait before they move over. This has a domino effect to the rest of the traffic behind the slow driver in the middle lane. I know you knew this, you just needed to be reminded.
I did think about it before I typed it.

They also may not need to brake a little. You are painting with a wide brush here. EVERY truck in the middle lane situation does not create a backup.

There will always be slower traffic and someone needing to move around them. If you're in the right hand lane and have to pause because there is no opening to pass, what's the difference between that and a middle lane situation? You're slowing down for both. Traffic backups can happen in a right hand lane slow driver scenario as well.

You guys are all worked up about this and it really does not affect your driving life that much. Try keeping your nose out of other people's business. If they want to run the middle lane (as per some company policy; like I mentioned recently), then go around and let your blood pressure drop.

This is a general message to all, not anyone in particular...

What do you actually do for a living, it doesn't even say on your profile. If you were a driver, I think you would have stated this when you signed up on CAD. Talk about painting with a wide brush, I cant believe anyone wouldn't have an opinion of someone disregarding signs, which are in all states stating slower traffic keep right, and why anyone would side with a person who has no courtesy for their fellow drivers is beyond me. We are having a conversation here, and I don't believe anyones blood pressure is up at all, so you can paint that out of this discussion with the same wide
Most people with a rational mind know, with out saying it, the right lane is for slower traffic, and when needed they will move left to get around traffic then move back to the right!
Anyone with a rational mind knows when the flow of traffic is running faster than they are that they will cause to some point, congestion to the drivers behind them. Now people are moving right and moving left, and this is a dangerous time for everyone around this slower driver in the middle lane, so why shouldn't this driver be in the right lane? I believe you're just trying to stir the pot, so to speak
Old 03-03-2007, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Fredog
Originally Posted by Snowman7
It takes two to argue or fight. You guys who want to dig your heels in and say you have a right to the middle lane as long as you go the speed limit are just as bad as the impatient guy popping his cork trying to get around you. It just becomes a battle of wills. It cant be less stressful for you having him on your bumper and you know damn well what he wants. What's the big deal? Move over at the first opportunity. If I'm being held up I don't like it but I try to chill out until I can do something about it. If I'm holding someone else up I get out of the way as soon as I can. To be honest it doesn't happen much because I see him coming in my mirror and I find a hole before he gets there. It's called sharing the highway and getting along. Dealing with merging traffic isn't that hard if you try. You guys don't want to be inconvenienced so you inconvenience someone else. I say your using safety as an excuse for lazy because you just want to sit in the middle and hold the wheel. Yeah, there's probably more work in the right lane but I think I can handle it long enough for a guy to get around me.
as long as we are on the subject, how about the guy in the right lane going 10 mph slower who cuts over in front of me when he sees someone coming on an entrance ramp. I guess he figures it's better for me to slow down than him. I dont mean the guy who mergers over nicely, I mean the guy who makes me slam on the brakes.
Again it all about some BUM who only cares about I think safety is not in their vocabulary.....
Old 03-03-2007, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
ssoutlaw, that is what they teach at a CDS school by me. I will see their trucks out on the big road now and then and it's in the middle lane doing 55 in a 65. Not very smart when your trying to teach someone how to drive a truck.

As I said above, I have no trouble finding a hole to slide over real quick to get by an exit/entrance merge. If you have to sit there in the middle lane when nobody is beside you in the right, your not being the professional. This isn't just contained within the trucking world, 4 wheelers love to do 65 when the flow is 70 or more and sit in the middle lane or left lane.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
That is the difference between you and the other poster, you will slide over when you can! My post said with the flow of traffic, but the other guy thinks he should remain in the middle lane and screw the flow of traffic. I can tell you 1 thing, the flow of traffic is more than not higher than the posted speed limit!! In the job I have now, I run Chicago every night and I will run the right when I can, then move to the middle lane when needed. What people on this thread are talking about, are the BUMS in the middle lane who think they own the road, and everyone is passing on both sides of them. This is what causes traffic jams. Everyone here knows, and has seen these type of drivers, and this is the Bit#$ we are commenting about
Originally Posted by Colin
How can someone be causing a traffic jam if everyone is passing on both sides? Either traffic is not moving, or cars are passing.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Think about what you just said!
Take 3 lanes of traffic, the truck or car in the middle lane is going slower than the other 2 lanes. People are switching lanes on either side of them, they may need to brake a little, or wait before they move over. This has a domino effect to the rest of the traffic behind the slow driver in the middle lane. I know you knew this, you just needed to be reminded.
Originally Posted by Colin
I did think about it before I typed it.

They also may not need to brake a little. You are painting with a wide brush here. EVERY truck in the middle lane situation does not create a backup.

There will always be slower traffic and someone needing to move around them. If you're in the right hand lane and have to pause because there is no opening to pass, what's the difference between that and a middle lane situation? You're slowing down for both. Traffic backups can happen in a right hand lane slow driver scenario as well.

You guys are all worked up about this and it really does not affect your driving life that much. Try keeping your nose out of other people's business. If they want to run the middle lane (as per some company policy; like I mentioned recently), then go around and let your blood pressure drop.

This is a general message to all, not anyone in particular...

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
What do you actually do for a living, it doesn't even say on your profile. If you were a driver, I think you would have stated this when you signed up on CAD.
I signed up many months and profile changes ago. My current career does not mitigate almost 10 years and nearly a million miles of experience.

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Talk about painting with a wide brush, I cant believe anyone wouldn't have an opinion of someone disregarding signs, which are in all states stating slower traffic keep right, and why anyone would side with a person who has no courtesy for their fellow drivers is beyond me.
I'm not concerned with those people. They know the rules and break them anyway. I'm referring to any other situation. Not all travel lanes are signed this way. I am referring to you now. You appear to post in absolutes. With your, ahem!, years of living :wink: , you should know nothing is always the same everywhere you go. Yes, stay right signs are in all states. But they are not on every stretch of 3 or more lane roadway. I made one post on this subject and it was meant to be the only one. I'll make it again: Some companies require their drivers to use the lane of least resistance. This is often the middle lane. That is all that needs to be said. If the driver has to follow this policy and thinks it's necessary, then he has every right to be there. Your personal opinion of how much traffic is on the road does not matter. It is the driver adhering to the policy and HIS opinion of current conditions that dictate his lane choice.

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
We are having a conversation here, and I don't believe anyones blood pressure is up at all, so you can paint that out of this discussion with the same wide
I was not referring to your blood pressure. Refer to what I said, "This is a general message to all, not anyone in particular..." It's for drivers who get all bent out of shape when they have to slow down for 30 seconds.

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Most people with a rational mind know, with out saying it, the right lane is for slower traffic, and when needed they will move left to get around traffic then move back to the right!
See again the comment about lane of least resistance. I do not claim that the right lane is not for slower traffic. If you're saying I do claim that, you're incorrect.

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Anyone with a rational mind knows when the flow of traffic is running faster than they are that they will cause to some point, congestion to the drivers behind them. Now people are moving right and moving left, and this is a dangerous time for everyone around this slower driver in the middle lane, so why shouldn't this driver be in the right lane? I believe you're just trying to stir the pot, so to speak
Since you've just repeated basically the same thing 3 times, just refer to what I already typed.
No pot stirring here, just trying to present another (valid) position. Your way is not the only way. Right? Or is this some alternate universe? 8)
Old 03-03-2007, 08:06 PM
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What is really bad is the one's who do it on 95 in VA where trucks are not allowed in the left lane. So if a slower truck is sitting in the middle lane, then for trucks they are holding up the passing lane since they are not allowed to get into the actual passing lane, that far left lane.

I have a truck governed at 68 mph so I know to keep my rear out of the middle lane except for making a pass that I know won't take me more than a mile to pull off. It really isn't that hard to do what you got to do in the middle lane then hop back over ASAP. If you have a car just sitting in the right lane around the center of your trailer and not moving to pass you or backoff, ok fine, drivers will usually chill out for that. Remember, lead, follow or get the heck out of the way.

If your running the speed limit in the middle lane but traffic is going faster, as ssoutlaw said, your impeding traffic and can be ticketed for it. It is much more dangerous to have 4 wheelers and trucks passing you on both sides who are going faster than you and the stats back it up. It forces other drivers on the road to start acting rash to get around you and leads to more wrecks than if you took your slow truck back to the right lane. Again, this isn't just trucks who do this, even 4 wheelers like to do the same. Would be nice to see more cops pull these people and write them a ticket.
Old 03-03-2007, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
What is really bad is the one's who do it on 95 in VA where trucks are not allowed in the left lane. So if a slower truck is sitting in the middle lane, then for trucks they are holding up the passing lane since they are not allowed to get into the actual passing lane, that far left lane.

I have a truck governed at 68 mph so I know to keep my rear out of the middle lane except for making a pass that I know won't take me more than a mile to pull off. It really isn't that hard to do what you got to do in the middle lane then hop back over ASAP. If you have a car just sitting in the right lane around the center of your trailer and not moving to pass you or backoff, ok fine, drivers will usually chill out for that. Remember, lead, follow or get the heck out of the way.

If your running the speed limit in the middle lane but traffic is going faster, as ssoutlaw said, your impeding traffic and can be ticketed for it. It is much more dangerous to have 4 wheelers and trucks passing you on both sides who are going faster than you and the stats back it up. It forces other drivers on the road to start acting rash to get around you and leads to more wrecks than if you took your slow truck back to the right lane. Again, this isn't just trucks who do this, even 4 wheelers like to do the same. Would be nice to see more cops pull these people and write them a ticket.
they cant give you a ticket for running the middle lane, its not illegal, it's just rude
Old 03-03-2007, 11:13 PM
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Posts: 37

I can't wait till they put RFID tags in the speed limit signs or on the pavement and have the vehicles scan for them to govern the speeds. That combined with nation wide photo speed enforcement. Then all this would be moot because everyone would be going the same speed anyway.
Old 03-03-2007, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
What is really bad is the one's who do it on 95 in VA where trucks are not allowed in the left lane. So if a slower truck is sitting in the middle lane, then for trucks they are holding up the passing lane since they are not allowed to get into the actual passing lane, that far left lane.

I have a truck governed at 68 mph so I know to keep my rear out of the middle lane except for making a pass that I know won't take me more than a mile to pull off. It really isn't that hard to do what you got to do in the middle lane then hop back over ASAP. If you have a car just sitting in the right lane around the center of your trailer and not moving to pass you or backoff, ok fine, drivers will usually chill out for that. Remember, lead, follow or get the heck out of the way.

If your running the speed limit in the middle lane but traffic is going faster, as ssoutlaw said, your impeding traffic and can be ticketed for it. It is much more dangerous to have 4 wheelers and trucks passing you on both sides who are going faster than you and the stats back it up. It forces other drivers on the road to start acting rash to get around you and leads to more wrecks than if you took your slow truck back to the right lane. Again, this isn't just trucks who do this, even 4 wheelers like to do the same. Would be nice to see more cops pull these people and write them a ticket.
My hats off to you Mr Ford, someone Gets what I meant!!!! Well I'm sure more do, but you know what I mean!!
Old 03-03-2007, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Fredog
Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
What is really bad is the one's who do it on 95 in VA where trucks are not allowed in the left lane. So if a slower truck is sitting in the middle lane, then for trucks they are holding up the passing lane since they are not allowed to get into the actual passing lane, that far left lane.

I have a truck governed at 68 mph so I know to keep my rear out of the middle lane except for making a pass that I know won't take me more than a mile to pull off. It really isn't that hard to do what you got to do in the middle lane then hop back over ASAP. If you have a car just sitting in the right lane around the center of your trailer and not moving to pass you or backoff, ok fine, drivers will usually chill out for that. Remember, lead, follow or get the heck out of the way.

If your running the speed limit in the middle lane but traffic is going faster, as ssoutlaw said, your impeding traffic and can be ticketed for it. It is much more dangerous to have 4 wheelers and trucks passing you on both sides who are going faster than you and the stats back it up. It forces other drivers on the road to start acting rash to get around you and leads to more wrecks than if you took your slow truck back to the right lane. Again, this isn't just trucks who do this, even 4 wheelers like to do the same. Would be nice to see more cops pull these people and write them a ticket.
they cant give you a ticket for running the middle lane, its not illegal, it's just rude

The ticket he is referring to is for impeding traffic. YOU CAN IMPEDE traffic going the speed limit..
Old 03-04-2007, 12:51 AM
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you CAN impede traffic by going the speed limit, but you cant get a ticket for it. what is the offense? subject was doing the speed limit and hampering other drivers from breaking the law?

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